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RUSSEXL, Alys Whitall PearsaU Smith (Mrs. sons. Later successes were in the opera Lady

Bertrand Russell), Bagley Wood, Oxford, Teazle, the comedy Barbara's Millions, The

England. Butterfly and Wildfire. For some time past a

Born Philadelphia, Pa.; ed. Miss Lily White's contributor of articles of interest to -women in

School, Germantown, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Chicago Tribune.

Coll., A.B. '90; m. 1894, the Hon. Bertrand Rus- RUSSELL, Lillian Hillyard (Mrs. Joseph Bal-

sell. Hon. corr. sec. of Bryn Mawr Coll. for lister Russell), 69 Sparks St., Cambridge,

England. Pres. Abingdon British Women's Mass.

Temperance Ass'n; chairman St. Pancraa School Bom Mt. Sterling, Ky., dau. Otis S. Tenney for Poor Mothers. Mem. of Council of Bedford (major) and Junia M. r Warner) Tenney; ed. pri- Coll., Univ. of London. vate schools in Wilmington, Del.; m. Wilming- BU8SELL, Annie, 238 W. Fifty-fifth St., N.T. ton, Del., May 20, 1880, Joseph BalUster Russell, City. of Boston, Mass.; children; Charles Theodore, Actress; b. Liverpool, England. Appeared on Sarah E., Joseph B. Jr., Junia Killen, Otis Ten- stage at the age of seven; was a mem. of a ney. Pres. Cambridge Hospital League; vice- Juvenile Pinafore comjtany in N.Y. City shortly pres. St. Monica's Home. Against woman suf- after; later played In repertoire in the West frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Indies; in N.Y. City as a mem. of the Madison Dames of Del., Mayflower Club, Assembly Club Square Theatre company, her performances of (Boston); also United Daughters of the Confed- Esmeralda and Elaine being memorable as artis- eracy, Otis S. Tenney Chapter of Kentucky, tic triumphs in N.Y. City. Retired for several RUSSELL, Margaret Clarke (Mrs. J. W^ Rus- years and returned to the stage again 1895, and sell), Woodstock College, Woodstock, Ont., appeared in various rdles in N.Y. City, London Can.; summer home. Point Llnnea, X^ke of and elsewhere. Played Puck in A Midsummer Bays, Muskoka, Can.

Night's Dream, 1906-08; The Stronger Sex, 1908-09. Writer of child verse; b. Gravesend, Kent,

RUSSELL, Eth^ Clinton (Mrs. Nelson Gorham England; dau. George Kerry Mitchell and Anne

Russell), *69 Franklin St., Buffalo, N.Y. _ (Mann) Clarke; ed. in private schools in Eng-

Bom Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 8, 18Y9; dau. Spencer land; collegiate education In Canada; m. Buf-

and Sarah (Riley) Clinton; ed. Buffalo Sem., falo, N.Y., July 18, 1898, Prof. J. W. Russell,

Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, (Jonn.; Bryn Mawr, M.A.; children: Donald, Maxwell, Bruce. Pres.

A.B. '02; m. Buffalo, 1906, Dr. Nelson Gorham First Baptist Church Mission Band; Bible class

Russell; children: Nelson Gorham Jr., Clinton, leader; Interested in children's shelter work.

Taught English and science, Rosemary Hall, Coatributer of child verse to Little Folks (Salem,

Greenwich, Conn., 1902-06. Interested in amateur Mass.); American Motherhood (Cooperstown,

acting. Favors womaa suffrage. Episcopalian. N.Y.); Little Folks (London, England); Satur-

Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alosmae, Bryn Mawr Alum- day Glebe Magazine, Jewels, King's Own, Dew-

nae, Rosemary Uall Aiumnse. Children's Hospital Drops (Toronto); Derw-Drops (Elgin, 111.); Our

Aid Ass'n, Consumers' League. Clubs: Garret, Little Ones (Philadelphia). Mem. Saturday

Studio. Reading Club. Recreations: Canoeing, woods-

RUSSELL, Florence Ely (Mrs. Carl S. Russell), walking.

3525 Prospect Av., Cleveland, Ohio. RUSSELL, Melodia Chapman (Mrs. Charles A.

Bom Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1869; dau. Alfred Russell), 26S Elmwood Av., Providence, R.I.

and Caroline F. (Burnham) Ely; ed. Cleveland Bora N.Y. City, Jan. 22, 1863; dau. Robert and

Central High School; m. Westernville, N.Y., June Julia F. (Araold) Chapman; ed. public schools;

18, 1890, Carl S. Russell; children: Mildred Ely, m. June 7, 1882, Charles A. Russell; children:

George Ely, Stewart Ely Russell. Favors woman Albert I., Charlotte A. Pres. Board of Managers

suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Dajighters of the of the Home for Aged Women; pres. Ladies' Hu-

Church, Fortnightly Musical Club. mane Soc.; naem. Housewives' League, Consu-

RUSSELL, Grace Lillibridee (Mrs. Waterman mers' Lea«ue, King's Daughters. Clubs: Rhode

S. C. Russell), 79 Monmouth St., Springfield, Island Womam's, Ardirheblah, Elmwood Women's.

Mass. UnlversaUst,

Teacher and lecturer; b. Springfield, Mass., BUSSELL, Olive Stewart (Mrs. Joseph Gordon Nov. 26, 1872; dau. Clark and Julia E. (Chapin) Russell), 11435 Euclid Av., Cleveland, Ohio. Lillibridge; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. '96; student at Bom Norwalk, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1885; dau. Charles Sorbonne and College de France, 1901-02; m. July Hill and Mary (Gary) Stewart; grad. Miss Mittle- 7, 1908, Waterman S. C. Russell; step-son: E. l>erger's School; Vassar Coll., '08; m. Cleveland, Stanton Russell. Lectures in costume on Ice- Ohio, June 16, 1968, Joseph Gordon Russell; land; has twice crossed the Arctic Circle in dif- children: Joseph Gordon Russell Jr., James Stew- ferent years; with husband traveled 1,000 miles art Russell. Favors woman suffrage; mem. exec, on horseback in Iceland; made the ascent of the board of Cleveland Woman Suffrage Party, Col- volcano, Mt. Hekla; climbed Mt. Krafla; prob- lege Equal Suffrage League.

ably the only American woman who has made ruST, Josephine V. (Mrs. George H. Rust),

the ascent of either volcano. Interested in for- 2311 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis, Minn,

eign missions, especially France, China, India. Bora in New Hampshire, May 26, 1839; dau.

Mem. New England Modern Language Ass'n, jra and Mercy (Chamberlain) Vamey; ed. dls-

L' Alliance Frangaise, Cosmopolitan Club of trict school; m. Minneapolis, Sept 22, 1865,

Springfield. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. George H. Rust; one daughter: Gertrude Rust,

RUSSELL, Lillian, 1732 Broadway, N.Y. City. b. Jan. 3, 1880. Mem. Minneapolis Soc. Fine Arts,

Actress; b. Clinton, Iowa (name Helen Louise Nat, Geographic Soc. Favors w«man suffrage.

Leonard), Dec. 4, 18€1; dau. Charles E. and Coagregationalist. Recreations: Music, drama,

Cynthia Leonard; removed to Chicago, 1865; ed. social travel. Mem. Woman's Club.

in Convent of the Sacred Heart there; studied RUSTE, Martha Ollne (Mrs. Allen O. Ruste),

vocal and violin music and sang in choir of an Charles City, la.

Episcopal church; went to N.Y. City and studied Bora Kenyan, Minn., Feb. 25, 1872; dau. -Andrew

for grand opera under Dr. Leopold Damrosch; m. and Karen (Hang-en) Finseth; ed. St. Olaf Coll.,

(1st) Henry Braham (conductor of Edward E. Northfleld, Minn.; State Normal School, Winona,

Rice's Pinafore company; (2d) Edward Solomon, Minn.; m. Kenyoa, 1902, Allen O. Ruste; one

composer of Billee Taylor and other comic daughter: ETlBie Elizabeth. Taught ten years,

operas and conductor of the Casino orchestra; having had grade work from fourth grade

(3rd) John Chatterton, known to stage as through high school. Active in Sunday-school,

Signor Perugini, operatic tenor; (4th) Mr. teacher training, Mothers' Congress and child wel-

Moore, a Pittsburgh business man. First stage fare work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Relig-

appearance was in the chorus of Edward E. ions Education Ass'n, Iowa Teachers Ass'n, Iowa

Rice's Pinafore company, in 1879; later sang Congress of Mothers, W.C.T.U., Professional

ballads in the Tony Pastor Theater, taking the Reading Guild; also -20th Century Club, Ci\'ic

stage name of "Lillian Russell" at Mr. Pastor's Improvement Ass'n, Mothers' Club of Charles

suggestion; later sang leading light opera r61es, City, Iowa. Has organized mothers' clubs and

and then sang at the Casino Theater in most chUd study circles and taken a prominent part

years from 1884 to 1899, and was later in the in the Iowa Congress of Mothers as treas. for

Weber & Fields stock company for several sea- four years and on com. of literature (now chair-


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