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��REID, EUza Anna (Mrs. Robert Reld), 388

Sherbrooke St., W., Montreal, Can.

Born Montreal, Canada, 1842; dau. N. C. and Margaret (Brown) Mcintosh, both natives of Montrose, Scotland; ed. In schools of Montreal; m. Montreal, September, 1867, Robert Reid (sculptor). Long an active advocate of liberal reforms in government, free trade, civic control of public utilities, and many others. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian; active mem. Churcb of the Messiah, Montreal. Vice-preS. Local Council of Women; mem. Exec. B'd Local Council of Women. Founder, 1892, Montreal Woman's Club, and its pres. until 1902, when re- signed and was elected first past pres. BEID, Eva Charlotte, Government Hospital for

the Insane. Washington, D.C.

Physician; b. Quebec, Can.; ed. Lyndon Inst., Vt, 1S96; N.Y. Prep. School, 1903; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., M.D. '07. Was interne at Watertown City Hospital one year; house physician at Chi- cago Maternity Hospital; Government Hospital for the Insane three years; now ass't physician. Author: The Antopsychology of the Manic De- pressive, 1910; Manifestations of Manic-De- pressive Insanity in Literary Genius, 1912. Mem. Med. Soc. of the Dist. of Columbia Mem. Cor- nell Women's Club of Washington, D.C. (pres. 1911). I*resbyterian. Favors woman sufErage; mem. of College Women's Equal Suffrage League, Washington, D.C. BEID, Helen Rogers (Mrs. Ogden Mills Reid),

Ophir Cottage, Purchase, N.Y.

Born Appleton, Wis., Nov. 23, 18S2; dau. Ben- jamin Talbot and Sarah Louise (Johnson) Rogers; ed. Grafton Hall, Fond du Lac, Wis. ; Barnard Coll., A.B. ; m. Racine, Wis., Mar. 14, 1911, Ogden Mills Reid. Mem. Women's University Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. REID, Jessie, 149 W. Twelfth St., N.Y. City.

Advertising manager; b. Spencer Acad., Indian Territory, 1861; dau. Rev. Alexander and FVee- love K. (Thompson) Reid; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '84. Was in employment of the Macmillan Co. 21 years, compiling and editing. Interested in settlement work and especially in industrial and vocational training for girls. Againsit woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat. Recreations: Photography, carpentry, rowing. Mem. Wellesley Alumnse of N.Y.

BEID, Julia (Mrs. William Thomas Reid), Bel- mont, Cal.

Born Jaclisonville, 111., Nov. 20, 1846; dau. Maro McLean Reed, M.D., and Elizabeth (Lath- rop) Reed; ed. Jacksonville (111.) Female Acad., Elmira Coll., A.B. (Kappa Sigma); m. Jackson- ville, 111., Aug. 16, 1870, William Thomas Reid; children: Julia Frances, William Thomas. Inter- ested In Sunday-school work. Pres. W.C.T.U. of Berkeley, Cal., while husband held presidency of Univ. of Cal., 1881-85. Active in religious work with Japanese In San Francisco previous to 1881. Director of Homoeopathic 'Dispensary of San Francisco, which afterward developed into the present Hahnemann Hospital. Since 1885 as- sociated with husiband in the founding of the Belmont School for Boys, Belmont, Cal. Con- gregationalist. Republican. Mem. Soc. May- flower Descendants. Recreation : Mountain life in vacations. Mem. Century Club of Cal. BEID, Mary EUzabeth, 523 W. 121st St., N.Y.


Bom Glen Haven-, N.Y. ; dau. William Inness And Mary N. (Smith) Reid; ed. Ithaca High School; Cornell Univ., B. S. (pres. of class in sophomore year; mem. Die Hexenkreis, Alphi Phi). Baptist. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc, Womeo's University Club of N.Y. City, Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. City. BEID, Mary Hiester (Mrs. George Agnew Reid),

Wychwood Park, Toronto, Can.

Artist; b. Reading, Pa.; youngest child of Dr. John Philip Hiester; ed. in schools of Reading, Pa., and of Beloit, Wis.; received art education at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, and in Paris under Courtois and Dagnan-Bouveret; m. 1885, George Agnew Reid, distinguished Canadian painter, and has since resided in Canada. Painter of landscapes, interiors and flower subjects. Mem.

��of Royal Canadian Acad, of Arts, Ontario Soc. of Artists, Canadian Soc. of Applied Art, and of The Allied Artists, London, England. Rep- resented in the National Gallery at Ottawa, the Ontario Provincial Collection, and in private collections in Canada and the States. Mem. Women's Canadian Club, Heliconian Club (Arts and Letters), Club for Study of Social Science. BEID, Mary Thompson (Mrs. Edward S. Reid),

70 Pingree Av., Detroit, Mich.

Born Foxboro, Mass., Oct. 29, 1871; dau. George S. and Elenora F. (Braley) Thompson; ed. Adrian (Mich.) High School; Univ. of Mloh., A.B. (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 26, 1S94, Edward S. Reid; children: Jasper B., Ed- ward S. Reld Jr. Teacher in Grand Rapids High School, 1893-94; editor Arrow (national magazine of Pi Beta Phi Soc), 1892-95. Mem. Board of East Side Settlement Ass'n of Detroit. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate .Mumnse. KEIDER, Edith Shope, 630 University Place,

Evanston, 111.

Social worker; b. in Williamsport, Pa.; daugh- ter of George Harrison and Christiana (Shope) Reider; ed. in Williamsport public schools and Williamsport Dieken&on Sem. ; Univ. of Chicago, Ph. B. '09 (hon. mention for work in sociology and general scholarship). Appointed special agent Bureau of Labor of U.S., 1908; vistor United Charities of Chicago, 111., 1910; director of charities, Evanston, 111., 1911. Sent to Dayton, O., April 3, 1913, to work under Red Cross Soc. for relief of flood sufferers. Favors woman suf- frage. Organized Elqual Suffrage League of Univ. of Ckioago, 1906 (pres. 1906-08); Joined Evanston Political Equality League 1913. Au- thor: Report of U.S. Bureau of Labor on Living Conditions of Wage-earning Women Adrift in Chicago, 1910. CongregatlonaUst. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Alumns Ass'n, Ass'n Clollegiate Alum- nse, Am. Sociological Soc., Nat. Child Labor Ass'n. Recrea;tion8: Bicycling, golf. Mem. Evanston Woman's Cluib. BErLEY, Katharine Campbell, 105 Jackson

Place, Baltimore, Md.

Born New Brunswick, N.J., 1873; dau. DeWitt Ten Broeck and Katharine Van Buren (Campbell) Reiley; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; Columbia Univ., A.M. '02; Oolumibla Univ., Ph.D., '09; student Johns Hopkins Univ., 1913 (Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher, Gerrish School, Englewood, N.J., 1895-98; Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1898-1902; Veltin School, N.Y. City, 1902-12. Author: Exer- cises on the Latin Verb, 1902; The Philosophical Terminology of Lucretius and Cicero, 1910. Mem. Am. Philological Ass'n, Reformed Dutch Church. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ck>llegiate Equal Suffrage League, Women's Political Union, N.Y. City. EErLL,EY, norenco Jones (Mrs. FVank Henry

Reilley), 50 Ashland Av., Buffalo, N.Y.

Born Xenia, Ohio, July 31, 1875; dau. Cum- mins Butterfield and Alice (Ewing) Jones; ed. private school in I>53 Angeles, C^l., and Leland Stanford Junior Univ.; m. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 19, 1905, Frank Henry Reilley; children: Swing Willard Reilley, b. Jan. 23, 1906; Florence Reilley, b. Jan. 30, 1908. Against woman suf- frage. BEnXEY, Laura Holme« (Mrs. J. Eugene

Reilley), Dilworth, Charlotte, N.C.

Born St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 28, 1861; dau. (^barles Francis and Mary Linn (Parry) Holmes; grad. Mary Inst.; Woman's Dep't of Washington Univ., '82; m. St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1882, J. Eugene Reil- ley; children: Lucile, Eugene Holmes, Ruth. Laura, Alfred, Shapleigh, Maurice Eliot. Elected cor. sec. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912; served as director, 1910-12; pres. N.C. Fed. two years; vice-pres. three years; pres. Woman's Club three years; chairman literature two years; pres. Sorosis several years. Mem. Woman's Aux- iliary of Presbyterian Hospital, Y.W.C.A.; pres. of Ladies' Aid and Missionary Soc. of West- minster Church, Charlotte, N.C, for eight years; first regent Liberty Hall Chapter D.A.R.; mem. N.C. Soc. of Colonial Dames, Charlotte Sorosis, Woman's Club of Charlotte, N.C. Favors woman suffrage.


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