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��ROGERS, Mary Phelps Christie (Mrs. Daniel Chorus of Alton (now in its 21.st year of oratorio); Miner Rogers), Hadjln, Turkey In Asia, director Ladies' Chorus of St. Louis Musical Missionary; ed. HlUhouse High School, New Club 17 years; also of Edwardsville Choral Soc. ; Haven, Conn.- Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-01, 1902-03; has given many lecture recitals, conducted or- Hartford Theological Sem., 1906-08, grad. '08; m. chestras (notably the Theodore Thomas Orcnes- 1908, Rev. Daniel Miner Rogers. Teacher of his- tra and St. Louis Symphony Orchestra), in fes- tory and English in American Girls' School, tival work with chorus. Mem. St. Louis Chap- Marsovan, Asia Minor, 1901-02; mission worker, ter D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Has pub- Tarsus, Turkey, 1905-06; missionary of Am. B'd lished songs and piano pieces. Catholic. Pro- of Commissioners for Foreign Missions since 1908. gresisive. Republican. Recreations: Gardening,


ROGERS, Olive Henrietta Warner (Mrs. Free- man Cuiiworth Rogers), 1112 E. Ninth St., Pueblo, Colo. Bom Central Falls, R.I., Aug. 9, 1867; dau.

Albert Loomis and Emma Jane (Peck) Warner;

grad. public schools of Pawtucket, R.I. ; Paw

��reading, walking.

ROHLFS, Mrs. Charles — see Green, Anna

Katharine. ROLFE, Ida Brown (Mrs. Joseph F. Rolfe),

Clinton, Me.

Born Benton, Me., May 10, 1852; dau. Daniel H. and Rosilla (Foss) Brown; ed. high school,

��tucket High School (with second honor of class, Clinton, Me.; Central Inst., Plttsfield, Me.; m.

giving Latin salutatory); two years at R.I. Clinton, Me., June 29, 1871, Joseph F. Rolfe;

School of Design; one and one-half years Paw- children: Grace Glenn, Daniel Herbert, Rayden

tucket Training School for Teachers; m. Paw- Montgomerie (all deceased). Dep't pres. of Dep't

tucket, June 5, 1888, Freeman Cudworth Rogers, of Me. Woman's Relief Corps. Much interested

Ten years in charge of first grade and kinder- in all patriotic and social work. Favors woman

garten work at Broadway School, Pawtucket. suffrage. Universalist. Mem. D.A.R., Order

Organist at Church of Good Shepherd ten years. Eastern Star, Daughters of Rebecca; charter

Teacher of first grade in Pueblo, Colo., three mem. and first pres. of Pine Cone Patriotic

years. Choir mother and contralto in choir at Club.

Holy Trinity Church, Pueblo, Colo., ten years, ROLLINS, Mary Harris, 74% Pinckney St.,

and during same time in charge of primary dep't Boston, Mass.

of Sunday-school. Sec. of Pueblo Hospital Ass'n; Bibliographer; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. James

first sec. of City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Wingate and Sophia Webb (Hutchings) Rollins,

of Clio Club (literary); regent Pueblo Chapter gj-ad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78. Teacher at Miller-

D.A.R. ; four years State sec. Nat. Soc. D.A.R., ton, Mass., 1880-81; in library work, 1886-1903.

now State regent Nat. Soc. D.A.R., serving sec- Engaged in general literary work, especially

ond term. Painted still life and landscape In oil editorial and bibliographical, since 1903, and has

and gained several first prizes with work; has written many reviews, indexes and bibliog-

done much conventional design in china palatmg. raphies. Pres. Boston Branch of Associate

Episcopalian. Eligible to Colonial Da,mes and Alumnae of Vassar Coll. Pres. Mass. College

Mayflower Soc. Mem. Monday Musical Club, Equal Suffrage League; mem. College Club ol

Pueblo (pres. 1910-11); has done some newspaper Boston.

work, reporting for club meetings, society write- romA, Caro, 144 W. Thirty-seventh St., N.Y.

ups; musical critic; known as good parlla- city.

mentarian. Prima donna, composer; b. East Oakland, ROGERS, Theodora Isabella Wormley (Mrs. cal.; dau. Vernal S. and Mary (Boynton) William King Rogers), 578 E. Town St., Northey; ed. Oakland High School; New England Columbus, O. Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass., B.A. ; Born Columbus, O., June 29, 1876; dau. Theo- debut at three years of age at San Francisco; in dore G. Wormley, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D. (prof. Tivoli Opera House, San Francisco, 12 years; analytical chemistry and toxicology in med. dep't. Covert Garden, London; Savage Grand Opera, Univ. of Pa., 1876-96), and Ann E. (Gill) Worm- Castle Square, Boston; Turner Grand Opera, ley (dau. John L. Gill, builder of cars and manu- Italy. Favors woman suffrage. Composer of facturer of car wheels, Columbus, O.); reared in songs, ballads, writer of lyrics. Mem. San Philadelphia and ed. at home by tutors and in Francisco Press Club, Chopin Soc. (N.Y. City), small private schools in Philadelphia and in Musicians' Soc. (N.Y. City), Cal. Papyrus Club, Europe; m. Philadelphia, Dec. 14, 1898, William Theatrical Union of N.Y., New England Con- King Rogers, M.D., prof, of otology in Starling, servatory Alumni of Boston. Honorary mem. Ohio, Med. Coll.; one daughter; Juliet Hoi- b.P.O. Elks, Gamut Club, Los Angeles; mem. lister Rogers, b. Sept. 27, 1900. Was prominent professional Woman's League; founder of (Jolden in musical and social circles during residence in Gate Professional Club. Has sung in every city Philadelphia; now a leader in social and musical of prominence in the world.

life of Columbus; pres. Columbus Symphony roNSHEIM, Anna Paebst (Mrs. I. L. Ron-

Ass'n; chairman Columbus Chapter Soc. of shelm), 414 Baltimore St., Middletown, O.

Colonial Dames of America in State of Ohio; was Botu Ripley O., Nov. 10, 1860; dau. Peter and

mem. Century Club while living in Philadelphia, garah (Ronsheim) Paebst; ed. Mt. Notre Dame.

Opposed to woman suffrage. Recreations: Rid- Reading O ■ m. Apr. 28, 1904, I. L. Ronsheim.

ing, driving, motoring, music, art and literature. Mem. Woman's Club of the church. Clubs: Wo-

��ROGERS-MOORE, Alice Medora — see Moore,

Alice Medora Rogers. ROHE, Alice, Rocky Mountain News, Denver,


��man's. Civic League. Presbyterian. Democrat. ROOD, Katharine A., 623 Main St., Stevena

Point, Wis.

Instructor; b. Stevens Point, Wis., Feb. 2,

��Journalist; b. Lavn-ence, Kan.; dau. Adam and 2861- dau. Galen Gear Rood, M.D., and Jane Alice (Park) Rohe; grad. Kansas State Univ., (Sylvester) Rood; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '83 B.A. (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Special writer New (mem Kappa Kappa Gamma); studied music at York Evening World five years. Dramatic critic j^g^j^ England Conservatory of Music, 1883-86, and special writer and book reviewer. Rocky „n,jer J C. D. Parker, Louis Elson, W. F. Ap- Mountain News. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thorp- literature under Dr. J. T. Duryea and thor of magazine articles in Human Life, Town William Rolfe, Berlin, Germany; pupil of Barth, Topics, Munsey's, Young's, etc. Interested in ^^oi^j-i pianist of Germany; Felix Schmidt, vocal; social reform; has written on woman question. Herschel, German literature; one year Univ. of ROHLAND, Cora Dolbee (Mrs. Charles B. Roh- Wis. extension courses, 1893-96. Virgil Clavier land), Alton, 111. School of Music, N.Y. City; pupil of Mr. and Music; b. Alton, 111., Oct. 23, 1856; dau. Shad- Mrs. A. K. Virgil; vocal pupil of Lilian Ma- rack R. and Hannah E. (Pettingill) Dolbee; ed. chine, exponent of Vanuclni; vocal pupil of Alton schools and private tutors; ed. in music Cecilia de Epp Bailey. Instructor piano and vocal by Frollech, Goldbeck, and Anton, In St. Louis, music in coll:^ge work four years; private studios Mo ■ William H. Sherwood, Ffrangeon Davles, Grand Rapids and Stevens Point, Wis.. 10 years. and Henry C. Coward, England; m. 1879, Dr. Choir director and pianist at Tremont Temple, Charles B. Rohland; one daughter: Constance C. Boston, 1885-86, for Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. Mem. Founder and director of the Mendelssohn Society, Public Library Board (appointed by mayor of Alton: founder and conductor of Dominant Ninth city). Nat. Research Com. (aDBointed by pres.


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