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��church choir at five years old; completed vocal study at Dresden and Frankfort; m. (1st) 1901, Baron Fritz von Bardeleben, German captain oi' hussars; (2d) 190S, John Fox Jr. (divorced 1913). Made stage debut in Frankfort as Juliet in the opera of Romeo and Juliet; sang prima donna roles in Faust, Cavalleria Rusticana, La Boheme and Mignon for two years in Frankfort; then went to Munich, singing the same rdles. There Maurice Grau heard her, and she signed a three- year contract with him, making her first Ameri- can appearance at the Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y. City, as Mazelline in Fidelio, Dec. 28, 1900, singing in many roles of the Metropolitan repor- toire. Since Nov., 1903, starring in comic opera under the management of Charles B. Dillingham, her d6but in that field being in the title rSle of Babette, by Victor Herbert and Harry B. Smith. Mad© first Incursion into vaudeville at Palace Theater, N.Y. City, Aug.-Sept., 1913. SCHELLENBACH, Lorena Egbert (Mrs. Will- iam L. Schellenbach), 7 31 Wayne Av., Hart- well, Cincinnati, O.

Born Kankakee, 111., 1873; dau. C. A. and Julia (Van Meter) Egbert; ed. primary, grammar and high schools, Richmond, Ind. ; Earlham Coll. and New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics; m. New Haven, Conn., 1898, William L. Schellen- bach; children: Donald, Burton. Author: Char- acter Sketch of Benn Pitman; Lullabies; A Plea for an Anti-Gossip Club; Christmas in Shanty- town. Congregationalist.

8CHEKMERHORN, Agrnee Anne (Mrs. John Relyea Schermerhorn), 11 Halsted Place, East Orange, N.J.

Born Chateaugay, N.Y., July 17, 1869; dau. Ca- mille and Ellen (Lanctot) Le Fort; ed. Chatearu- gay Academy; Oswego Normal School; m. Ma- lone, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1900, John Relyea Scher- merhorn; children: Jane Eleanor, John Ryer, Robert Hendrick. Interested In many local chari- ties and welfare movements. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Ass'n of N.J., Order of Eastern Star, Woman's Relief Corps, Trinity Congregational Church Guild, Oswego Normal Alumni Ass'n, Woman's Club of Orange (1st vice-pres.). Political Study Club of Orange (director), N.J. State Fed. Women's Clubs, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs.

SCHEBTZ, Helen Pitkin (Mrs. Christian Schertz), 1302 Moss St., Bayou St. John, New Orleans, La.

Author; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. John Robert Graham and Helen Fearing (Fuller) Pitkin; ed. by governesses and in private school and New- comb Coll., New Orleans; m. Apr. 29, 1909, Chris- tian Schertz, of Germany. Editor woman's page, Times-Democrat, New Orleans, 15 years. Volun- teer organist seven years, volunteer harpist two years, St. Anna's Church; State pres. Sunshine Soc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Era Club, New Orleans. Author: An Angel by Brevet. Episcopalian. Mem. of all humane and philan- thropic societies in the State. Recreations: Playing the harp, organ, piano and mandolin, tennis, pedestrianism, gardening. SCHEYEB, Bell Krolik (Mrs. David Scheyer), 70 Rowena St., Detroit, Mich. Bom April 29, 1875; dau. Adolph and Sarah A. (Everett) Krolik; grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '07 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Detroit, Mich., June 19, 1900, David Scheyer. Jewish. Mem Delta Gamma Soc, XI Chapter Ass'n of Delta Gamma Collegiate Alumnae, College Club, Jewish Woman's Club.

SCHIFF, Mary Burch (Mrs. Charles Schlff), 22 Lowndes Square, S.W., Lowndes, London, Eng- land.

Born Chattanooga, Tenn.; dau. Col. John C. and Lucy (Newell) Burch; ed. Vassar Call. B.A. ; m. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 12, 1883, Charles Bchiff; children: Katherine, Charles, Luclle, Mar- tin, Mary, Jeanette. Interested in many church and philanthropic activities. Episcopalian. Since marriage has lived most of the time in London. BCHILLEB, Margraret Crosby (Mrs. William Bacon Schiller), B07B Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bom Southbrldge, Mass.; dau. Frederic and

��Caroline (Patterson) Crosby; ed. Miss Aiken's School, Stamford, Conn.; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 6, 1900, William Bacon Schiller; children: Morgan Schiller, .William B. Schiller Jr.. Fred- eric Crosby Schiller.

SCHILLING, Etta Acuff (Mrs. Harvey M. Schil- ling), Burley, Ida,

Born Erie, Idaho; dau. Joseph H. and Esther (Hale) Acuff; ed. Albion State Normal School, life diploma; two years at Univ. of Mich.; m. Rupert, Idaho, Aug. 29, 1911, Harvey M. Schil- ling; one daughter: Frances Schilling. Taught school two years in Blackfoot, Idaho; two years in Rupert, Idaho. Favors woman suffrage; has voted from age of 21. Episcopalian. Progressive. Mem. Burley Civic Club.

SCHIRMEE, Alice Phelps Goodwin (Mrs. J.

Walter Schlrmer), Box 130, Needham, Mass.

Born Boston, Mass.; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '84; Univ. of Berlin, 1898-99; grad. Mass. Homoeo- pathic Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1903; post-graduate course, Boston Floating Hospital, summer of 1904; m. Sept. 24, 1908, J. Walter Schlrmer. Head nurse. Medical Mission, Boston, 19<M)-07; sup't of nurses, Boston Floating Hospi- tal, 1907-08. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.

SCHLEGEL, MathUde, 800 Main St.. East

Aurora, N.Y.

Naturalist, writer; b. Buffalo; dau. Charles H. and Hermine Frank (Weisser) Schlegel; ed. Buf- falo public school. Central High School, Univ. of Buffalo (Teachers Coll.). Interested in nature study; also in photography applied scientifically tor illustrations to articles and lectures, and in portrait work. Has written articles on out-door sports: skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing, tramping, the beauties of winter; notes on birds and plants, and several scientific articles on birds and flow- ers; also garden notes. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Ornithologists Union, A.A.A.S. and elected to other scientific societies; lecturer on bird-life at Chautauqua for several seasons. Recreations: Outings, tramping a field for study of bird and plant life. Introduced rare orchid Bpipactis Hellebriae from Buffalo to woods in East Aurora. Favors woman suffrage.

SCHLEICHER," Lou Lane (Mrs. George Johnston Schleicher), 404 Terrell St., Cuero, Tex. Born De Witt Co., Tex.; dau. Samuel Winston and Anne M. (Pickett) Lane; grad. A.B. in a Ky. coll. ; m. 1896, George Johnston Schleicher, law- yer, son of late Gustav Schleicher, Congressman from Texas. Interested in training of young women as wage earners; active in instructing and helping ambitious students. Mem. D.A.R. Rec- reations: Reading; prominent in society of home city. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.

SCHLESINGEE, Sara Bosenfeld (Mrs. Isadora Schleslnger), 731 N. Cascade Av., Colorado Springs, Colo.

Poetess; b. Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Emanuel and Kathrine Hays (Bacharach) Rosenfeld; ed. public schools and Kindergarten Training School of Louisville; m. Isadore Schleslnger. School patron from Colorado, appointed by Nat. Educational Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Legends of Manltou, and Other Poems. Israelite. Inde- pendent voter. Mem. Council of Jewish Women, Civic League of Colorado Springs.

SCHLICK, Florilla S. (Mrs. Henry A. Schlick), 1006 Ferguson St.. Charles City, la. Born Charles City, la., 1869; dau. Samuel and Nancy (McKlnney) Ferguson; ed. la. State Nor- mal and Agricultural Ck)Il., Ames, la.; m. Charles City, 1891, Henry A. Schlick; children: Marvin Frederick, Forrest Samuel, Robert A. (de- ceased). Teacher in graded school of Charles City, two years. Sup't primary Sunday-school, five years; teacher young men's class, three years; district sec. Woman's Home Missionary Society, three years; pres. same society last three years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Epis- copal Church. Chairman Fourth District Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs (pres. two years); parlia- mentary critic for Culture Club, Charles City.


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