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��Brooklyn; Cornell Univ. and Columbia Univ., B.S. In architecture, '86, A.M. '12 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Brooklyn, 1898, Sidney A. Saunders; one son: Ralph S., b. 1900. Interested in the liberal church; especially interested In education, social betterment, housing and city planning. Favors woman suffrage. Compiled a handbook: The Legal Status of Women. Uni- tarian.

SAUNDEKS, "Louise Sheffield Brownell (Mra.

Arthur Percy Saunders), Clinton, N.Y.

Teacher; b. N.Y., June 20, 1870; dau. Silas 3. and Sarah S. (Sheffield) Brownell; ed. Bryu Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; European fellow, 1893, Ox- ford Univ.; UnlT. of Leipzig, 1893-94; Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ., 1894-96; m. Stockbrldgc, Mass., 1900, Arthur Percy Saunders; children: Silvia, Olivia, William Duncan, Percy Blake. Warden of Sage Coll.; lecturer In English, Cor- nell Univ., 1397-1900; assoc. head the Balliot School, Utica, N.Y., 1900-05; tutor in privato classes, 1905-12. Has published occasional arti- cles. Mem. As^a'n Collegiate Alumnae, Bryu Mawr Alumnse Ass'n, Cornell Club, N.Y. City.

SAUNDERS, Margaret Marshall (pen name "MarBhall Saunders"), 28 Carleton St., Hall- fax, Nova Scotia.

Writer; b. Milton, Queens Co.. Nova Scotia, 1861; dau. Edward Manning Saunders (D.D.) and Marie Klsboro (Freeman) Saunders; ed. in board- ing schools in Nova Scotia, Scotland and France; honorary M.A. Acadia Univ., Nova Scotia. A professor in the university suggested writing and she adopted that profession. Author: Beautiful Joe; Beautiful Joe's Paradise; Charles and His Lamb; Alpatok; Tilda Jane; Tilda Jane's Orphans; For the Other Boy's Sake; Princess Sukey; For His Coimtry; The King of the Park; My Pets. Novels: The House of Armour; Story of the Graveleys; The Girl from Vermont; Rose of Acadia; Deficient Saints; also newspaper and magazine articles. Interested in civic improve- ment, playgrounds for children, and has helped start them in Nova Scotia. Favors woman suf- frage; was mem. of suffrage society in Cal. Baptist. Conservative in politics. Mem. Anti- Tuberculosis League of Nova Scotia, Am. Soc. for the Judicial Settlement of International Dis- putes, Cincinnati; Peace Soc. of N.Y., Child Labor Com. of N.Y., Am. Humane Ass'n, Al- bany; Humane Education Soc., Boston; Woman's Council of Canada; W.C.T.U., Halifax; Royal Soc. for Protection of Birds, England; Y.W.C.A., Canada; Anti-Vivisection Soc. of England; mem. Playground Ass'n of America. Recreations: Walking, care of animals and birds, cross-breed- ing of pigeons, traveling. Clubs: Alpine of Canada, Women's Press (Canada). Diploma and medal from Soci&t6 Protectrice des Anlmaux (Paris).

SAVAGE, Eudora Helen, 502 S. High St., Klrks-

vlUe, Mo.

Teacher; b. Litchfield, Mich., Oct. 23, 1870; dau. Ambey H. and Amanda Webster (Gibbs) Savage; ed. high school, Litchfield, Mich., 1884- 88; Mich. State Normal Coll., 1888-90; Columbia School of Oratory (Chicago), '93; Chicago Univ., 1909-10. Teacher In public schools, Litchfield, Mich.; Beloit, Wis., and Oak Park, Chicago, 111.; supervisor of grammar dep't State Normal School, Stevens Point, Wis.; now supervisor of English, Practice School, State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. Sojourners' Club (woman's lit- erary club).

SAVIDGE, Emily Louise (Mra. William H. Sav-

idge), Boise. Idaho, P.O. Box 165.

Accountant; b. New Haven, Conn., Apr. 24, 1860; dau. Charles C. and Clara (Sanford) Hough; ed. S'warthmore Coll., Pa., A.B. '80; Univ. of Minn., A.B. '81; m. Minneapolis, June 27, 1883, William H. Savidge; childrAi: Paul Shepard, Samuel Leigh. City clerk and auditor, Boise, 1906-12; deputy county auditor, Jan., 1913. Sec. Ada County Republican Central Committee, 1903- 12; Boise City Central Committee, 1904. Episco- palian. Republican. Clubs: Woman's Columbian, College Woman's, Nat. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

��SAWTELLE, Jnlia Hedden Worthlnffton (Mra.

Edrnund Munroe Sawtelle), 89 Eagle St.,

Englewood, N.J.

Born Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y., 1890; dau. Charles Campbell and Julia Apgar (Hedden) Worthington; ed. Misses Bangs & Whlton School, N.Y. City; Mrs. Life's Sem., Rye, N.Y. ; m. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y., Dec. 3, 1903, Edmund Munroe Sawtelle (son of Brig. Gen. E. G. Saw- telle, U.S.A.); children: Edmund Rossiter, Charles Worthington, Chester Munroe, Elizabeth June. Agnostic. Favors woman suffrage.

8AWTER, Anna Laura Margaret, Carnegie Li- brary, Mills College P. C, Cal. Librarian; b. San Francisco, Cal.; dau. E. D. Sawyer (lawyer and judge two terms In San FYanclsco) and Lavlna (Trowbridge) Sawyer; ed. in San Francisco schools; grad. Mills Coll. Head librarian of reference dep't of San Francisco Library 13 years; librarian at Mills Coll. six years. Interested In settlement work; mem. Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tlonallst. Republican. Mem. Home Club of Oakland Mills, Alumnae Ass'n of Cal., Cal. Li- brary Ass'n, Am. Library Ass'n.

8AWYEB, Georgia Pope (Mrs. Henry B. Saw- yer), 26 Edgehlll Road, Brookllne, Mass. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 21, 1873; dau. George W. and Edwina A. (Avery) Pope; ed. in Europe and Smith Coll., B.L.; studied at Univ. of Ber- lin and at Sorbonne; also studied music in Ger- many, Italy and France (mem. Phi Kappa Psl); m. April 28, 1906, Henry B. Sawyer; children: Henry B. Sawyer Jr., Avery Sawyer, Elizabeth W. Sawyer. For several years actively Interested in social and philanthropic work. Unitarian.

SAWYER, Grace Ethel (Mrs. Walter Falrbank* Sawyer), 57 Prichard St., Fltchburg, Mass. Born Fltchburg, Mass., Dec. 26, 1877; dau. Jerome and Helen M. (Smith) Mossman; ed. Fltchburg High School; Smith Coll., B.L. '99; m. Fitohburg, June 27, 1900, Walter Fairbanks Saw- yer; children: Walter Fairbanks, Helen Moss- man. Interested in church work connected with Christ Church of Fltchburg. EspfTcially inter- ested in music, has devoted much time to study of piano and organ. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Practice Club (musical), Altrurian Social Club. Has been active in club work as mem. of Fltchburg Woman's Club.

SAWYER, Mary Alma, Western College, Ox- ford, O.

Teacher; b. Reading, Vt., Nov. 26, 1854; dau. Orren S. and Sophronia (Wheelock) Sawyer; ed. Black River Acad., Ludlow, Vt. ; Mt. Holyoke Sem., '79, A.M. '01; Miami Univ., Lltt.D. '07. Teacher in Demill Ladles' Coll., Oshawa, Ont., 1882-87; Western Coll. for Women, 1887, dean 1895; acting pres. 1906-08, 1912-13. Mem. Terri- torial Com. Y.W.C.A., 1906. Presbyterian.

SAWYER, Mary Pepperell (Mrs. James Cowan Sawyer), 210 S. Main St., Andover, Mass. Born Dover, N.H.; dau. George S. and Mar- tha Hale (Low) Frost; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. (mem. Alpha); m. Dover, N.H., June 10, 1897, James Cowan Sawyer; children: George F., Charles H. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Club (Andover), College Club (Boston).

SAWYER, Mildred Conway (Mrs. Philip Saw- yer), 109 E. Seventy-eighth St., N.Y. City. Musician; b. London, England; dau. Moncure D. and Ellen (Dana) Conway; ed. London, Ber- lin, Paris, for music, piano; passed musical ex- amination for Royal Acad, of Music, London; passed with honors at music examination Trinity Coll., Cambridge; m. Feb. 5, 1895, Philip Sawyer; children: Mildred, Eleanor. Formerly pianist and teacher of music. Worked 10 years in the Neighborhood Guild (now the University Settle- ment) ; started free Sunday evening concerts for the people; worked for the opening of the Mu- seum of Art on Sunday for the people. Clubs: Colony, Thursday Musical. Recreation: Con- ( erts. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc, Women's Political Union.


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