interested in anti-vivisection movement. Favors ROSE, Mabel Austin Harris (Mrs. Stanwood
woman suffrage. Author: BiograDhical Sketch of Merton Rose), Machlas, Me.
Major-Gen. and Governor Arthur St. Clair; Grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student of music.
Historical Silhouettes; The English Drama: Col- Chicago, 1898-99; New England Conservatory of
onial Manors; Life of Arthur St. Clair (in col- Music, Boston, 1903; m. June 28, 1906, Stanwood
laboration with John Newton Boucher), now in Merton Rose; children: Alison, b. Sept. 15, 1908;
preparation: Study of the Daughter of Mark Herbert Harris, b. Sept. 28, 1909. Teacher of
Twain. Pre&byterian. Mem. Young Women's music and English, Houlton, Me., 1899-1903; sup't
Soc. of Foreign Missions (formerly sec. Board of of music in public schools, vocal teacher, Houl-
the Northwest); mem. Vivisection Investigation ton. Me., 1903-05.
League, Daughters of Indiana in N.Y. Reorea- „f,„„ Mahrf F.ateT 950 Marcv Av Brooklvn tions: Tennis, golf, bowling, dancing. Patroness ""=!f^' ^^*abel Ji-stey, »50 Marcy av.. ±irooKiyn, Internat. Council of Women; mem. Order of the 's,'prvptsLrv ■ h Dss Moin«"! la. Oct 19 1877- Crown, Colonial Dames, Nat. Soc. Patriotic .„7gi^T' \,^^ and A^'nie mS (Parker) Women of Agierica Mary Wagungton Colonial ^e;^'^tublir"^h^U t^^klfn^N^.? GW? Chapter D.A.R., Dames of the Revolution. High School, Brooklyn. N.Y.; Cornell Univ. (Phi ROSA, Elinor Baldwin (Mrs. Alexander E. Beta Kappa); State Normal OoU., Albany, N.Y. Rosa) Milford Del (Delta Omega). Favors woman suffrage. Con- Born 'chula, Va., 1872; dau. George E. and gregationaltst. Rwji^Uon: Photography. Mem. Lydia (Wood) Baldwin; ed. Milford High School, Cornell Women s Club of N.Y. Milford, Vassar Alexander
^897 gs'"" Teache'of mathem;ticrandTcTen^e""in ^^^- Theodore' Hudson and ' Harriet .(Holcomb)
1897-98. leacher ot matheiMtiMMQ science m p^rnielee (both of Connecticut); educated in
yarding sch(wl and Brooldyn High Sch^^^^ ChurchiUs' private school and took Latin
gress and free hospitifwork'%'o^frespoScefo; ^^^ Literary Course of Oberlin (Ohio) College:
ThP^<«fnhip/l Soc FavorTwoma^^^ S^"^- ^^^^ (also grad. from Chautauqua course
Theosophical hoc i^avors woman sutrra^e mem g ^ taught music in Mercer (Pa.) Female
Order of Star of the East; Delaware Branch of „ ,", „y.,°y. y.^. =i=,tpr -piiyq wad nrincinali
Mothers' Congress, Milford Parent and Teachers' ?o^J?-rfi\°^J^'^NLtmi n M^r 9^ iTf;s ^^uiam
Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, motoring, rowing. ^I^lf^^' ^rM^rcer Pa (fh'en member Tt
Mem. Milford New Century Club. PenLy^vlnia Legislature) ;fiVe &drenf"ne bo°y
ROSE, Bessie BeUe WUliams (Mrs. Andrew died in infancy, and Hudson Parmelee, Alice
Rose), S21 Olive St., Texarkana, Tex. Evelyn (Mrs. Charles R. Miller), Frederick Hol-
Born Leake, Ark., Jan. 1, 1878; dau. Dr. Ed- land, William Kent. Resident since 1865 of ward M. and Jeannie (Leake) Williams; ed. Univ. Cleveland 0., where her husband was mayor, of Nashville, Peabody Normal Coll., Licentiate of 18i8-<9 and 1891-92. In 1888, at Internat. Woman s Instruction 1901; m. Texarkana, Ark., June 11, Council, heard Mrs. J. B. Croly ( 'Jennie June") 1902 Andrew Rose. Two years teacher of history gi'^'e an account of the New York Sorosis, and and' science in Texarkana (Texas) High School, immediately afterward, through her efforts, a Past pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. of Christian Church; Sorosis was formed in Cleveland, with a mem- past pres. Shakespeare Class; past pres. Texar- bership of 269, of which she was first pres. and kana Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy; one of its ten delegates to the first Gen. Fed. of historian Lone Star Chapter D.A.R.; State his- Women's Clubs in 1S92. Through her efforts the torian DAR of Texas; chairman Welfare of Health Protective Ass'n was formed, 1898; made Women and Children Com. D.A.R. of Texas; Nat. treas. at Third Nat. meeting, Buffalo, 1900 mem Historical Research Com. D.A.R. Favors (ass'n has been active in securing health ordi- woman suffrage. Author of historical sketches nances, playgrounds, etc., in Cleveland); was and numerous public addresses published in local chairman banquet com. of Western Reserve Cen- papers Mem Christian (Disciples) Church, tennial and got out the Western Reserve Album, Democrat Mem Order of Eastern Star, Civic with 420 photographs of persons, places and parks League, Huguenot Soc. of S.C, U.S. Daughters in Cleveland. Has traveled in Europe and of 1812 Northern Africa and published a book of her
travels; also author of Character Building, or
ROSE, Flora, College of Agriculture, Cornell the Life of the College-Bred Woman, 1906; The
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. American Boy, and Letters to His Mother, 1912;
Teacher; b. Denver, Ck>lo., Oct. 13, 1874; dau. The Western Reserve, Its Origin, Places and
Samuel P. and Mildred Lewis (Boyd) Rose; ed. People, 1913. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage;
Denver High School three years ;Burope one year; mem. Equal Franchise Club. Mem. Sorosis
Framingham Normal School; diploma Kansas (Cleveland), Novelist Club, Health Protective
State Agricultural Coll., B.S.; Columbia Univ.. Ass'n. Peace Soc. Nat. Playground Ass'n. M.A. Instructor and ass't prof. Kansas State
Agricultural Coll.; lecturer and prof. Home ROSE, Mary Dunning (Mrs. Malcolm Cameron
Economics at Cornell Univ., with Miss Van Rose), 1153 Boston Road, N.Y. City.
Rensselaer, the first woman professor at Cornell. Physician; b. Branchville, N.J., May 21, 1872;
Favors woman suffrage. Author: Human Nutri- dau. Edgar A. and Phebe (Meddaugh) Dunning;
tion- Care and Feeding of Children; The Laun- ed. Post-grad. Coll. and Polyclinic, Cornell
dry Preservation of Food in the Home; The Univ.; Univ. of Vienna, Austria; m. West
Cost of Food. Progressive. Mem. Soc. for Preven- Orange, N.J., Oct. 10, 1911, Malcolrn Cameron
tion of Infant Mortality, Am. Chemical Soc., Rose. Interested in Y.M.C.A. work, Y.W.C.A.
Am. Soc. Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Home Eco- work and Woman's Federation Club work. Mem.
nomics Ass'n and various State home economic Am. Med. Ass'n, Order of Eastern Star. Presby-
ass'ns. Child Study Club (Ithaca), Women's terian. Favors woman suffrage.
Univekity Club (N.Y. City). ^^^^ ^^ g_ j,_ ^ ^^^^ p^j^^_ ^.^^
ROSE, Laura. Guelph, Ont., Can. Born at Crescent View, near Pulaski, Giles
Instructor and lecturer on dairying; b. George- Co., Tenn., Sept. 18, 1862; dau. William M. and
town, Ontario; dau. Lawrence 'Rose, native of Lizzie Gorin (Otis) Martin; ed. Martin College.
Oxfordshire, England, and Hannah (Phin) Rose Pulaski, Tenn. ; Kentucky College, Pewee Valley,
(of Scottish ance&try) ; ed. public school, (leorge- Ky. ; Madame Pegram's Southern Home School,
town, Ontario; Guelph Collegiate Inst, and Alma Baltimore, Md.; m. Crescent View, Giles Co.,
Coll., St. Thomas, Ontario; honor grad. of the Tenn., Oct. 20, ISSl, S. E. F. Rose; children:
first dairy school in connection with the Ontario Lizzie Otis, b. Nov. 29, 1883; Martin, b. Nov. 19,
Agricultural College. Engaged on staff of On- 1885; Solon Clifton, b. Nov. 26, 1832. Author
tario Agricultural College Dairy School since (addresses): Arlington, Its Past and Present;
1897; lecturer in farmers' institutes and fall fairs Origin of Ku Klux Klan. Presbyterian. State
all over Canada and has also conducted a travel- pres. Mississippi Division of United Daughters of
Ing dairy school. Contributor to leading agricnl- the Confederacy; mem. D.A.R.. Mississippi His-
tural newspapers and magazines. torlcal Soc.