��Art Club, Child Study Club. Recreations: Music, motoring. Unitarian. Favors woman sufirage; mem. E>qual Suffrage Club; has worked In State and locai work; now vlce-pres. of local organ- ization.
8AJfVrLL,E, Florence r.ucas. Office, 329 Wlther- spoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa, Social service: b. N.Y. City, Dec. 2, 1876; dau. Frederick Phillip and Hannah (Levy) Sanville; ed. public schools, Bloomfield, N.J. ; grad. Barn- ard Coll., B.A. '01; mem. Alpha Omicron Pi. Former Inspector in N.Y. Tenement House Dep't; exec. sec. of Consumers' League of Eastern Pa. Instructor and lecturer In Philadelphia Training School for Social Workers. Made study of in- dustrial conditions at first hand in rural districts of Pa. and in England. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Ass'n of Philadelphia, Pa., Branch College Equal Suffrage League. Author of articles in Harper's Magazine, North American Review, Harper's Bazar, The Outlook, The Survey and various philanthropic and relig- ious publications. Elxec. sec. Consumers' League of Eastern Pa.; mem. Exec. Com. of Pa. Child Labor Ass'n, Pa. Ass'n of Women Workers, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Associated Alumnse of Barnard Coll., Pa. Rural Progress A.ss'n, Pa. Grange. Recreations: Farming, out- door work. Mem. College Club. SABBEB, Adelaide Stiingfleld (Mrs. Elmer Otis Sarber), 6850 Calumet Av., Chicago, III. Born Topeka, Kan., Nov. 27, 1871; dau. Francis Marlon Strlngfleld, M.D., and S. Agnes (IVhinson) Strlngfield; ed. Topeka, Kan., and Chicago pub- lic schools; m. Chicago, April 16, 1891, Elmer Otis Sar<ber; children: Francis Pruyn, Elma Agnes Sarber. Favors woman suffrage. Ration- alist. Mem. Order of Eastern Star (Normal Park); pres. Oakwood Center Woman's Club. SARGENT, Harriet E. (Mrs. Isaac Sargent), 104 S. Maine St., New Auburn, Me. Born Durham, Me., 1854; dau. Jeremlaih G. and Rebecca (Jordan) Duran; m. Lewiston, June, 1906, Isaac Sargent. Five years was In the Y.W. Home in Lewiston, having the care and running of employment bureau, also a woman's exchange. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Congregational Church. Mem. Woman's Literary Union of An- droscoggin County. Mem. Sorosis of the Church, a literary club; pres. of the Woman's Organiza- tion of the Church, also of the Parliamentary Club.
SABGENT, Helen Sanborn, 29 E. Seventy-third St., N.Y. City.
Artist, philanthropist; b. Elizabeth, N.J., April 28, 1870; dau. Charles Chapin and Mary B. (Pres- cott) Sargent; ed. in private schools in N.Y. City; grad. after six years' study from Miss Annie Brown's School, N.Y. City, 1889. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union of N.Y., 27th Assembly DIst. Com. of Equal Franchise Soc. Protestant Episcopalian; mem. Woman's Auxiliary for Foreign Missions. Mem. Consum- ers' League of N.Y. City; life mem. the Art Students' League of N.Y., Woman's Municipal League of N.Y., Actors' Church Alliance, the Annie Brown Alumns, the League for Political Education. Founded In 1898 the Art Workers' Club for Women (pres. 1898-1909) ; now organizing a Vocational League for Art Workers. BABOENT, May Pardridge (Mrs. William Dur- ham Sargent), Knollcrest, Orange, N.J. Bom Chicago, 111.; dau. Charles W. and Theresa (Maryland) Pardridge; ed. Anne Brown's School, N.Y. City; m. Chicago, 111., Feb. 14, 1899, William D. Sargent; children: William Durham Sargent Jr., T. Evelyn Sargent, May Theresa Sargent.
SABTATN, EmUy, 1346 N. Broad St., Philadel- phia, Pa.
Portrait painter, mezzotint engraver, principal of the Philadelphia School of Design for Women; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. John and Susan Ixsng- mate (Swaine) Sartain; ed. under instructors— in engraving, John Sartain; painting. Christian Schussele, Philadelphia, and Evariste Luminals, Paris. Awarded Mary Smith prize. Pa. Acad. Fine Arts, 1881-83; Ontennial Exhibition, 1876
��(medal for oil painting); Buffalo Pan-American Exhibition (hon. mention), 1901; Chicago Intemat. Exhibition, 1893 (mem. jury of award for art); delegate from U.S. Government to Intemat. Con- gress on Art Instruction, Paris and Berne, 1900 and 1904; Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, St. Louis (mem. Advisory Com. on Art for Phila- delphia) ; received various medals for engravings. Pres. of the Browning Soc. of Philadelphia, 1908- 09; prln. of the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, 1886—. Mem. New Century Club, Phila- delphia (one of founders), Plastic Club (one of founders, pres. 1899-1903, 1904-1905), Contemporary Club.
SABTATN, Harriet, 1430 South Penn Square,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Artist, instructor; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; Jau. Henry and Ann Maria (Toby) Sartain; grand- daughter of John Sartain; ed. Philadelphia School of Design for Women, and with Henry Snell of N.Y. City. Instructor and lecturer on art in Swarthmore Coll., 1902-03; Instructor in Philadelphia School of Design for Women, since 1903; lecturer on art in Boice School of Expression magazine articles. Interested in civic improve- lowshlp of the Acad, of Fine Arts of Phila- delphia,
SATTERTHWAITE, Traara Henderson, R.F.D.
2, Trenton, N.J.
Physician (now farming); b. near Trenton, N.J., May 13, 1861; dau. Benjamin and Mary (RIdgway) Satterthwalte; ed. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '84; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '88. Interested in philanthropic work, especially the social evil, and has written papers upon these subjects at different times for local conditions only; now interested in country life and farming. Pres. and mem. of Somerville Literary Soc.; life mem. and vlce-pres. of Woman's Med. College Alumnae Ass'n; mem. of the Com. of George School; also of Philanthropic Com. of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends; pres. and mem. of Friends Boarding Home of Burlington Quarterly Meeting. Recreation: Driving; very fond of horses. Hick- site Friend. Favors woman suffrage, formerly vlce-pres. of Trenton Civic Club (a suffrage club).
SATTTET, Ida BeUe Newkirk (Mrs. Elmer C. Sattley), 401 McKee Av., Monessen, Pa- Born Ironton, Ohio; dau. Cyrus and Rebecca (Isaminger) Newkirk; ed. high school and pri- vate school, Sedalia, Mo.; Weilesley Coll., A.B., musical, classical course; m. Sedalia, Mo., Nov. 23, 1892, Elmer C. Sattley; one daughter: Doro- thy. Pres. Ladies' Bible Class of the First Pres- byterian Church of Monessen, Pa.; mem. Pa. Conservation Ass'n, Weilesley Coll. Alumnse Ass'n, Pittsburgh Branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, College Club of Pittsburgh; pres. Woman's Club of Monessen. Presbyterian.
SAUNDERS, Mrs. Bacon, 426 Henderson St.,
Fort Worth, Tex.
Bom North Danbridge, Tenn. ; dau. Tillman Aiken and Harriet M. (McGuire) Caldwell; ed. Morristown (Tenn.) Sem. ; Carlton Coll., Bonham, Texas; m. BonhajB, Texas, Oct. 30, 1877, Dr. Bacon Saunders; children: Roy Forra, Linda Ray. Interested and active in church, social and club work. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Wom- an's Wednesday Club" of Fort Worth, Texas; associate mem. Harmony Club, Fort Worth.
SAUNDERS, Grace Elder (Mrs. F. A. Saun- ders), Syracuse, N.T.
Tutor; b. Philadelphia; dau. David D. and Kate (Stoever) Elder; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; m. F. A. Saunders (prof, of physics, Syracuse Univ.); children: Anthony .Elder, Mar- gery. Interested in Consumers' League, Syracuse branch; mem. Auxiliary to Boys' Club of Syra- cuse. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Syracuse branch Woman's Political Union; on Board of Directors of Syracuse Poiitical Equal Club. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia.
S.4UNDEBS, Jessie Cassidy (Mrs. Sidney A.
Saunders), 22 St. Nicholas PI., N.Y. City.
Architect; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., May 16, 1861; dau. James and Jane H. (Farnam) Cassidy; ed. Brooklyn public schools; Packer Collegiate Inst.,