< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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llps-Jenklns as teacher, a coloratura high bo- State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y., '96; Syracuse

prano voice and singing In public unprofesslon- Univ., Ph.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '05;' Cornell Unlv ,

ally. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Finance M.A. '09. Taught In Preparatory School Alfred

Com. of the Philadelphia County Woman Suf- Univ., 1896-99; State Normal Coll., Florence, Ala.

frage Soc. ; Equal Suffrage League. Contributor 1905-08; Wells Coll. prof, of biology, 1909—! Fa-

to various papers on current topics. Reared a vora woman suffrage. Contributor of ' short

Presbyterian, now New Thought Disciple as well, poems to magazines. Methodist. Mom. Tarloua

Mem. Site and Relic Soc, Philadelphia Operatic college ass'ns.

Soc. Recreations: Singing, bridge. Mem. Man- itw.vTwrbT via a_.^i„ a*__j ,-t, t^ , -^

helm Cricket Club, PMlEdelphia Cricket Club, Rel^ol^®H^.f^,«^»H ^^™- ^^V ^^^^'^

Belfield Cricket Club. Philadelphia Music Club; Chester Co NT ' ^*=*"<^^'«' ^e^^'

vlce-pres. Wilson Coll. Club; mem. Stone Har- d^__ fia™'„„f™„ d, . j /!...>,

bor Yacht Club ^ ,, Oermantown, Pa. dau. Charles M. and

Dor xacnt t..iuD. Caroline Conrad (Potter) Stead; ed Brearlev

BENWICK, Pamela Helen Goodwin (Mrs. Will- School, N.Y. City, 1903- m Sept '<i6 1899 Paul

lam Renwick), Box 306, Claremont, Cal. (Los Revere Reynolds; children:' Jane " Mary Revere

Angeles Co.). ., a,^, xi ^^°'^4^- ^'^^ manuscript reader in hubband'a

Born Akron, O., Mar. 2, 1845; dau. Thomas H. office five years after marriage. Episcopalian

Goodwin, of Akron, and Josephine M. (Field) Recreations: Horseback ridine eardenlne

Goodwin, of Northfleld. Mass.; grad. Akron High rp-vt^^tt^o ^ .. „ ..

School (first graduate), '64; Oberlin (JoU., B.L. k^^^-NOLDS, Kate Beatty, Newtown, Conn.

'68; m. Davenport, la., June 16, 1879, William '■/^S'^tl' ?" -^entown, N.J.; dau. Wlllson M.

Renwick (died Jan. 12, 1889); one son: William ?,"^ a d .«f ("owell) Reynolds; grad. Vassar

Goodwin, b. Jan. 10, 1886 (now lawyer at Boston, J^o" t, , ; **• ^^T^^'^^^^' Lakewood, N.J., 1896-

Mass.). Taught at Akron High School for six x?V^?? '?' 1898-1902; Miss Spence'a School,

years. Active In work for Foreign and Home . • *^i^ ^',V' ^><=e l^*'^. Author: Outline Lessons

Missions, attended the World's Missionary Con- ij. ii-nglish History; Outline of United States

ference, 1910, as a delegate of the Woman's history. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Hlstorl-

Board of the Pacific (Congregational). Favors ^^^ ^^^ ^^

woman suffrage. Occasional contributor to maga- BETTNOliDS, Myra, Foster Hall University ot

zines. Progressive. Mem. Iowa branch of Col- Chicago, Chicago, III. '

onlal Dames of America. Foreign correspondent University professor' writer- b Trounsbure

of Southern branch of Woman's Board of the N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll AB '80 AM '92'

Pacific (Foreign Mission Board of Woman's fellow Univ. of Chicago 1892-94 ' Ph D '95*

Home Missionary Union of Southern Cal.) Mem. Teacher, Wells Coll 1880-82- Va'saar 'lRSK<)2-

the Cactus Club of Claremont, Cal., and the ass't, 1894-95; Inatni'ctor 1895-97- ass't nrof

Rembrandt Club of Pomona Coll. and Claremont. 1897-1902; asso. prof of English since 1903 Univ'

Recreations: World travel, studying missions, of Chicago. Author: The Treatment of 'Nature

archaeology and art. In English Poetry between Pope and Words-

BEPPLEEE, Agmes, 2035 Chestnut St., Phlla- worth; Selections from the Poetry ot Alfred

delphia, Pa. Tennyson (with Introduction and notes); Selec-

Author; b. Philadelphia, 1858; dau. John George tlons from the Poetry of Robert Browning (with

and Agnes (Mathias) Repplier; ed. Convent of Introduction and notes); The Poetry of Lady

the Sacred Heart, Torresdale, Pa.; Univ. of Pa., Wlnchelsea (with introductory essay).

Litt.D. '02. Author: Books and Men; Points of RKVTvnins -Voiit.. a^^h^ /m ti

View; Essays in Idleness; Essays in Miniature; ^R^olds) ' 1^1 Ma^%t Sa^.^I^T'* ^^^'

Varia; Compromises; A Happy Half Century; Bora Smi'thfleld NV 'H^n^lft' J' n^ *

The Fireside Sphinx; In Our Convent Days; Dual? and^q^r/h r ^i^A^.-^.W®/ "' Chpster

Philadelphia, the Pla^je and People; Americans S ^^Irh^ro ;r,^^^^I^ ."^ m"°= ^,^- A^'^^i^

and Others; In the Dozy Hours. Roman Catho- m Munnsvnie N Y T«n^T88,^°T?"^' ^'^iT

lie. Mem. Acorn Club, College Club (Phila- S;v^o,d«?'Lhn'rt«J"M»^=-T?' «^^' "^^^? ^y^""

dplnhiil Soent five vears in Eurooe and Africa "^ynolOB, children: Neva U., Myron J. Agalnsc

aeipnia). t.pent nve years in ii^urope ana Airica. .vyoman suffrage. Mem. Madison Co. Historical

BE QUA, Alice Haven (Mrs. Charles Howard Club, Eltyen Literary Club (pres ) Mothers'

Re Qua), 3629 Grand Boulevard, Chicago., 111. Club, D.A.R. Presbyterian.

Born Chicago, April 12, 1865; dau. Luther and „„xrw«xT»a c ^

Annie Elizabeth (Wheaton) Haven; ed. Dearborn «*-*■■« OUJS, Sadie Davis (Mrs. Walter Guernsey

Bem., Chicago; Berlin, Germany; Paris, France; Reynolds), 329 E. 77th St.. Seattle, Wash,

m. Dec. 3, 1888, Charles Howard Re Qua; chll- , Craft worker In metals; b. Fond du Imc, Wis.;

dren: Haven A.. Catharine Haven, Charles How- ^\ WilUam De Witt and Elizabeth (Smith)

krd. Episcopalian. Davis; ed. Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wl». (scl-

BEUL. Matilda E., Baraboo. Wis. fs"^ -5^Vi?^^'rnk^= ™- t^^^^^?!"' "^J^'- ^^- ^■ Teacher; b. Mazomanla. Wis., Dec. 8, 1857; dau. or^onirt i^rt r^^n^cfo/ ^^'^^^'^ distinffuiehed George M. and Adelheld (Rkacke) ' Ruel ; ed. Blf^^b jt?^^ ^2?™?°?^^; ^« «°^= ^-^^r (iuern- Mazomanla High School, '73; Univ. of Wis. B.S. p/e'sbvtPrian Vrnl^l:^.fV^\u'"^l, '^^"r'^f- '77; Harvard Annex, fall, '87; winter, '88; M.S. n^?,pe^itI*^Ai,T^.^i ^-^^^^^"^^^^^^ Mem.Ass'n from Univ. of Wis. '92. Congregationalist. Mem. ^attf Stt « Aw,' J^^r'^% n^"** ^^^"'tF^' Order of Eastern Star, Sauk Co. Historical Soc. f „ „ F^ ^^.^V^ur^ ^"^^^ ^'*™- Washing- Mem. Fortnightly Club, 1890-99; Woman's Club, *°° ^^- W^'^^^ « C'"'^-

1896-99. Most deeply Interested In education of BHEES, Harriet Chapin Seelye (Mrs Rush both sexes In a practical preparation for the Rhees), 440 University Av.. Rochester N Y duties of life and instilling in them the highest Bora Amherst, Mass.; dau Rev Laurenus idpals of manhood and womanhood. Clark Seelye, D.D., LL.D. (first pres of Smith BEVELEY, EUen G., 437 Westcott St., Syracuse, Coll., 1873-1910) and Henrietta Sheldon (Chapin) N.Y. Seelye; grad. Smith Coll.. B.A. '88; m. North- Teacher; b. Verona, N.Y., 1840; dau. Thomas ampton, Mass., July 6, 1899, Rev. Rush Rhees, and Ann (Green) Reveley; ed. common schools, D-D., LL.D., president of Univ. of Rochester- Whitestown Sem., Albany SUte Normal, Pd.D. children: Morgan John, b. June 15, 1900; Hen- Connected with Cleveland public schools, 1865- rletU Seelye, b. Feb. 1, 1904; Rush Jr., b. Mar. 1903^, as grammar school teacher and principal; 19. 1905. Sec. of Smith Coll., 1890-91; registrar, principal of City Normal School and supervisor 1895-96; aas't In German, 1897-98. Mem. Smith of schools. Sunday-school teacher. Pres. of Coll. Alumnsa Ass'n. Reveley Normal Graduate Principals' Ass'n; mrnAnva «^„^.ii xi __ ^..x,. ^^ chairman of Reveley Bible Class Ass'n; mem "J^^-^o^?:^*^ !^* ?t S*^?.!'* < Nina Rhoades"). W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. A.fth^r? ^ m ■?•' ^J' ?."^- ■, ,o« ., Progressive. Mem. Woman's Foreign and Wom- «„";„ ' V a-'; ^1^^' ,S?^- ^ 1863; dau. John an's Home Missionary Socs. ?lt »i^h? ^?,?'* °- .(Wheelwright) Rhoades. ^^^T^TT.^-D ij T 1 .o, TTT * »x o. r, ^°^^ "^^^ ^ ^^^ Tesult of Illness In Infancy; BEVELKY, Ida Louise, 437 Westcott St., Syra- educated at home; learned all the "point" prlntj cuse, N.Y. „..„,„„ ^ „ -^r „ , 'D "se for the blind, also learned bow to operata Teachw; b. Oct 20, 1870, LoweU, NY.; dau. the typewriter, aid engaged In authowSp aeor«e W. and Nancy (Jefferson) Reveley; grad. Author: Only DolUe; The ClUdren on the T^


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