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��organized the probation work for Philadelphia In 1901; aided In the effort to secure similar laws In Canada, Great Britain, Hungary, and many of the States of the Union; compiled statutes of every State in the U.S., concerning children. In 1900. Organized, in 1890, the Pa. Congress of Mothers, which first established parents' asso- ciations In Pennsylvania schools; now pres. of the Nat. Congress of Mothers, under whose aus- pices the first International Congress in America on the Welfare of the Child was held in Wash- ington, D.C., Mar., 1908, and in which every nation was invited to participate. Mem. D.A.R., Soc. of Mayflower Descendants; pres. of the Philadelphia Juvenile Court and Probation Asa'n; mem. New Century Club of Philadelphia. Au- thor of magazine articles and juvenile court pamphlets and editorials; editor for Nat. Con- gress of Motfhers of the Child Welfare Magazine.

SCHONEY, Xheodosia Secor Fowler (Mr8. Laza^ rus Schoney), Dreamland Emergency Hos- pital, Coney Island, N.Y.

Physician; b. Fair Haven, Conn., Mar. 6, 1871; dau. Charles Holt and Susie (Secor) Fowler; grad. Hillhouse High School, New Haven, '93; Anderson Normal School of Gymnastics, New Haven, '96; E>;lectic Med. Coll., N.Y. City, '01 (mem. Beachonian, Eclectic Med. Coll.); m. N.Y. City, Aug. 14, 1301, Lazarus Schoney, M.D. As- sistant gynecologist, Deutsches Polikllnik, N.Y. City, 1905-09; assistant gynecologist, St. Mark's Dispensary, 1909-10; summer surgeon In charge Of Dreamland Emergency Hospital, Coney Island,

1912. Interested In Catholic settlements and Carltas (social club for working girls). Favors woman suffrage. Author: Gynecology; In Rela- tion to Nervous and Mental Diseases. Catholic. Mem. N.Y. Co. Med. Society, Am. Ass'n for Ad- ran cement of Physical Education. Recreations: Swimming, horseback riding, music.

SCHOOLFIELD, Mary Louisa, 106 E. Madison

St., Baltimore, Md.

Teacher; b. Baltimore, Md., June 2, 1839; dau. Luther Augustus and Elizabeth (Dikehut) School- field; ed. private and public schools of Baltimore. Teacher for 60 years in Maryland; especially in- terested in teaching music to children and in Sunday-school teaching. Catholic. Mem. teach- ers' societies and church societies. Retires in

1913, being the 40th year of public school teaching In Baltimore. First twenty years were spent in schools of her own opening. A great event of her life was the reception (jointly with her sister) of a cablegram from His Holiness Pope Pius X, June 1, 1912.

8CHOONHOVEN, Helen B. (Mrs. John J.

Schoonhoven), 1374 Union St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Lecturer; b. Pompey Centre, 1870; dau. Charles Otis and Martha D. (Bogardus) Butterfield; ed. Univ. of 111., B.L. '91, M.L. '93; post-grad, work at RadcliffeColl., 1893-94; m. Champaign, 111., June 16, 1897, John J. Schoonhoven; one son: George Otis. In charge of English Dep't, Mattoon High School, 1891-93; Instructor in English, Univ. of 111., 1894-97; lecturer, N.Y. public education courses, 1898 — . Also lecturer in Brooklyn Inst. of Arts and Sciences, and Jersey City and Newark public education courses. Vice-pres. Am. Ass'n tor Planting and Preservation of City Trees; pres. Dep't Domestic Science, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Has "written articles in papers and magazines, especially N.Y. Tribune and Teachers College Household Review. Congre- gationalist. Clubs: Urban (Brooklyn), Brooklyn Woman's, RadcUffe, Univ. of Illiiiois Alumnae Ass'n of N.Y. City.

8CHOONOVEB, Anna Bonnell Day (Mrs. Will- iam O. Schoonover), Connellavllle, Pa, Bom "near Denver, Colo., Dec. 11, 1871; dau. Rev. Alanson Rltner and Lydia Margaret (Cort) Day; ed. public schools at Marshalltown, Iowa; Omaha, Neb.; Pittsburgh Female Coll., M.E.L. '91; library science, Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, '01; m. Alexandria, Pa., Nov. 5, 1901, William Ozom Schoonover. Principal high school, Mo- nongahela. Pa,, 1893-96; private classes In French and German, 1897-1900; organizer of Grove City (Pa.) College Library, 1901-02; employee Car- negie Library, Pittsburgh, 1302; organizer and

��librarian Carnegie Free Library, ConnellsvlUe, Pa., 1903-07. Founder and five years pres. of Woman's Culture Club, ConnellsvlUe, Pa.; founder and councilor of Thursday Musical; vice-pres. Congress of Clubs of Western Pa, Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Home Missionary Soc., Woman's Culture Club, Thursday Musicale. Favors limited suffrage. SCHBAGE, Annie Thayer (Mrs. William

Schrage), 517 Washington St., Sheboygan, Wis.

Born Sheboygan, Wis., Feb. 11, 1863; dau. John Otis and Sarah Elizabeth (Pierce) Thayer; grad. Sheboygan High School; m. Sheboygan, July 12, 1883, William Sehrage; children: Joseph Thayer, Jennie Thayer, Charley Thayer. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star, Humane Soc. ; director Home for the Friendless; mem. King's Daughters (served as pres.). Church Soc. (vice-pres.). Con- sumers' League (served as pres.). Woman's Club (served as pres.), Sheboygan Country Club. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. 8CHREINER, Emma Tolbert, Cor. Wayne and

Maplewood Avs., Germantown, Philadelphia,


Physician; b. Troy, Pa., June 11, 1856; dau. Frances and Emma (Tolbert) Schreiner; ed. at home and In Univ. of Mich., M.D. '80 (honors in medicine). Engaged in effort, through State Med. Society, for elevation of moral standards and purification of social life. Interested in Philadelphia Organized Charities, Playground Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Boys' Clubs, Children's Aid Society, Pa. Prison Ass'n. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Prophylaxis for Women, 1S84, followed by numerous papers on professional subjects. Episcopalian. Mem. county. State, national and International medical societies (homoeopathic). Recreations: Art, light litera- ture, housekeeping. SCHREINER, Myrta Scott (Mrs. Alm6 Charles

Schreiner), KerrvlUe, Tex.

Born Waco, Tex., Jan. 11, 1866; dau. Whitfield and Harriet (Gill) Scott; ed. Trinity Univ., Tex., and in Ky. ; m. Kerrville, Tex., 1886, Aim6 CJbarles Schreiner; children: W. Scott, Aim§ Charles, Hester Palmer. Many years pres. Wom- an's Club of Kerrville. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Daughters of the Confed- eracy and several other patriotic societies; Kerr- ville Woman's Club. Democrat. 8CHROEBER, May Catherine, Kings Park State

Hospital, Kings Park, L.I., N.Y.

Physician; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 4, 1872; dau. Charles and Dorothea (Wiehe) Schroeder; grad. Tufts Med. School, Tufts Univ., M.D. 1900. House officer. New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, Mass.; ass't physician to Pope Dispensary, Boston; clinical ass't, Bennet St. Dispensary; instructor of history. Woman's Med. Coll.. N.Y. City; staff officer (junior physician). Kings Park State Hospital. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n. SCHULTZ, Marion Loolso McLean (Mrs.

Thomas Steel Schultz), 403 Winebiddle Av.,

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Bom Pittsburgh, Pa., April 7, 1880; dau. Charles Batchelor and Clara Clementine (Chamberlain) McLean; ed. Thurston Preparatory School, Pitts- burgh; Miss Ely's school, N.Y. City; m. Feb. 1, 1906, Thomas Steel Schultz; one son; McLean Schultz, b. Nov. 11, 1907. Interested in mental and spiritual science and New Thought. Unita- rian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Pittsburgh Country Club, Oakmount Golf Club. Favors woman suffrage. SCHUMANN-HEINK, Mme. Ernestine.

Prima donna contralto; b. Lieben, near Prague, Bohemia, June 15, 1861; dau. Major Roessler; ed. Ursullne Convent at Prague; m. (1st) 1S82, Mr. Heink, (2d) Paul Schumann, (3d) Chicago, May, 1905, William Rapp Jr. Began singing in the convent at Prague; at age of 17 was engaged as principal contralto at the Court Opera at Dres- den (d6but as Azucena in II Trovatore), where she Jtng until 1882. Sang at Hamburg in fall of 1883; sang in various opera houses and concert halls in Europe until 1896, when her success In the Wagner Festival at Beyreuth attracted the attention of Maurice Gran, who made a contract


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