��vice-pres. Consumers' League, Washington; pub- licity chairman Nat. Library Ass'n for the Blind. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Chelsea (Mass.) Woman's Club.
ROBERTSON, Grace Barrett (Mrs. Wilbur W. Robertson), 216 North Naches Av., North Ya- kima, Wash.
Born Buchanan, Mich.; dau. Stephen P. and Mary Hovey (Paine) Barrett; ed. Nebraska State Univ., B.L. '88; m. Chicago, Aug. 24, 1S93, Wilbur W. Robertson; children: Helen Barrett, Wilbur Hovey. Was teacher in Sidney, Neb., 1889-90 and in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1890-92. Interested In club work. Auditor of the Wash. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1896-98; recording sec. 1911-12; pres. North Yakima Woman's Club, 1910-12. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Independent Republican. Mem. Yakima Valley Branch of Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnae, Narcissa Whitman Chapter D.A.R., Woman's Club; founded St. Helen's Club of ChehaJis, Wash, (was pres. several years).
ROBERTSON, Lucy Henderson (Mrs. D. A. Robertson), Greensboro, N.C. Teacher; b. Warrenton, N.C, Sept. 15, 1850; dau. Henry Lyne and Catherine Rebecca (Wat- kins) Owen; ed. Hillsboro (N.C.) School of Misses Nash and Kollcck, and Chowan Coll., Murfreesboro, N.C. (diploma, 1868); m. Hillsboro, N.C, Nov. 1, 1869, Dr. D. A. Robertson (died 1883); children: Charles Henderson, David Will- iam. Teacher in Greensboro Female Coll., 1875- 1893; chair of history. State Normal Coll., 1893- 1900; lady principal, Greensboro Female Coll., 1900-02; elected pres. of Greensboro Female Coll. {now Greensboro Coll. for Women) in 1902 and served to 1913; now president emerita. Has worked for years In both local and State organ- izations of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. and of the W.CT.U. ; has been pres. for 22 years of the Conference Foreign Missionary Soc. (1890- 1912), and at present of the United Soc. of Foreign and Home Missions. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Democrat. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, Woman's Club of Greensboro, N.C.
ROBERTSON, Lucy Love Crissey (Mrs. Henry P. Robertson), 35 Lake View Av., Jamestown, N.Y.
Born in Missouri, July, 1873; dau. E. B. and Mary (Langworthy) Crissey; ed. Sinclairville Acad., '90; Cornell Univ., B.L. '94 (Delta Gamma); m. Jame.=itown, N.Y., June 3, 1902, Henry P. Robertson; children: Mary Crissey, Lucius Elverton. Interested in Mothers' Clubs, and in the Y.W.C.A. Mem. New Century Art Club, Fortnightly Club, Mozart Club, James- town Chapter D.A.R. Congregationallst. ROBERTSON, Maria Lonisa (Mrs. Victor Ar- thur Robertson), 834 Union St., Brookljm, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y.; daughter of Alexander Cochran," M.D., and Christina Isabella (Wilson) Cochran; ed. Packer Collegiate Institute, Brook- lyn, N.Y. ; m. May 21, 1890, Victor Arthur Robert- son, M.D.; children: Donald John Cochran, b. Apr., 1892; Malcolm Troop, b. Aug., 1896 (both at Princeton Univ.). Mem. N.Y. State Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Presbyterian. In- dependent Democrat in political sympathy. Mem, N.Y. State Charities Aid Ass'n, N.Y. City Visit- ing Com. to Hospitals, Woman's Municipal League of N.Y. (Heights branch), Probation Officers' Com. (Brooklyn), Child Welfare Com., Playground Ass'n. Mem. Prospect Club of Brooklyn (ex-pres.), Brooklyn Woman's Club, Post Parliament (N.Y. City); treas. Ass'n of Ex- Presidents of Brooklyn, N.Y.
ROBERTSON, Minnie Philura (Mrs. Nell Robertson), Akron, Iowa.
Born Grand Island, Neb.; dau. Norman and Lucy (Story) Reese; ed. Le Mars, la.; Lincoln Univ., Nab.; m. Le Mars, la., 1894, Neil Robert- son; children: Ida, Chester, Ronald, Rae. Teacher. Interested In work with children, espe- cially in Sunday-school work, town, county and State. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Progressive. Mem. Woman's Home Missionary Soc, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Ladies' Aid Soc, Sunday-school Ass'n, Eastern Star, Woman's Relief Corns. W.CT.U. and Rebecca
��Ijodge. Recreations: Rowing, fishing, horseback riding. Mem. Civic Improvement Club, Em- broidery Club, Literary Book and Thimble Club. Mother died wlien she was ten months old and grandfather and two uncles were killed by In- dians on the Nebraska frontier; shortly after- ward she was stolen by an Indian, later the Indians were overtaken and she was returned to her father when she was six years of age, travel- ing alone, tagged as baggage, from Nebraska to Iowa,
ROBERTSON, Westanna Brown (Mrs. W. F.
Robertson), 3550 Washington Av., Avondale,
Cincinnati, O.
Born Brldgewater, Pa., Aug. 3, 1865; dau. Dr. W. K. and Martha (McClellan) Brown; grad. Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll (first honor graduate), M.A. '85; Nat. School of Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia; m. Cincinnati, Jan., 1891, W. F. Robertson; children: William Lowell (student at Yale), Merlin G. (student Miami Military Inst). TniBtee of the Nat. Woman's Home Missionary Soc of M.E. Church (also sec. of Bureau for N.C). Pres. of Alumnse Ass'n of Cincmnatl Wesleyan Coll.; mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club, Norwood Culture Club. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Driving, motoring.
ROBtE, Bertha E. L. (Mrs. Walter F. Robie), Baldwlnville, Mass.
Teacher; b. Whitingham, N.Y., July 30, 1866; dau. Rev. John S. and Marian B. (Underbill) Little; grad. (with first honor) Montpelier, Vt., Sem. of class of '88; m. Bradford, Vt., 1890, Dr. Walter F. Robie; children: Brian W., Nelle B., Everett E., Carroll H., Theodore R. and Beatrice M. Teacher before marriage and after children were grown resumed teaching. Mem. M.E. Church; interested in church singing and organ playing, piano playing and piano teaching, school teaching, lecturing on Massachusetts wild flowers, sewing and all departments of house- hold work, more or less in nursing nervous in- valids who were in her husband's care. Against woman suffrage. Has published some articles on music and flowers. Recreations: Auto and train riding, walking. Mem. Baldwlhvllle Woman's Club of Massachusetts. ROBINS, Elizabeth ("C. E. Raimond"), Back- set Farm, Henfleld, Sussex, England. Author; b. Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Charles E. and Hannah M. Robins; seminary education at Zanesville, O. ; m. Boston, Jan. 12, 1885, George Richmond Parks (now deceased). Author (under pen-name "C E. Raimond"): The Fatal Gift of Beauty, and Other Stories; George Man- deville's Husband; The New Moon; An Open Question; A Dark Lantern— A Story with a Pro- logue; The Magnetic North, a Novel; The Con- vert; Under the Southern Cross; Come and Find Me; The Mills of the Gods; The Florentine Frame; My Little Sister; Way Stations. ROBINS, Harriet E. (Mrs. Milton B. Robins), Shelbyvllle, Ind.
Born Montezuma, Ind., Dec. 14, 1856; dau. John S. and Maria I. (Chew) Naylor; ed. Ind. State Normal School; m. Montezuma, Ind., June 26, 1878, Milton B. Robins; children: George, Ger- trude, Harry M., Frances. Interested in Sabbath- school work. Favors woman suffrage. Meth- odist; mem. Woman's Home Missionary Soc, Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. Woman's Club, Wihub Circle of Shelbyvllle, Ind. ROBINS, Margaret Dreier (Mrs. Raymond Robins), 1437 W. Ohio St., Chicago, III. Social worker; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Theo- dor and Dorothea Dreier; privately educated; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 21, 1906, Raymond Robins, social economist. Active in movements and organizations for social amelioration and re- form; one of founders of the Women's Municipal League, N.Y. City, and chairman of Its legisla- tive com., 1903-04; former pres. N.Y. Women's Trade Union League, and of N.Y. Ass'n for Household Research. Pres. Nat. Women's Trade Union League, Chicago Women's Trade Union League; mem. Exec. B'd Chicago Federation of Labor; mem. com. on Industrial education, Am. Federation of Labor. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationallst.