��of Directors Washington (D.C.) Playground Aes'n, and Nat. Junior Republic League. Occa- sional writer on social and economic questions, and contributor to magazines. Mem. Nat. Fine Arts Soc., State Audubon Soc. ; vice-pres. Moth- ers' Congress, Washington, D.C. Recreations: Horseback riding, lawn tennis, cross-country tramps. Mem. Congressional Club. RAXSTON, Fanny Marion, Rockford Coll.,
Rookford, 111.
Director of muisc; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. John and Lucy Boyd (Lewis) Ralston; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, grad. with diploma from New England Conservatory of Music, Boston; private worl^ in composition with Ernest R. Kroeger (St. Louis), Arthur Foote (Boston), Harrison Wild (Chicago) ; private work in piano with Lucy B. Ralston, Fannie Payne and Nellie Strong Stevenson (St. Louis), Carl Faelten (Bos- ton), Walter Perkins (Chicago). Director of music dep't Rockford (111.) Coll. for five years; concert pianist, giving recitals in many of the principal cities of the .country. Sec. and treas. of the com. which formed the Nat. Fed. of Music Clubs; was an officer for several years of Union Musical Club in St. Louis. Mem. Colonial Dames Soc. of America and of D.A.R. Favors woman sufirage. Author of compositions for piano and voice. Piano compositions: Sunbeam; Dandelion; Skipping Rope; Song Without Words; Regret; Ich Liebe Dich; Romance, etc. Songs: Scotch Ballad; 23d Psalm; Claribel, etc. Chris- tian Scientist. Recreations; Tennis, walking, Mem. Mendelssohn Club of Rockford, 111. Has given piano recitals occasionally before the va- rious music clubs of the Middle West; has been soloist with the Rockford Symphony Orchestra and is prominent as lectuter on musical subjects. BAISTON, Sara Bums Bankin (Mrs. Jackson
H. RaJston) 1730 P St., N. W., Washington,
Born Keokuk, la.; dau. John W. and Sara Dupuy (Thomasson) Rankin of Louisville, Ky. ; ed. Ohio Female Coll., Ky. Coll., Grand Con- servatory of Music and Art League of N.Y. City; m. Keokuk, la., June 1, 1887, Jackson H. Ral- ston; raised one boy for whom is guardian: Jackson F. Ralston. Interested in church mis- sionary societies; mem. Board of Associated Charities; officer of Gentlewoman's League; mem. of many other philanthropic societies; interested in peace societies. Favors woman suffrage. Presibvterian. Recreations: Motoring, walking, sketching, reading, sewing. BAM AGE, Eleanor Dinsmore (Mrs. L. J. Ra-
mage), 811 Line St., Decatur, Ala.
Born Moulton, Ala., Aug. 12, 1883; dau. Dr. William Lewis and Nannie Lee (West) Dinsmore; ed. private and public schools; grad. Decatur High School, 1900; Martha Washington Coll., Abingdon, Va., B.S. 1902; m. Decatur, June 21, 1905, Dr. L. J. Ramage; one daughter: Eleanor Ramage. Mem. Woman's Home and Foreign Mission Soc. of M.E. Church. Methodist (South- ern); Sunday-school teacher. Mem. Stephens Chapter D.A.R., Saturday Club (literary;. B.'VMSAY, Jean Barnett (Mrs. James Ramsay),
New Bloomfieirt, Pa.
Teacher; b. New Bloomfield, Pa., 1868; dau. Hon. Charles A. and Mary J. (McClure) Barnett; ed. Wilson Coll. (Latin salutatorian), '86; post- grad, study in Germany; m. New Bloomfield, 1894, Dr. James Ramsay; children: Corinne Bar- nett, "b. 1895; McCIure Barnett, b. 1S97. Was head of German dep't, Wilson Coll., then ass't principal Bloomfield Acad, until marriage; some private teaching. Actively identified with civic and social interests. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ft. Mcintosh Chapter D.A.R., Beaver, Pa.; Wayne Chapter Order of Eastern Star, Beaver, Pa. Recreations: Litera- ture, music. Mem. Alter Orchestra, New Bloom- field; Mozart Club, Liszt Club, Woman's Club, Travelers' Club. Pres. Wilson College Alumnae. RAMSAY, Jennie C. Blodget (Mrs. John Ram- say), 204 West Hurlbut Av., Belvidere, HI.
Born In Smithfield, Ohio; dau. Rev. Harvey and Dlantha (Keep) Blodget; grad. from Rock- ford (111) Sem. (noTV college) in the class of '63;
��m. 1874, John Ramsay, merchant, of Belvidere, 111. Taught music for nine years in Rockford Sem. after graduation. Has been active in the musical life and club activities of Belvidere, 111. ; for years pres. of the Amateur Musical Club; also mem. and ex-pres. of the Fortnightly Club (literary). Presbyterian. Mem. Rockford Coll. Alumnje Ass'n (formerly vice-pres.
BAMSEY, Grace Keys (Mrs. Charles Cyrua Ramsey), Beaver Road, Pittsburgh, Pa, Born N.Y. City, Dec. 24, 1875; dau. Elijah Crawford and Elizabeth (Mapelsden) Keys; ed. Miss Chisholm's School for Girls, N.Y. City; m. June 1, 1905, Charles Cjrrua Ramsey (pres. Cru- cible Steel Co. of America); children: Elizabeth Mapelsden Ramsey, b. Feb. 17, 1906; Ellen, b. Nov. 19, 1909. Interested in hospital work In Pittsiburgh, Sewiekley and N.Y. City. Episco- palian ; worker in all church societies. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Peace Soc, Nat. Wom- an's Suffrage Ass'n, Consumers' League of West- ern Pa., Allegheny Country Club, EdgTvorth Club, Woman's Club of the Sewiekley Valley. Recrea- tion: Golf.
RAMSEY, Mary Grant Burrows (Mrs. John Patterson Ramsey), Charlotte, Vt., and Spring- field, 111.
Born Wyoming, O., Jan. 22, 1869; dau. Grant Howard and Clorinda (Jones) BurroTvs; ed. Wyoming High School, Hughes High School, Cincinnati; Bartholomew's English and Classical School, Cincinnati; m. Wyoming, O., Mar. 18, 1892, John Patterson Ramsey; children: Clorinda Burrows, John Patterson. Mem. Woman's Aux- iliary of St. Paul's Church, Springfield, III.; Ladies' Aid, Charlotte, Vt. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationalist. Recreations: Farming interests and studies. Mem. Womaji's and Wednesday Clubs of Springfield, 111. In 1898 was vice-pres. Texas Fed. of Women's Clubs. Advo- cate of a return to country life; now preparing a New England farm for a permanent home. BAMSDELI., Julia Alice Carter (Mrs. J. Gardiner Ramsdell), 4725 Springfield Av., West Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Winterport, Me. ; dau. Asa and Eleanor (Carlton) Carter (descendant of Rev. Thomas Carter of Woburn, Mass., b. in England, 1610; grad. Harvard, 1635); ed. in Maine; m. Berlin, Mass., J. Gardiner Ramsdell; one son: Gardiner Cassius. Presbyterian. Mem. Daughters of War of 1812; mem. Board Managers and chairman Visiting Com. Daughters of Am. Revolution, Philomusian Club.
BAND. Claire Forbes (Mrs. Herbert W. Rand), Garden Terrace, cor. Garden St., Cambridge,
Teacher, b. Phelps, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1873; dau. Frank and Eliza F. (Browning) Hammond; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston, Mass., class of '91; Smith Coll., B..'\. '86; m. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 27, 1900, Herbert W. Rand; children: Henry F., Dorothy G. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Cam- bridge Political Equality Ass'n. BAND, Margaret Arnold, 49 Kirkland St., Cam- bridge, Mass.
Artist; b. Dedham, Mass., Oct. 21, 1S6S; dau. Edward S. and Jennie A. (Lathrop) Rand; ed. Miss Ingols' School; studied art under George H. Smillie of N.Y. City, Henry W. Rice and Mrs. Charles Goodyear. Paintings have _been ex- hibited in N.Y. City, Philadelphia and Boston. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston. Diocesan sec. Girls' Friendly Soc. of Mass. Mem. Mass. Hor- ticultural Soc. Protestant Episcopalian. Rec- reation: Horticulture. Against woman suffrage. EANDAl.,, Florence Hamilton, care Manitoba Free I'ress, Winnipeg, Man., Can. Journalist, magazine writer; b. Compton, Que- bec, Canada; dau. Stephen and Mary (Andrews) Randal; ed. Compton (Quebec) Ladies' Coll. After leaving school wrote for various Canadian newspapers. S.ent by Canadian Government, 1902, to South Africa, after the war, to teach in the Boer concentration camps; resumed journal- ism after return; edited woman's page and was society editor of the Ottawa Journal; later edited woman's page of the Winnipeg Telegram, whence