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��SAFFOKD, ilary Joanna, 1308 R. St., N.W.,

Washington, D.C.

Born Salem, Mass. ; dau. Samuel Appleton and Frances Parker (Percival) Safford; ed. private schools In Salem. Mem. Boston Authors' Club; contributor of short stories, poems, articles and translations to magazines and periodicals. Trans- lator of books and plays by French, German and Danish authors: Goerg Ebers, Max Nordau, Johanna Ambrosius, etc. ; Rudolph Stratz, Ger- hard Hauptmann (German); Jules Claretie, Albert Boissiere, Maurice Leblanc and others (French); Peder Maiiager (Danish); authorized representa- tive for all articles published in La Revue (Paris), and books by M. Jean FlnOt. SAG£, Agnes Carolyn, 328 Union St., Hacken-

sack, N.J.

Author; b. Brooklyn, N.T. ; dau. Robert Fran- cis and Caroline O. (Tisdale) Sage; ed. private schools; Home Inst., Oswego, N.Y., and Dearborn Sem., Chicago, 111. Author: A Little Colonial Dame; A Little Daughter of the Revolution; The Boys and Girls of the White House; Christ- mas Elves; The Jolly Ten; Two Girls of Old New Jersey; also numerous magazine articles, stories, poems and sketches. Twelve years pres. Brooklyn Shakespeare Club; mem. Woman's Club and Kit Kat Club (Hackensack), and Guild of the Good Shepherd of Christ Church (Hacken- sack). Recreation: Horseback riding. Episco- palian. Great-grandfather, James Oram, was editor of the Weekly Museum, the first magazine published in N.Y. SAGE, Cornelia Bentley, Buffalo Fine Arts

Acad.. Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.T.

Artist, art critic, art director; b. BuSalo, N.T. ; dau. William S. and Josephine (Bentley) Sage; ed. in private French School and Sem., Buflalo, N.T.; Art Students' League in Buffalo; Art Students' League, N.T. City, under James Car- roll Beckwith, John H. Twaohtman, Robert Reid, Irving R. Wiles; also studied under Charles C. Curran, N.T. City; E. Eyly Grier of Toronto., now pres. Ontario Soc. of Artists. Di- plomas for English, French and Latin in semi- nary. In 1902 miniature hung on line in New Tork Water Color Glut). Prize in painting class. Art Students' League, Buflalo, 1904. Appointed ass't sec. Buffalo Fine Arts Acad., 1904; ass't to the late Dr. Charles M. Kurtz, director Buffalo Fine Arts Acad., 1905 to March, 1909; appointed ass't director Buffalo Fine Arts Acad., Albright Art Gallery and Albright Art School, October, 1910; acting director Mar. 22, 1910, and unan- imously appointed director in October, 1910. Or- ganized fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh annual exhibitions of selected paintings by Am. artists for Buffalo and St. Louis, May to November, 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1912. Organized first exhibi- tion of Societe Nouvelle of Paris for Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis and Boston during winter of 1911-12; first exhibition of the works of Bernard Boutet de Monvel for St. Louis, Buffalo, Provi- dence and Chicago; exhibitions of bronzes by Prince Paul Troubetzkoy for Chicago, St. Louis and Toledo. Now organizing all exhibitions, di- recting all work and writing academy notes and all publications for Albright Art Gallery; also writing art criticisms for several leading news- papers. 'Mem. Art Students' League, Buffalo; pres. Buffalo Soc. cf Artists; mem. Am. Ass'n of Museums, Am. Fed. of Arts, Scribblers' Club (Buffalo), Am. Scandinavian Soc; appointed one of five on com. on United States Museums of Am. Fed. of Arts, May, 1911; mem. Am. Lyceum Club (N.T. City). SAGE, Josephine Bentley (Mrs. W^llliam S.

Sage), T^'^ Touralne, Delaware Av.. Buf- falo, N.Y.

Born Albany, N.T. ; dau. James Randall Bent- ley of Albany and Cornelia (Topping) Bentley. of N.T. City; ed. private schools in Albany and Buffalo; m. William S. Sage of Buffalo; one daughter: Cornelia Bentley. Director of Albright Gallery. Buffalo, N.Y. Episcopalian. Recrea- tion : Reading. BAGE, Margaret OliTia Slocum (Mrs. Russell

Sage), 604 Fifth Av., N.T. City.

Philanthropist; b. Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1828;

��dau. Joseph and Margaret Pierson (Jermaln) Slocum; grad. 'Vroy Female Sem., '47 (hon. de- gree of Mistress of Letters); N.Y. Univ., '04; m. Nov. 24, 1869, Russell Sage (died July 21, 1906). Taught school in Philadelphia, Pa., two years. Her husband, one of the most distinguished of American financiers, left his entire fortune of over $80,000,000 to her absolutely, and she has since devoted her life to systematic philanthropy. Among her benefactions are $1,000,000 to Emma Willard Seminary, Troy, N.Y.; $1,000,000 to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy; $350,000 to Y.M.C.A. of New York City; $115,000 to a public school at Sag Harbor, N.Y. ; $100,000 to Syracuse Univ.; $150,000 to the Northfield (Mass.) Sem.; $150,000 to Am. Seaman's Friend Soc; $300,000 to the Sage Inst, of Pathology of the N.Y. City Hospital on Blackwell's Island; $250,- 000 for Home for Indigent Women, and founded with $10,000,000 the Sage Foundation for the Im- provernent of Social and Living Conditions in the U.S., which is creating at Forest Hills, L.I., a town of houses representing the best living con- ditions for homes for people in moderate circum- stances; $300,000 to Cornell Univ. for a dormi- tory; $150,000 to Vassar Coll., $350,000 to Harvard, and a large number of other benefactions. Pres- byterian. Pres. Emma Willard Ass'n, Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, Colonial Dames. Favors woman suffrage.

8AGEMAN, Hattle Vera Bacon (Mrs. W. J.

Sageman), 13.8 First Av., Mt. Vernon, N.T.

Born Southbridge, Mass. ; dau. John Lowell and F. Elvira (Whipple) Bacon; ed. Brimfield (Mass.) Sem.; m. Newark, N.J., Nov. 12, 1884, William J. Sageman. Active in all philanthropic work in Mt. Vernon for years: Hospital, Day Nursery, Bureau of Charities, Martha Wilson Home for Women, Needlework Guild of America (Mt. Vernon branch). Favors woman suffrage; former sec. Mt. Vernon Political Equality Soc. Mem. Bronx Chapter D.A.R. (Mt Vernon), internat Sunshine Soc, Sunflower Soc. of N.Y State, Order Eastern Star. Mem. Nat. Soc. Ne'* England Women, Westchester Woman's Club, Federation of Women's Clubs of N.Y. City and State.

ST. CliALB, Margaret Ann (Mrs. Murray M.

St. Clair), 714 Remington St., Fort Collins,


Born Vinton, Iowa, Dec. 28, 1868; dau. Hugh and Katharine (Brownies) St. Clair; ed. country school at Mt. Auburn, Iowa, and in Tilford Acad., Vinton, Iowa; m. Vinton, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1889, Murray M. St. Clair; children: Mae Katharine, Beatrice Mary. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Republican Club of Fort Collins. Presbyterian. Mem. Cache-La- Poudre Chapter D.A.R., Woman's Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans Auxiliary, Columbian Club, Current Events Club, Travel Club (pres.).

ST. GAUDENS, Annetta Johnson (Mrs. Louis

St. Gaudens), Windsor, Vt.

Sculptor; b. Flint, O., 1869; dau. Harvey Will- iam and Maria (Burt) Johnson; ed. Columbus Art School (awarded scholarship); Art Students' League, N.Y. City, and monitor of class one year; m. in N.J., Oct. 7, 1898, Louis St. Gaudens; one son: Paul Alexander, b. June 15, 1900. Be- gan modeling at age of 13; modeled horses and groups from clay found in ravine near home. Ass't to Augustus St. Gaudens, and to husband; modeled portrait busts, experimenting with mar- hie cutting and terra cotta. Interested in dress reform and temperance movement, summer camp at Godman Guild, located on farm at Flint, O., having given the guild 10 acres of land. The guild is patterned after Hull House and the cair.p is given as a memorial to her father and is for mothers and children otherwise unable to have an outing. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Cornish Suffrage League, N.H. Universalist. Mem. W.C.T.U., N.H. Forestry Soc, Godman Guild, Ohio Art Students' League of Columbus, Ohio. Recreations: Farming, driving, trips, mu- sic, theatre, sports; enjoys company of young people. Mem. Woman's Art Club of N.Y. City, Woman's Discussion Club of Cornish.


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