��ROBrNSON, Mary lyeverlngr (Mrs. Joseph Has- well Robinson) 77 Monument Av., Bennington, Vt.
Born Baltimore, Md., Feb. 9, 1875; dau. Eugene and Mary (Armstrong) Levering; ed. tlie Bryn MawT School, Baltimore, '93; Bryn Mawr Cksll., A.B. '97; m. Baltimore, Mar. 15, 1905, Rev. Joseph Haswell Robinson; children: Mary L., b. Feb. 17, 1906; PYanoes Haswell, b. Oct 5, '909. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. ROBINSON, Mary Nanman (Mrs. Frederick Robinson), 223 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. Writer, genealogist; b. Houlton, Me.; dau. Col. George and Mary Henry Douglas (Dummett) Nauman); ed. Charleston, S.C. ; m. 1875, Capt Frederick Robinson. Author: Sidney Elliott; Colonel Robinson's Boys; Eva's Adventures in Shadow Land; A Sextette of Lancaster Sonnets; Pwisted Threads; Historical Papers. Episco- palian. Mem. Lancaster Co. Historical Soc. -Manager Ann C. Witmer Home. Against woman suffrage.
ROBINSON, Rachel— see Elmer, Rachel Robin- son (in Addenda). ROBINSON, Virginia PoUard, N.T. State Re- formatory for Women, Bedford Hills, N.Y. Teacher, field worker in eugenics; b. Louisville, Ky., 1883; dau. Walter L. and Hallie B. (Thomas) Robinson; grad. Bryn Mawr Ckill., A.B. 1906; scholar in philosophy and psychology and M.A. 1907; grad. student Univ. of Chicago summer of
1908. Teacher of English in Girls' High School, Louisville, Ky., 1907-12. Fi«ld worker in eugenics, Bedford State Reformatory for Women. Interested in woman suffrage and socialism. Pres. Louisville Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1909-12. Recreations: Walking, reading. Mem. Woman's Club of Louisville, College Club and several other Louisville clubs.
ROBINSON, Winifred Josephine, Vassar Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, N.T.
Instructor in botany; b. Johnstown, Barry Co., Mich., Oct. 17, 1867; dau. Walter Joseph and Pamelia (Wheelock) Robinson; ed. Battle Creek (Mich.) public schools, 1877-84; Mich. Normal Coll., '92 (oratorical prize); Univ. of Mich., B.S. '99; Columbia' Univ., A.M. '04; Ph.D. '12 (mem. Alpha Phi). Went on botanical expeditions to Jamaica, W.I., 1904, and to the Hawaiian Islands,
1909. (Contributor to various botanical journals. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Soc. of Naturalists, Nat. (Conservation Ass'n, Equal Suffrage League, N.Y. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Soc. for the Preservation of Our Native Plants. Recreations: Music, amateur dramatics, tramping. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Torrey Botanical Club. ROBISON, Jeannie Floyd-Jones (Mrs. WUliam
Roblson), Massapequa, L.I.
Born N.Y. City, 1853; dau. Wlllia,m Floyd and Caroline A. (Blackwell) Jones; ed. N.Y. City and Farmington, Conn. ; m. Massapequa, L.I., 1880, William Robison; one daughter: Margaret. Interested in St. Mary's Hospital for Children (sec. of Guild); mem. Board of Supervisors of the Orthopaedic Dispensary Hospital 25 years, serving as treas. 21 years; first directress of the Bel Marino St. Maternity Hospital at the time of its consolidation with the N.Y. Infant Asylum, uow N.Y. Nurses' and (Child's Hospital; mem. and sec. for several years of the Central Islip State Hospital for the Insane. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America; five years pres. Colonial Dames of State of N.Y., having custody of Van Cortlandt House Museum and other educational work. Mem. Colony Club, N.Y. City, and Clu'b of (Colonial Dames in Wash- ington. Was presented early in life with a gold medal by the Life Saving Benevolent Ass'n of N.Y. for saving the lives of three children. ROBSON, Eleanor Elsie — see Belmont, Eleanor
Elsie Robson. ROBSON, EUzabeth, 1522 Tenth St., San Diego,
Artist, designer; b. Leeds, Eng., 1842; dau. George and Elizabeth ((Cook) Robson; grad. Univ. of Wis. (salutatorian), '67, Ph.B. 1868; went abroad for study and travel; studied painting and designing, Univ. of Wis., Chicago Art Inst., and iJao in Boston and Munich. Germany. Was chair-
��man of Southern Dist. Art Com. two years; chair- man of State Art Com. two years, Cal. Fed. Wo- men's Clubs; and in Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs was vice-chairman of Com. on Art two years. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Art Soc, Chicago; Art Ass'n of -San Diego, Civic Ass'n of San Diego. Recreations: Music, drama, study of Shakespeare. Mem. San Diego Woman's Club (department club); active in art and literary sections.
ROBSON, Mrs. John J., Langdon, N.Dak.
Born Marquette, Mich., March, 1885; dau. Frank and Anna (Mcintosh) Watt; ed. Marquette High School, Marquette Business (Coll., also Nor- mal School; m. Langdon, N.Dak., Jan. 31, 1505, John J. Rotison. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Women's Mis- sionary Soc, Anti-Tuherculosis Soc, Am. Con- servation Soc, Audubon Soc, N.Dak. Acad, of Science, Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress (State vice-pres.), Langdon Women's Club (sec). Conservation Dep't N.Etek. Fed. Women's Clubs (chairman). Am. Forestry Ass'n (State sec). Favors woman suffrage. Writer on conservation topics for women's clubs, bird programs. Pres- byterian. Mem. Rebeccas, Royal Neighbors. Racreations : Horseback riding, tennis.
KOBSON, May Waldron, Highlands, N.J.
Actress; b. Waldron, Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 1, 1868; m. 1894, Stuart Robson (died Apr. 29, 1903). Removed to Chicago with parents. Mem. of choir of St. Paul's Church. Joined Pinafore Co., and from that went to Augustin Daly's Co. ; then joined Robson and Crane's Co., with which she played leading roles of legitimate comedy.
BOBV, Mande Gordon (Mrs. Austin H. Roby), 105 Washington St., Maiden, Mass. Musician, lecturer, writer; b. Bristol, N.H. ; dau. Francis Augustus and Ellen M. (Simonds) Gordon (direct descendant of Alexander Gordon of Scotland, who served in Gen. Monks' Army, and upon his release sailed for America; also of Sherbum Sanborn of Revolutionary fame) ; ed. by private teachers and at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, diploma 1909; at seventeen years of age was elected librarian of Minor Sleeper Library, Bristol, N.H. (young- est librarian in State); m. Bristol, N.H., July 28, 1888, Austin H. Roby; one son: Donald Gordon Roby, b. Oct. 22, 1889 (now studying at Boston Univ. Medical School). Sang and recited at pub- lic events from childhood; at 21 removed with family to Boston and continued to study music, piano, harmony, voice and also to lecture on mu- sic before clubs and schools. Favors woman suf- frage. New Thought religion. Mem. Irish Folk- song Soc. of London, Eng. Recreation: The drama. Charter mem. Professional Woman's Club of Boston; mem. New England Woman's Press Ass'n, Boston.
ROCHESTER, Anna, 46 Wlnthrop Place, Engle- wood, N.Y.
Born N.Y. City, Mar. 30, 1880; dau. Roswell Hart and Louisa A. (Bamman) Rochester; ed. Dwight School for Girls, Englewood, N.J.; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-99. Mem. Board of Religious Education, diocese of Newark, 1911-12 (Episco- pal) ; mem. Exec Board Consumers' League of N.J. ; mem. Board of Directors of the Label Shop, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Trade Union League and of the So- cialist Party; assoc. mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnsa Ass'n. Recreation: Music. Mem. Woman's Club, Englewood, N.J.; Bryn Mawr Club, N.Y. City.
ROCKWELL,, Anna Oaylord, New Britain, Conn. Librarian; b. South Windsor, Conn., Dec. 24, 1857; dau. Sidney Rockwell, M.D., and Martha S. (Pelton) Rockwell; ed. Hartford High School; N.Y. State, Library School, honor first year cer- tificate, 1890-91. Librarian Aguilar Free Library, 1891-92; cataloguer, Otis Free Library, Norwich, 1892-93; librarian New Britain Institute, 1894—. Mem. Consumers' League of Conn., New Britain E<iual Franchise League, Conn. Woman Suffraga Ass'n. Contributor to library periodicals. Epis- copalian. Mem. Conn. Library Ass'n, Am. Li- brary Ass'n, N.Y. Library School Ass'n. Rec- reation: Hunting toadstools. Mem. Woman's Club of New Britain.