��Christmas; A Loyal Little Maid; Penhallow, Tales; A Little Puritan Round Girl; A Little Puritan Cavalier; A Puritan Knight Errant. ROBINSON, Elizabeth Bash Sloan (Mrs. George S. F. Robinson), 417 Hawthorn Road, Poland Park, Baltimore. Md.
Born Baltimore, 1882; dau. Frank Bums and Susan L. (Bas-h) Sloan; ed. Southern Home School; m. Baltimore, 1902, George S. F. Rotoin- Bon; children: Virginia Cushing, BllzaJjeth Con- rad, George S. F. Jr. Protestant EplsccHDalian. ROBINSON, Esther Tontant de Beauregard (Mrs. Percy James Robinson), 117 Collier St., Toronto, Ont.
Born Ontario, Canada; grad. Univ. of Toronto, A.B. '94; fellow In Romance languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-95; student, Ontario Normal Coll., 1895-96; graduate student In English, Univ. Qif Pa., 1900-01- m. 1906, Percy James Robinson. Teacher of modern languages, Niagara Falls Col- legiate Inst.; teacher of English and French In -Miss Chapman and Miss Jones' School, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 1900-05.
ROBINSON, Ethdl BlackweU (Mr.s. Alfred Brookes Robinson), Pompton Lakes, N.J.; summer home: Squibnocket, Martha's Vine- yard, Mass.
Born Somerville, N.J., Sept. 25, 1870; dau. Samuel C. and Rev. Antoinette (Brown) Black- well, D.D. (pioneer in the ministry) ; ed. Elizabeth Inst.; Mass. Inst, of Technology, S.B. '91; grad. work at Bryn Mawr, 1891-92; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '95; grad, work at Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1895-96, and some work in Vienna; m. N.Y. City, April 29, 1901, Alfred Brookes Robinson; children: Samuel BlackweU (died 1902), Alfred Brookes, Antoinette Black- well, Henry BlackweU, Horace Brookes BlackweU. Teacher of histology in College of the N.Y. In- firmary, 1897-98; after ten years of scientific and medical study went Into Unitarian work In the Church of the Messiah In New York until mar- riage. Author: The Religion of Joy; A Child's Glimpse of God, for Grown-Up Children. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Maes. Inst, of Technology in Boston, Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City, Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. State, Nat. Ass'n of Woman's Intercollegiate Alumna (also N.Y. branch). Woman's College Club of Montclalr, N.J. ; Consumers' League of N.J., Civic Ass'n of Montclalr, Altruis^t Soc. of Montclalr, N.Y. League of Unitarian Women, Woman's Alliance of Unitarian Church of Montclalr, N.J.; Outlook Club of Montclalr, Woman's Club of Uppver Montclalr. Strongly favors woman suffrage; mem. Montclalr branch of N.J. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Unitarian; intensely spiritual. ROBINSON, n<H-eiice Evey (Mrs. Edwin Taylor Robinson), 1906 Pine St.. Philadelphia, Pa^ Born Bellefonte, Pa., April 17, 1881; dau. Will- lam Harrison and Elizabeth (Miller) Evey; m. PWladelphla, Pa., June 10, 1907, Dr. EMwIn Tay- lor Robinson; one daughter: PriscUla Aldea Robinson.
ROBINSON, Florence Vincent, 144 Common- wealth Av., Boston, Mass.
Artist; b. Raynham, Mass., 1864; ed. in Boston and Parle; pupil of Whistler In Paris, also of Bouveret, Vlgnal and others. Has exhibited In both salons In Paris, Royal Acad. Exhibition in London, as well as in New York, Chicago, Piilla- delphia, St. Louis, and other American cities. Maintained a studio in Paris, where received various medals and prizes, one of her pictures being bought from the salon by the Soci^tfi des Amis des Arts. Specially well known as a painter in water colors and as an Illustrator. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston.
ROBINSON, Helen Ring: (Mrs. Ewlng Robin- son), 1222 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. State Senator, journalist; b. Eastport, Me.; dau. Thomas and Mary (Prescott) Ring; grad. high school, Providence; student Wellesley Coll.; m. Denver, 1902, Ewlng Robinson (lawyer). Edi- torial writer for Denver Times and Rocky Moun- tain News; also literary editor to same journals. Director of Denver Social Center and Day Nur- sery; active In movements for political and social reforms. Elected to State Senate of Colorado In
��1912, being the only woman ever elected a Sena- tor. Has written and spoken in favor of equal suffrage. Contributor to Good Homekeeping, Munsey's, etc. Author: Uncle Tom for Children. Episcojxalian. Democrat. Mem. Soc. for Labot Legislation. Recreations: Gardening, walking. Mem. Denver Woman's Preafl C^ub, Lyceum Club (London), Monday Club (Denver).
ROBINSON, Hope Dnnlap (Mrs. Edward K.
Robinson), 91 Kllburn Road, Belmont, Mass.
Illustrator; b. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 26, 1883; dau. Samuel Palmer and May (Officer) Dunlap; ed. Chicago Art Inst; traveling scholarship for frteae paintings, 1905; m. Belle Terre, L.I., Sept 28, 1912, Edward K. Robinson. Books (illus- trated): The Blue Bird (for the New Theatre, N.Y. City); The Pled Piper of HameHn; The Litrtle Lame Prince; The Muffin Sh<^; The Rhyming Ring; The Rose Falrlee; Grimm's Fairy Tales.
ROBINSON, Jane M. Bancroft (Mrs. George O.
Robinson), 425 Cass Av., Detroit, Mich.
Born West Stockbrldge, Mass., Dec. 24, 1847; dau. Rev. George C. and Caroline J. (Orton) Bancroft; grad. Ulae Emma Wlllard's School, Troy, N.Y., 1871; State Normal School, Albany, N.Y., 1872; Univ. of Syracuse, Ph.B. '77, Ph.M. '80, Ph.D. '84; fellow In history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1885-86; student, Univ. of ZUrlch, 1886-87; Sorbonne and College de France; m. 1891, George O. Robinson. Professor of French language and literature, Northwestern Univ., 1877-85. Has been connected as an official with the Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of the Methodist Episco- pal Church since 1808, and has been National pres. of this society of nearly 200,000 member*! since Oct, 1908. Author: Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for America; The Early History of Deaconess Work in American Methodism; A History of Ebenezer Robinson, A Soldier of the Revolution; Trustee of Pro- testant Orphan Asylum, Detroit. Life mem. Am. Historical Ass'n and Am. Economic Ass'n; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Alpha Phi, Nineteenth Century Club, College Women's Club. Strongly favors woman suffrage.
BOBINSON, LycUa Gillingham, 646 Eighth St.,
La Salle, 111.
Editor, translator; b. Geneva, 111., Nov. 12, 1875; dau. James Charles and Emma J. (Gl;l Ing- ham) Robinson; grad. Rockford Coll., B.A. '96. AsB't Chicago Public Library, 1898-1905; on edi- torial staff Open Court Pub. Co. since 1905; ass't editor the Monlst and the Open Court since 1907. Translator: Babel and Bible, Third Lecture, by Delitzsch, 1906; Music in the Old Testament, by ComlU, 1S09; Spinoza's Short. Treatise on God Man and Human Welfare (from the Dutch), 1909 AJcbar, Emperor of India, by Garbe, 1909. Buddhism and Christianity by Garbe, 1912; also numerous scientific and philosophical articles from French and German. Mem. Chicago Col- lege Club.
BOBINSON, Mary Barber, Chester Place, Wells-
boro. Pa.
Born Wellsboro, Pa., Dec. 12, 1854; dau. Ches- ter and Mary E. (Barber) Robinson; grad. Vas- sar. Coll., A.B. '76 (commencement honor); at later period spent three and one-half years in foreign travel and study. Interested in all move- ments for local Improvement. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Tioga Co. Historical Soc., Friday Club of Wellsboro (federated). Recreations: Study, travel, music, art, gardening.
BOBINSON, Mary H., Western House of Refuge
for Women, Albion, N.Y.
Physician; b. Southhold, Suffolk Co., N.Y., Feb. 15, 1875; dau. Rev. Jame« R. and Mary Lydia (Forbes) Robinson; ed. public schools of Elmlra and Painted Post N.Y. ; Elmira Coll., one year; Oswego State Normal and Training School, grad. June, 1897; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., M.D. '06. Practiced medicine, 1906-10, In Elmira N.Y.; since then resident physician at the Western House of Refuge for Women at Albion, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Orleans Co. Med. Soc, N.Y. SUte Med. Soc, Am. Med. Aan'a. Prosbjterlan-