��she went to her present position on the staff of the Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg. Contribu- tor in prose and verse to Canadian Magazine, Saturday Night, Globe Magazine, Houselteeper (Minneapolis), and other Canadian and American periodicals. Anglican. Mem. Canadian Women's Press Club. Mem. May Court Club of Ottawa. RAJj^DALL, Adella Miner, 930 Henry St., Alton, III.
Musician; b. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 10, 1872; dau. John Frederic and Elizabeth F. (Stark) Randall; ed. Shurtleff Acad., Alton, 111.; Wellesley Coll., B.A., and School of Music, '95; Univ. of Mich.; Univ. of Berlin; pupil of Teresa Carreiio. Direc- tor piano dep't Pillsbury Acad., Minn.; now director Music School of Shurtleff Coll., 111., and director of Shurtleff Chorus, giving oratorio per- formances; lecturer on musical subjects for four seasons in Alton, 111. Formerly active mem. and on Exec. Com. of Union Musical Club, St. Louis; promotor of Local Option campaign, Alton, 111.; active mem. of Alton Missionary Social Union (formerly on E.xec. Com.). Has published arti- cles in musical and denoriiinational periodicals. Mem. Woman's Council, Alton, 111. Recreations: Mountain climbing, pedestrian tours in Europe. Baptist Favors woman suffrage. R.\lVDALr, Emma Pearson (Mrs. Floyd H. Randall), 200 S. Walnut St., Bay City, Mich. Bom Van Wert, O., Oct. 21, 1874; dau. Richard and Mary (FYeshner) Pearson; grad. Van Wert High School, '92; Ohio Wesley an Univ.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. '99 (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. Van Wert, O., Oct. 18, 1905, Dr. Floyd H. Ran- dall. FYesbyterlan. Mem. Civic Lea.gue, UnlT. of Mich. Alumnae Ass'n. Against woman suf- frage.
RANDATIi, Evelyn (Mrs. William Bradley Ran- dall, Park Lane, Pelham Manor, N.Y. Born N.Y. City, 1860; dau. Addison P. and Phcebe (Carglll) Smith; ed. N.Y. City public schools; m. 1888, William Bradley Randall; chil- dren: Jerome, Bradley, Phoebe. Mem. Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R. (cor. sec); treas. Pelham Summer Home for Children. Clubs: Tuesday Afternoon, National Arts, Mac- Dowell, N.Y. Browning. Recreations: Walking, music, art, literature. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage League of New Rochelle, N.Y. BAXDAXL, Lillian Craig (Mrs. Lynne R. Ran- dall), 4 Hazel Court, 221 Sherman Av., N.Y. City.
Physician; b. Hebron, Conn., Aug. 29, 1858; dau. Dr. Adam Gemmel and Emily Sanford (Hotchki&s) Craig; ed. Wurden Acad; Bingham- ton High School; Cortland Normal; Univ. of Buffalo, M.D., and Paris CUnic (mem. medical sorority); m. Nov. 31, 1889, Lynne R. Randall; children: Edna Randall Sams, b. Mar. 19, 18S9; Enid M. Nussersmith, b. Dec. 20, 1891. Founded Riverside Hospital, conducting it for 17 years. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. Surgical Soc, Women's Med. Soc. of State of N.Y. Interested in all welfare work, eugenics and euthenlcs. Favors woman suffrage; speaker for City Suf- frage Party, State Suffrage Party and club for suffrage in 17th Dlst N.Y. City. Author of occa- sional magazine articles. Episcopalian. Pro- gressive Democrat. Mem. D.A.R. and church societies. Recreations: Travel, literature, drama. Mem. N.Y. Browning Soc., Soc. for Political Study, N.Y. Theatre Club, Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clu'bs.
RANDOLPH, Grace Titx, 3 N. Washington Square, N.Y. City.
Artist; b. N.Y. City; dau. Anson D. F. and Frances H. (Clarke) Randolph; ed. private schools; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Julian Atelier, Paris. Ehdiibited In Fine Arts Soc., N.Y. City, and Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia; bronze medal Atlanta E.xposition. Founder and mem. of Woman's Art Club of N.Y. ; mem. the Graham Alumnse Ass'n. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. RANDOLPH, Harriet, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Teacher; b. Philadelphia; dau. Edward Taylor and Mary (Sharplees) Randolph; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; fellow in biology, 1889-90; grad- uate work in Univ. of ZUrlch, 1890-92; Ph.D. '92.
��Teacher of biology, Bryn Mawr Ck)ll. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of short articles research on worms and injects to technical jour- nals. Mem. of Soc. of Friends. Mem. College Club, Philadelphia, Pa. RANDOLPH, Susan Strong (Mrs. Lester
Charles Randolph), Milton, Rock Co., Wis.
Physician; b. Hebron, Conn., Apr. 25, 1867; dau. Levi and Susan Amelia (Backus) Strong; ed. Owego Free Acad., '83; Cornell Univ., A.B. '89; Northwestern Univ. Woman's Med. School., M.D. '93; m. Chicago, 111., Dec. 25, 1890, Lester Charles Randolph; children: Hannah Beatrice, Victor Strong, Kenneth Bowen, Paul Phelps, Howell Sheppard, Doris Amelia. Admitted to practice in Chicago, 111., 1893. Mem. of School Board four years in Alfred, N.Y. ; teacher of Sabbath-school class; conductor of Mothers' Meetings. Writer of occasional newspaper articles. Seventh-day Bap- tist Mem. W.C.T.U., King's Daughters, church societies. Mem. Woman's Village Improvement Club, Milton, Wis.; Allen Civic Club, Alfred, N.Y. Recreations: Reading, gardening, out-door life. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Allen Civic Club, Alfred, N.Y.; mem. Rock Co., Wis., Political Equality League. RANKEN, Ellen Mary Halliday (Mrs. Robert
Ranken), 3154 Magnolia Av., St. Louis.
Born Dayton, 0., Nov. 24, 1854; dau. Franklin and Ellen (Moody) Halliday; ed. Cincinnati (O.) public schools; grad Hughes High School, '73; m. North Bend, O., Oct. 25, 1887, Robert Ranken. Interested in Sunday-school, Young Men's Bible Class, missionary societies. Pres. St. Louis Presbyterian Soc; mem. Y.W.C.A., South Cen- tral Field Com. of Nat. Board; mem. of Evening Dispensary for \vomen. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. W.C.T.U. Recreation: Raising chickens. RAJNKEN-JORDAN, Mary A. L. (Mrs. Clay E.
Jordan), 4950 Lindell Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born Coloraine, Ireland; dau. Thomas Laughlln and Sara (Patton) Ranken; ed. Victoria Coll., Belfast; m. Richmond, Va., March, 1905, Clay E. Jordan. Interested in religious and philan- thropic works. Presbyterian. Mem. St Louis Symphony, Morning Choral, the King's Daugh- ters. Recreations: Traveling, golf, horseback riding, out-door sports. Mem. Wednesday Club, St. Louis; Woman's Club. RANKIN, Jean Sherwood (Mrs. Albert William
Rankin), 916 Fifth St., S.E., Minneapolis,
Writer; b. Dartford, Wis., Jan. 6, 1856; dau. John Chassell and Jane Caroline (Rich) Sher- wood; ed. Ripen Coll., Rlpon, Wis., B.S. 1875; Univ. Minn., 1904; m. Dartford (now Green Lake), Wis., Dec. 31, 1882, Albert William Rankin; chil- dren; Charlotte Sherwood, b. Feb. 1, 1890; Janet Ruth, b. Jan. 25, 1S92. Has written for educa- tional papers; among others. Elementary School Teacher (Chicago) Normal School Instructor, Popular Educator, Educational Work, Primary Education, Primary Plans, also on Public Schools in the Minneapolis Tribune. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Everyday English (Books One and Two). Unitarian. Progressive In politics. Mem. Minneapolis Improvement League, Minne- apolis Woman's Club, Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Welfare League. Recreations: Horse- back exercise, rowing, walking, driving. Was pres. of the Minneapolis Improvement League four years. Early life was given to teaching E^Dgllsh; last teaching was in Minnesota Univ. Practice School at Minneapolis. Has been an ardent advocate of reform In educational matters. RANKIN, Martha Clartc (Mrs. Isaac Ogden
Rankin), 69 Centre St., Brookllne, Mass.
Born Hinsdale, -Mass. ; dau. Rev. Perkins Kirk- land and Hannah (Avery) Clark; ed. Springfield High School; Vassar Coll., A.B. '76; m. Spring- field, i"vlass., June 23, 1880, Rev. Isaac Ogden Rankin; children: Hugh, Margaret, Lawrence Avery. Interested In missionary work, social service, etc. Mem. D.R. (regent Van Cort- landt Chapter for several years, also on Board of Managers; now sec. Isaac Gardner Chapter); director Boston Branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage. MagazLoe writer; articles In Outlook, Youth's Companion,