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��man) of Com. on Education; pursuing child study, having made up a kindergarten course of study by borne reading and club work. RUTHERFOBD, Mrs. Annie O., 1383 King St.. W., Toronto, Can.

Temperance reformer, philanthropist; b. Can- ada. Formerly for years president of the Dominion W.C.T.U. of Canada until 1905, when declined reelection and was made hon. pres. Vlce-pres. Lord's Day Alliance of Ontario; vlce- pres. Ontario branch Dominion Temperance Alli- ance; made tour of Manitoba, the Northwest and British Columbia, 1904. Pres. Cottage Hospital and Dispensary of Toronto, 1910. BCTHEBFORD, Jane Meade, 822 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va,

Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. Samuel J. and (Watson) Rutherford; ed. Southern Female Inst., Richmond. Engaged in many local, religious, Boclal and philanthropic enterprises. Pres. Vir- ginia Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage (mem. Nat. Ass'n). Presbyterian. Mem. Archaeological Inst, of America, Virginia Soc. Colonial Dames, Richmond Chapter United Daughters Confed- eracy, Southern Sociological Congress. Mem. County Club of Va., Woman's Club, Richmond. BUTHEBFOBD, MBdred Lewis, Th« Yllla, Athens, Ga.

Teacher and author; b. Athens, Ga., July U, 1851; dau. Williams and Laura Battallle (Cobb) Rutherford; ed. Lucy Cobb Inst., Athens, Ga. Principal Lucy Cobb Inst. 17 years; State his- torian Ga. United Daughters of Confederacy for life; historian Gen. U.D.C., 1912-13. Compiler: English Authors; American Authors; French Authors; The South in History and Literature. Pres. Bessie Mell Industrial Home since 1894; pres. City Mission Board since 1911; mem. Nat. Board since 1910, and of South Atlantic Territo- rial Com. Y.W.C.A. since 1911; mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames. Baptist Against woman suffrage.

flUTHEBFOED, Mrs. Minnie V., Magazine, Ark. Broker and planter; b. Ozark, Ark., Jan. 25, 1868; dau. James M. and Martha A. (Hall) Oli- ver; ed. Sullins Coll, Bristol, Va., A.B.; cer- tificates from Univ. of Chicago; studied in France, Italy, Univ. of Leipzig, Harvard Univ., Univ. of Cal.; m. 1st, Magazine, Ark., 1882, O. H. S«ott; 2d, Little Rock, Ark., 1839, W. B. Rutherford; Dne daughter: Sue Huily Scott. State ' pres. W.C.T.U.; nat. sup't juvenile courts, industrial education and anti-child labor, W.C.T.U.; vice- pres. State Charities and Correction Organiza- tion; State organizer and lecturer for the Ark. W.C.T.U. Favor w«man suffrage; chairman legislative com. of Political Equality League of Little Rock, Ark. Managing editor Ark. White Ribboner; associate editor Twentieth Century Dhurch; contributor to various publications (some foreign) for six years. Methodist. Treas. Wom- an's Southwestern Bar Ass'n.

BUTHBACFF, Florence May Barlow (Mrs. Charles Conrade RuthraufE), 251 West Ninety- second St., N.T. City.

Writer and art critic; b. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1865; dau. Anthony Wilbur and Harriet (May) Barlow; ed. private schools, by travel, and special art courses here and abroad, tutor and gov- ernesses; m. Toledo, Ohio, June IS, 1885, Charles Conrade RuthraufE; children: Wilbur Barlow, b. June 26, 18S7; Harriet May, b. Mar. 25, 1899 (Mrs. Edwin W. Cassebeer). Art critic two years on Morning Telegraph; contributor to many of the leading art publications and educational jour- nals. Mem. D.A.R., Nat Soc. of Patriotic Women of America, Pen and Brush Club, Writ- ers' Club. Recreations: Out-door sports, horse- back riding. Favors woman suffrage. BUUTZ-BEES, C, Rosemary Cottage, Green- wich, Conn.

Writer; b. London, Eng., 1865; dau. Emil Louis and Janet Emily (Meugens) Ruutz-Rees; ed. pri- vate school in London, Clement School, German- town; St. Andrew's (Scotland), L.L.A.; Colum- bia Univ., M.A., Ph.D. Taught St John's Baptist School, N.Y. ; St Mary's, Burlington, 1885-90. Es- tablished Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Conn., 1890, removed It to Greenwich, Conn.. 1900:

��school Incorporated 1900, of which Is pres. and treas. Recording sec. of Exec. Com. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n. Author: Charles De Salnte Marthe, 1512-1555, a Study In the French Renaissance; contributor to Modern Language Notes; Modern Language Ass'n publications; Romanic Review. Mem. United Workers, Greenwich; Metropolitan Museum of Art, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Archaeological Inst, New England Classical Ass'n, Modern Language Ass'n, Head Mistresses' Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc, Alliance Francalse of N.Y., Alliance Francalse of Greenwich, SocI4tt des Etudes Rabelalslennes (Paris). Has an adopted child, a boy, aged 4. Clubs: Albemarle (London), Colony, Woman's Cosmopolitan, Woman's University, MacDowell (N.Y. City), Field (Greenwich) ; pres. Greenwich College Club. Episcopalian. Recreation: Travel.

BUTJTZ-REES, Janet Emily (Mrs. Louis EmIl Ruutz-Rees), "Rolandseck," Greenwich, Conn. Writer; b. London, England, Feb. 22, 1842; dau, Joseph and Caroline (Bennett) Meugens; ed. private schools England and Germany; m. 1864, Louis Emil Ruutz-Rees, F.R.G.S.; children: Caroline, Roland (deceased), Thekla, Goldmark. Interested In religion, philosophy, Eastern and Western Thought (Christian Mystic). Favors woman suffrage. Author: Life of Horace Ver- net; Life of Delaroche; Cathechism of Rosmlni'a Philosophy; Reflection on the Psalms. Episco- palian. Mem. American Oriental Soc., Kindly Club, Comrade Society, Wednesday Afternoon Club. Settled In N.Y. City In 1880.

RtTTL/, Beatrice Baiter (Mrs. Louis Herman Ruyl), Hingham, Mass.

Illustrator, author; b. Denver, Colo., Apr. 7, 1879; dau. Joseph Nickerson and Edith (Shedd) Baxter; student of art in Boston Museum of Fine Arts and later In Parle under Colarossi and Edouard Stretcher; m. Dec. 24, 1901, Louis Her- man Ruyl. Engaged as illustrator of books for several of the N.Y. City and Boston publishers. Author: Little Indian Maidens at Work and at Play, 1909; 5Sodlac Birthday Book, 1910. RYAN, Bertha Parker (Mrs. Edward H. Ryan), Wastena Place, Rlverton, Wyo. Born Cherokee, la., June 17, 1870; dau. Ed- ward W. and Mary J. (Crooks) Parker; ed. com- mon schools; Iowa State Normal School; m. (1st) 1892, Claude E. Tripp (died 1900); (2d) 1905, Ed- ward H. Ryan. Favors wonnan suffrage and Is a voter. Formerly Republican; voted for Wilson 1912. Mem. Guild of St James' Episcopal Church, Rlverton, Wyo.; Pythian Sisters, Lander; Brotherhood of Am. Yeoman, Rlverton, Wyo. Mem. Civic Improvement Club. Was a teacher before first marriage; during widowhood a pro- fessional photographer. BYAN, Coletta, 853 Beacon St, Boston, Mass.

Writer; b. Boston, Mass., 1876; dau. Com- mander George Parker Ryan, U.S.N, (lost on the Huron, 1877), and Mary (Galvln) Ryan; ed. publlo and high schools and Miss Emerson's School, Boston, and under private Instructors. From girlhood contributor of prose and verse to maga- zines, periodicals and newspapers; writer of plays, acts and librettos for actors and musi- cians. Writer of: Songs In a Sun Garden, 1905; The Story of King Parsifal; The Wrath of Whit- man; An Artful Aida; Romantic Story of Hector Berlioz. Mem. Professional Woman's Club, Boston.

BYAN, Ida Annah^ 19 Hammond St, Waltham. Mass.

Architect; b. Waltham, Mass.; dau. Albert M. and Caroline S. '(Jameson) Ryan; ed. Mass. Inst. Technology, S.B., S.M., 1905-06; traveling schol- arship, '07 (mem. Cleofan). Acting sup't of pub- lic buildings, Waltham,^ 1912; draughtsman and Inspector in Public Bld'g Dep't, Waltham. In- terested In all kinds of progressive opportunlOei for women. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Wal- tham Equal Suffrage League, Mass. Political Equality Ass'n, Mass. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Universallst. Mem. Mass. Inst of Technology, Women's Ass'n, High School Alumni, Mass. Normal Art School Alumni, Technology Alumni. Recreations: Camping, traveling. Mem. Busi- ness Women's Cluh fHiiii±r»n\


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