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City, 1903, AndrS Erwin Rickmers, of Bremen, social work. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega-

Germany.' Interested In literary and charitable tlonalist. Club: The Chicago Woman's.

work. Mem. D.A.R. Protestant Episcopalian. bideOUT, Frances Beed (Mrs. Henry Milner

Favors equal suffrage. Rldeout), Sausalito, Cal.

BIDDELL, Agnes Butherford, 86 Spadina Road, Born Sausalito, Cal., April 6, 1887; dau. Rev.

Toronto Can Frederick Wilcox and Ellie (Avery) Reed; grad.

Born in' Scotland; ed. Univ. of Glasgow. Scot- Elizabeth Murison School San Francisco; m. land- Toronto Univ.. B.A. (honors in modern Sausalito, Cal., June 8, 1909, Henry Milner Ride- languages), 1896, M.A. 1897. Engaged in teach- out. Episcopalian. Democrat, ing in Oshawa (Ontario) High School, and later EEDEOUT, Helen B. (Mrs. Benjamin W. Ride- in Branksome Hall and the Westboume School out), Bradford St., Needham, Mass. in Toronto. Corr. sec. Nat. Council of Women Born Freeport, Me.; dau. Alfred W. and Han- since 1910. Has traveled extensively in Europe, nah U. (Merrill) Blsbee; grad. Wfillesley Coll.,

KIDDLE (Mary) Adeline, Oshkosh, Wis. F-fiqT^l^f^^n^l^'I^JrtSi.t^'.'hH^r^^.^FVinfT"

TDv„-<~i„.,. >, Ti„-K-„ Tx,^ . /io„ -DriKoT-t Won7-<j 0. 1897, Benjamin W. Rideout; chudren: liliot B., <..Wi„lhoV>, Vr=tw^ R^flm. ™vPd to Ka7 Esther. Congregationalist. Mem. Monday Club, and Elizabeth (Gayley) Riddle, removed to Kan- rpntnrv riiih CNp^flham^

sas frontier in infancy; attended little "dug-out" ^^^ Oentury Club (JNeedbam). school there until family removed to Waitsburg, BIDGELX, Elizabeth Frazier (Mrs. Edwin Wash., where she was graduated from high Reed Rldgely), Mulberry, Kan., Route 1. school, 1884; taught school for six years. School teacher, journalist; b. Coon Island, Pa., entered Woman's Med. Coll. (now North- Mar. 2, 1868; dau. James and Mary (McLean) western Woman's Med. Coll.), grad. M.D. with Frazier; grad. Kan. State Normal School, ele- honors, 1893; then took course at Hahnnemann mentary degree; m. Sept. 1, 1903, Edwin Reed Homeopathic Med. Coll. and was grad. M.D., Ridgely. Taught in country schools six years, 1894, the same year her sister. Dr. Julia Riddle in city and high schools three years; served as (q.v.) was graduated from Chicago Woman's county sup't of public instruction two years; Med. Coll. They located in Wisconsin, she in entered newspaper work in 1899. Favors woman Oshkosh and her sister in Appleton, but after suffrage. Unitarian. Progressive. Mem. Ladies' three years of separate practice they became Reading Club, Girard, Kan.

associated as partners In medical practice, both KIDGELY, Kate Deering (Mrs. William Barret residing in Oshkosh. Exchange editor of the Ridgely), 1908 Q St., Washington, D.C. Journal of Preventive Medicine, a monthly Born Saco, Me. ; dau. George Alexander and journal. During the earlier years of practice Anna E. (Swaine) Deering; ed. in Washington, they had to overcome strong prejudices against D.C; France, Germany and Italy; m. Dec. 30, woman practitioners, but for several years have 1905, William Barret Ridgely. Mem. Woman's enjoyed a large and successful practice and full Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Federation, also professional recognition. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n the Navy League. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- Wis. State Med. Soc, Wis. Med. Woman's Ass'n; tarian. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding. State and Local Race Betterment League T>TT»nwAV nail TTnmiitnn <i^<^ wieh qt arin. (treas.), Wis. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, etc. ^^^lY^it^: ^^"^ HamUton, 913 High St.. Grm- Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Recrea- v,niir,i.5t- "h aaiinn nhin Tune. R 1SS4- dau tions: Travel, automobiling. boating, swimmmg. '^l^^^^l^^' ^ ^^JrwaJ!°M.D'?%n'dA;abe1la RIDDLE, Editli Gillette Ward (Mrs. Joseph B. (Davis) Ridgway; grad. Gallon High School, 1900; Riddle), Lake Farm, Kalamazoo, Mich. Oberlin Coil., A.B. '04; Oberlin Conservatory of

Settlement worker, philanthropist; b. St. Music. Mus. Bac. '07 (mem. Phi Alpha Phi). In- Dharles. 111.; grad. Vassar Coll.. A.B. '98; m. structor of violin and pianoforte, Cornell Coll., Oct. 2, 1906, Joseph B. Riddle. Settlement Mt Vernon, Iowa, 1907-10. One of three pupils worker, 1905-06; worker in Hull House, Chicago, ^^ ^he celebrated violinist, Fritz Kreisler, Berlin 1906-08; proprietor of farm house for poor boys. and London. 1910-U. Head of Violin Dep't of BIDDLE, Jnlla, Oshkosh, Wis. Western Institute of Music and Dramatic Art.

Physician; b. Derby. Ind.; dau. Robert Henry Denver. Colo.. 1911-13; teacher of violin in Grin- and Elizabeth (Gayley) Riddle; removed to Kan- nell (loiwa) School of Music. 1913—. Mem. Thlr- Bas (then on the Indian frontier) in early '70s, teen Club. Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 190S-10. Favors remaining there nine years and spending woman suffrage. Methodist. Progressive. While first school days in a little "dug-out" in Oberlin was mem. Girls' Board of Directors of school-house; removed to Waitsburg, Wash., the Conservatory of Music; mem. Second Church where attended public and high school, grad- choir, Oberlin Musical Union.

uaUng 1884. Taught school until 1891. when rhjleY, Mary Kent (Mrs. John Cobb Ridley), entered the then Woman's Med. Coll. of Chicago, Travis St. and Congress Av.. Houston, Texas, which later became the Northwestern Wonian s g^^n Roanoke Co., Va., 1864; dau. Dr. James Med. School and graduated with honors M.D McGavock and Lucy Neal (Oliver) Kent; ed. by 94. Located in practice at Appleton Wis at governesses and private study; m. Roanoke, Va., the same time that her sister Dr Adeline Riddle j^ ^^ ^^ j^^ C^tib Ridley; children: Jo- ^V-^ \°.°J^^^ ^^J^^'^^ii^ ^* Oshkosh. Wis. 20 gg ij j3^.^i^ '^ Nov. 4. 1SS7; James Kent. b. miles distant. After three years there joined j^^^ 29. 1890; Lucy Oliver, b. April 22, 1S92; her sister at Oshkosh, where they have since Ranald Buford, b. Sept. 15, 1896; Robert Cobb, practised In partnership (believed to be the only j, g ^_ ^^ jg-^Q interested in and helps the Bisters practising medicine togeUier In the U.S.). development of young people; teacher of Bible Only woman physician appointed as a legally j ^^^j^ interested in home and mission work, authorized medical examiner for the Travelers ^^iist woman suffrage. Author of poems and Ufe Insurance Co.; ^ly woman to be appointed ^ ^^^^ notable poems: A Monument; The

as surgeon for the Wisconsin Central Railroad gjiamrock's Mystic Spur. Episcopalian. Demo- Co Lecturer and writer. Actively engaged n ^ j^ Daughters of the King; directress of suffrage work during 1912, and in company with ^ .j^ Recreations: Reading, crochet

Mrs. M.nonaS Jones made the first auto^^^^^^ ^ ^^ p^.^^ Home and School Club of Kirbyvllle, tour of the State of Wisconsin in interest of suf- „ .q,q y, frage after the amendment was passed. Editor- '■^^■- -is-i^v--"-

In-chief of a 48-page monthly, the Journal of BIEMAN, Taylor Goodwin (Mrs. Chas. Ellet Preventive Medicine, pubi.shed under the aus- Rleman), Rodgers Forge P.O., Md. pices of the Wisconsin Med. Woman's Ass'n and Born Baltimore. July 24, 1872; dau. Charles devoted entirely to health talks and articles. Ridgely and Belle (DeVries) Goodwin; ed. by Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n. Wis. State Med. Soc., governesses and private schools in Baltimore; m. Wis. Med. Woman's Ass'n. Methodist. Baltimore, Feb. 8, 1909, Charles Ellet Rieman.

KIDDLE, Mary Altbea, 5626 Woodlawn Av., Interested in Girls' Friendly Soc; treas. BalU- Chlcago, III. more School of Art Needlework; mem. Md. Child

Bom Chicago, 111.; dau. Hugh and Althea Labor Com.; director of Children's Aid Soc. and (Wetmore) Riddle; ed. Chicago private and pub- of Md. School for Feeble Minded Children. Mem. lie schools- Bryn Mawr Coll.; diploma from Bos- Md. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., ton Acad 'of Fine Arts. Interested in art and Daughters of the Confederacy, Md. Historical


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