��QCIBK, Lillian DeFrank Park (Mrs. James Quirk), 330 Alameda Drive, San Diego. Cal. Born Grafton, Vt., Aug. 3, 1849; dau. John Avery and Eleanor (Tenney) Park; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.S. 1874 (mem. Castalia Literary Soc); m. Madison, Wis., Aug. 15, 1876, James Quirk; (Alldren: Nellie Faragher, Sliirley Robert Parle (died in infancy), James Paric, Arttiur Gilbert, Earl William. Identified with religious, social and philanthropic activities. Contributor to magazines and papers. Mem. D.A.R. ; early mem. of Ase'n of Collegiate Alumnae; organized Minneapolis District Soc. of Woman's Home Missions and was its first pres. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Churcli, Woman's Club and College Club (Minneapolis), Wednesday Club and College Club (San Diego, Cal.).
��BABB, Kate Mllner (Mrs. Albert Rabb), 620 E.
Eleventh St., Indianapolis, Ind. Author; b. Rockport, Ind., Aug. 9, 1866; dau. Dr. Isaac Livingston and Martha M. (Parsons) Mllner; ed. Indiana Univ., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa) '86; A.M. '88 (Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Rockport, Oct. 7, 1891, Albert Rabb (lawyer); children: Albert Livingston, Martha Charlotte. Menu. Consumers' League, Civic League. Au- thor: National Epics; The Boer Boy; The Wit and Humor of ^jnerica (5 vols.); also short stories in Atlantic Monthly, Leslie's Weekly, etc. Unitarian. Mem. Phi B^ta Kappa Soc. (luc'i.inap- olls). Recreations: Walking, amateur theatricals. Mem. Fortnightly Literary Club, Contemporary Club, Players' Club, Theta Alumnse Club, Moth- ers' Clu-b, Local Council of Women. Against woman suffrage.
BADCrrFTE, Jessie Walker (Mrs. Wallace Radcllffe), 1200 K St., Wasliington, D.C.
Born Detroit, Mioh. ; dau. Edward C. Walker, lawyer, and Lucy (Bryant) Walker; ed. Detroit and Boston; m. Detroit, 1887, Rev. Wallace Rad- cliffe, D.D., LL.D.; vlce-pres. Philadelphia Board of Missions, pres. Presbyterian Missionary Soc. of Washington Board of Garfield Hospital, director of Washington Humane Soc. ; mem. executive Com. of Audubon Soc, Alliance Fran- calse, Y.W.C.A. ; chaplain of Needlework Guild; Interested in woman's welfare, people's gardens, playgrounds, etc. Presbyterian. Governor of the Washington Club, 1710 I St. BADd-UTE, Margaret Porter (Mrs. James E.
Radcllffe), 570 63d Av., West Allls, Wis.
Sec. and ireas. Radcllffe Manufacturing Co. ; b. Milwaukee, April 25, 1863; dau. James and Margaret (Killips) Porter; ed. Milwaukee pub- lic schools, High School and Normal; m. Mil- waukee, Jan. 5, 1887, James E. Radcllffe; chil- dren: Margaret (Mrs. David Gardner Park), Marie, Porter. As wife of mem. of Board of EJducsitlon has special interests in school work raid teachers. Active mem. and past matron Order of Eastern Star; mem. Civics Club (on Com. of Legislation); vice-pres. Anti-Tubercu- losis Club. Recreations: Civic work, village and torwn. Charter mem. South Side Woman's Club (Milwaukee), Woman's Club of West Allls, since 1905-13 (past sec. and past pres.); mem. Civics Com. of Wis., State Federation of Woman's Clubs. Mem. Library Board for past six years, now working diligently for new library for which site has been secured. Methodist. Against woman suffrage. BADFOBD, Grace Anna Bennett (Mrs. Walter
Agee Radford), 304 E. 18th St., Hopklnsvllle,
Born Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4, 1870; dau J. Heady and Mollie (Dearing) Bennett; ed. public schools of Louisville, Ky.; Young's Female Coll., ThomasvUle, Ga; Hardin Coll., Mexico, Mo., A.B.; m. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 24, 1891, Walter Agee Radford; children: Alice Dearing, b. Jan. 29, 1893; W. T., b. Sept. 22, 1894; Cyrus Sugg, b. June 30, 1896; Carolyn Pendleton, b. Dec. 6, 1898. Interested in Sunday-school, treas. of Hopkinsville Civic League; instrumental In
��securing a Carnegie Public Library; mem. Board of Directors of Public Library. Mem. Library Board of State Fed of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Daughters of Confederacy (pres. of Capt. Henry Leavel (Chap- ter of Ky.). Recreations: Driving, rowing. Mem. As You Like It Club, History and Literary Club, Treble Clef Club.
R.VDEKE, Eliza Greene Metcalf (Mrs. Gustav Radelie), 92 Prospect St., Providence, R.I. Born Augusta, Ga., Dec. 11, 1854; dau. Jesse and Helen (Rowe) Metcalf; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '76; m. Providence, R.I., May, 1880, Dr. Gustav Radeke. President R.I. School of Design; mem. advisory com.. Women's Coll. in Brown Univ., advisory com.. Providence Rescue Home for Women. Mem. Gollege Equal Suffrage League. Unitarian. Mem. Providence Art Club, Nat. Arts Club (N.Y. City), Agawam Hunt, Col- lege Club of Boston.
BATF, Emma Scott (Mrs. W. Bryant Raff),
Annesley Hall, Queen's Park, Toronto, Can.
Teacher of expression, voice culturlst, lecturer; b. Waterdown, Ontario; dau. Rev. James and Elizabeth (Cunningham) Scott; ed. Owen Sound (Ontario) Collegiate Inst., Victoria Univ., Toronto Univ. ; special studies in voice and expression In Boston and in London, England; m. Toronto, 1894, W. Bryant Raff, (died 1897). Distinguished in Canada as a dramatic reader; director of Annesley Hall Gymnasium, Victoria Univ.; director Margaret Eaton School of Literature and Expression; principal of the School of Ex- pression in Toronto College of Music; lecturer on voice and interpreter of classic literature, Toronto Normal School. Popular lecturer on Six Mornings in Florence with Ruskin, and other themes. RAGAN, Emily Lee (Mrs. William Henry
Ragan), 210 Tenth St., Washington, D.C.
Writer; b. Madison, Ind., 1839; dau. Monroe Wells and Mary (Dole) Lee; ed. private schools, also public high school of Madison, Ind.; m. (1st) Indianapolis, 1859, Henry Lee Sherwood; (2d) Washington, D.C, 1901, Prof. William Henry Ragan. Engaged in journalism in Washington, D.C, 1888-1900; also contributor to other papers and magazines. Charter mem. D.A.R. ; was cor. sec. 18 years of Woman's Universalist Missionary Soc. (national), then known as Women's Cen- tenary Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Willis Peyton's Inheritance, 18S9; also collab- orator with Mary Smith Lockwood in preparing and publishing The Story of the Records (history of the founding and growth of the D.A.R.). Universalist (mem. Mission Circle and Ladies' Aid). Mem. W.C.T.U. and D.C Fed. of Women's Clubs.
RAGSDALE, Virginia, Jamestown. N.C.
Graduate Guilford Coll., S.B. '92; grad. scholar in mathematics, 1892-93; grad. student, 1893-97; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96, Ph.D. '06; holder of Bryn Mawr European fellowship, student Univ. of Gottingen, 1897-98; holder of fellowship of Baltimore Ass'n for Promotion of the University Education of Women; grad. scholar. 1901-02, and fellow In mathematics, 1902-03, Bryn Mawr Coll.; reader in mathematics, Bryn Mawr, since 190s! Ass't demonstrator in physics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 189G-97; teacher of science and mathematics! Bryn Ma-wr School, Baltimore. Md., 1898-1900; ass't teacher of mathematics, 1900-01; teacher of mathematics in Dr. J. Sachs's School for Girls. N.Y. City, 1903-05, and in the Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.. 1906-11; prof, mathematics. Normal School. Jamestown. N.C. since 1911. Author: Of the Arrangement of the Real Branches of Plane Algebraic Curves (disserta- tion for Ph.D.), 1906. "BAIMOND, C. E." (pen-name) — see Robins,
BAINEY, Ellenora McBrlde (Mrs. Henry Thomas Rainey). Walnut Hall. CarroUton, III. Born Princeton, 111.; dau. William Henry and Mary Jane (Alien) McBride; g^rad. Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111.; m. 1888, Henry Thomas Raine>. Sec. 111. State Conference of Charities, 1898-1901; mem. State Board of Trustees Farm School for Delinquent Boys, St, Charles, 111.; mem. Board