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timore, Md., Nat. Geographic Soc; charter mem. tlan Science Chtfrch In California; active In phll- D.A.R. ; director Woman's League of Nat. Junior anthropic interests. Favors woman suffrage. Republic, Washington Women's Welfare Dep't Christian Scientist. Republican. Clubs: Vlcto- of Nat. Civic Fed., Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of rla of Riverside, Riverside Polo Club. 1812. Recreation: European travel. RICHARDSON, Carrie ravlnla, 165 Main St..

RICHARDS, Laara Elizabeth (Mrs. Henry lUon, N.Y. Richards), Gardiner, Me. Born Ilion N.Y. ; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '84;

Author; b. Boston, Mass., Feb. 27, 18F0; dau. student In biology and physics. Smith, 1884-85,

Samuel Gridley and Julia (Ward) Howe; ed. In A.M. '85. Teacher Elmira (N.Y.) Free Acad.,

Boston at schools of Henry Williams, Augusta 1886-88. Treas. B'd of Trustees of Illon fN.Y.)

Curtis and Caroline I. Wilby; m. Boston, 1871, Public Library, 1882-95. Mem. Asa'n Collegiate

Henry Richards of Gardiner, Me.; children: Alumnae, Smith Coll. AlumnsB Ass'n. Pres.

Rosalind. Henry Howe, Julia Ward, Maud, John, Travelers' Club of Ilion, N.Y.

Laura Elizabeth. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com., i>Tr.xi»-DT»ar»-w t« *.. /i,«- t t ,«, i. .>

R«d Crose, Consumers' League. Favors woman ^J5'„*!^^?®if ', ^°~*^T ^w"-k/- /' ?.*°^*"^^" suffrage. Author: Sketches and scraps; Captain ^°^^- \"'„^'^*^^>^,f 'v Washington, D.C. January; Melody; Marie; Rosin the Beau; Jim .P°r° /oP^^' ^o., mS; dau. James ^ J and

of Heller; Some Say; Noreisse; Nautilus; Love ^'^^?,® (Blanton) Chatham; ed. Acad, of Vlslta-

and Rocks; The Hlldegarde Books (5 vols.); The ,"°3„ *^?f *^T°' ^oP'l^^^-^^r^'i^^-iF^C ^^•^'

Margaret Books; The Joyous Story of Toto; l?&ton, D.C, Apr. 22, 1903, Dr. J. J Richardson.

Toto's Merry Winter; In My Nursery; Quick- favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Repub-

silver Sue; The Armstrongs; Geoffrey Strong; =^°- Recreations: Motoring, traveling. Mem.

Mrs. Tree; Mrs. Tree's Will; The Wooing of Congressional Club.

Calvin Parke; Up to Calvin's; On Board the RICHARDSON, Elisabeth Mathews (Mrs. H. L. Mary Sands; The Hurdy Gurdy; The Piccolo; Richardson), 43 St. James St.. Roibury, Bos- Five-Minute Stories; More Flve-Mlnute Stories; ton, Mass.

Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe; Principal of private school; b. Blllerlca, Mass, Life of Florence Nightingale; Two Noble Lives June 30, 1872; dau. Rev. S. Sherberne Mathews, (S. G. Howe and Julia Ward Howe); Five Mice D.D., and Anna E. Wright; ed. Girls' Latin in a Mousetrap; Isla Heron; When I Was Your School, Boston; Northfield Sem.; Wellesley Coll Age; The Golden Windows; The Silver Crown; B.A. '97; m. Milwaukee, June 8, 1898, Rev H. L. The Green Satin Gown; For Tommy; A Happy Richardson (died 1903); one son: died in Infancy LltUe Time; Glimpses of the French Court; Snow Interested In church and missionary work. Con- White; Grandmother. Unitarian. gregatlonallst. Mem. Boston Scientific Soc, Soc. RICHARDS, Louise Parks (Mrs. Samuel Rich- Collegiate Alumnae, College Club (Boston), ards), care of Union Trust Co., Indianapolis, women In Council, Boston Wellesley Club. Ind- RICHARDSON, KUle Greenwooa Pillsbury (Mrs. Author; b. Bedford, Ind., May 20, 1852; dau. Edward Bridge Richardson), 7 Chatham St., Rev. Robert Miiton and Jane Tate (Short) Parks; Brookline, Mass.

ed. Young Ladies' Inst, Ind'an.ipolis (valedlctor- Born Boston, Mass., June 20, 1877- dau Rear

Ian of class) '71 (PI Beta PhD; m. Franklin, Ind., Admiral J.E. and Florence G. (Altchlson) Pllls-

Sept. 7, 1875, Samuel Richards (distinguished bury; ed. Boston. Mass.; m. Magnolia, Mass

American artist); children: Robert Harlan, Mar- Sept. 24, 1903, Edward Bridge Richardson- chil-

garetha Monachia (both deceased). Author: In dren: Helen Langdon, b. July 6 1906- Elizabeth

Memoriam— My Daughter, 1895; Oberammergau, b. May 26, 1908; Barbara, b Feb 11 1912 EJpis^

Its Passion Play and Players, 1910; contributor copallan. Against woman suffrage '

to the leading magazines— McClure's, World's i>TriTAi»r»ark-v v^..^ *j n -di' ,-^r •, •, Work. Cosmopolitan. Bookman, Reader and R,J?;t^f?,^'T,^^°?„i^^*"* *'*'* ^""^ ^- ^• others. Mem. D.A.R. (Caroline Scott Harrison RiJ^"™M^;.i?,^'^®°S°"' ^'^ ., „

Chapter of Indianapolis), all four great-grand- a p'*'^.,!:^"^"^.,^.'^ ^-Jii ^^-^^ ^^sar Coll..

fathers having been revolutionary soldiers. Since ^-"'x,J°\t,'7^%a f' J V , ,»„; „„ *^^*'"**°°-

husband's death in 1893, has been a traveler. ?. S'/rih<.,?7^^lr,"* principal 1880-82. of school

student and writer on Oriental life. Lived In fs84 qq"^'^"'*^ ***°°-= Principal, Davenport, la., Europe 20 years; resident 10 years in Munich and

three years in Switzerland with husband; spent RICHARDSON, Florence Amldon (Mrs. Oscar five years in Constantinople and the Turkish Em- Kelsey Richardson), 401 Donaldson BId'g. plre, where made an Intimate study of the life Minneapolis, Minn.

of Turkish women, about which has written and Physician; b. Sturgls. Mich., Apr. 4^, 1868; dau.

lectured. Against woman suffrage. Edmund S. and Almeda (Todd) Amldon; ed.

RICHARDS, Nancy Dryden (Mrs. James A. D. ^^^^^'i^^fv^^of Mllh^'^M D°' '%' mnha^ Fn«^l?on" Richards) 218 W. High St., New Philadelphia. f^^JJ)'. ^8^^ May V 1898' Dn'^Oscar'^ KeU

Physician; b. Cannon.burg. Pa.; dau. James Fa'^o^s^womln^iuff^a^'i^" P^roeres'Sve^^^^

^d Delilah (Horn) WUkin; ed Coshocton High S.'d'vX uTo"! ' pf/°^ Womln^s'^Hom^o:

School; Sclo Coll ; Med. Dep't Wooster Univ., pathlc League of Minn.; mem. Maternity Hospital

Cleveland. Ohio; N.Y. Polyclinic; m. Coshocton. Board of Directors, Cobb Hospital Auxiliary

Ohio Nov. 26 1874 James A. D. Richards. Has Minneapolis Homoeopathic Med. Soc, MlnneapoU^

PJn^o^ao^^'^ v'° ^t"^ Philadelphia since 18«0, except mst. of HomoeoTJathy. Women's Club of MJnne-

1893-98. when she practised in Washington, D.C; apolls Clio Club "" "^ iiauu«r-

was first pres. of Tuscarawas Co. Hospital; on TtTnti\irT\at\-KT -wrt -^r

Btaff of Union Hosp. ; pres. and sec. at various iV u'^ ^ V '^"^■ce Wymaa (Mrs. Jamea times of Tuscarawas Co. Med. Soc; when In Richardson), 5737 Cates Av., St. LouIb, Mo. Washington was physician to Crittenden Home, ^**'"S,„ '• ^ .u'^'r,*^"-' Mar. 24, 1855; dau. Edwartf

Women's Christian Home, the Woman's Hosp. and liillzabeth Frances (Hadley) Wyman; ed.

ind Clinic. Mem. Med. Soc. of Dist. of Columbia, Bonham s Sem. and grad. Mary Inst, St Louis;

Ohio State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, M.E. °?-„?'- ^<J"'S. '^'I^- 26, 1878. James Richardson;

Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. Methodist, children: James, Dorothea, Clifford, Walter, Flor-

Favors woman suffrage. ^""^f'. Elizabeth Hadley. Fello-w of the Theo-

sophical Soc; pres .of St. Louis Branch Soc

RICHARDSON, Alice MiUer (Mrs. Fra^k Wat- for several years; led classes In theosophlcai

son Richardson), Glenwood Mission Inn. River- study for 12 years. Mem. Board of St Louis

side. Cal. Woman s Trade U^ilon League, Suffrage Com.

Hotel manager; b. Tomah. Monroe Co.. Wis.; Nat Trade Union League; first pres Equal Suf-

lau. C C and Mary A. (Clark) Miller; m. River- frage League of St. Louie. Was one of the six

aide. Cal.. Dec 25, 1885, Frank Watson Rich- women to Inaugurate the present suffrage move-

ardson; one son: Stanley Miller. Manager of ment In St Louis, meeting for organization at

the well-known Glenwood Mission Inn of River- her house; was made pres. Author- Essay on

Bide. Frequent speaker at public functions. One Evolution (London Theosophlcai Review) 1905-

of the California representatives appointed on the also Essay on The FMano. Mem St Louis Artists'

Panama Exposition. Charter mem. of First Ohris- Guild, St. Louis Civic League St Louis Soc tor


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