��KIPT.ET, Eva Gowing (Mrs. Winfield Scott
Ripley, Jr.), 40 -Emerson St., Wakefield. Mass.
Bom Wakefield, Mass., 1870; dau. Horace and Louisa (Day) Gowing; ed. Boston Univ., Heidel- berg Univ., Sorbonne (Paris) CollSge de France; m. Wakefield, Mass., July 31, 1909, Winfl«ld Scott Ripley Jr. Teacher of French and German in Hartford Public High School, 1904-05; teacher of German in Morris High School, N.Y. City, 190.^-U9. Has lectured before women's clubs on Student Life in Germany and Student Life In France. Mem. Wakefield School Com.; director in Wake- field Visiting Nurses Ass'n; mem. D.A.R., Mass. State Com. on Conservation. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregatibnalist. Vice-regent of Faneuil Hall Chapter D.A.R. ; pres. of Wakefield High School Alumni Ass'n. Recreations: Piano, golf. Pres. Kosmos Club, 19n-in; pres. Penultimates (literary) Club; mem. Coll. Alumnas and Epsilon Chapter Boston Univ. Alumni. BISLEY, i:x)uise Robinson (Mrs. Samuel D.
Risley), The Belgravia, Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Hartford, Conn., Feb. 10, 1870; dau. John Stone and Julia (Taylor) Robinson; ed. Mrs. A. R. Howella" Schools, Philadelphia; Miss Mar- garet Gibson's School, Philadelphia; m. Phila- delphia, Jan. 16, 1907, by Bishop Mackey-Smith, to Dr. Samuel D. Risley; one son: Parker Curtin. M-^m. Women's Auxiliary, St. James' Church, BM Needlework Guild of America, B'd of Mid- night Mission. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mean. Colonial Dames, Mayflower Soc, Soc. of New England Women, Colonial Governors, Sedgeley Club. RITCHEY, Delia (Mrs. W. H. Ritchey), Durant,
Okla. „ ^
Born Gwinnett Co., Ga., 1873; dau. R. J. and Eliza (McDonald) Brooks; ed. Gwinnett Co., Ga., and Grayson Co., Tex.; m. Aug. 7, 1892, WH. Ritchey; children: Haydee, b. 1893; Mary, b. 1895; Thelma, b. 1900. Taught school three years; was worthy matron of Eastern Star, 1908-09; pres. Fortnightly Club, 1911-12; Methodist; mem. La- dies' Aid Soc, Missionary Soc. RITCHIE, Beulah Boyd (Mrs. Charles M.
Ritchie), 8th St.. Fairmont, West Va.
Born Wheeling, W.Va., Mar. 24, 1864; dau. Judge George E. and Annie (Caldwell) Boyd; grad. Wooster Univ., Ohio, A.B., A.M. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Wheeling, June 3, 1893 Charles M. Ritchie; one daughter: Jean. Taught two years in Presbyterian Coll., Car- thage Mo.; public schools of Wheeling two years; Fairmont State Normal three years. Pres. Fair- mont Political Equality Club; former State pres. Womau Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Recre- ation: Nature study. Mem. W.C.T.U., Woman s Federated Club (art dep't). RITCHIE, Eliza, "Winwick," Halifax, N.S.,
B*rn Halifax, N.S., Jan. 31, 1856; dau. Hon. J W. Ritchie (Judge of Supreme Court of Nova Scotia) and Amelia Rebecca (Almon) Ritchie; early education at home; grad. Dalhojsie Univ., B L with first class honors in philosophy, 87; Cornell Univ., fellow of philosophy, 1887-88; Ph.D. '89 Instructor In philosophy at Wellesley Coll., 1890-96; associate prof, philosophy, Wellesley, 1896-1900. Now warden of Forrest Hall, the resi- dence for home students at Dalhousie Univ. Ac- tive mem. of Local Council of Women of Halifax; convener of Com. on Education of Nat. Council of Women of Canada; mem. of Com. of Victorian Order of Nurses, Halifax, and Interested in many local charities. Has endeavored by lectures and exhibitions o£ pictures to arouse an interest In art in Nova Scotia. Favors woman suffrage. Author- The Problem of Personality (thesis for Ph D.) 1889; various articles on philosophical subiects and reviews of books in the Interna- tional Journal of Ethics and the Philosophical Review Has contributed occasioDaUy in prose and verse to various periodicals. Liberal in polities. Recreations: Traveling, books, chess. RITCHIE, Sarah Lourie (Mrs. E. G. Ritchie),
2535 Park Av., Indianapolis,. Ind.
Born Charlestown, Ind., 1862; dau. Francis A. and Rebecca (Slack) Hester; ed. Moores Hill Coll • Terra Haute Normal School; m. June 28,
��1888. E. G. Ritchie; children; Russell, Hester, Mary Ruth, Sarah Margaret. Taught in graded schools of Goshen two years. Mem. Local Coun- cil of Women, Foreign Missionary Soc, Home Missionary Soc, Woman's Christian Social Union. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Research Club, Woman's De- partment Club.
"RITTENHOUSE, Anne" (pen-name) — see Hall- mark, Harrydele. RITTENHOUSE, Jessie Belle, 88 Mornlngside Drive, N.T. City.
Critic; b. Mt. Morris, N.Y. ; dau. John E. and Mary (MacArthur) Rittenhouse; ed. Genesee Wes- leyan Sem., Lima, N.Y. ; grad. in Latin-scien- tific course. Taught Latin and English in the Akeley Institute for Girls at Grand Haven, Mich., and later in a private school for girls in Cairo, 111. ; engaged for a short period in- news- paper work in Rochester, N.Y., and Chicago; has been connected for several years with the Nefw York Times Book Review, as critic; lec- turer upon literature for clubs and societies; sec. of the Poetry Soc. of America. Author: The Younger American Poets, a volume of criticism, 1900; editor of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (translations of Fitzgerald, Whinfleld and Mc- Carthy), 1900; editor of The Lover's Rubaiyat (a mosaic from several translations), 1905. Mem. Poetry Soc. of America. Club: Authors', Boston. Recreation: Travel. Favors woman suffrage. RITTER, Elizabeth Emma (Mrs. Woldemar H. Rltter), 1471 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Physician; b. Mattapoisett, Mass., Jan. 6, 1875; dau. Bruce treeman and Eliza (Cook) Shaw; grad. Tabor Acad., Marion., Mass., '32; Smith Coll., A.B. '96; Boston Univ. Medical School, Ch.B. '04, M.i^. (magna cum laude) '05; Vienna hospitals, 1905-06; m. Mattapoisett, Mass., April 7, 1911, Woldemar H. Ritter; one son: Robbins Horton, b. Sept. 5, 1912. Mem. of staff of Ob- stetrical Dep't Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital, Bos- ton. Physician, Talitha Cumi Maternity Hos- pital, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Brookline Equal Suffrage Ass'n.
RIVE-KING, Mme. Julie, Bush Temple Conserv- atory of Music, Bush Temple, Chicago, 111. Concert pianiste; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1859; dau. Leon and Caroline Rive; studied under her mother, and later under other teachers, in- cluding Liszt, Rubinstein and Reinecke; m. 1878, Frank H. King. First appeared in concert at the age of six, but made professional debut with the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig at the age of 16. Since her return to this country has played in over four thousand concerts and recitals; has played over 500 times with Grand Orchestra (a larger number of orchestral concerts than any other pianist can claim), 200 appearances being with the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, and over 10 with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra under Anton Seidl. Composer and arranger of classical works. RIVES, Amfilie — see Troubetzkoy, Princess
Am611e. RIVES-WHEELER, HalUe Erminle — see Wheeler, Hallie Erminie Rives.
RIVERS, Lidie Avirett (Mrs. Flournoy Rivers), 1031 South 18th St., Birmingham, Ala. Born Summerfield, Ala. ; dau. Capt. John Al- fred and Eliza Evans (Markham) Avirett; grad. Millersburg Female Coll. (valedictorian). Spring- er medalist, Coll. of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio, '83; student Columbia Unfv., N.Y. City; m. Water- toT^n, N.Y., 1891, Hon. Flournoy Rivers; one son: John Flournoy Rivers, b. 1895. Mem. Southern Authors' and Newspaper Soc, Nat. Fed. of Thea- tre Clubs, D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Daughters of Confederacy, Nat. Fed. of Women's (^lubs; chairman Extension Com. Nat. Fed. of Musical ■ Clubs. Recreations: Traveling, theatre, playwrit- ing. Mem. Music Study Club of Birmingham; Study Circle. Birmingham. Pianist, composer, teacher, choral director, lecturer, magazine writer. Private student in music of John White, Felix Lamond, Raphael Joseffy, A. K. Virgil, Kurt Schindler, John Breckhoven, Kraft, Shradleck, Otto Singer, Carl Baetena. etc.