��REHEEB, Marie, 420 W. 118th St., N.T. City.
Professor of chemistry, Barnard Coll. ; b. Sun- Dury, Pa.; dau. David and Helen (Collins) Rei- mer; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '97 (Phi Beta Kappa); Bryn Mawr Coll., Ph.D. '04; student Univ. of Berlin, 1902-03. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party, 19th Assembly Dist. Club. Author of scientific papers published in American Chemical Journal and Lieblg's Annalen der Chemie. Mem. Am. Chemical Soc, German Chemical Soc, Vassar Students' Aid Soc. REINHABDT, Anrelia Henry (Mrs. George Frederick Relnhardt), 2434 Durant Av., Berk- eley, Cal.
Writer; b. San Francisco, Apr. 1, 1877; dau. William Warner and Mary Rogers (Merritt) Henry; ed. San Francisco public schools; Univ. of Cal., B.L. '98; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '05; foreign fellow Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, 1905-06 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Berkeley, Cal., Dec. 4, 1909, George Frederick Relnhardt; one son: Frederick, b. Oct. 21 1911. Former teacher of English literature, Univ of Idaho and State Normal School, Lewis- ton, Idaho. Mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, San Francisco. Translator and editor: De Monarxhia of Dante Alighierl (edited with trans- lation and notes), 1904; Ben Jonson's Silent Wo- man (edited with Introduction, notes and glos- sary), 1906; contributor to periodicals. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Dante Soc, Nat. Concordance Soc, D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Town and Gown Club (Berkeley).
BErNHABDT, Bema Lapham, 1025 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis, Minn.
Teacher of expression and dramatic art; b. Devils Lake, N.Dak., Aug. 27, 1885; dau. Rev. Truman Ohrlssey Lapham (Methodist clergyman) and Jennie (Downs) Lapham; ed. in the public schools of St. Paul, private tutors, and Am. Acad, of the Dramatic Arts, N.Y. City. On the stage seven years; connected with expression and dramatic art courses in Hamline Univ. and Univ. of Minn, extension course. Interested in social Battlement work and all movements to advance the theatre as an educational means; especially Interested in plays for children and twenty-min- ute sermonettes in Sunday theatres. Against woman suffrage. Author of short stories and articles on the theatre in current magazines. Methodist. Recreations: Fishing, canoeing. BEISINGEB, Blanche Genevieve, 235 E. Laya- yette Av., Baltimore, Md.
Born Baltimore, Md., May 19, 1877; dau. John Carls and Kate (Stromenger) Reisinger; ed. Girls' Latin School, Baltimore; Goucher Coll., A.B. '98; grad. student of Cornell Univ., 1898-99 (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League of Baltimore, Md. Luth- eran Mem. Southern Ass'n of College Women. BEXYEA, Eleanor Wood (Mrs. Albert Relyea), 1736 I St., Washington, D.C. Born V'ashington, D.C., Dec. 25, 1872; dau. James H. and Katharine (Blatchford) Wood; ed. Washington public schools and Mt. Holyoke Coll.; m. Albert Relyea; one daughter: Eleanor Relyea, b. Sept. 8, 1898. Mem. Washington Club. BEMBAUGU, Bertha, 107 Waverly Place (of- fice, 1 Broadway ■>, N.Y. City. Lawyer; b. Philadelphia, June 5, 1876; dau. Alonzo C. and Martha B. (Crum) Rembaugh; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '97; M.A. '98; N.Y. Univ. Law School, LL.B., '04 (first and second honors, first and second years, respectively, at law school). Practiced law in N.Y. City from 1906. Lectured In medical jurisprudence at N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The PoliUcal Status of Women, 1911. Director Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations, Woman's Trade Union League. Recreation: Small boat sailing. Club: Bryn Mawr. ^ BEMICK, Christine L. (Mrs. Eliot Wlckham' Remlck), 300 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. Born Quincy, Mass., Mar. 31, 1882; dau. Judge Everett C. and Emma (Russell) Bumpus; ed. Mrs. William Stearns' School, Amherst, Mass. (four years); Miss Clagett's School; Miss Bynner's School, Boston; m. Quincy, Mass. June 2, 1906, FJiot Wickham Remlck: one son: Eliot Wlckham
��Remick Jr., b. June 7, 1908. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Gymnastics, dancing, swimming, tennis, riding and yachting.
RESIINGTON, Elizabeth Thompson (Mrs. Her- bert Malcolm Remington), 122 Merlon Av., Narberth, Pa.
Newspaper woman; b. Philadelphia, Oct. 1 1883; dau. David S. Thompson (stock broker) and Mrs. Mary H. (Taylor) Thompson; grad. Girls' High School, Philadelphia, '03; Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A. '07; m. Feb. 15, 1908, Herbert Malcolm Remington, yarn broker; children: Elizabeth Tay- lor, b. Dec. 28, 1908; Eleanor, b. Jan. 15, 1910. Space writer on Philadelphia dailies, 1906; house- hold editor Inquirer; society reporter Public Ledger, 1907; household editor, Nov., 1907-Mar., 1912, and since then needlework editor, Philadel- phia Inquirer; pen-name "Phoebe Forrest." Op- posed to woman suffrage. Agnostic. Recreation; Bridge (but not for money).
REMINGTON, Mary E., 150 Erie St., Buffalo, N.Y.
Gospel settlement worker; b. Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 7, 1859; dau. Albert and Mary (Sanders) Remington; ed. Sturbridge (Mass.) common schools, Brimfield High School. Public school teacher, 1876-88; in city mission work in New Haven, Conn., 1888-94; church mission worker in Buffalo, N.Y., 1894-98; established 1898, and has since carrieii on, gospel settlement in a tenement house of 100 families at Canal St., Buffalo, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist.
REMXEY, Mary Ellen Warren (Mrs. Hubert Remley), Dryden, Wash.
Born Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 13, 1868; dau. Abram J. and Julia A. (Sutton) Warren; ed. Iowa City High School, "81; State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, '94 Ph.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Rock Val- ley, Iowa, Jan. 16, 1895, Hubert Remley; children: Miriam, Milton W., Elizabeth, Richard R. Bap- tist. Republican. Mem. Dryden Whist Club, Dryden Ladies' Reading Club. RENDAL.L, Isabella Pratt (Mrs. Simon Ken- dall), Launchley House, Towanda, Pa. Bom Towanda, Pa., Aug. 19, 1857; dau. David Shepard and Catherine (Abeel) Pratt; ed. Mo- ravian Sem., Bethlehem; Elmira (N.Y.) Coll. (mem. Elmira Coll. Club); m. Mar. 21, 1888, Simon Rendall. Mem. Woman's Foreign and Home Missionary Soc. (sec. for 35 years); ex- regent G. Clymer Chapter D.A.R. (now its his- torian) ; pres. Musical Soc. for several years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Epis- copal Church. Mem. Village Improvement Soc, Towanda Public Library Ass'n, Wednesday Club (literary). RENDER, Mayme Ellen, Antwerp, N.Y.
Music teacher; b. Antwerp, N.Y., June 29, 1871; dau. Robert and Annie Clarinda (Jenne) Ren- der; grad. Ives Sem., '88; Syracuse Univ., Mus.B. '95. Pres. Saturday Club; vice-pres. Chautau- qua Circle; organist in Methodist Episcopal Church and Sunday-school teacher. Favors woman suffrage.
RENNELSON, Clara H. (Mrs. W. H. Rennel- son), 130 Grove St., Montclalr, N.J. Author; b. Norwalk, O., Jan. 15, 1845; dau. Charles A. Morse; m. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 8, 1874, Rev. W. H. Rennelson (died 1876). Since husband's death engaged as contributor to magazines. Author: Social Heroism, 1878; Kine- men All, 1899.
RENO, Ittl Kinney (Mrs. Robert Ross Reno). The Polk, Nashville, Tenn. Author; b. Nashville, Tenn., May 17, 1862; m. May, 1885, Robert Ross Reno. Author: Miss Breckinridge, A Daughter of Dixie; An Excep- tional Case.
RENOUF, Mae Page (Mrs. Arthur Renouf), 165 W. Chelten Av., Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. (summer, Stone Harbor, N.J. ). Born Philadelphia, 1875; dau. Maj. Edward G. Whltesides and Mary E. (Garrett) Whitesides; ed. Orthodox Friends School and Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa. (mem. Phi Chi Psi); m. Phila- delphia, 1897, Arthur Renouf; one son: Edward Prince. Interested In and mem. Woman's Guild and a class taking aesthetic dancing at Philo- museum Club; still culUvaUng, with Mrs. Phil-