��gen. of D.A.R.), Civic Improvement Com.; pres. church organization. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Presbyterian. Charter mem. of Internat. Soc. of Pianoforte Teachers and Play- ers; life mem. of Music Teachers' Nat. Ass'n. Occasional terms of study in N.Y. City and Chi- cago. Traveled in British Isles, 1902; in Western U.S., 1913. Mem. Woman's Club of Stevens Point, Social Club. BOONEY, Mary Frances, 675 Washington St..
Brookllne, Mass.
Teacher and reader; b. Brookline, Mass., May 5, 1S77; dau. William and Katharine (Dumphy) Rooney; grad. New England Conservatory, Bach- elor of Oratory. Mem. Professional Women's Club, Boston "Teachers' Ass'n of Oral English and Dramatic Art. Roman Catholic. ROOSEVELT, Edith Kermlt Carow (Mrs. Theo- dore Roosevelt), Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y.
Born Norwich, Conn., Aug. 5, 1861; dau. Charles and Gertrude Elizabeth (Tyler) Carow; ed. Comstock School, N.Y. City; m. St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, Dec. 2, 1886, Theodore Roosevelt; children: Theodore Jr., Kermit, Ethel, Archie, Quentln. Mistress of the White House at Wasliington from October, 1901, to March 4, 1909. ROOT, Alice Nairn (Mrs. George F. Root), 719
Front Av., Buffalo, N.Y.
Born Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. William J. and Elizabeth (Walsh) Nairn; ed. Buffalo High School (honor student), Vassar Coll., A.B.; m. Buffalo, June, 1907, George Frederick Root; children: Margaret Nairn, b. June, 1908; Candace Olney, b. June, 1912. Mem. Women's Soc. of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n, Vassar Club. ROOT, Anna Conant Bronson (Mrs. William
Webster Root), Slaterville Springs, N.Y.
Bom Boston, June 6, 1865; dau. Rev. Benjamin Franklin Bronson (D.D.) and Ann HasseHlne (Chaplin) Bronson (dau. Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, D.D., first pres. of Colby Univ., Me.); grad. Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass. (second honors of class), '87; C!ornell Univ., Ph.B. '93; special ex- rellence in French and German (Delta Gamma); m. Buttonwoods, R.I., July 15, 1895, William Webster Root, H.S., M.D. (founder of Alpha Omega Alpha, medical honor soc.); children: Manly Bronson, Georglana, Hasseltine Chaplin, Anna Conant Private tutor In French and Ger- man, 1891-93; acting prof, of French, Brown Univ., Woman's Coll., 1893-94; engaged in in- terpretations of standard authors from the plat- form, 1886—. Mem. Philadelphia branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to current periodicals of transla- tions and children's stories. Baptist. ROOT, Helen E. (Mrs. W. H. Root), Opera
House, Laramie, Wyo.
Opera house manager, city bill-poster; b. Ken- nebunkport. Me. ; dau. Martin and Elizabeth (Haley) Burns; lived and was educated In Maine and afterwards in Chicago and several Massa- chusetts towns where father was locate^ as Bap- tist preacher; m. Laramie, Wyo., W. H. Root. Since 1894 manager of the Laramie Opera House, also city bill-poster and distributor, doing most of the work herself; personally supervised scene- setting, ushers and box-office of her theatre. Favors woman suffrage, being pioneer of Wyo- ming, where women have had equal suffrage with men for 40 years. Democrat; served as Demo- cratic judge of election in her ward for 20 years, until declined further service because too busy. Episcopalian. Recreations: Cards, dancing, rid- ing, driving, theatre. ROOT, Mary Pauline, Northampton, Mass.
Physician; b. Providence, R.I., May 22, 1859; dau. Henry Theodore and Mary Evelyn (Lake) Root; ed. in public and private schools, Ingham Univ., LeRoy, N.Y.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '83; post-graduate work In Philadelphia, 1884. Cornell Med. and Post-Graduate, N.Y. City, 1904-06. Resident physician in Philadelphia (Blockley) Hospital, 1883-84; went to India as med. missionary under Am. B'd of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions and was In charge of the Woman's Hospital at Madura. South
��India, 1885-91. Resident physician. Smith Coll., 1906-09; Bennett School, MiUbrook, N.Y., 1909-10. Mem. R.I. Med. Soc. Congregational ist. Against woman suffrage.
ROOT, Stella Qulnby, 39 Broad St., Stamford,
Physician; b. St. Johnsville, N.Y., Mar. 9, 1872; dau. Lyman C. and Elizabeth (Qulnby) Root; ed. Stamford High School, N.Y. Med. C!oll. and Hospital for Women, M.D.; special study Univ. of Vienna. In practice In Stamford, Conn., since Jan. 1, 1397. lYustee of Girls' Home of St. John's CJhurch House; assoc. Girls' Friendly Soc. of America. Episcopalian. Mem. local. State and Nat. Med. Societies, D.A.R., Alumnae Ass'n of N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women. Recreations: Tramping, rov/ing. Mem. Stamford Women's Club, Lyceum Club of London, Prof, of Practice, N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women; ass't attending physician, Stamford Hospital.
ROOTS, Emily Margaret (Mrs. Logan Holt Roots), 923 Scott St., Little Rock, Ark. Born Silver Creek, N.Y. ; dau. Lyman Curtis and Candace Maria (Angell) Blakeslee; ed. home and public schools; m. August 9, 1871, Col. Logan Holt Roots, of Union army (prominent banker and churchman of Arkansas; now deceased); children: Frances Roots Mitchell (Mrs. William S. Mitchell), Miriam Roots Crawford (Mrs. Patrick Wilkins Crawford), Lois Roots Hemingway (Mrs. W. Linn Hemingway); eight grandchildren. In- terested In philanthropy, in hospital and club work. Author: In Memoriam of Logan H. Roots. E>piscopallan. Pres. Colonial Governors, Colonial Dames; mem. Little Rock Chapter of D.A.R., .(Esthetic Club, Current Events Club, Cooperative Club.
ROPES, Jessie Nandine Alexander (Mrs. William Townsend Ropes), Montclalr, N.J. (summer. South Bristol, Me.).
Bom Chicago, 111., July 8, 1872; dau. Hugh and Anna C. (Maglll) Alexander; ed. private schools, Atlanta, Ga. ; Wasiiington, D.C. ; Brooklyn, N.Y. ; grad. St Agnes' Hall (Episcopal school), liadoon- fleld, N.J.; m. Montclalr, N.J., June 10, 1899, William Townsend Ropee; children: William Alexander, b. Apr. 25, 1900; Marian, b. Jan. 8, 1904. Singer, contralto. Trinity Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn; Plrst Presbyterian Ch'^rch, New Rocheile, N.Y. ; First Congregational Church, M-ontclair; First Method iat Episcopal Church, Montclalr. Mem. St Luke's Episcopal Church, Montclalr. Mem. Montclalr Club, .' letic Club, Bach Choir, Montclalr Musical Cliib, Llewellyn Choral Club, All-round Club; flrrt vice-pres. N.J. State Fed. of V/omen's Clubs; first vice-pres. Montclalr Fed. of Women's Or- ganizations; mem. Board Managers of Children's Home, Homeopathic Soc; mem. Internat. Sun- shine Soc. Episcopalian. Mem. Day Nursery Auxiliary. Recreations: Tennis, swimming, boat- ing.
ROPES, Sarah F. Chapman (Mrs. Albert Gard- ner Ropes), 40 West Sixty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born 'Thomaston, Me.; dau. Isaac Flint and Martha Perkins (Hitchcock) Chapman; ed. Young Ladles' Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y. (pres. Mlnervan Soc. of the Sem.); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Albert Gardner Ropes (son of Hon. Ripley Ropes); children: Mary (deceased), Chapman, Ripley, Lawrence. Lived in Brooklyn all life until the '90's, when moved to Morristown, whence removed, in 1909, to N.Y. City. Vice- pres. N.Y. City Indian Ass'n. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of Southern N.Y. Baptist Ass'n; manager of the Nat Ihdlan Ass'n, Woman's Union Missionary Soc. Baptist. Mem. N.J. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Nat. Soc. New England Women, Am. Hist. Soc, Nat. Geog. Soc, Brooklyn Woman's Club. RORISON, Arda Bates, 301 W. 109th St., N.Y. City.
Writer, historian, genealogist; b. Indianapolis, Ind. ; dau. David Bralnard and Mary Morris (Vance) Rorlson; ed. Girls' Classical School of Indianapolis; Institute Barral, Paris; Univ. of Mich.; Bedford Coll., London. Writer of essays, poems and club papers on yarlous subjects;