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��SCHI.OTTEIRBECK, Eda Clark (Mrs. Julius O.

Schlotterbeckj, 266 Westminster Road, Roch-

2Bter, N.T.

Born Saline, Mich; dau. Albert M. and Mary A. (Edmunds) Clark; ed. Unlr. of Mich., B.L., B.S. (Chi Omega; Wellesley, T.Z.E.); m. Julius O. Schlotterbesk; children: Prescott G., Miriam A., Kari T. SCHLURAIT, Helen Margaret (Mrs. Vern L.

Schluraff), Floral Park, Erie, Pa.

Born Avonia, Pa., 1884; dau. George S. and Margaret (Love) Stone; ed. Erie High School; "Wilson Coll., A.B. (sixth honor in class; mem. Phi Chi Psi, hon. literary sorority) ; m. Avonia, Pa., Sept. 27, 1906, Vern L. Schluraff; children: Dorothy Jane, Robert Stone. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. College "Woman's Club and "Woman's Club of Erie, Pa. SCHMAXrNG, Hamoah Nichols (Mrs. Charles

T. Schmaling:), Fulton, III.

Physician; b. York Township, Carroll Co., 111., Apr. 22, 1863; dau. Chandler B. and Leonore E. (Dunshee) Nichols; ed. Mt. Carroll (111.) Sem., Univ. of Mich, M. D. June, 1885; m. Fulton, 111., Jan. 27, 1897, Charles T. Schmaling. Engaged in general practice of medicine and surgery at Ful- ton, 111., from 1893. SCHMTDT, Anna Seaton, ISOl Massachusetts

Av., "Washington, D.C.

Art critic; b. Covington, Ky. ; dau. Charles F. and Susan A. (Griffin) Schmidt; ed. in France and Italy. Has written for Atlantic Monthly, International Studio, Art and Progress, L'Art et les Artistes (Paris), Boston Transcript, and many other magazines. Has lectured on art and so- ciology for 10 years before nearly all important clubs and associations of the East. Mem. Paris branch of the Lyceum, an international woman's club, founded in London. SCHMIDT, Mabel Pearson, "Women's University

Club, 99 Madison Av., N.Y. City.

Teacher, social worker; b. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 1, 1878; dau. C. Augustus and Laura A. (Pearson) Schmidt; grad. Indianapolis Shortridge High School, '96; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900 (1st honors Phi Beta Kappa, pres. Students' Ass'n). Teacher in college preparatory schools; social worker at St. George's Deaconess House, N.Y. City. Mem. "Women's University Club, N.Y. City; committee work in Vaissar Alumnae Ass'n. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Has written poems. Epis- copalian. SCHMIDT, Bnth Hanchett (Mrs. Edward A.

Schmidt), Crandon, Forest Co., "Wis.

Born Sparta, "Wis., Mar. 8, 1875; dau. George E. and Elizabeth (Oakley) Hanchett; ed. Sparta High School and Univ. of "Wis., B.L. (Phi Beta Kappa) '99; m. 1901, Edward A. Schmidt; chil- dren: Elizabeth, Alexander Hanchett. Assistant treas. "Wisconsin Fruit Company. Recreations: Gardening, walking, home pleasures. SCHMIDT, Violet Jayne (Mrs. Edward Charles

Schmidt), 903 "W. California Av., Urbana, 111.

Teaching; b. St. Charles, Minn., Mar., 1867; dau Havens Brewster and Nellie "Victoria (Pike) Jayiie; ed. schools of "Winona, Minn.; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '87, A.M. '96; Univ. of Minn., Ph.D. •03; one year's study at Univ. of Zurich, Switzer- land, 1891-92; received Phi Beta Kappa from Uuiv. of Mich., '07, by retroactive arrangement (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Urbana, 111., June 15, 1904, Edward Charles Schmidt, head of the Dep't of Railway Engineering, Univ. of 111.; one daugh- ter: Katharine Schmidt, b. Max. 19, 1905. Ass't principal high school, Crookston, Minn., 1887-88; teacher of English in Normal School, Oshkosh, "Wis., 1889-91; Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass., 1892-93; Normal School, San Jos€, Cal., 1893-96; dean of women and asso. prof. English literature, Univ. of 111., 1897-1904; sectional vice-pres. Ass'n "^lollegiate Alumnae; director Associated Chari- ties of Champaign and Urbana; mem. exec. com. Mothers' Club of East Urbana; former pres. of University "Woman's Club of the Univ. of 111^; mem. exec. com. of Neighborhood House Ass'n of Champaign and Urbana; mem. Anti-Tubercu- losis League. Favors woman suffrage; mem. lo- "cal Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Unitarian. "Was mem. Modern Language Ass'n. Recreations: Tramping,

��mountain climbing, tennis, rowing. "Was first dean of women of Univ. of 111., and did the pioneer work in that department. SCHIMUCKER, Katherine Elizabeth (Mrs. Sam- uel Christian Schmucker), Rosedale Av., "West

Chester, Pa.

Illustrator; b. Allentown, Pa., Aug. 25, 1861; dau. Henry S. and Matilda (Horn) Weaver; ed. public schools of Allentown, Pa. School of Indus- trial Art, Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; m. Allentown, Dec. 29, 1895, Samuel Christian Sohmucker; chil- dren: Beale M. (C.E., Univ. of Pa., '10), Dorothy. M. (A.B. Wellesley, '12). Before marriage, teach- er of art; has given much time to illustration. Interested in educational problems, especially the teaching of domestic science and nature study in the common schools. Illustrator: The Study of Nature; Under the Open Sky (both by S. C. Schmucker); The Colombian Geography; also of various articles in the Ladies' Home Journal. Mem. Am. McAll Ass'n, and the New Century, Country and Neighbors Clubs (West Chester). Recreations: Camping, outdoor sketch- ing. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suf- frage. SCHNABEI, Katie Childress (Mrs. Eduard Carl

Schnabel), P.O. box 16B4, New Orleans, La.

Bom New Orleans, La., Dec. 20, 1874; dau. John Read and Kate "Virginia (Tyler) Childress; ed. high school and Soule Coll., New Orleans; m. N.Y. City, 1910, Eduard Carl Schnabel. In- terested in educational, historical and philan- thropic activities. One of the active workers in establisliing Louisiana Day in the public schools of Louisiana. Historian of New Orleans Chapter United Daughters of. the Confederacy; corresponding sec. -general U.D'.C, 1909-13. Epis- copalian; has been an active worker in the church. Acting custodian La. Soldiers' Home, 1902; appointed in recognition of services to the Confederacy, on the staff of the major-gen. of the La. Division, United Confederate Veterans, with the rank of major, 1907. Director on the Shiloh Monument Board, and sec. of the Shiloh Central Com.; mem. of Jefferson Davis Monument Ass'n of New Orleans.

SCHNEIDER, Ha Roberts (Mrs. Adolph Schnei- der), 1794 Crawford Road, Cleveland, O.

Born Bnosburgh Falls, Vt., Dec. 12, 1873; dau. Oscar W. and Sarah Allan (Heyer) Roberts; ed. Smith Coll., A.E. '96; m. Springfield, Mass., Dec. 12, 1906, Dr. Adolph Schneider; children: Son, b. Dec. 22, 1907 (died same day); Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1911. Instructor in vocal mu'^ prior to marriage. Interested in Y.W.C.A. work. Con- gregationaiist. Clubs: Cleveland College, Fort- nightly Musical. SCHNTTZER, Cordelia M. (Mrs. Jacob Schnlt-

zer), 55 Central Park West, N.Y. City.

Born Cincinnati, O., Max. 11, 1856; dau. Solo- man and Galatea (Morange) Menken; ed. St. Ursullne Convent, Brown Co., 0.; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 28, 1874, Jacob Scknitzer; one son: "William. Favors woman suffrage; captain 29th Assembly Dist. Republican. Mem. Equal Franchise Soc, Woman Suffrage Party, Soc. of Political Study, Consumers' League, International Sunshine Soc., Daughters of Ohio. Clubs: Woman's Press, Wo- man's Forum, Woman's Republican, Domestic Science, City Federation. SCHOEMAKER, Helen Taylor (Mrs. William R.

Schoemaker), Manistlque, Mich.

Teacher; b. in Indiana, Dec. 16, 1865; dau. John R. and Mary A. (Sanders) Taylor; ed. Hanover Coll., Indiana, A.B. '88; A.M. '92; Univ. of Chi- cago, S.M. '01; m. Apr. 2, 1902, Rev. William R. Schoemaker. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. of various church societies and of Women's Reading Club of Manlstique. SCHOrr, Hannah Kent (Mrs. Frederic Schoff),

3418 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Philanthropist; b. Upper Darby, Pa.; dau. Thomas and Fanny (Leonard) Kent; ed. Mary Anna Longstreth School, Philadelphia; Waltham (Mass.) School, and by private tutors; m. Clifton Heights, Pa., Oct. 23, 1873. Frederick Schoff; seven children. Planned and led the work of securing Juvenile court and probation laws in Pa., 1900; also detention houses for children awaiting trial;


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