��Actively connected with the civic work of the Woman's Club of Ridley Park for past six years (pres. since 1911), during which time many civic improvements have been accomplished: children's playgrounds, crusade against the mosquito, cru- sade for better and cleaner milk; actively con- nected (as mem.) with the Play and Players Club of Philadelphia and the Barnstormers of Ridley Park. Mem. the Browning Soc. of Phila- delphia, Drama League, Le Coin d'Or, Spring- haven Country Club. Recreations: Horseback riding, automobiling. Presbyterian.
REBERT, Clara Mickley (Mrs. Willlaiii R. Rebert), Cashtown, Pa.
Born Cashtown, Pa., Oct. 19, 1S57; dau. Israel and Elizabeth (Rife) Mickley (of Huguenot ances- try); ed. Baughar's Acad., Hanover, Pa., and Wil- son Coll.; m. Cashtown, Pa., 1886, William R. Rebert. 'Taught in public school four years. In- terested in civic work, vice-chairman of civics for Adams Co. Mem. Reformed Church. Mem. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Ass'n; stu- dent in home-reading course of Inst, of Sacred Literature, Univ. of Chicago. Recreation: Read- ing. Pres. of Cashtown Civic League. Favors woman suffrage. RECKLiY, Mary D., Fort Collins, Colo.
Physician; b. Hillsboro, 0.; dau. John and Magdalena (Feucht) Reckly; ed. Hillsboro High School and Female Coll., Univ. of Denver, 1904; Univ. of Colorado, M.D., 1902; post-graduate studies in Univ, of Vienna, Austria, and North- east London Post-Graduate College, 1903. En- gaged in medical practice at Fort Collins, Colo. Mem. Daughters of Rebekah, Daughters of Veterans, University Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Recreation: Walking. RECTOR, Lizzie E., 8S Madison Av., N.T. City. School principal, lecturer; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 11, 1866; dau. George and Sarah (Roome) Rector; grad. Jersey City High School, '83; Chicago Nor- mal Coll., '86; N.Y. Univ., Ph.D. '95, Pd.D. '05. Teaching since 1886; appointed, 1901, principal Public School No. 4, N.Y. City. Lecturer upon educational subjects. Frequent contributor to the educational journals. "Translated and edited (with Introduction and notes): Montaigne's The Education of Children (published as a volume of The International Education Series), 1899. Mem. Am. Social Science Ass'n, Ass'n of Women Principals. Mem. the Principals' Club of N.Y. City.
REDDING, Isabella Rem-shart (Mrs. J. H. Red- ding), 11 Alice St., Way cross, Ga. Born Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Rev. John W. and Jane (Bryan) Remhart; ed. Chatham Acad., Savannah, and by private teachers after academic course; m. April 28, 1892, Dr. J. H. Redding; children: Henry Story and Charles L. Redding (stepsons). Mem. of church societies. King's Daughters, Board King's Daughters Hospital. Frequent contributor to newspapers. Author: Life and Times of Jonathan Bryan. State chair- man of Historic Program Com., D.A.R. Meth- odist. Mem. King's Daughters (organized circle 1888); organized Jonathan Bryan Chapter D.A.R. , 1900; regent of chapter and hon. State regent of Ga. Organized Francis S. Bartow Chapter Daughters oi. Confederacy (pre^. several years. Mem. the Georgians' Club, Women's Fed. of Clubs, which also organized (pres. since 1904). REDINGTON, Ruth HoUey Cabeen (Mrs. Ber- tram A. Redington), 232 Kellogg St., Syra- cuse, N.Y.
Born Neenah, Wis., Feb. 10, 1S8S; dau. Charles William and Sarah Amelia (Clark) Cabeen; ed. Syracuse Univ., Ph.B., cum laude; junior year in Univ. of Wis.; m. Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1911, Bertram A. Redington. Assistant matron Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion, N.Y. ; later Seneca Co. agent for placing out do- pendent children of Seneca Co., N.Y. Mem. Con- sumers' League, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Syra- cuse Univ. Alumnae Club; chairman Young Girls' Circle of Plymouth Church. Volunteer probation officer. Favors woman suffrage. Congregation- allstv Progressive. Mem. D.A.R., Syracuse Council of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Snow- ahoeine. cajioeins. mountain tramnine. skating.
��bowling, dancing, swimming. Club: Neighbor- hood French Club.
RED WINE, Martha Bnsh (Mrs. W. N. Red- wine), McAIester, Okla.
State regent D.A.R. of Oklahoma; b. Mason, Miss.; dau. David J. and Adelaide A. (Walker) Bush; ed. principally in private schools, gradu- ating B.S.; pursued special studies in instrumen- tal music; m. 1900, Hon. W. N. Redwine; one son: John Nash. Appointed by first (Jovernor of Okla. a mem. of Board of Regents of the State Coll. for Women, serving until a State Elduca- tion Commission succeeded the Board of Regents. Mem. D.A.R. (served two terms as State regis- trar; State regent, 1912-13); Colonial Dames of America (Mass. and Miss.), U.D.C. Baptist. REDWOOD, Mary Buchanan Coale (Mrs. Francis T. Redwood), 918 Madison Av., Balti- more, Md.
Born Howard Co., Md., 1861; dau. George Buchanan and Caroline D. (Dorsey) Coale; ed. private schools in Baltimore, Md. ; m. Baltimore, October, 1887, Francis T. Redwood; children: George Buchanan, Francis Tazewell Jr. Mem. Nat. Audubon Animal Refuge Ass'n, Maryland Historical Society, Pioneer Aid, Municipal Art Soc, Civic League, Consumers' League, Henry Watson -Children's Aid Soc, Federated Charities Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc, Federated Art So- cieties. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Colonial (rovernors. Descendants of Lords of the Manor. Protestant Episcopal. Vice-pres. Md. Ass'n Opposed to Suffrage for Women. REED, Amy Louise, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N.T.
Librarian; b. N.Y. City; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '92; student at Berlin, 1897-98; Yale Univ., fellow at Yale, 1909-10. Taught in N.Y. City, 1892-97, 1898-1900; instructor in English, Vassar Coll., 1904-08; librarian, Vassar Coll., 1910—.
REED, Anna Yeomans (Mrs. J. A. Reed), 1718 E. Pine St., Seattle, Wash. Born Walworth, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1873; dau. Hon. L. T. and Susan S. (Cleveland) Yeomans; niece of Grover Cleveland, who was mother's brother; ed. Univ. of Neb., B.A. '99, M.A. '01; Univ. of Wis., Ph.D. '02; hon. fraternity of Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta; m. 1892, J. A. Reed, M.A., principal Franklin High School, Seattle, Wash.; one son: Albert Cleveland, b. May 6, 1893; grad. of Williams Coll., 1912. Lec- turer in history, Univ. of Neb., and in Public Evening Lecture Course in N.Y. City. Writer of reports on State Institutions of Oregon and Washington, which has been given much public- ity in many States. Frequent public speaker on philanthropic and political lines. On general program of Nat. Conference of Charities and Cor- rections for 1913. Author of reports on socio- logical lines and several monographs on lystori- cal or educational themes. Presbyterian. Voted Democratic ticket in 1912. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Phi Beta Kappa. REED, Annie Martha, Somervllle, N.J.
Teacher; b. Fort Wayne, Ind.; dau. Hugh B. and Anne E. (Thompson) Reed; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '74 (Chapter Beta Philathea) ; post-grad, study abroad and at Univ. of New York and Clark Univ. Principal Episcopal Church School, Reno, Nev., 1883-85; asso. principal Comstock School, N.Y. City, 1885-99; Normal classes in Cuba, 1899-1900; instructor in English, Harvard Univ. Summer School for Cuban Teachers, 1900. Taught English at Wolfe Hall, Denver, Colo., 1900-02; same in N.Y. City, 1902-03. Principal ol American School in Havana, Cuba, 1903-04. Prin- cipal church school, San Juan, Porto Rico, 19fD4- 05. Prof, psychology and mathematics. Coll. for Women, Columibia, S.C, 1907. Returned to Cuba and taught in Chaparra and in Santiago de Cuba until 1912; came back to U.S. on leave of absence. Mem. Episcopal Church. Was connected with Red Cross, 1898-99, with Cuban Orphan Soc. of N.Y. City, 1899-1900. Mem. Frelinghuysen Chap- ter D.A.R., Somervllle, N.J.; Vassar Alumnaa Ass'n (N.Y. branch); Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; charter mem. Woman's University Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: Travel, reading, walking. Has published occasional sketches and letters.