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��ROCKWELL, Mary Falrchild (Mrs. LeGrand

Rockwell), Elkhorn, Wis.

Born Walwortli, Wis., Oct. 16, 1862; dau. David Lupe and Cornelia (Luce) Fairchild; grad. Nor- mal School, Whitewater, Wis., "82; Univ. of Wis., B.A. (ancient classical course) '90; grad. work in French, Univ. of Chicago, 1897-98 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. June 7, 1899, LeGraud Rock- well. Tutor in Greek and French; teacher of Latin In High School, Whitewater, three years; at Superior, Wis., seven years; at Clinton, Ta., one year. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order Ea-stern Star, St. John's Ladies' Soc. Episco- palian. Pres. Home Economics Club; pres. Girls' Club; elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 1913.

ROCKWOOD, Laura Clarke (Mrs. Elbert W.

Rockwood), Iowa City, la.

Lecturer and writer on home and family topics; b. Iowa City, la.; dau. Charles Franklin and Julia (Brown) Clarke; ed. Univ. of Iowa, B.Ph. (Phi Beta Kappa); M.A. Yale Univ.; Leipzig Univ. (Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Mar. 21, 1894, Elbert W. Rockwood; children: Paul Reed, Alan Clarke. Mem. and officer of numerous organiza- tions for individual and social welfare. Against woman suffrage. Author: Food Preparation and Its Relation to the Development of Efficient Per- sonality in the Home — Dignified Drudgery; also contributor to magazines. Congregationalist. Recreations: Music, walking, general social life.

RODEN, Elizabeth Bowman (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Roden, Jr.), Marvel, Ala. Born Pittston, Pa., 1883; dau. Hon. Charles C. Bowman (Congressman) and Elizabeth (Law) Bowman; ed. Pittston public schools; Wilkes- Barre Inst.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '07; m. Pittston, Pa., Jan. 15, 1908, Benjamin Franklin Roden Jr. (pres. Roden Coal Co.); children: Benjamin F. 3d, b. Jan. 10, 1909; Calvin Bowman, b. Aug. 26, 1910; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16, 1912. Pres. Library Club of Marvel; mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Political Science Ass'n. Interested in Peace Movement and in the Montessori work for chil- dren. Has charge of manual training and do- mestic science portion of school work. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Birmingham (Ala.) Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Recreations: Riding, dancing, swimming, walking, sewing, reading, music. Life mem. Vassar College Club; mem. Birmingham College Club, Southern Ass'n of College Women, Southern Eastern Vassar Club.

BODGERS, Helen Z. M., 225 Norwood Av. ; office, 45 Erie County Savings Bank Building, Buffalo, N.y.

Lawyer: b. Hornell, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1876; dau. James Hurlburt and Zaidee H. M. (McWilliam) Rodgcrs; ed. St. John's School and Gardner School, N.Y. City; Univ. of Buffalo, LL.B.; took Clinton scholarship awarded for highest standing during entire course; m. N.Y. City, April 20, 1897, Elbert Rodgers; one daughter: Zaidee McWilliam, b. 1903. Admitted to bar in 1900; argued case in Court of Appeals, 1901, being second woman to appear before that court. Has practised since, appeared before appellate courts. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Buffalo Political Equality Club, Buffalo Equal Franchise League, life mem. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Attends Unitarian Church. Mem. Professional and Business Women's Club of Buffalo. RODMAN, Henrietta, Wadlelgh High School, N.Y. City (home, 35 Charles St., N. Y. City). Teacher and advisor as to choice of vocation; b. Astoria, N.Y., 1877; dau. Washington and Hen- rietta Rodman; grad. Teachers Coll., (Columbia Univ.), B.S. Engaged In development of voca- tional -guidance in Wadleigh High School, N.Y. City. Mem. of Socialist Party. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Consumers' League, Woman's Trade Union League. Recreations: Rowing, swimming, tennis, dancing. Mem. Liberal Club ot N.Y.

RODM.IN, Jennie Williams (Mrs. Thomas Rod- man), 2313 Uearing Court, Louisville, Ky. Born Todd Co., Ky., May IS, 1863; dau. Aron Fuqua and Cloantha E. (Downer) Williams; ed. by private tutors and a governess; m. Clarks- vLIle. Tenn.. Apr. 18. 1SS3. Thomas Rodman.

��Mem. Highland Civic Club, LoulsTille Literature Club. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.

ROE, Elizabeth Emmons (Mrs. Ole O. Roe),

101 E. Washington Av., Des Moines, la.

Former teacher; b. Champaign, 111.; dau. Courtenis and Elizabeth (Long) Emmons; ed. Nevada High School; Story Co. Inst.; m. Feb. 23, 1895, Ole O. Roe. Taught school In Story Co., country schools, Maswell, la., two years; Nevada three years; I-icmars three years; Dea Moines one year (primiary work). Sunday-school teacher; interested in Newsboys' Club, play- ground work and Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suf- frage. Contributor to various magazines and newspapers. Mem. English Evangelical Lutheran Church. Mem. D.A.R. (ex-regent); pres. Wo- man's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. of St. John's Lutheran Church; vice-pres. State Mis- sionary Soc. (was pres. four years); charter mem. Hospital for Women and Children. Rec- reations: Travel, study, long walks, automobiling. Pres. of City Fed. of 63 clubs in Des .Moines; mem. Monday Club 17 years. Recreation Club, Portia Club. ROE, Gwyneth King (Mrs. Gilbert E. Roe),

445 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.

Lecturer, teacher; b. Eldora, la.; dau. John Hereford and Permelia (Andrews) King; ed. In public and private schools; m. N.Y. City, 1899, Gilbert E. Roe; children: Jack, Janet, Gwyneth. Introduced and taught physical culture in the S.Dak. State Univ. and later the same in all the high schools of Washington, D.C. Taught physi- cal culture in summer school at Cornell Univ. and many years at Chautauqua (N.Y.) Assembly, with Mrs. Emily M. Bishop. For several years past teaching and lecturing in N.Y. City, with studio in Seventy-second St.; calls her work "Health and Self Expression." Favors woman suffrage. ROEDER, Effle Ebey (Mrs. Victor A. Roeder),

2600 Sunset Drive, Bellingham, Wash.

Born Ebeys Landing, Wash., 1869; dau. Eason B. and Annie L. (Judson) Ebey; ed. public and private schools; m. Bellingham, Wash., 1886, Victor A. Roeder; children: Ethel Aryeness, Henry Victor. Favors woman suffrage. Chris- tian Scientist. Democrat. Regent Chief What- com Chapter D.A.R. Pres. Progressive, Literary and Fraternal (P.L.F.) Club. ROEDER, Elsa, 30 Cleveland St., Orange, N.J

Magazine illustrator; b. Baltimore, 1883; dau. Rev. Adolph and Marie (Bonschup) Roeder; grad. high school; studied with father before and after high school. Won a prize in "Life" contest, 1908; a theatrical poster contest, 1908. Illustrated three of her father's books, 1910, besides regular maga- zine work to date. Interested in Orange Valley Social Settlement drawing and painting classes, Homoeopathic Hospital of Essex Co. : gives art talks before Y.W.C.A. and Woman's Club. Mem. New Church (Swedenborgian). Recreations: Tennis, rowing, baseball, dancing, out-door sketching, canoeing. Mem. Sketch Club of Wil- mington, Del. Studied in School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia, In the studio of Edward Pen- field and In Wilmington with Howard Pyle. ROEDER, Geraldine ftlorgan (Mrs. Benjamin F.

Roeder), 226 W. Fourteenth St., N.Y. City.

Violinist; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 15, 1868; dau. John P. Morgan (organist of Trinity Church, N.Y. City) and Virginia (Woods) Morgan; ed. by pri- vate tutors in N.Y. City; student of violin from age of four, first with her father and later with Dr. Leopold Damrosch, N.Y. City; under Joachim at Royal Acad, of Music, Berlin, 1882-86, and under Schradisch at the Conservatory at Leipzig, 1886; was first American that ever won the Men- delssohn prize at the Royal Acad., Berlin (1885); m. June 2. 1901, Benjamin F. Roeder. Resided in Berlin until 1890; went to London, 1886, to play with Joachim and played with him in con- cert at the Crystal Palace. After return to U.S. made frequent tours as concert violinist and head of the Morgan String Quartette; played with the Boston Symphony and other famous orchestras. Also teacher of violin In N.Y. City. Profes- sionally known by maiden name of Geraldina Morgan.


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