��RIX, Harriet Hale, Home of Truth, Alameda,
Teacher, healer; b. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 10, 1863; dau. Hale and Alice Pierson (Locke) Rix; ed. common schools of San Francisco. Founder Home of Truth, Alameda, Cal.; min- ister, teacher and healer in same for twenty years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Civic League of Alameda, Cal. Contributor to maga- zine, Master Mind, Los Angeles, Cal. Mem. Nat. New Thought Alliance. Socialist.
ROACH, Abby Meguire (Mrs. Nelll Roach),
1152 Sixth St., Louisville, Ky.
Writer; b. Philadelphia, Mar. 5, 1876; dau. Charles A. and Elmma E. (Geiselnxan) Meguire; ed. Louisville High School; Wellealey Prepara- tory School (Louisville), and Wellesley Coll., 1893-94; m. Louisville, June 1, 1899, Neill Roach, of Louisville. First five years of life lived in New Orleans; since then In Louisville. Writer of many short stories published in the best maga- zines, and book: Some Successful Marriages, 1906; also novelettes in: Their Husbands' Wives, 1906; Southern Lights and Shadows, 1907; Life at High Tide, 1907. Mem. of the Woman's, Fort- nightly and Authors' Clubs of Louisville. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n and (DoUege Woman's Suffrage's Asa'n, both of Louisville.
ROARK, Mary Creeg-an (Mrs. Rurlc Nevel Roark), Sullivan Hall, Richmond, Ky. Teacher, dean of women; b. Brighton, la.; dau. Daniel and Mary (McKee) Creegan; ed. Nebraska Univ.; Oberlin Coll.; Nat. Normal Univ., B.S. '80, B.A. '82; Colorado Coll., '81; m. Lebanon, 0., Dr. Ruric Nevel Roark; children: Ruric Creegan, Raymond J., Eugene W., Mary Kathleen. Teacher four years Nat. Normal Univ. ; three years vlce-pres. Glasgow Normal School; some time teacher Ky. State Coll.; acting pres. Eastern Ky. State Normal School; served on School Board in Lexington, Ky. ; mem. State EMucation Commission for two years; dean of women In Eastern Ky. S'tate Normal School. Interested in larger industrial, educational and political op- portunities for women; pres. of Lexington So- rosis. Woman's Council; leader in School Im- provement work in Ky. Has written and read papers before the Southern Educational Ass'n, State Educational Asa'n, also (Conference of Edu- cation in South, and addresses before State De- velopment Conferences. Mem. Nat Educational Ass'n, Southern E>ducational Ass'n, State Educa- tional Ass'n, Nat. Y.W.C.A., Foreign and Home Missionary Societies, Child Labor Com., Civic League, Woman's Club, Parent-Teachers' Club, Browning Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage Club, State correspond- ing sec. for many years; editor of special suffrage edition In Ky. of Woman's Journal.
ROBB, Anna Bennett (Mrs. Joseph P. Robb),
Wiggins, Miss.
Born New Florence, Westmoreland Co., Pa. ; dau. O. M. and H. M. (Graham) Bennett; ed. at home and in academy in West Fairfield; m. New Florence, Pa., June 8, 1898, Joseph P. Robb; children: Cyril Bennett, John Meredith, Arville La Mar, Pearce McGeorge. Interested in civic Improvement, Ladles' Auxiliary, Sorosls. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tions: Pioneering and carpentry work. Mem. Woman's Club of Gary, Ind.
ROBB, Emille D. Taylor (Mrs. Alexander Robb), 606 West 116th St., N.Y. City. Born Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y., June 27, 1845; dau. William Chauncey and Maria A. (Martin) Taylor; ed. at home; m. N.Y. City, December, 1872, Alexander Robb. Interested in the Wom- an's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies and Nat. Sabbath Alliance. Presbyterian.
BOBBINS, Alice Emily, 176 Nassau St., Brook- lyn, N.Y.
Social worker; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '94; stu- dent of economics In London School of Eco- nomics, 1901-02. Teacher, Malone (N.Y.) Acad., 1894-96; Plattsburgh (.\.Y.) State Normal School, 1896-98; social worker, Goddard House, N.Y. City. 1898-1901: head worker, Lawrence House,
��Baltimore, Md., 1902-08; since 1908 investigator of settlements for Russell Sage Foundation.
BOBBINS, Louise Bamom (Mrs. Richard B.
Robblns), 25 Broad St., Adrian, Mich.
Born Potsdam, N.Y., July 22, 1S44; dau. Royal and Mary (Pease) Barnum (old Colonial ances- try); ed. Potsdam and Canton (N.Y.) academies; Adrian (Mich.) High School; Monroe (Mich.) Sem.; Adrian Coll., A.B. '64, hon. A.M. '96 (mem. Lambda Phi Soc.); m. Adrian, Mich., June 19, 1867, Colonel Richard B. Robbins (of 4th Mich. Cavalry in CivU War, laAvyer, legislator. Senator, Am. Consul at Ottawa, Can., 1881-85; 12 years judge of Probate; died June 15, 1905). Past dep't pres. of Mich. Woman's Relief Corps and other official positions In the Nat. Soc. ; pres. Adrian Coll. Alumni Ass'n several years; cor. sec. Nat. Council of Women, 1895-98; founder Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter D.A.R., 1S09, and ever since Its regent; mem. Nat D.A.R. committees. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. Congregationallst Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames of America, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Nat. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants (two lines to Elder Brewster); patron of Nat. Council of Women of U.S.; mem. New England Historic- Genealogical Soc, Mich. Pioneer Historical Soc.
BOBBINS, Mary Caroline (Mrs. J. H. Robblns),
The Kempton, Boston, Mass.
Author; b. Calais, Me., 1841; dau. James Shepherd Pike, author and diplomat, and Char- lotte Otis (Grosvenor) Pike; ed. in Massachusetts and Philadelphia schools; studied art in New York, Holland and Italy; m. Poinfret, Conn., Apr. 30, 1881, Dr. J. H. Robbins (died Aug. 21, 1900). Collaborator with late Mary Abigail Dodge ("Gall Hamilton") In editing Wood's Household Magazine, 1871-72; translator of several volumes of French literature into English, 1873-84. Author: The Rescue of an Old Place. Con- tributor on art and literary topics to various magazines, writer of short stories. Mem. Old Colony Chapter, D.A.R. , Boston (hon. regent); Mass. Indian Ass'n, Colonial Dames of America, Drama League of America. Mem. Ass'n Opposed to Further Extension of Suffrage to Women.
BOBBINS, Mrs. Olive E., 1274 Belle Av., Lake- wood, Ohio.
Assistant traveling sec. and traveling auditor Nat. Soc. for Broader Education; b. Cleveland, 0., Mar. 29, 1869; dau. W. H. and Olive J. (Bander) Polhamus; ed. public high school of Cleveland, O. ; Spencerian Business CoU., Cleve- land, O. ; Seattle Branch of Boston College of Vitosophy, received degrees from this college of Master of Vitosophy and Ph.D.; m. Cleveland, O., Dec. 31, 1891, William A. Robbins (died March, 1903). Served four years as public stenographer, two years traveling sec. of Boston Coll. of Vito- sophy, one year lecturing upon vitosophy, three years as field sec. and one year traveling auditor of Nat. Soc. for Broader Education. Recreations: Music, reading, theatres.
ROBERTS, Anna Monsch* (Mrs. Herbert F.
Roberts), Manhattan, Kan.
Born Louisville, Ky., Aug. 26, 1870; dau. Henry John and Mary Elizabeth (Brayman) Monsch; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; graduate scholar- shjp and A.M. '96; scholarship table at Marine Biological Station, Woods Hole, Mass., 1894, 1895, 1896. 1897; graduate work, Univ. of Chicago, '99; m. Louisville, Ky., June 27. 1900, Herbert F. Roberts; children: Kenneth Lindsey, b. Dec. 16, 1901; Edward Sherrill, b. Apr. 19, 1904; Richard Monsch, b. May 17, 1913. Interested in woman's club work, woman suffrage, public school prob- lems and art In the public schools. Favors woman -suffrage. Progressive. Mem. Domestic Science Club, Manhattan, Kan.
ROBEBTS, Charlotte F.; Greenlleld, Mass.;
summer: Heron Island, Maine.
Professor of chemistry at Wellesley Coll.; b. N.Y. City; dau. Horace and Mary (Hart) Roberts; grod. WtUesley Coll., A.B.; Yale, Ph.D.; studied abroad at various times. Author: Stereo-chemis- try. Mem. of several scientific bodies. Including A.A.A.S. and social clubs.