��BOG£BS, Elizabeth Selden White (Mrs. John Rogers), 102 East 30th St., N.Y. City. Born Astoria, L.I., July 23, 1868; dau. Charles A.twood and Frances Spencer (Eaton) White; ed. prlvat'5 school, New Haven, Conn.; Miss Porte(*'s School, Farmington, Conn.; m. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 27, 189.5, Dr. John Rogers; children: John Rogers Jr., Charles White (died 1903), Eliza- beth Selden. Mem. Conn. Soc. Colonial Dames of sciences. Mem. Conn. Soc. Ck>lonial Dames of America. Favors woman suffrage; mem. E.xeo. Board Women's Political Union, N.Y. City.
ROGERS, Emma Ferdon Winner (Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers), 413 Orange St., New Haven, Conn.
Born Plainfield, N.J. ; dau. Rev. John Ogden Winner (Methodist clergyman) and Sarah J. (Taylor) Winner; ed. private school of Mrs. Chase, Newark, N.J. ; Pennington (N.J.) Sem., Univ. of Miss., B.L. '91; m. Pennington, N.J., June 22, 1876. Henry Wade Rogers, A.M., LL.D. (pres. Northwestern Univ., 1890-1900; mem. of Yale Law Faculty, 1900-13, and dean of Yale Law Bchool, 1903-13; appointed U.S. Circuit Judge, 1913). Resided in Ann Arbor, Mich., 1876-90; Evanston, 111., 1890-1900; New Haven, Conn., since 1900. Interested in economic and social questions and in the Arts and Crafts Movement as speaker and writer; served as chairman of the Com. on Municipal Order in the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Pres. Northwestern Univ. Settlement Ass'n, 1894-1900; pres. University Art Guild, Chicago and Evan- ston, 1895-1900. Methodist. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna. Mem. Fort- nightly Club of Chicago (pres. 1898-1900), Women's University Club, N.Y. City.
ROGERS, Florence Gertrude Dyer (Mrs. Ben- jamin H. Rogers), Lenox, Mass. Born Mediord, Mass., Mar. 29, 1875; dau. Charles Everett and Anna L. (Rogers) Dyer; grad. Medford High School, '93 (valedictorian); Tufts Coll. (valedictorian), A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '97; m. Boston, 1903, Benjamin H. Rogers; children: Edward Dyer, b. 1904; Eliza- beth, b. 1905: Charles Seymour, b. 1909. Con- gregationalist.
ROGERS, Grace Dean McLeod (Mrs. H. W.
Rogers), "Dunnegan," Amherst, Nova Scotia,
Author; b. Westfield, N.S.; dau. A. J. McLeod (barrister) and Eunice (Waterman) McLeod; ed. Dalhousle Univ. and Acadia Univ., M.A. ; m. Berwick, N.S., 1891, H. W. Rogers (barrister); children: Arthur Wyckoff, Norman, Dean Rich- ards, David Brewster Barss. Interested in all religious and educational work. Author: Stories of the Land of Evangeline; All the Way to the Mansion House. Contributor to Youth's Com- panion, Independent, Cougregationalist, Canadian Magazine, Courier and Standard. Baptist. Mem. Nova Scotia Historical Soc. (first woman ad- mitted to this body), Daughters of the Empire; mem. Missionary Aid Soc. Recreations: Golf, motoring, walking, working in flower garden. Her stories of Acadian folk lore are in Nova Scotia school readers, also in school readers of Quebec and Scotland, and are used as supple- mentary reading In New England schools. First woman to address graduates at Acadia Ladies' Coll. closing; has delivered addresses before Edu- sational Inst., and before Acadia University.
ROGERS, Grace Jeannette Haynee (Mrs. For- dyce Huntington Rogers), 29 Peterboro St., Detroit, Mich.
Born Patten, Me., June 4, 1854; dau. Thomas and Isabel (Darling) Haynes; ed. Maine Acad., Castine (Me.) Normal School, private tutors,
- ook County (111.) Normal School; correspondence
courses Chicago tfniv. ; literature and history courses Boston Tech. (privately). Teaching serv- ice, 1879-95, divided between (Jorham (Me.) Nor- mal School, and Olivet Coll., Mich.; teacher of English literature and dean of women; m. May 7, 1895, Fordyce Huntington Rogers (manufacturer ind capitalist of Detroit). Editor of Young Women's State Work. Mich.: officer in Y.W.C.A..
��Traveler's Aid Soc, and First Congregational Church, Detroit. Author of Church Directories amd articles on educational, philanthropic and genealogical subjects. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Golf and genea- logical research for friends. Mem. Mt. Vernon Soc, College Club of Detroit, and Country Club of Ocala, Fla.
ROGERS, Helen Worthingion (Mrs. Arthur Kenyon Rogers), 43 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.
Social worker; b. Ottumwa, la., Dec. 11, 1869; dau. Henry and Helen Man (Etouglas) Rogers; ed. WeUesley Coll., B.A., A.M. '93; New York School of Philanthropy, '07; Harvard Summer School, '12; m. Tariffville, Conn., Aug. 24, 1895, Arthur Kenyon Rogers. Chief probation officer .luvenile Court, 1903-07; sup't Children's Aid Ass'n, 1908-09; field sec. Mass. Soc. for Preven- tion of Cruelty to Children, Boston, Mass., 1912. Interested in social center movement, prevention of infant mortality, continuation schools, voca- tional guidance, industrial education, eugenics and social hygiene, juvenile courts. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Volunteer Probation System of Indianapolis (in children's courts In America, edited for U.S. Government by Samuel J. Barrows) ; A Modest Experiment in Foster Motherhood (The Survey); All Hands Round for the Baby (The Survey) ; The Placement Bureau (Women's Municipal League Bulletin, Boston, December, 1912). Recreations: Travel, canoeing. Mem. Monday Evening Club (Boston), Fort- nightly Club (Univ. of Mo.), Women's Municipal League (Boston).
ROGERS, Julia Ellen, 2106 Bermuda St., Long
Beach, CaJ.
Lecturer and writer; b. La Salle Co., 111., Jan. 21, 1866; dau. Daniel Farrand and Ruth (Llewellyn) Rogers; ed. la. City Acad., '88; State Univ. of Iowa., Ph.B. '92; Cornell Univ., M.S. '02, Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher 1883-87, 1892-1900; writer and lecturer. 1900-13. Department editor. Country Life in America, 1902-13; contributor to magazines. Nat. sec. PI Beta Phi, 1910-12; mem. Armstrong Ass'n; sec. Nature Club of N.Y. City; interested in education of Southern mountaineers. Captain 23d Dist. Woman Suffrage Party. N.Y. City. 1911-12; mem. Woman's Political Union. Author: Among Green Trees, 1902; The Tree Book, 1905; The Shell Book. 1908; Trees Every Child Should Know. 1909; Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know, 1910; Wild Animals E^very Child Should Know, 1911; The Book of Useful Plants. 1913. Democrat. Recreations: Mountain climibing. camping, fish- ing, motoring. Mem. Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club of Los Angeles, Obeli Club, Long Beach, Cal.
ROG£IRS, Llna Lavanche, Board of Education.
Toronto, Can.
Registered nurse; b. Albion, Ont.. Sept. 15, 1870; dau. Peter and Margaret (Taylor) Rogers; ed. Woodbrldge, Ont., and Owen Sound, Ont, public schools; Toronto Coll. and Weston High School, Ont. Night sup't Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Montreal. 1895; sup't nurses. Grady Hos- pital, Atlanta, Ga., 1899-1902; organized school nursing service, N.Y. City, 1902; organized school nursing In Pueblo, Colo., under the Board of Education in 1909; sup't school nurses, N.Y. City, 1902-08; organized school nursing service, To- ronto, 1910; now sup't school nurses, Toronto. Associated with -Henry St. Settlement (nurses' settlement) for seven years. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: The School Nurse (in prepara- tion). Contributor of numerous articles on school nursing to Journals and magazines. Pres- byterian. Pres. Canadian Public School Nurses' Ass'n, Hospital of Sick Children's Alumnae Ass'n, editorial board of Canadian Nurses'^ Journal; treas. Graduate Nurses' Ass'n of Ontario. Mem. Toronto Graduate Nurses' Club. First municipal school nurse appointed in history. Belongs to several societies: Local Council of Women, Social Service Workers, Heather Club for Tuberculous Children, affiliated with Daughters of Empire. Reeistered nurse in N.T. and Colo.