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��l^lOBINS, SaUy Nelson (Mrs. William Todd

Robins), 210 East Franklin St., Richmond,


Librarian; b. Gloucester Co., Va. ; dau. Dr. William Wlhner and Sally Browne (Catlett) Nel- son; ed. by private tutor; Bclectk; Inst, of Bal- timore, Md., first honor grad. ; m. Gloucester Co., Va., William Todd RoObins; children: Ruth Nel- son (Mrs. T. C. Gordon), Elizabeth Todd (Mrs. M. J. Lunn), Augustine Warner (lieut.' U.S.A.), WUmor Nelson (journalist), Polly (Mrs. R. S. Crenshaw, U.S.N.). Assistaat librarian Va. His- torical Soo. ; genealogical editor Richmond Times- Dispatch. Vice-chairnian of monument put up at Dutoh Gap to commemorate first university, plane of which were destroyed by Indians in 1622; cftiairman for placing Dolly Madison's pic- ture in the White House, and for placing sun dials at birthplaces of Virginia Presidente. Author: Scuffles, 1912; HteLory of Gloucester Co., Va.; has written numerous magazine and newspaper articles. Mem. Descendants of Colonial Gov- ernors; sec. Ass'n for Preservation of Va. An- tiquities; historian Nat Soc. Colonial Dames in State of Va.; former sec. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Va. ; mem. Woman's Club of Richmond, Va. Episcopalian. aOBINSON, Agnes Day (Mrs. Charles Augustus

Robinson), 141 Washington St., Hempstead,


Born Torringford, Conn., Aug. 5, 1851; dau. Samuel Day (s<hi of Judge Day of Boston, Mass.) and Hannah E. (Smith) Day (dau. Dr. Samuel Smith of WilUamstown, Maas.): ed. Univ. of Mich., B.A. '74, M.A. '76; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 26 1882, Charles Augrustus Robinson, descendant Df Rev. John Robinson (1545-1625), who was pastor of the English Puritan colony at Leyden, Hol- land; children: Marcus, b. April, 1884; Edith Day, b. March, 1886. Wrote book reviews after grad- uation for N.Y. Tribune; acted as organist in Brooklyn for four years; wrote for newspapers and magazines after marriage. Interested in the Sunshine movement; pres. Hempstead (N.Y.) branch; Interested in local charities and espe- cially in betterment of labor conditions for women and children. Favors woman suSrage. Mem. Plymouth Congregational Church (Brook- lyn). Republican. ROBINSON, Alice Canby (Mrs. Edward A.

Robinson), 10 W. Read St., Baltimore, Md.

Bom BalUmore, Jan. 6, 1860; dau. Thomas T. and Esther (Bally) Canby; m. Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1871, Edward Ayrault Robinson; children; Will- iam ChampllH, Edward Ayrault, G. Canby, EJsther Baily, Prances W., Alice Canby, Ruth. Identified with many philanthropic intereisU. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. W.C.T.U., Nut. Soc. «f Mothers, Free Kindergarten Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Federated Chari- ties Suffrage Ais'n, Friends Press Ass'n to Im- prove the Daily Press, Nat. Peace Soc. and Red Cross work. Mem. Arundell Club of Baltimore. BOBrNSON, Anna Elizabeth Bay (Mrs. Edwin

N. Robinson), Lyons Falls, N.T.

Physician; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 24, 1880; dau. Jam«s and Margaret (Ray) Ray; ed. N.Y. public schools; N.Y. Normal Coll., A.B. '99, cum laude; N.Y. Univ., A.M. '02; Cornell Univ., M.D. '06, cum laude; mem. Alpha Delta Iota; m. N.Y. City, July 3, 1913, Rev. Edwin N. Robinson, of Lyons Falls N.Y. Med. inspector for Health Dep't, N.Y. City, 1907-13. Head of chemistry dep't, N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women, 1908-13. Engaged m prac- tice of medicine, 1908-13. Teacher in public schools of N.Y. City, 1899-1902. Leader of the Tri-Mus (class for young men) at Prospect Av. M.B. Church, N.Y. City, 1906-13. Mem. Official Board of Prospect Av. M.E. Church, 1907-13. Mem. Woman's Soc. for Prevention of Crime, N.Y. City, 1908-11. Engaged in the work of Intubating and caring for cases of diphtheria, 1909-11; special interest, 1912-13, in gaining con- trol of venereal diseases. ROBINSON, Annie Donglas Green, Bristol, N.H.

Author; b. Plymouth, N.H., Jan. 12, 1842; dau. William and Harriet (Klmiball) Green; ed. m private schools. Author (under pen-name of ••Marian DouKlaa"): Peter and Polly, 1876; Pic-

��ture Poems for Young Folks, 1882; In th« Poverty Year, 1901; Days We Remember, 1903. ROBINSON, Annie May, 404 Brown-Marx Build- ing, Birmingham, Ala.

Physician; b. Smithsburg, Md., May 14, 1865; dau. James A. and Hannah Catharine (Thomp- son) Robinson; ed. Smlthburg public schools, Temple Coll., and Woman's Medical Coll. of Pa., M.D. Interne in Woman's Hospital of Phila- delphia, 19(ft-06; ehief of staS of Salvation Army Rescue Home; State sec. for Ala. of the Council on Health and Pu'blic Instruction of the Am. Med. Ass'n. Interested in charity and civic im- provement. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Ala. State Med. Ass'n, Jefferson Co. Med. Ass'n, W.C.T.U. Recreations: Music, reading. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Favors woman suf- frage; charter mem. Birmingham Equal Suffrage Ass'n.

ROBINSON, Caroline Hadley (Mrs. Louis N. Robinson), Swarthmore, Fa. Born Philadelphia. Jan. 22. 1885; dau. Walter C. and Alice C. (Paxson) Hadley; ed. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '06; Ck)lumbia, M.A. '07 in political economy; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Sigma Rho (public sjjeaking honorary fraternity) ; m. Swarthmore, Pa,, June 17, 1908, Dr. Louis N. Rob- inson (prof, of economics In Swarthmore Coll.); children: Walter Hadley, Miles H. Member of the Society of Friends. Mem. American Associa- tion for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality; supporter of Women's Trade Union League; life mem. National Am. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n (on list of street speakers in Phila- delphia). Recreations: Camping and canoeing trips. Mem. Woman's Club of Swarthmore, Col- lege Club of Philadelphia.

ROBINSON, Clara Scbouten (Mrs. Edward Robinson), 25 Colchester Av., Burlington, Vt. Born Brockport, N.Y., May 5, 1868; dau. Orlo and Jane S. (Thomson) Schouten; ed. Brockport State Normal; Cornell Univ., B.L. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Brockport, July 2, 1902, Ed- ward Robinson; one son: Edward Schouten. Mem. D.A.R. Favors restricted woman suffrage, with either an educational or property basis.

ROBINSON, Daisy Michand Orieman (Mrs.

Andrew Rose Robinson), 159 W. Forty-ninth

St., N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Fort Riley, Kan.; dau. CJol. Louis H. Orleenan (U.S.A.) and Kate Michand (Flor- enzie) Orieman; ed. public schools of N.Y. City and Washington, D.C. ; Columbian (now George Washington) Univ. ; Univ. of Ziirich (Switzer- land), M.S., M.D.; Univ. of Paris (special di- ploma in dermatology); m. North Cohasset, Mass., '1904, Dr. Andrew Rose Robinson. Taught in public schoola of Fla. two years; later med. examiner U.S. Pension Bureau, .Washington, D.C; asaoc. principal Peeksklll (N.Y.) Military Acad., sec. Westchester (3o. Med. Soc. five years; second vlce-pres. Northwestern Dispensary, N.Y. City, since Jan. 11, 1912. Instructor in derma- tology N.Y. Polyclinic Med. School and Hospital; attending physician, diseases of the skin. North- western Dispensary. Chairman Woman's Auxil- iary Board, Entertainment Com. and Exec. Com. N.Y. Polyclinic Hospital. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Woman's Political Union, College Equal Suffrage League. Author: 111 Effects of Rontgen Rays; Diagrnosls and Treatment of Herpes Zoster; The Noguchl Method of Serum Diagnosis of Syphilis, Its Practical Value; The Importance of the Early Diagnosis and "Treat- ment of Cancer; Diagnostic Value of the Noguchi Luetin Reaction in Dermatology. Mem. Fifth Av. Baptlat Church. Fellow A.A.A.S., fellow N.Y. State Acad, of Medicine; mem. State Med. Soc., N.Y. Co. Med. Soc.; foreign cor. mem. Soci6t6 Francaise de Dermatologie et Syphilo- graphie. ROBINSON, Edith, care of L. C. Page & Co.,

Boston, Mass.

Author; b. Boston, Feb. 17, 1858; dau. George and Sarah Louise Robinson; ed. Girls' High School, Boston, Mass. Author: The Captain of the School; Forced Acquaintances; A Little Daughter of Liberty; A Little Puritan Pioneer; A Little Puritan Rebel; A Little Puritan's First


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