��BEED, Caroline Gallap (Mrs. Sylvanus Reed),
37 East 50th St., N.Y. City.
Born Albany C!o., N.Y., Aug. 1, 1821; dau. Albert and Eunice (Smith) Gallup; ed. Albany (N.Y.) Female Acad.; m. Albany, N.Y., 1851, Rev. Sylvanus Reed; children: Mary Geraldine, Sylvanus Albert, Latham Gallup, Anna. Head of Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School for Girls, N.Y. City, 1864-94. Delivered address of welcome to Countess de Rochambeau, May 19, 1902, Rocham- beau Monument Celebration. Founder and pres. .Manhattan Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Colonial Dames, Mayflower Soc. ; first pres. Monmouth Co. (N.J.) Historical Soc. Has contributed sev- eral magazine articles. Episcopalian.
REED, Clare Osborne (Mrs. Charles B. Reed),
3748 Sheffield Av., Chicago, 111.
Musician; b. Plymouth, Ind., 1868; dau. Judge J. I. and M. J. (Boyd) Osborne; ed. Chicago pub- lic schools; studied music in Vienna, Austria, un- der Theodor Leschetizsky, and in Berlin, Ger- many, under Oscar Raif; m. Chicago, 1892, Dr. Charles B. Reed. Taught In Chicago Musical College (piano) and lectured on History of Mu- sic. Founded Columbia School of Music in Chi- cago, 1901 (an art school of high rank with an enrollment of more than 1,100). Mem. Chicago Political Equality League; mem. Com. on Suf- frage in Chicago Woman's Club. Independent in religion and politics. Mem. Audubon Soil. Rec- reations: Camping, mountain climbing, canoeing.
REED, Edna Gertrude Young (Mrs. Charles M.
Reed), Wa Keeney, Trego Co., Kan.
Born Titusville, Pa., Dec. 15, 1875; dau. William M. and Olive A. (Clark) Young; grad. Titusville High School; studied in Alleghany Coll., also in Baldwin Conservatory of Music, Berea, O., and Moody Bible Inst., Chicago; grad. Bush Temple Conservatory of Music, Chicago, 1908; m. Titus- ville, Pa., Aug. 24, 1910, Rev. Charles M. Reed (minister Methodist Episcopal Church). First taught in a district school, later a grade teacher and vice-principal in high school, and more recently a teacher and supervisor of public school music. Was organizer and sup't of largest Loyal Temperance Legion in the U.S. until marriage. Favors woman suffrage. County pres. of Suffrage Ass'n in Kansas. Author: Holi- day and Every Day Melodies, a book of words and music for all occasions; The Sacred Solo; The Heavenly Chimes; a temperance book. The Liberty Bell; serial siories — Rob, the Runaway; Limpy, and numerous short stories. Author of many gospel hymns, both words and music, which have beeu published, of which "I've a Taste of Heaven Here" is best known; also many temperance songs. Mem. Methodist Epis- copal Church. Won three medals in oratory, and frequently occupies pulpits and assists hus- band in evangelistic meetings, both in speaking and directing chorus choirs. Prohibitionist.
REED, Elizabeth Armstrong:, 1057 Balmoral
Av., Chicago, 111.
Author, lecturer; b. Winthrop, Me., May 16, 1842; dau. Alvin and Sylvia Sylvester (Morrell) Armstrong; degrees from Bethany Coll., Kan., L.H.D.; 111. Wesleyan Univ., A.M.; Northwestern Univ., A.M.; m. Harvard, 111., 1860, Hiram V. Reed; children: Earl Howell, Dr. Charles B. Myrtle. Believed to be the only woman whose work ha;3 been accepted by the Victoria Inst, and Philosophical Soc. ot Great Britain. Former thairnaan Women's Dep't of the Congress of Philology held in Chicago during the World's Fair, 1893. Deeply interested In all reform, re- ligious, social and philanthropic work. Especially interested in the work of the Audubon Soc. and other humane movements. Author: The Bible Triumphant; Hindu Literature, or The Ancient Books of India; Persian Literature, Ancient and Modern; Primitive Buddhism; also contributor to various modern encyclopaedlab. Elected to membership in the Royal Asiatic Soc. Dt London, England, on the recommendation of Prof. A. H. Sayce of Oxford Univ. and of Dr. r. W. Rhys Davids of the Royal Asiatic Soc. ot London, England. Mem. the Illinois Woman's Press Ass'n (pres. four terms), Chicago Woman's Club; hon. mem. Chicago Culture Club.
��REED, Emma Louise Fetzer (Mrs. Benjamin
Cheater Reed), Brookvllle, Pa,
Born Tyrone, Pa., Sept. 15, 1866; dau. C. A. and Annie (Harris) Fetzer; ed. public sohools, Thiel Coll.; m. Greenville, Pa.; Benjamin Ches- ter Reed (died). Presbyterian.
REED, Fannie Blauvelt (Mrs. Raymond C.
Reed), Newark, Del.
Born N.Y. City, July 25, 1875; dau. J. H. K. and Katherine (Fisher) Blauvelt; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1894; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '98 (Delta Gamma); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1899, Raymond C. Reed (Cornell '96); children: Raymond B., Katherine, Helen. Inter- ested In church work in general, home missionary work in particular and in the Woman's Club, with a special Interest In Improving the public schools of the town. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Club.
REED, Grace Holt (Mrs. Ralph Duryea Reed),
95 River Road, Manchester, N.H.
Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1874; dau. George Chandler and Mary Louisa (Bowen) Holt; ed. private schools and later with tutors in N.Y. City and Its suburb, where they lived for some years at Spuyten Duyvil-on-Hudson; m. Wood- stock, Conn., Aug. 28, 1901, Ralph Duryea Reed; children: Margaret Atherton, b. Aug. 28, 1902; Janet, b. Jan. 24, 1904. Interested In Gale Old Ladies' Home, Distriot Nursing Ass'n, Fraaklln Street Congregational CJhurch and Nineteenth Century Club (literary). Against woman suf- frage. Mem. Congregational Church of Wood- stock, Conn. Mem. Nineteenth Century Club.
REED, Helen Leah, Rlverbank Court, Cam- bridge, Mass.
Author; b. St. John, N.B., Canada; dau. Guil- ford Shaw and Ella (Berryman) Reed; removed with parents to Boston, 1865; ed. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '90; first winner of the Sargent prjze of Harvard Univ. for metrical translation from Horace, 1890. Author: Miss Theodora, 1898; Brenda, Her School and Her Club, 1900; Brenda's Summer at Rockley, 1901; Brenda's Cousin at Radcliffe, 1902; Brenda's Bargain, 1903; Irma and Nap, 1904; Amy in Acadia, 1907; Napoleon's Young Neighbor, 1907; Irma in Italy, 1909. Mem. Am. Folk Lore Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, Woman's Auxiliary to Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Circolo Italiano. Mem. Women's Univer- sity Club (N.Y. City), College Club and Authors' Club (Boston), Lyceum Club (London).
REED, Ivy Kellerraan (Mrs. Edwin C. Reed),
Maryland Bld'g, Washington, D.C.
Editor; b. Oshkosh, Wis., 1877; dau. William A. and Stella V. (Dennis) Kellerman; ed. Ohio State Univ., A.B. '98; Cornell Univ., A.M. '99; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. (magna cum laude) '04; LL.B. Washington College of Law, 1913; ^^tu- dent Royal Univ. of Berlin, 1905 (Delta Delta Delta); m. 1909, Edwin C. Reed. Instructor In Greek, Iowa Coll., 1907; Latin, Central High School, Toledo, 0., 1907-08; chairman Examina- tion Com., Esperanto Ass'n of North America, 1909-11. Editor of Amerika Esperantisto since 1911. Author: A Complete Grammar of Esper- anto; Kiel Placas AI VI (translation of Shake- speare's As You Like It into Esperanto); La Rego de la Ora Rivero (translation of Ruskin's King of the Golden River); also short stories and verses in various magazines. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa (elected by the Ohio State Univ. from Its alumni roll for class of 1898). Favors woman suffrage; took part in suffrage parades Mar. 3 and April 7, 1913 (Washington). Recreations: Dancing, tennis. ,
REED, Lydia MaoMiUan (Mrs. Walter J. Reed).
North Yakima. Wash.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Thomas and Indiana (Totten) MacMillan; m. Dec. 11, 1907, Walter J. Reed. Interested in art, music and literature. State regent of D.A.R. for State of Washington, working along many lines, such as Patriotic Edu- cation, Prevention of the Desecration of the Flag, Immigration, Preservation ot Historic Spots. Presbyterian. Republican. Clubs: Mu- sical, Portia, 20th Century. Recreations: Travel- ing, concerts. Against won^an Buffrage.