��BT. JOHN, Cynthia Mori^an (Mrs. Henry Ancel
St. John), Ithaca, N.Y.
Born Oct. 11, 1852; dau. Edward James Morgan, M.D., and Anne (Bruyn) Morgan; ed. private school and by tutors at Cornell Univ.; m. Ithaca, N.Y., June 25, 1883, Henry Ancel St. John v3ngl- neer); ch'ldren: Edward Morgan, b. Mar. 10, 1S8G; Sheila Annesley St. John, b. May 5, 1892. Engaged in collecting books for 40 years. In- terested in Biblical study, missionary work (home and foreign), work among the poor (Chil- dren's Home, etc.). Against woman suffrage. Edited: Wordsworth for the Young, with an in- troduction for parents and teachers, 1891; Am. Bibliography of Wordsworth, 1896; Memorial Lines on the Death of Charles Lamb (privately printed from original edition with a supple- mentary note by C. M. St. John); also articles in reviews on Wordsworth and other topics: Bibliography of Wordsworth, based on her li- brary, with notes and experience as a collector (in preparation). Congregatlonalist. Republican. Mem. BibliophU© Soc. of Boston, Country Club of Ithaca, N.Y. Recreations: (Collecting Words- worthana, Ithacana and Early Americana; also out-door life.
ST. JOHN, Emma Celestla BrowneU (Mrs. Ste- phen St. John), 51 W. Main St., Port Jervia,
Born Essex Junction, Vt. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '80; traveled and studied in Europe, 1883-85; m. 1897, Stephen St. John. Teacher Port Jervis (N.Y.) High School. 1881-83 and 1887-97. Pres. Tourist Club of Port Jervis, N.Y. Mem. Mission- ary Soc, City Improvement Ass'n, local and county W.C.T.U., Associated Charities, etc.
ST. JOHN, Martha Everett (Mrs. Charles K St. John), 32 S. Twenty-first St., Philadel- phia, Pa,
Born Dover, Mass. ; dau. George Draper and Martha Allen (Plummer) Everett; grad. Girls' Latin School, Boston, '84; Smith Coll., A.B. '88 (mem. Alpha); m. Dover, Mass., June 26, 1888, Rev. Charles Elliott St. John (Harvard '79); chil- dren: Everett (Harvard '10), Harold (Harvard '!<), also Lyman and Prescott Keyes (both de- ceased). Sec. Internat. Oom. and mem. Nat Post OfiQce Oom. of Nat. Alliance of Unitarian Women; pres. Philadelphia League of Unitarian Women; formerly alumnae trustee of Girls' Latin School, Boston. Chairman Post Office Mission Work in Middle States and Canada. Favors lim- ited woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n Coll. Alumnse (former pres. Pittsburgh branch), Boston College Club (former director).
SATN^T MAUB, Kate Vandenlioff (Mrs. Harry
Saint Maur), Redding, Conn.
Writer; b. Seneca Falls, N.Y., May 30, 1869; dau. Harry and Ellie (Healey) Vandenhoff; granddaughter of John Vandenhoff, a well-known English actor; ed. in England; m. London, Nov. 4, 1894, Harry Saint Maur, English actor and playwright, who died in 1907. Went on stage in 1884, playing in England until 1887 and in U.S. until retirement from stage In 1894. Writer on houseihold economics. Author: The Self-Support- ing Home, 1905; Earth's Bounty, 1907; Making Home Profitable, 1912.
SALES, Mrs. Harry Nathan, 1650 Lagan St.,
Denver, Colo.
Born Boonville, Mo.; dau. Samuel and Hlarriet R. (Case) Monk; descendant on maternal side from Cotton Mather and on paternal side from Gen. Monk of England; crossed plains, a very small child, in ox-wagon in 1860, and never recrossed them until 1906 (in a Burlington sleeper); ed. Colorado, Wolf Hall and public schools; m. Denver, 1878, Harry Nathan Sales; children: Junius, b. 1880; Dudley Daniel, b. 1882; Grace Harriet Isabel le, b. 1889. Pres. Pioneer Ladies' Aid Soc; charter mem. of Old Ladies' Home. Formerly Episcopalian, now Di- vine Scientist. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood; pres. Twentieth Century Discussion Club, Scio Art Club (vice-prea.). Butterfly Club. Against woman suffrage.
��SALISBURY, Bonnie (Mrs. George Franklin Salisbury), 11 Alcott St.. Allaton, Mass. Born Menasha, Wis.; dau. Charles E. and Clara P. (Gower) Mosher; grad. Lawrence (Mass.) High School; m. Lawrence, Mass., July 1, 1880, (jeorge Franklin Salisbury; one daughter: Clara M. Served three years as pres. of the Brightelmstone Woman's Club; mem. Bureau of Information Com. Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Waste Disposal Com. of Woman's Municipal League of Boston. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Unitarian. Mem. Ladlee' Alliance of Rlrst Parish Chufch of Brighton. Recreations: Automobiilng. gardening. SAUSBCBY, Gertrude Franldln (Mrs. W. C. G. Salisbury), 3 Parkman Terrace, Brookline, Mass.; studio, 246 Huntington Av., Boston, Mass.
Singer and teacher of singing; b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 4, 1858; dau. John and Elizabeth (Jackson) Beatty; general education in public and private schools; studied music under Signor Agramonti, later going to Paris and entering the Conservatoire, where was pupil of Prof. Barbot and Mme. Lagrange; also studied English ballad music and oratorio under Randegger in London, and oratorio and classical concert singing under Mme. Rudersdorff in Boston; m. Brookline, Mass.. Apr. 8, 1896, W. C. G. Salisbury. Has 3ung in concert and oratorio In many cities; now engaged as teacher of singing.
SALISBURY, Winifred, 213 S. Ninth St., La
Crosse, Wis.
Social worker; b. Oregon, Wis., May 11, 1880; dau. DeWitt C. and Oreiia B. (Frary) Salisbury; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '01; graduate fellow- ship in sociology, 1905. Resident Univ. of Wis. Settlement, Milwaukee, Wis., 1906; visitor Chi- cago Bureau of Charities, 1906-08; gen. sec. As- sociated Charities, Calumet, Mich., 1908-11; su- pervisor of agents, Minneapolis Associated Chari- ties, 1911-12; special agent Am. Ass'n of Societies for Organizing Charity, 1912; gen. sec. Associated Charities, La Crosse, Wis., 1913- . Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Women's Trade Union League. Recreations: Light housekeeping, out-door life, theatre. SALMON, Lucy Maynard, 163 Mill St., Pough-
keepsie, N.Y.
College professor; grad. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '76, A.M. '83; fellow in history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1886-87; grad. work in the Sorbonne, Paris, and at Florence, Italy, 1898-1900. Principal of high school, McGregor, la., 1876-81; teacher of history in the Indiana State Normal School, 1883-86; ass't prof, of history, Vassar, 1887-89; prof, his- tory, Vassar, since 1889. Author: Domestic Serv- ice; Progress In the Household. SALTEE, Mary Turner (Mrs. Sumner Salter),
Wllllamtown, Mass.
Composer of music; b. Peoria, III., Mar. 15, 1856; dau. Jonathan and Mary E. (Hinds) Tur- ner; ed. Burlington, Iowa, studied music in Bos- ton; m. Boston, May 26, 1881, Sumner Salter; children: Winthrop, Harold, Edith, William. Composer of over a hundred songs, published by Schirmer, Ditson, Schmidt and Summy. Was pupil of Mme. E. Rudersdorff in Boston and N.Y. Has sung as soprano of various prominent churches; taught singing at Wellesley Coll., solo- ist in concerts with prominent clubs: Cecilia of Boston, Apollo (Chicago), N.Y. Oratorio Soc., and others. Congregatlonalist. SALTUS, Evelyn Noyes (Mrs. RolUn Sanford
Saltus), "Norwood," Mt. Klsco, N.Y.
Born St. Paul, Minn., May 14, 1871; dau. Daniel Rogers and Helen A. (Gilman) Noyes; ed. Miss Sarah Porter's School, Farmlngton, Conn.; m St. Paul, Minn., May 29, 1895, Rollin Sanford Saltus, landscape architect; children: Rollin Sanford Jr., Winthrop Noyes. Protestant Epis- copalian. Mem. Woman's Municipal League of N.Y., Am. Red Cross Soc. (Westchester branch). Colonial Dames of the State of N.Y., District Nursing Ass'n of Northern Westchester County, Farmlngton Lodge Soc. of N.Y., Woman's Auxil- iary to Board of Foreign Missions, Bedford Gar- den Club. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y. City).