��course Columbia CJoll. and prlrate teachers; m. Washington, Walter Irving Rich (died 1900). Offi- cer Dlst. Fed. of Women's Clubs; Woman's Nat. Press Aes'n (vlce-pres.). League Am. Pen Wo- men, Governing Board Internal. League of Press Clubs. Interested in Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage (mem. Stanton Club). Contributor to Women's Magazine (New Orleans), Am. Club Women (N.Y. City), and various newspapers and magazines, along educa- tional lines. Presbyterian. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Mem. First Aid to the Injured Class, under the Red Cross; Washington Readers' Club, Mon- day Evening Club.
RICH, Julia Ashley, 223 Lexington Av., Provi- dence, R.I.
Born Providence. Aug. 15, 1862; Bau. Edward C. and Julia A. (Barton) Ashley; ed. in public schools and English high schools. Providence; m. Providence, April 24, 1888, Arthur F. Rich; one son: Edward Ashley. Music teacher five years; piano lecturer On musical and literary subjects; speaker for clubs and schools; has written for papers and magazines. Ass't sup't of Sunday-school; mem. Woman's Guild; worker for Audubon Soc, R.I. Temperance League. Has written articles for Providence Journal, Provi- dence News, Woman's Era Magazine, Outing Magazine and others. Congregationalist. Pres. 16 years ot Read, Mark ana Learn Club; mem. com. R.I. State Federation and R.I. Housewives' League. RICH, Laura Tnttle (Mrs. James B. Rich),
Hobart, Delaware Co., N.Y.
Born Verplanck, N.Y., Dec. 15, 1873; dau. Luther Burr and Julia C. (Falana) Tuttle; grad. New Paltz Normal and Training School, '95 (poetess of class); m. Verplanck, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1897, James B. Rich; children: Carol I., b. Jan. 24, 1899; Robert, b. May 31, 1902. Principal, Union High School, Verplanck, 1896-97. Pres. W.C.T.U. of Hobart three years; teacher of vocal music in Hobart High School, five years; pres. Woman's Civic Club, 1910; pres. Rich Mission band for 10 years, Delaware Co.; sec. Loyal Temperance Legion; sup't of music in Sabbath-school. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Univ. Extension Soc, Ladies' Aid Soc. of Presbyterian Church and choir. Noble Grand of Hobart Val- ley Rebekah Lodge, No. 470. Recreations: Skat- ing, bicycling, rowing. Clubs: Woman's Civic, Book. Has been ass't postmaster of Hobart 14 years; chairman of lecture course of Hobart for three years; teacher of piano. RICH, Mary Perry (Mrs. J. Frank Rich), R.F.D.,
Rockland, Me.
Born Lincoln vllle. Me.; dau. Oscar Wyman and Angelia (Perry) French (Revolutionary and May- flower descent); grad. Belfast (Me.) High School; Gorham (Me.) Normal School; m. Belfast, Me., John Franklin Rich; one son: Perry Frank. Ass't teacher in Belfast, Orone and Leering high schools before marriage. Treas. Lady Knox Chapter of the Rockland D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Pres. Rockland Methe- besec Club; founder and pres. five years of the Glencove Study Club; chairman for two years of State Education in Fed. of Women's Clubs; rep- resentative for Maine Fed. of the Nat. Joint Education Com. of the Nat. Education Ass'n and General Fed. of Women's Clubs; now vice- pres. Maine Fed. of Women's Clubs. RICHARDS, £mUy 8. Tanaer, 175 A St., Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Bom Salt Lake City, Utah, May 13, 1850; dau. Nathan and Rachel Winter (Smith) Tanner; ed. in pioneer schools, Prof. Bartlett Tripp's Gram- mar School, Salt Lake City; m. Dec. 18, 1869, Hon. Franklin Snyder Richards, of Salt Lake City; children: three sons and t-wo daughters. Trustee of Utah Agricultural Coll. for ten years. Mem. of B'd for the Daft Home for the Aged, organized and endowed In 1912. Has been an active worker in women's clubs and societies for 40 years. Mem. General B'd of Nat. Woman's Relief Societies; vlce-pres. of Young Ladles' Mutual Improvement Ass'n of Ogden Stake; pres. of State Suffrage Council; mem. of State PasLCJi B'd. State Orphans' Home B'd for 25
��years; first representative of Mormon women in the organization of the Nat. Council of Women of the U.S. in Washington, D.C., 1888. Repre- sented the Relief Soc. and Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Ass'n, both of which societies be- came charter organizations In the Nat. Council of Women. Favors woman suffrage. Led the suffrage campaign (In absence of Mrs. Wells, who iwas then pres. of Suffrage Soc. in Utali) in the State Constitutional Conventions of 1896. Won the fight. Campaigned in Idaho and Utah on suffrage; leader in Democratic clubs and in- terested In the Intermountain region; was pres. Democrat Women's Club for several years. Mem. Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). Democrat; has voted since 1896; also voted in Territorial days, 1871-88. Traveled a great deal in the U.S. and took extensive tours in Europe. Was a speaker at the Internat. Congress of Women held In Berlin, in 1904; Utah delegate to U.S. Nat. Convention of Charities and Corrections held In Toronto; was pres. of the Utah B'd of Lady Managers at the Chicago World's Fair; mem. of Public Library B'd for ten years.
RICHARDS, Emma Louise, 464 Summer Av.,
Newark, N.J.
Born Newark, N.J.; dau. William and Era (Wagner) Richards; grad. Newark High School, '76; entered Wellesley Coll., '77; mem. class of '81. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Eighth Av. Day Nursery, and co-operates with Salvation Army. Pres. Eissex Co. Suffrage Soc; sec. EJqual Franchise Soc. of N.J.; mem. Woman's Political Union of N.J., Equal Franchise Soc, and Woman's Political Union of N.Y. Unlversallst. Recrea- tions: Traveling abroad; marched in coronation procession of women In London, 1911. Mem. Contemiwrary and Civic clubs of Newark, Orange Political Study Club, N.Y. Wellesley Club.
RICHARDS, Florwjce D. (Mrs. D. H. Richards), 150 Thirteenth Av., Columbus, Ohio. Lecturer; b. In Ohio; dau. Ebenezer and Cath- erine Ann (Dubbs) Donaldson; ed. Northwest- em Univ.; post-grad, work in Switzerland; m. Bowling Green, Ohio, Dec, 1878, D. H. Richards; one son: Arthur Gray, b. Oct., 1881 (died in In- fancy). Mem. Internat. Lyceum Ass'n. Has spoken throughout U.S. and Canada and in 18 countries across the sea. Mem. Methodist Elpis- copal Church; has twice represented the church as delegate to the General Conference. Active suffragist for 20 years. Pres. Ohio W.C.T.U.
RICHARDS, Harriet RooseTelt, 227 Edwards
St., New Haven, Conn.
Illustrator; b. Hartford, Conn.; dau. Prof. Charles Brinckerhoff Richards (of Yale Univ.) and Agnes E. (Goodwin) Richards; ed. Hill pub- lic school, Hartford, private schools in Philadel- phia, and grad. School of Fine Arts, New Haven; pupil of Howard Pyle, Wilmington, Del. Illus- trator (books) : Christmas Every Day (Howells) ; Eight Cousins; Rose in Bloom; Jack and Jill, etc. Exhibited in Am. Water-Color Soc, N.Y. Plastic Club, Philadelphia Paint and Clay Club, New Haven Rotary Exhibition; also illustrated for Harper's Monthly and Weekly, Youth's Com- panion, Century Co., and Women's Home Com- panion. Episcopalian. Mem. Plastic Club (Phil- adelphia), Paint and Clay Club (New Haven).
RICHARDS, Janet Elizabeth, The Olympla,
W£ishlngton, D.C.
Lecturer; b. Granville, Ohio; dau. William and Helen R. (Ralston) Richards; ed. Eden Hall Acad, of the Sacred Heart, Torresdale, Pa., and at Hbme. Originator of Talks on Current Events as Profession for Women, 1896; since then has lectured over 2,000 times in more than a score of Eastern cities on public questions, Illustrated lectures on travel, history, literature, etc ; lec- ture clientele over 4,000. Interested In society work and in social service. Life mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; delegate to annual con- gress, Seattle, 1909; conventions Internat, Wom- an's Suffrage Alliance, Amsterdam, Hollaad, 1908; Stockholm, 1911. Helped in campaign for equal suffrage in State of Washington, 1909. Addressed Md. State Legislature for suffrage. In Baltimore, 1910. Author of magazine and news- paper articles. Mem. Lend-a-Hand»Club of Bal-