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��RLTFIN, Josephine St. Pierre (Mrs. George I^ewis Ruffln), 131 Kent St., Brookline, Mass. Born Boston, Mass, ; daughter John anri Eliza M. (Meahenick) St. Pierre; ed. at Salem and Boston in the public schools and by tutors at home; m. George Lewis RuflSln; children: Hubert St. Pierre, Florida Y., C. Stanley, George L. Jr. Organized Kansas Relief Ass'n at time of usgjTj exodiis to Kansas; visitor for As- sociated Ciiaritles for U. years; Couijtry Week worker. One of the founders of As!!'a for Pro- motion of Child Traiaiag: in the South. One of the- earliest to join Woiaen's Industrial an<5 Edu- cational Union, Boston. Favors woman suSrage. Mem. Ma.<;s. School SMfJrage Ass'n, Equal Suf- frage Lea^ij.e. Splscopa)ian. One of the editors and founders of the Woican's Ers,, a montliiy magazine giving news of colored, women's clubs and published from Boston for six years. In 1895 called to Boston in convention the colored women of America, at which time was formed the Nat. Fed. of Colored Women's Clubs, now known as the National Ass'n of Colored Women. Vice- pres. Am. Internat. Coffee Ass'n, which supports at Mt. Coffee, Liberia, a school for colored peo- ple. Mem. Nat. Ass'n for Advancement of Col- ored People. Pres. Woman's Era Club; mem. Moral Education Ass'n, Woman's Press Ass'n of New England.

BUFFIN, Margaret Ellen Henry (Mrs. Frank G. Ruffln), 404 Church St., Mobile, Ala. Author; b. Daphne, Ala.; dau. Thomas and Mary iNugent) Henry; ed. St. Mary's School, Mobile; St. Joseph's Coll., Kirunetsburg, Md. (valedictoria.a:, D.I.itt. '07; m. Apr. 20, 1877, Frank G. Ruffln (died 1902); children: Frances G., Mary Henry, Ellen Randolph, Thomas J., T. Henry, Carolina Randolph. First woman in Ala. to be made a doctor of literature. Author: Drift- ing Leaves (poems), 1884; John Gildart (story in verse), 1900; The North Star (novel), 1904. Earn- est student of Gaelic Soc. and a worker in the Gaelic Revival.

RUGO, Ellen Marshall, 1813 Newton St., Wash- ington, D.C.

Social secretary; b. Cambridge, Mass.; dau. Samuel., Fay and Mary (Curtis) Rugg; ed. in schools of Cambridge, Mass.; degree in home economics course. Am. School of Home Eco- nomics. Interested in associated charities, set- tlement work, child welfare. Favors woman suf- frage. C-ongregationalist. Mem. Esoteric Soc, Dist. of Columbia, Am. Home Economics Ass'n (life mem.), Philadelphia branch Women's For- eign Missionary Soc. Mem. Housekeepers' Al- liance, Washington (pres. three years); Dist. of Columbia Fed. of V/omen's Clubs. BUGGIjES, Alice Morrill (Mrs. Daniel Blaisdell Ruggles), 4 Greenough Place, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass.

Writer; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1879; dau. Henry Albert and Anna McGuffey) Morrill; ed. Cincinnati private schools; Univ. of Cincinnati, A.B. '03; Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '04; Paris and Rome, 1906-08; fellow in American history, 1902- 03 (Alliance Francaise medal); m. Biddeford Pool, Me., Sept. 14, 1912, Daniel Blaisdell Ruggles. Ass't in Dep't of History, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1904-06. Contributor to papers and magazines, magazine stories and suffrage articles. Mem. Radcliffe AlumnEe Ass'n, Drama League of Bos- ton, College Club of Boston. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Mass. Suffrage Ass'n, Woman Suf- frage Party.

RUGGLES, May Sleeper (Mrs. Frank W. Rug- gles). Liederheim, Auburndale, Mass. Singer, voice teacher; b. Patten, Me., Oct. 20, 1861; dau. Rev. William T. and Emily (Taylor) Sleeper; grad. Wellesley School of Music, '86; m. Worcester, Mass., June 6, 1889, Frank W. Ruggles; children: William E. (deceased), Mar- garet Emily, Theodore Sleeper. Vocal teacher 25 years in Worcester and Boston; now principal of the Liederheim School of Vocal Music at Au- burndale, Mass. Has appeared as soloist at 'SVorcester Music Festival and many lesser festi- vals and concerts; specialty, church singing. In- terested in missions of all kinds (singing for them and educating young people), foreign, home

��and city missionary societies. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Composer of the Wellesley College cheer, first. musical cheer ever written. Congregationalist. Mem. women's clubs, MacDowell Club of Boston, mothers' clubs. Recreations: Music, travel, reading of historical novels and short stories.

BUHX,, Jolia Slocam Walker (Mrs. John L.

Ruhl), 205 E. Main St., Clarksburg, "5V.Va.

Bom Groton, Conn., June 17, 1861; dau. David and Mary (Fitch) Walker; grad. Mt. Holyoka Coil, (then seminary), '81; m. Groton, Coud., Nov. 10, 1890, John L. Ruhl; children: Rebecca Louisa, Mary Latimer, Henry Walker. Taught at Broaddus Coll., Clarksburg, W.Va., lSSl-85; New Brighton, Staten Island, private school, 1835- 86; Grotcn, Conn., private school, 1886-88; high school. East Orange, N.J., 1888-90. Teachea Bible class. First Presbyterian Church, Clarks- burg, W.Va. In 1900 was appointed mem. for W.Va. of the Women's Board of Mana.gers for the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, 1901. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. West Virginia Child Labor Soc; mem. Com. en Education of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; vice- pres. Tuesday Club, and mem. Woman's Civic Club, Clarksburg; pres. W.Va. Fed. of Women's Clubs. RULE, Rebecca (Mrs. Stephen L. Rule), Shulls-

burg. Wis.

Born Shullsbuxg, Wis., Sept. 15, 1856; dau. George and Mary (Musson) Wortley; ed. graded schools, EJvanston, 111., and Northwestern Univ. two years; m. Shullsburg, Wis., Dec. 26, 1894, Stephen L. Rule. Taught in the schools of La- fayette Co. 26 years. Interested and active in the Public Library, established 1908 in Shullsburg; also in the work of the Bpworth League and M.E. Sunday-school for many years. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist; mem. Ladies'. Aid Soc. M.E. Church. Sec. Woman's Relief Corps (former pres.); pres. Woman's Literary Club three years. RUMBOLD, Caroline Thomas, Dep't of Botany,

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

Forest patholog;ist; b. in St. Louis, Mo., 1877; dau. Thomas Frazier Rumbold, M.D., and Char- lotte L. Rumbold; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; Washington Univ., St. Louis, M.A. '03; Dr. oec. publ., '07, 'Munich Univ. ; Washington Univ., Ph.D. '11. Ass't Dep't of Botany, Univ. of Mo., 1908-10. Expert in Forest Pathology, Bureau of Plant Industry of U.S. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, fellow A.A.A.S. ; mem. Am. Botanical Soc, Sigma Xi, Phytopathological Soc. RUMMLER, Susan Hardinsr (Mrs. William R.

Rummler), Shermerville, 111.

Born Chicago, Dec. 10, 1874; dau. George F. and Adelaide (Mathew) Harding; ed. Mrs. Lor- ing's School, Chicago; Paris (France) Sem. ; South Division High School, Chicago, '93; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. '98; language and music, Flor- ence, Italy, '02; m. Chicago, 1905, William R. Rummler, patent lawyer; children: Joseph Manig, Adelaide, Madelene. Interested in various social and philanthropic activities for betterment of the conditions of women and children and in hy- gienics generally. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Glencoe Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman Suf- frage Party. Author of article on Tubercu- losis in Its Relation to the Increased Consump- tion of Sugar; Natural Care of Child and Mother. Unitarian. Progressive Republican. Mem. Esoteric Univ. of Chicago (Nu Pi Sigma), Univ. of Chicago, Northfield Township Sanitary Ass'n, Univ. of Chicago Alumni Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, swimming, writing, reading. Mem. Glencoe Woman's Library Club. Formerly teacher in the Univ. of Chicago (elementary); teacher of German and French in Clinton (Iowa) High School. RUMPLER, Maude Lucas (Mrs. Edward C.

Rumpler), The Belmont, ,5 Delaware St., In- dianapolis, Ind.

Born Clayton, 111., Feb. 20, 1874; dau. Daniel R. and Mary Ellen (Longly) Lucas; ed. Shortrldga High School, Indianapolis; Drake Univ., Dea Mo'nes, la.; m. Indian.ipolis. Dec. 20, 1893. Ed-


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