��Moral Hygiene, St. Louis Ctioral Symphony Soc. Recreations: Music, speculative thought. Mem. Wednesday Club of St. Louis, Piano Club (which she founded 25 "ears ago). Was organist of 1st Presbyterian Church three years.
RICHARDSON, Harriet, 1S64 Wyoming Av.,
Washing-ton, D.C.
Carcinologist; b. Washington, D.C; dau. Charles F. E. and Charlotte Ann (Williamson) Richardson; grad. Vassar, A.B. '96, A.M. '01; George Washington Univ., Ph.D. '03. Has done much research work in biology, especially in re- lation to North American Isopods, working in connection with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Biological Soc. of Washington and the Washington Acad, of Sciences. Author: Contributions to the Natural History of the Isopoda; Monograph on the Isopods of North America; 58 articles on the Isopods, and various articles on Idotea, Rocinela, etc. Mem. College Women's Club of Washington (ex-pres.). RICHARDSON, Hester Dorsey (Mrs. Albert
Levin Richardson), 2127 N. Charles St., Bal- timore, Md.
Historian; b. Baltimore, Md. ; daughter of James Levin and Sarah A. W. (Richardson) Dor- sey; ed. private schools, Baltimore; m. Balti- more, Jan. 27, 1891, Albert Levin Richardson; one son: Dorsey. Commissioned by Governor of Md. to be chairman of Public Records Commis- sion of ,Md., 1904-06; commissioned by Governor of Md. special executive historian to represent Md. in historic work at Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Pres. and founder Order of Colonial Lords of Manors in America; vice-pres. Md. Original Research Soc. ; mem. Nat. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Lyceum Club (London), Club of Colonial Dames (Washington, D.C), honorary mem. and founder Woman's Literary Club (Baltimore); mem. Civic League of Balti- more. Author: Side Lights on Maryland History; contributor to the North American Review, Har- per's Weekly, Lippincott's Magazine, etc.; has contributed special articles, historical and others, to leading newspapers. Episcopalian. Mem. Md. Soc. Colonial Darner of America, Am. Historical Ass'n, Md. Historical Soc; Com. for U.S. of Woman's Scholarship Commission of London; mem. of Lyceum Club, London; fellow The Man- orial Soc. of England. RICHARDSON, Jennie May, 155 W. Main St.,
Ilion, N.Y.
Physician; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '92. Engaged as teacher at Ilion, N.Y., 1884-86; South Norwalk, Conn., 1886-88. Interne in hospital, N.Y. City, 1892-93; practising physician, N.Y. City, 1892-1900; Ilion, N.Y., since 1900. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. RICHARDSON, Marcella Percy, Victoria, B.C.,
Military nurse; b. Woodstock, Ontario; dau. Hon. Hugh Richardson, retired judge; ed in Con- vent de Notre Dame, Ottawa, Canada; student In N.Y. Training School for Nurses. Entered Canadian regular military service in 1900, and went to South Africa with the Second Canadian Contingent, served during the campaign in Cape Colony, Kimberley, Bloemfontein and Pretoria, returning to Canada with the Canadian Contin- gent early in 1901; appointed nursing sister to the Canadian Contingent of the South African Constabulary, leaving Canada in March, 1901, and serving for the remainder of the war. Was mentioned in dispatches by Lord Roberts and received Queen's medal with three clasps and King's medal with two clasps. RICHARDSON, Margaret Foster, 739 Boylston
St., Boston.
Artist-painter; b. Winnetka, III., Dec. 19, 1881; dau. George Stevens and Lena (Knight) Rich- ardson; student Museum of Fine Arts School, 1905; grad. State Normal Art School, Boston; pupil of Joseph DeCamp, Edmund C Tarbell, Ernest L. Major. Exhibitor at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Corcoran Gallery, Washing- ton, D.C; Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City; Chi- cago Art Inst., and Carnegie Inst., Pittsburgh.
��RICHARDSON, Mary Lilias, Tyler Annex,
Northampton, Mass.
College instructor; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '94; Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '03. Teacher, Keble School, Syracuse, N.Y., 1895-99, 1901-02; St. Mary's, Gar- den City, N.Y., 1900-01; Brockport (N.Y.) SUte Normal School, 1903-04; ass't in Latin, 1904-06; instructor since 1906, Smith Coll. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
RICHARDSON, Mary Meylert, 508 Lee St.,
Evanston, 111.
Private school principal; b. Chicago, 111.; grad. Vassar Coll.. A.B. '96. Teacher, Kirkland School, Chicago, 1897-99; University School for Girls, Chicago, 1899-1900; Girton School, Winnetka, lU., since 1901; asso. principal since 1906. Mem. Winnetka Women's Club. RICHARDSON, Mary Neal, 309 Fenway Studios,
30 Ipswich St., Boston, Mass.
Artist, painter (portraits); b. Mt. Vernon, Me., Feb. 17, 1859; dau. Franklin and Mary Parthena (Neal) Richardson; ed. public school, School ol Drawing and Painting at Boston Museum ol Fine Arts (won three free scholarship's there) ; studied at Colarossi Acad., Paris, with Augustus Koopman also with Arthur W. Dow and Charleg ti. Woodbury. Has drawn or painted portraits of many distinguished people. Etxhibited at the Paris Salon, Art Inst, of Chicago, Pa., Acad, ol Fine Arts, Boston Art Club, Copley Soc. of Boston, Omaha Exposition, Poland Spring Exhi- bition, Portland Soc. of Art, etc. Mem. the Church of the Disciples, founded by James Free- man Clark, Boston. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, Am. Fed. of Arts. Recreations: Rowing, bicycle rid- ing. Greatly interested in the study of philoso- phy and psychology. RICHARDSON, Mary Raymond (Mrs. William
J. Richardson), 86 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Rochester, N.Y., May 5, 1851; dau. John Howard and Cornelia E. Raymond; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '73; m. at Vassar Coll., Oct. 8, 1873, William J. Richardson; children: Bertha, Wini- fred Morse (Mrs. H. O. Dobson), William. Car- rington, Ruth Raymond, John Raymond, Frank Howard, M.D. Interested in church work, home and foreign mission work, college work. Baptist. Ofl&cer Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc, Woman's Baptist Home Mission Soc, Vassar Aid Soc, Vassar Alumna Ass'n. Recreation: Travel. RICHARDSON, Sarah Felt Bryant (Mrs. Charles
Richardson), Munfordville, Ky.
Physician; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Orson B. and Mary (Connor) Felt; ed. Chicago public schools and high school; Hering Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D., 1898; m. Munfordville, June, 1907, Charles Richardson; one son: Charles Reign Richardson, b. Jan. 2, 1909. Took nurse's training at County Hospital, Denver, Colo., 1892-94; clinical and practical training in nervous diseases in State Hospital for Insane, Pueblo, Colo., 1899; sup't Marion (Ind.) Hospital, 1900; sup't and house physician Frances Willard Hospital, 1904-06; post- grad, work at Polyclinic, Chicago, 111., 1907. Favors woman suffrage, Mem. Christian (Dis- ciples) Church. Mem. Hart Co. Med. Soc., Ky. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n; sec Hart Co. Board of Health, county health officer; mem. Munfordville Woman's Club. RICHARDSON, Sarah Lyman Dickinson (Mrs.
Roderick Ware Richardson), Sixth and Ram- part Sts., Los Angeles, Gal.
Born N.Y. City; dau. Edward Sumner and Isa- belle H. (Keene) Dickinson; ed. N.Y. City schools; second marriage in San Francisco, Cal., May 6, 1911, to Roderick Ware Richardson; chil- dren by first marriage: J. Marion Lewis (Mrs. William J. Quinn), J. Wallace Lewis (died April 23, 1898). Was actively interested in N.Y. City in civic, industrial and philanthropic work. Mem. Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, Post Parlia- ment; past director N.Y. City Fed. Board, also chairman of finance N.Y. City Fed.; director board of City Fed. Hotel for Working Girls, East Side Clinic, Eclectic, Minerva and Rubin- stein clubs, Soc. of New York State Women. Mem. D.A.R. ; founder and pres. of Current Events Club, Woman's Republican Club of N.Y.