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��SANDERSON, Mosle WooUen (Mrs. Francis Sanderson), Walbrook, Md.

Born Baltimore, Md., Nov. 10, 1852; dau. Leon- ard R. and Rachel A. (Norwood) Woollen; ed. Md. Coll. for Women, Lutherville, Md. ; grad. with first honor; m. Walbrook, Md., Sept. 9, 1893, Francis Sanderson. Pres. Woman's Club of Roland Park, Md. ; second vlce-pres. (formerly recording sec.) Md. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; recording sec. Twalif Club of Walbrook, Friday Club uf Baltimore. Presbyterian. S.-INDERSON, Susan FergTiaon (Mrs. N. P. Sanderson), 706 Pine St., Texarkana, Tex. Born Texarkana, Ark.; dau. W. T. and Eliza (Ingram) Ferguson; ed. school at Texarkana and Maple Hill Sem., Lebanon, Tenn.; m. Texarkana, Tex., Apr. 20, 1877, N. P. Sanderson; children: Paul Thomas, Lucile Ferguson, William Fergu- son. Pres. Aid. Soc. Baptist Church; founder of United Charities at Texarkana (was its pres. seven years); pres. Civic League. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Confederacy; has served as chair- man of several important committees of Texas State Fed. of Women's Clubs. SANDS, Georgriana, 348 N. Main St., Port Ches- ter, N.T.

Physician; b. Port Chester, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '93; Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School, Baltimore, M.D. '98. Interne Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1898-99; practising physician at Port Chester, N.Y., since 1900.

SANDS, Nina DeI,ong (Mrs. Herbert F. Sands), Pentwater, Mich.

Born Muskegon. Mich., Mar. 30, 1877; dau. Nel- son and Jenny Lind (McCartney) DeLong; grad. Muskegon High School (Latin-French course), '96; special work in voice culture with Arturo Mareschalchi and Amey Major, Chicago, 1901; course in Home Economics In Am. School of Home Economics, 1908-11; m. Muskegon, Mich., 1896, Herbert F. Sands; children: Thyra Edith, Robert Nelson, Barbara Josephine. Mem. Board of Education of Pentwater since 1907 (ex-sec, now treas.); especially interested in Home Economics movement; lecturer and writer on that subject. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Speakers' Bureau Mich. Equal Suffrage campaign of 1912; has made numerous suffrage addresses. Congregationalist. Recreation: . Music. Pres. Woman's Literary Club of Pentwater; second vice-pres. Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Ocean Co. Fed. Wo- men's Clubs; pres. Pentwater Home Economics Club; chairman Home Economics Com. of State Fed. Member on maternal side of house of the Webster family, founded by Gov. John Webster of Connecticut, of which Daniel and Noah Web- ster were also members.

SANFOKD, Alice Boardman PoInJer (Mrs. John A. Sanford), 41 South St., Newark, N.J. Born Newark, N.J. ; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '83; Univ. of Minn., 1894-96; m. Newark, N.J., Apr. 14, 1892, John A. Sanford: one daughter. Teacher Fleminglon, N.J., 1883-84; Newark High School, 1884-92. Occasional contributor to newspapers. SANFORD, Alice Emily Harris (Mrs. Burton O. Sanfol-d), Eillerlca, Mass.

Born West Boylston, Mass., July 23, 1874; dau. Charles M. and Ella J. (Lourie) Harris; ed. Friends School, Providence, R.I.; Gushing Acad., Ashburnham, Mass.; Cornell Univ.; m. Oakdale, Mass., Sept. 20. 1901, Burton O. Sanford; chil- dren: George Harris, Marion Elizabeth, Robert Lourie. Mem. the Nineteen Hundred Club (Billerlca). Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. SANFORD, Anna M. (Mrs. Edward Field San- ford), 509 W. 121st St.. N.Y. Citv. Editor; b. N.Y. City, 1867; dau. Sidney Wright and Anna M. (Clark) Hopkins; ed. Convent of Sacred Heart, Manhattanville, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1883, Edward Field Sanford; children: Edward Field Jr. (sculptor) and William Ziegler. Editor of dep't called Gentlewomen's Pastimes In Polo Monthly and Clubman. Founder and pres. Women'.^ Eastern Golf Ass'n for six years; has served as sec. and pres. Metropolitan Golf Ass'n and mem. of its exec. com. for nine years; run- ner up In U.S. Nat. Golf Ass'n events, 1904, and •winner of many other events. Writer on golf, flshhig and other subjecti! In Country Life in

��America, Field and Stream, Vogue and Pol« Monthly and Clubman. Has shot big game, such as moose and deer. In Maine. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Sorosls, Nat. Soc. D.A.R,, Nat. Soc. New England Women; hon. mem. Es- sex Country Club.

SANFORD, Annie Tomllnscn (Mrs. Daniel S.

Sanford), Redding Ridge, Conn.

Teacher; b. Shelton, Conn., July 17, 1870; dau. Joseph and Annie (Brewocer) Tomlinson; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93; Yale Univ., Graduate School, 1893-94 (mem. Wellesley Shakespeare Soc); m. Derby, Conn., 1898, Daniel S. Sanford; children: Joseph Hudson, Daniel Sammls Jr. First ass't high school, Shelton, Conn., 1894-95; sec. and teacher history and economics Brookline (Mass.) High School, 1395-98; abroad, engaged in study of educational methods in Francs and Germany, 1898-99; history and mathematics, San- ford School, Redding Ridge, Conn., 1905—. Fa- vors woman suffrage; sec E-qual Suffrage League of Brookline, Mass., 1896-97; town leader, Redding, Conn., 1912—. Ass't editor Wellesley Magazine. Joint author: A Guide to Local His- tory of Brookline, Mass. ; assisted in revision of Fiske's Civil Government. Protestant Episco- palian.

SANFORD, Caroline Hamlin, 70S Spruce St.,

Philadelphia, Pa- Deaconess; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1854; dau. Rev. David Piatt and Emma Bartow (Lewis) Sanford; ed. at home; was the first woman in America to take the English degree of S.Th. (Student of Theology). Has been head of the Church Training and Deaconess House, Philadelphia, since Its beginning, 1891; was or- dained deaconess by Rt. Rev. O. W. Whitaker, 1893. Mem. Mayflower Soc. and various societies tor religious education and charitable work. Protestant Episcopal. SANFORD, Harriet Sophia (Mrs. W. E. San-

.■■ord), "Wesanford," Hamilton, Ont., Can.

Born Montreal, Canada; dau. Thomas Vaux; ed In Quebec, Canada; m. 1866, W. E. Sanford, manufacturer of Hamilton, Ontario, who was mem. of the Canadian Senate from Feb. 8, 18S7, until his death, July 10, 1899; two daughters. With daughters has been presented at Court of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, and King George and Queen Mary, has attended several royal drawing-rooms, and by special invitation attended the coronation ceremouies of Kings Edward and George and their queens. Actively Identified with various philanthropies and, with her daughters, maintains Elsinore, the Convalescent Home at Hamilton Beach, founded by her late husband as a memor- ial. Treas. Internat. Council of Women; vice- pres. Nat. Council of Women of Canada; pres. Hamilton Local Council of Women and usually attends the annual meetings of the Internat. Council. Methodist. Director Hamilton Y.W.C.A. SANFORD, Maria Louise, 1050 Thirteenth Av.,

S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.

Teacher, lecturer; b. Saybrook, Conn., I>ec. 19 1836; dau. Henry E. and Mary (Clark) Sanford; ed. Meriden Acad.; Conn. State Normal School, New Britain. Prof, of history, Swarthmore Coll., 1870-80; prof, of rhetoric and public speaking. Univ. of Minn., 18S0-1909; gave commencement address for Univ. of Minn., 1909 (first woman tn receive this honor). Charter mem. and pres. of Minneapolis Improvement League; charter mem. Woman's Welfare League, Minneapolis; hon. mem. Woman's Club, Minneapolis, also of Shake- sijeare Club and the Ramblers. Congregation- alist. Favors woman suffrage. SANFORD, Maude Tlel (Mrs. W. A. Sanford).

Cherokee, la.

Born Lancaster, Wis., 1868; dau. Horatio W. and Adelaide A. (Nash) Tlel; ed. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111., grad. from music dep't; m. Cherokee, Iowa, Sept. 10, 1890, W. A. Sanford: one son: Tiel P. Interested in library work; has been trustee of the Cherokee Library Board for 22 years (now vice-pres.); mem. State Com. on Literature and Library Extension; chairman of this com. work for the 11th Dlst. in Iowa; pres. Am. Woman's League. Mem. Columbian Club,


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