��EtO£HBIG, Mary Gavina Hungerford (Mrs.
Frederick Louis Roehrig), 501 Oakland. Av.,
Pasadena, Cal.
Born Ithaca, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1862; dau. Austin Newell and Sarah M. (Llvermore) Hungerford; 6d. Cornell Univ. and attended Wells Coll., 1881- 85 (mem. Psi of Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Ithaca, Oct. 29, 1885, Frederick Louis Roehrig; children: Gavina H., Harold L., R. Pauline, F. Austin. R. Stewart. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R.
BOELKEB, Millicent Turle (Mrs. Alfred Roel- ker Jr.), 70 W. Eighty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., 1882; dau. Robert H. and Kathleen (Furd) Turle; ed. Miss Bodman's School, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn; m. Brook- lyn Heights, January, 1905, Alfred Roelker Jr.; children: Rc/berta Roelker, b. October, 1905; Katrina Roelker, b. February, 1909; Hlldegarde Roelker, b. 1913. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.
BOENIGK, Marion Chase (Mrs. Louis Henry Roenigk), 117 N. Clay St., Greenville, Mich. Born Sandwich, Ont., Can., July 16, 1880; dau. George O'Callaghan and Mary Jane (Elllis) Leeoh ; ed. Windsor, Ont.; m. Windsor, Ont., June 27, 1898, Louis Henry Roenigk; one daughter: Evelyn Winifred. Active in suffrage work, interested in social conditions governing women and children and philanthropic activities. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Guild, L»adies' Library Ass'n, Board Lady Managers Belknaj) Meimorial Hospital Ass'n (pres. board 1910-11). Mem. Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (sup't Legislation for Public Health and Public Health Com.), Green- ville Fed. of Women's Clubs (pres. 1908-09-10); pres. Twentieth Century Literary Club ; mem. Michigan Equal Franchise Club, Pioneer Society end many social clubs.
BOESSEVG, Jennie Bradley (Mrs. Frank Myler
Roessing), 5807 Solway St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., May 11, 1881; dau. John and Anna Marie (Friedrick) Bradley; ed. public Bchool and later in private school; m. Pittsburgh, Sept. 21, 1908, Frank Myler Roessing. Treas. Plttsiburgh Playground Ass'n; mem. Board of Directors of Tenement Improvement Ass'n. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Pres. Pa. Woman Suffrage A-Ss'n; first vice-pres. Ekjual Franchise Fed. of Western Pa. Unitarian. Mem. Kingsley House Ass'n, Tenement Improvement Ass'n, Thurston- Glenn Service League, Pittsburgh Playground Ass'n, Associated Charities of Pittsburgh, Con- Bumers' League •- of Western Pa. Recreations : Reading poetry, tennis, automobiling. Mem. Twentieth Century Cluh, Tuesday Musical Club. BOGE, Mme. Adolphe — see Bates, Charlotte
Flske. BOGEBS, Anne Day (Mrs. James Gamble
Rogers), 164 East 70th St., N.Y. City.
Born Springfield, Mass.; dau. Albert M. and Fanny (Pynchon) Day; ed. Miss Kirkland's School, CThicago; Miss Porter's School, Farming- ton, Conn.; m. Lake Forest, 111., 1902; James Gamble Rogers; children: Katharine Gamble, James Gamble Jr., Francis Day. Interested in all kinds of music. Mem. Cosmopolitan Club of N.Y. City. Presbyterian.
BOGEBS, Celeste Elizabeth (Mrs. Rovillus R.
Rogers), 627 E. Sixth St., Jamestown, N.Y.
Born Gerry, N.Y.; dau. Rufus Cheney and Elizabeth (Fargo) Williams; ed. Ellington Acad, and Oberlin Coll., 1879-80; m. Ellington, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1880, Rovillus R. Rogers (now superin- tendent of schools of Jamestown, N.Y.): children: Edith Margaret, Harold Lee. Vice-pres. of Man- agers of Warner Home for the Aged, Jamestown; local sec. of the Audubon Soc. ; pres. of the Fort- nightly (literary soc), and interested in the mis- sionary societies of the Congregational Church. _ Has published a poem and a few essays upon" bird-study. Mem. L.L.S. of Oberlin (first college literary soc. in America for women). Recreations: Study of birds, botany. Was for seven successive years instructor in nature study in the N.Y. State Summer School at Thousand Island Park, and has lectured upon birds at va- rious State teachers Institutes and ass'ns.
��BOGEBS, Charlotte Boardman, 65 W. Seven- tieth St., N.Y. City.
Elditor, author; b. Bridgeton, N.J., Dec. 24, 1878; dau. John Brown and Sara Chester (Jones) Rogers; ed. Dearborn-Morgan School, Orange, N.J., also by governesses. Formerly instructor in journalism and English, United Correspond- ence School; ediitor Literary Life; associate editor Bookseller, NeTvsdealer' and Stationer. Transla- tor from French of Andre Theuriet's "Mistress of Many Moods." Co-author: Foolish Etiquette; Foolish Almanac; How to Play Chess. Compiled quotations for 1913 edition of "The Day's Re- minder." Mem. Descendants of CJolonial Gov- ernors.
BOGEBS, Clara Kathleen (Mrs. Henry Munroe Rogers), 309 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. SiiLger ("Clara Doria"), composer, writer; b. Cheltenham, England, Jan. 14, 1844; dau. John Barnett (English composer; referred to by Grove as "the father of English opera") and Eliza Emily (Lindley) Barnett (dau. Robert Lindley (famous violoncellist); began musical education with parents; at age of 12 entered Conserva- torium at Leipzig, where she studied piano with Moschelles and Plaidy, ensemble playing with Ferdinand David and Riez, harmony with Par- peritz and Richter, and in fifteenth year began to study singing with Prof. Goetze; after graduating from complete course from Conservatorium went to Berlin and studied piano with von- Billow and singing for six months with F^au Zimmerman; studied for operatic stage in Italy with San Giovanni, 1861-63. Debut in Italian opera at Turin, 1863, as Isabella in Roberto il Diavolo, under stage-name of "Clara Doria," and sang in Italy until 1866 at Genoa, Leghorn (sev- eral season), Florence, Molfetta, and, lastly, at the San Carlo in Naples, where appeared as Amina in La Sonnambula and in Lucia; was on concert stage in London, 1866-71; came to America with Parepa Rosa Concert Company and made American debut at N.Y. Academy of Music, Oct. 4, 1871, in Bohemian Girl, later appearing as Marriage of Figaro, and other roles in N.Y. City, Boston, Philadelphia and other cities — East and West; in winter of 1872-73 engaged by Max Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, the Countess, in Maretzek to sing with Pauline Lucca in Don Giovanni, Der Freischutz, The Merry Wives of Windsor, etc., in New York and other cities; took up residence in Boston, April, 1873, appearing for first time with Boston Symphony Orchestra, April 19, 1873, and after that sang in concerts and taught singing, finally becoming so absorbed in teaching and composition that she gave up career as public singer; m. Boston, April 24, 1S75, Henry M. Rogers, lawyer. Author: The Philosophy of Singing, 1893; My Voice and I, 1910, English Dic- tion in Song and Speech, 1912. Composer (pub- lished works: Op. 10, Six Songs; Op. 15, Scherzo in A major, for pianoforte; Op. 16, Aubade, song with violin and piano; Op. 17, Kiss Mine Eyelids, Lovely Morn, song with violin and piano; Op. 20, Six Songs; Op. 22, Three Songs; Op. 24, Five Songs; Op. 26, Six Songs; Op. 28, Three Songs; Op. 25, Sonata, for piano and violin in D minor; Op. 29, Album of Six Songs, with words by Robert and Elizabeth Browning; Op. 30, Six Songs; Op. 32, Six Browning Songs (second series); Op. 37, Two Songs, words by Rosetti; Op. 34, Six Folk- songs; Op. 35, A Little Love Song.
BOGEBS, Elizabeth Anna Bowley (Mrs. Clar- ence Davis Rogers), 206 N. Main St., Syca- more, 111.
Born Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich., Jan. 8, 185G; dau. Horatio N. and Betsey Campbell (McKereher) Rowley; grad. Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll., Ph.B. '83; grad. course in oratory at De- troit Training School of English Literature, '85 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Hanover, Mich., Aug. 27, 1885, Clarence Davis Rogers; children: Bessie May Louise, Carol Doris. Mem. Missionary Soc, Library Board (sec. 15 years) Sycamore Night School (was founded by Alpena Library Ass'n; mem. 28 years). Favors woman .suffrage; mem. Suffrage Soc. Congregationalist. Ivlem. Eastern Star, D.A.R., Equality League, Sycamore Woman's Club.