��Floor; Haw Barbara Kept Her Promise; The Little Girl Next Door; Ruth Campbell's Experi- ment; Silver Linings; That Preston Girl; Wini- fred's Neighbors; Little Miss Rosamond; Polly s Predicament; Marion's Vacation; Frlscilla of the Doll Shop; Brave Little Peggy; Dorothy Brown; Malsie's Merry Christmas; The Other Sylvia; Victorine's Book; Little Queen Esther. RHOADES, Electa E. (Mrs. Samuel Gray
Rboadesi Mountalnhome, Idaho, P.O. Box 394.
Born Oshkosh, Wis., 1848; dau. Joseph and Emmeline T. Jackson; ed. by private lessons in Chicago, especially vocal and Instrumental mu- sic; ia. Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 29. 1867, Samuel Gray Rhoades, civil engineer, who died March 24 1912; children: Helen Gray (now Mrs. r' B Knight, of Stockton, Cal.), Eva Sccrtt (widow of W. M. Porter, Denver, Colo.), Sarah G. (now Mrs. Carl Johnson, of Los Angeles, OaJ.). Musician and contralto singer. Democrat. Mem. Congregational Aid Soc. and Missionary Soc. Oongregationalist. Recreation: Music. Clubs: Sub Rosa, Twentieth Century. RHOADES, IsabeUa Carter (Mrs. D. Prentice
Rhoades), 406 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N.Y.
Born Chicopee Falls, Mass., Nov. 8, 1849; dau. Hon T W Carter (senator in Massachusetts) and Eliza Harriette (Bayley) Carter; ed. Farm- ington, Conn., 1864-65; Vassar, A.B. '68, A.M 72; m Oct 28, 1874, D. Prentice Rhoades; children: Mabel Carter, Sumner. Preceptress, Ithaca Acad. 1859-70. Against woman suffrage. Author of short poems: Columbine for Columbia, and
others. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Col- ,^„ ^^^.^^ ^^„ ^^_, „„,,„, „„^ „, ,^„„. ,„,,„. leglate Alumnse, Current Events CiuD or oyra- ^,gj. Recreations: Landscape painting, walking
��an's Work for the Progressive Party at State Headquarters, N.Y. City; mem. Woman Suffrage Party N.Y. City. Mem. Army Relief Ass'n, Am. Forestry Ass'n, N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Reading, music, theater, travel, horseback riding, walking. Mem. Nat.- Soc. Daughters of the Empire State, Woman's Press Club and Rubinstein Club, N.Y. City.
RHODES, Mary Snoiley (Mrs. Charles O.
Rhodes), Groton, Tompkins Co., N.T.
Born Dryden, N.Y., Oct, 24, 1862; dau. Everett ani Narvcy (Halladay) Smiley; grad. Groton High School '81; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '85 (Chapter Delta of Philelethea) ; m. Groton, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1887, Charles O. Rhodes; children: Leland Smiley, Charles Everett. Pres. Colum- bian Clui; pres. Groton Public Library. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Clubs: (Solumblan, Political Equality.
RHONE, Rosamond Dodson (Mrs. Daniel L.
Rhone), Farmlngton, N.H.
Born Downieville. Cal., Nov. 11, 1855; dau. Osborne S. and Lucy Miller (Wadsworth) Dod- son; ed. Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., 1871-74; School of Design for Women, Philadelphia, 1877; Chase's Summer School of Art, Shinnecock, L.I., 1889; m. Town Hill, Pa., Dec. 30, 1879, Daniel L Rhone (died Mar. 29, 1908); children: Alice Buckalew (Mrs. Wilcox), Helen Wadsworth (Mrs. Clapp). Corresponding sec. eight years, Wyo- ming Conference Woman's Home Missionary Soc, M.B. Church; assoc. manager Nat. Board ol Woman's Home Missionary Soc. Author: Among the Dunes; The Days of the Son of Man. Meth-
��Com. of
��cuse, Roman Ramblers, Municipal Council of Women's Clubs of Syracuse. RHOADES, Mabel Carter, Wells College,
Aurora, (home, 406 Walnut Place, Syracuse),
Professor economics and sociology; b. Syracuse, N Y • dau D. Prentice and Isabella (Carter) Rhoades; ed. Syracuse Univ., Ph.B. '98; Ph M. '03- fellow and ass't In sociology, SyracuBe Univ., 1902-03; fellowship from Syracuse at Halle, Ger- many, 1903-04; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '06 (mem. Alpha Phi fraternity). Ass't sec. Syracuse Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1898-99; teacher Syracuse High School, 1900-02; ass t in socicdogy, Syracuse Univ., 1902-03; social re- search, Russell Sage FoundaUon, 1907-10; prof, economics and sociology. Wells Coll., 1910—- Mem. Am. Sociological Soc., Am. Statistical Ass'n Am. Soc. for Labor Legislation, Central N Y Branch of A;ss'n of Coll. Alumnffi, Central N Y Branch of Consumers' League, Syracuse Auxiliary of the (Jeorge Junior R^uWic, Syra- cuse Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Unitarian. RHOADES, Mary Prentice, 805 Com^tock Av., Syracuse, N.Y.
Formerly teacher; b. Geneva, N.Y., April b, daughter Sumner Rhoades (M.D.) and Su
��san'c (I^entice) Rhoades; ed. Ithaca Acad, and vors woman suffrage. Atithor: Mrs. Wiggs of
Vassar Coll., A.B. '68. Tahght in Ithaca (N.Y.) Cabbage Patch; Lovey_ Mary;^ l^^i'^^A S.^P,
Acad- High School, Columbus, O.; High School,
Syracuse, N.Y.; Normal School, Brockport,
NY Taught 42 years, the last 31 (1880-1911) In
the State Normal School, Brockport, N.Y., where
was precet)tress and teacher of English. In the
fall of 1911 she retired. Unitarian. Mem. Ass n
Collegiate Alumns, D.A.R.
RHODES, Anne, 310 W. Ninety-fifth St., N.T.
Born N.Y City, Feb. 20, 1S6P; dau. Emercon and Almira (Ebbetts) Rhodes; ed. private school
in N.Y. City, and in Europe. Has been for 16 ___^
years closely' associated with the executive work tralia, of the N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, and for 12 years its official parliamentarian. Has lec- tured on the Free Lecture Course of N.Y. City and elsewhere on travel subjects, illustrated; also lectured extensively on parliamentary law in N.Y. and elsewhere. Has had eight years' experience as executive secretary, divided be- tween two hospitals, Waa at one time on edi- torial staff Leslie's Weekly; contributor to va- rious magazines. Protestant Episcopal. Pro- gressive in politics; now State orfianizer of Wom-
��Mem. Farmlngton Woman's Club. Haa traveled extensively through the U.S.
RICE, Agaes Downey (Mrs. Frederick J. Rice), Stanton Apartment, 128 C St., N. E., Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Washington, D.C, Nov. 18, 1889; dau. B. J. and Mary (MacGrath) Downey; ed. Holy Cross Acad., Washington, D.C; m. Washington, D.C, Oct. 12, 1910, Frederick J. Rice; one daugh- ter: Patrice, b. Nov. 2, 1911. Professional singer, St. Mathew's Choir and St. Joseph's Choir, Washington, D.C; also concert work for charity. Against woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Mem. Gaelic Society, Christ Child Soc., United Irish League. Recreations: Skating, and interested in all athletic sports.
RICE, Alice Hegan (Mrs. Cale Toung Rice), 33 St. James Court, Loulsvillle, Ky. Author; b. Shelbyvllle, Ky., Jan. 11, 1870; dau. Samuel Watson and Sallie P. (Caldwell) Hegan; ed. Miss Hampton's Private School, Louisville, Ky.; m. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 18, 1902, Cale Young Rice, poet and dramatist. Actively Inter- ested in settleament vrork, being one of the founders of the Cabbage Patch Settlement in Louisville; connected with various charities. Pa-
Wiggs of th«
- tain June; Mr. Opp; A Romance "of Bllly-Goat Hill. M«n. IXscii^es Church. Mem. Soc. for Lega' Aid and Protection, Child Labor Ass'n, King's Daughters, League of Authors and Dramatists, Poetry Soc. of America. Recreations: Foreign travel (mostly in the Orient), gardening. Clubs: Lyceum (London), York (N.Y. City), Woman's Fortnightly, Authors' (Louisville). Books have been translated into German, French, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. Mr. Opp and Mrs. Wlgga have been on the stage, the latter having com- pleted its ninth year, having been played in Japan, China, India, England, America, Aus-
��RICE, Edith Florence, 647 W. Phil-Ellena St.,
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Teacher; b. Germantown; dau. Wlllard Martin and Elizabeth (Culbert) Rice; ed. Bryn Mawi Ck>ll A.B. '07 (with honors), A.M. '08; also studied at Univ. of Pa. Interested In music; mem. Women's Com. of Philadelphia Orchestra. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tions: Out-door sports, tennis, swimming, horse- back ridinz.