��League, German Ladies' Aid Soc., Nat. League
for Medical Freedom, Mothers' Aid Soc., Art
Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Christian
BAVENEL, Florence Leftwlch (Mrs. S. Prioleau
Ravenel), Blltmore. N.C.
Educated Wellesley Coll., 1884-85; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95, Ph.D. '06, Bryn Mawr; European fellow and student at Sorbonne and College de France, 1895-96; mistress of modern languages, Mississippi Industrial Inst, and Coll., Columbus, Miss., 1896-98; fellow by courtesy In Romance languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 189S-99; holder of European fellowship of the Baltimore Ass'u for the Promotion of the University Education of Women, and student Univ. of Ziirich, 1S99-1900; grad. student, 1902, fellow in Romance languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-05. Teacher of French in Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1900-01. Author: La Vie Seint Edmund le Rol, An Anglo-Norman Poem of the Twelfth Century by Denis Piramus (dissertation for Ph.D.), 1906.
KAVENEL, Harriott Horry Rntledgre (Mrs. St. Julian Ravenel), 126 Tradd St., Charleston, S.C.
Author; b. Charleston, S.C, Aug. 12, 1832; dau. Edward Cortesworth Rutledge, U.S.N., and Re- becca Motte (Lowndes) Rutledge; ed. at home by private masters; m. Charleston, 1851, Dr. St. Julian Ravenel (now deceased). Author: Ashurst (novel), 1870; Life of Eliza Pinckney, 1896; Life and Times of William Lowndes of South Caro- lina, 1901; Charleston, The Place and The People, 1906. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, United Daughters of the Confederacy.
BA\'ENEL, Margmerite, 2113 Spruce St., Phila- delphia (summer, Highlands, N.C.). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. S. Prioleau and Margaretta (Fleming) Ravenel; ed. Philadelpnia. Presbyterian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Daughters of the Confederacy, Highlands (N.C.) Improvement Soc, Huguenot Soc. (Charleston, S.C), Acorn Club, Sedgeley Club.
BAVENHIXL, Alice, Chrachveattle, Shawnlgan
Lake, Vancouver Island, Canada.
Lecturer; b. Sharesbrook, Essex, Eng., Mar. 31, 1859; dau. John Richard and Fanny (Pocock) Ravenhiil; ed. privately; fellow of the Royal Sanitary Inst, of Great Britain and Ireland, Dl- plom^e Nat. Health Soc. of Great Britain and Ireland. Sec. Royal British Nurses' Ass'n, 1894- 97; lecturer County Council West Riding of York- shire, Eng., 1897-1902; County Council, London, 1903-10, and during same period lecturer Univ. Extension Board Univ. of London, Univ. Ex- tension Board Univ. of Cambridge, and in Univ. of London King's Coll. for Women. Lecturer Dep't of Agriculture, British Columbia, 1912; Dep't Education, British Columbia, 1912. In 1900 was sent to investigate methods of teaching hy- giene and the domestic arts in the schools and colleges of the United States, on behalf of the Board of Education of Great Britain and Ireland; studied educational methods In Sweden, Denmark, Holland and other European countries; in 1907 was commissioner to Investigate and report upon character forming influences and moral training In girls' elementary schools of England. Author: Elements of Sanitary Law; Practical Hygiene for Use in Schools; Some Characteristics and Re- quirements of Childhood; Household Administra- tion in the Twentieth Century; Investigation Into Hours of Sleep of 10,000 School Children; Inves- tigation Into Play Interests of 10,000 School Chil- dren, and many contributions to scientiflc and educational journals. Mem. Anglican Church. Mem. Eugenics Education Soc, Rural Housing and Sanitation Soc, Froebel Soc, Nat. League for Physical Education and Improvement, and Child Study Soc. (all of Great Britain and Ire- land), and Nat. Education Ass'n (U.S.). Recrea- tions: Theatre, concerts, literature, photography, gardening. Mem. Alexandra Club (Victoria, B.C.). Favors woman suffrage. RAVENSCBOFT, Mrs. Elizabeth Fish, Paclflc
Beach, Cal.
Born N.Y. State; dau. George A. and Dorcas (Pish) Fish (not relatives); first pupil enrolled lit Wells Coll., N.Y. Went to Kansas and later
��to California. Favors woman suffrage. Active in the suffrage movement in Kansas, acting as sec. of Kansas State Equal Suffrage Ass'n during several years, Including the campaign in which the municipal suffrage was secured; lat«r treas. during the unsuccessful campaign for full suffrage. Christian Scientist. Mem. Paclflc Beach Reading Club.
BAWHOrSER, Minnie Og:Ievee (Mrs. C. D.
Rawhouser), Salem, Iowa,
Assistant; b. Lone Tree, la., Dec 28, 1882; dau. B. M. and Louise B. (Pabst) Oglevee; ed. Lone Tree High School; Muscatine Business Coll.; m. Lone Tree, May 14, 1906, Dr. C D. Rawhouser; one daughter: Bertha Arlene. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Salem Woman's Club (pres. 1911- ).
BAWXrVS, Cora Moimier, State Normal School,
Valley City, N.Dak.
Teacher of langauges In State Normal School; b. Guilford, 111., Jan. 8, 1864; dau. Lemmon Parker and Julia (Monnier) Rawlins; ed. North- western Univ., Evanston, 111., A.B. '92, A.M. '93, flOO Bragdon prize for highest scholarship in the classical course; mem. Phi Beta Kappa since graduation, '92. Has taught two years In the high school, Muskegon, Mich. ; one year in Beaver (Pa.) Coll., 11 years in State Normal School, Madison, S.Dak. ; now in seventh year at the State Normal School, Valley City, N.Dak Worker la M.E. Church and Sunday-school. Fa vors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem W.C.T.U. Recreation: Walking. Several years mem. Cheyenne Club, Valley City, until recently
BAY, Anna Chapin, Tremont, West Haven
Author; b. Westfleld, Mass., Jan. 3, 1865; dau Edward Addison and Helen (Chapin) Ray; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '85; M.A. '88; one of first three women students to take, as test, the Yale en trance examination. Writer of novels and ju venlle fiction since 1889; In 1903 and later made close study of the social and political conditions and racial attitudes of the people of Quebec. Books: Half a Dozen Boys, 1890; Half a Dozen Girls, 1891; The Cadets of Flemming Hall, 1892; In Blue Creek Canon, 1892; Margaret Davis, Tutor, 1893; Dick, 1896; Teddy— Her Book, 1898; Phebe— Her Profession, 1899; Each Life Unful- filled, 18S9; Teddy— Her Daughter, 1900; Play- ground Tony, 1900; Uursula's Freshman, 1902; Natalie's Sister, 1903; The Dominant Strain, 1903; By the Good Sainte Anne, 1904; On the Firing Line (with Hamilton Borck Fuller), 1905; Sidney —Her Summer on the St. Lawrence, 1905; Janet— Her Winter in Quebec, 1906; Hearts and Creeds, 1906; Day— Her Year In New York, 1907; Ackroyd of the Faculty, 1907; Quickened, 1908; Sidney at College, 1908; Janet at Odds, 1909; The Bridge Builders, 1909; Over the Quicksands, 1910; Bud- die, 1911; A Woman With a Purpose, 1911; The Brentons, 1912. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse (treas. Conn, branch, 1893-1903), New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Conn. Humane Soc, Vacation School and Playground Com. of New Haven, Civic Fed. of New Haven. Mem. Lyceum Club (London).
BAY, Anna Elizabeth — see Robinson, Anna Elizabeth Ray.
BAY, Sybil Dnncan (Mrs. Henry Bascom Ray), 611 S. Arno St., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Bom Galena, 111., 1860; dau. Charles Splcer and Adellmo (Watts) Duncan; ed. Kansas State Univ. and Vassar Coll.; m. Lawrence, Kan., Henry Bascom Ray; children: Margaret Duncan, Ethel Drown. Interested In philanthropic work— for many years has been head of City Charities of Albuquerque, N.Mex.; also interested In civic and library work, and has just succeeded In es- tablishing a children's room in public library. Has written many articles for various magazines and papers. Mem. D.A.R. ; vice-pres. N.Mex. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; one of the found- ers of the Albuquerque Woman's Club. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat.
BA\'Mq^'D, Mrs. Charles M. — Bee Cary, Annie