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��Episcopalian. Republican. Now engaged In civic work in Los Angeles; mem. Friday Morning Club of Los Angeles. Still mem. of Post Parlia- ment Club of N.Y., Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n and Soc. of New York State Women. BICHEY, Anna Gertrude, Ben Avon, Pitts- burgh, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 18, 1873; dau. James and Elizabeth (Martin) Richey; ed. In private school; Lake Erie Sem.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; grad. work at Vassar Coll., Wood's Hole, Mass.; Univ. of Berlin; attended lectures in Paris and Florence (mem. Phi Beta Kappa). Ass't to lady principal, Vassar, 1909-10; classes In French and German, 1911-13. Interested In Y.W.C.A., Wom- en's Exchange, missionary work, etc. Presby- terian. Recreation: Travel. RICHMOND, Agnes M., 122 E. Fifty-ninth St.,

N.Y. City.

Artist; b. Alton, 111.; dau. Milnor and Agnes (Millen) Richmond; ed. St. Louis School of Fine Arts and Art Students' League of N.Y.; win- ner of the life drawing, life painting, portrait and general scholarships and Trask money prize; winner of the Watrous Figure prize. Woman's Art Club, 1911. Instructor Art Students' League three years. Interested In socialism. Favors woman suffrage. Clubs: Women's Art, Art Workers and Studio (N.Y. City), Art Students' League of N.Y. KICH»IONI>, Altha Louisa (Mrs. Carlos S.

Richmond). Northfleld, Vt.

Born Northfleld, Vt., Sept. 22, 1850; dau. John and Lucy (Woodworth) Dutton; ed. Northfleld Acad., Montpelier Sem.; read the Chautauqua four-years' course with class of 1891; m. North- fleld, Sept. 24, 1873, Carlos S. Richmond; children: Harold Samuel, Alice Dutton, Neal Willard. Active in church work; Interested in temperance and all other lines that tend to elevate the peo- ple. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics a Prohibitionist. Former State treas. and county pres. of W.C.T.U.; has been conference sec. Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of Vt. Conference. Rec- reation: Traveling. Pres. Ladies' Reading Cir- cle; mem. Union Club. Connected with choir as organist seven years, also singer for a few years, the remainder of fifty years as soprano singer. RICHMOND, Euphemia J. (Mrs. Orson Rich- mond), Mt. Upton, N.Y.

Born Guilford, Chenango Co., 1825; dau. Dr. J. and Frances (Putnam) Guernsey; m. 1846, Orson Richmond; children: Catharine, b. 1850; Mary T., b. 1852; Nelson G., b. 1854. Writer for papers md magazines. Interested in missions, home and foreign. Author of several little bocks published 3y the Nat. Temperance Soc; also The McAllis-

ers; Harry, the Prodigal; Woman's First and

Liast; What She Has Done; Hope Raymond. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. RICHMOND, Grace Smith (Mrs. Nelson Guern-

eev Klchmond), 74 E. Main St., Fredonia,


Author; b. Pawtucket, R.I., 1866; dau. Charles Edward Smith, D.D., and Catherine (Kimball) Smith; partial college course completed under private tutors, Syracuse, N.Y. (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Fredonia, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1887, Nel- son Guernsey Richmond, M.D.; children: Joyce Kimball (deceased), Marjorie Guernsey, Edward Guernsey, Jean Kimball. Author: Indifferences of Juliet; With Juliet in England; The Second Violin; Around the Corner In Gay Street; Straw- berry Acre?; Red Pepper Burns ; Christmas Day In the Morning; Christmas Day In the Evening; Brotherly House. Presbyterian; mem. Y.W.C.A. RICHMOND, Jeannette Davis Nigrhtingale (Mrs.

Frank Eddy Richmond, II), 138 George St.,

Providence, R.I.

Bom Providence, R.I., Oct. 6, 1879; dau. George Corlis and Mary (Davis) Nightingale; ed. Mary C. Wheeler's School, Providence, and Springside, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia; m. Providence, Feb. 11, 1903, Frank Eddy Richmond 11; children: Emma Jeannette, Peter. Episcopalian. Mem. Providence Female Charitable Soc., Woman's Welfare Dep't of the Nat. Civic Federation, Con- sumers' League, Mary C. Wheeler Alumnfe Ass'n, A^awam Hunt Club. Favors woman suffrage.

��RICHMOND, Mary Ellen, 119 E. Nineteenth St..

N.Y. City.

Charitologist; b. Belleville, 111.; ed. Baltimore High School. Actively identified with organized charity work since 1891, first as gen. sec. of the Charity Organization Soc. of Baltimore, then with Philadelphia Charity Organization; since 1900 director of Charity Organization Dep't of the Russell Sage Foundation. Author: Friendly Visiting Among the Poor; The Good Neighbor in the Modern (5ity. RICHER, MarUla M., Dover, N.H.

Lawyer, Free Thought advocate; b. New Dur- ham N.H., Mar. 18, 1840; ed. Colby Acad., New London, Conn., and abroad, taught school; m. Dover, N.H., May 19, 1863, John Ricker (died 1S68). Studied law three years under private tutor before being admitted to bar in Supreme Court of D.C., 1882; Supreme Court of U.S., 18.<il: Court Comm'r of District Court of D.C., and examiner in chancery under appointment made In 1884. Visits prisons to befriend friendless prisoners and frequently volunteers tor their de- fense; was ass't counsel in the Star Route Cases, and has practised in Washington since admission to bar. Speaker and writer in favor of equal suffrage; also speaks In political campaigns for the Republican party. Writer and speaker for Free Thought, being an Agnostic and author of a book: The Four Gospels, published 1912. Active abolitionist in slavery days; more recently has devoted much effort toward the abolition of child labor in mills, mines and factories. RICKER, Mary Stowell (Mrs. Clarence Ricker),

Belmont, N.Y.

Born Cuba, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1871; dau. L. D. and Marion (Middaugh) Stowell; ed. Genesee Wes- leyan Sem., Geneseo State Normal; m. Cuba, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1893, Clarence Ricker. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Recording sec. Western Fed. of Wom- en's Clubs; pres. Allegheny Co. Fed. of Women's Clubs; regent Catherine Sdiuyler Chapter D.A.R. RICKERSON, Mande Williams (Mrs. Clyde Nile

Rickerson), Saegertown, Pa.

Teacher; b. Magnolia, 111., Juce 29, 1869; dau. Rev. William Wallace and Laura (Hazeltine) Williams; ed. Sugar Grove (Pa.) Sem., Albert Lea (Minn.) Coll.; m. Busti, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1900, Clyde Nile Rickerson. Favors woman suffrage. Meth- odist. Mem. Rebekahs, Woman's Improvement Club of Sa.egertown, Pa. RICKERT, Martha Edith, 1154 E. 56th St.,

Chicago, 111.

Writer; b. CanaJ Dover, Ohio, July 11, 1871; dau. Francis Edward and Clara Josephine (Xew- burgh) Rickert; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '91, witM honors, 1898; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., magna cum laude, '99. Taught Lyons Township High School, LaGrange, 111., 1891-94; Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 1894-96; on editorial staff Ladies' Home Journal, 1911. Author (novels): Under the Cypress Swamp; The Reaper; Folly; The Golden Hawk; The Beggar In the Heart. Edi- tions and translations: Marie de France: Emare (English Early Text Soc); The Babes' Book; Ancient English Christmas Carols; Romnnces of Love; Romances of Friendship (McdiiEval Li- brary); American Lyrics (with Jessie Paton); also about fifty short stories in Scribner's, Cen- tury, Atlantic, Everybody's, Outlook, and other magazines; articles in Modern Philology and elsewhere. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Recrea- tions: Golf, gardening, music, painting. RICKEY, Minna Blair (Mrs. S. O. Rickey),

1719 G St., "^raahlngton, D.C.

Born Portsmouth, N.H. ; dau. Montgomery and Mary E. (Woodbury) Elalr; ed. by governess at home; m. ur. S. O. Rickey. Mem. Washington Club, organized for the purpose of meeting in- formally as men do In their clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of D.C, Mary Washington Chapter D.A.R. Rec- reations: Social life, music, cards, reading. RICKMERS, Edna Allen (Mrs. AndrS Erwln

RIckmers), 1805 Cocoanut Grove Road, Miami,


Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Col. Edward Jay and Elizabeth (Robinson) Allen; ed. Pittsburgh Coll. for Women: m. St. Thomas' Church. N.Y.


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