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��QUAIN, Frances Bnim (Mrs. B. P. Qualn), Bis- marck, N.Dak.

Physician; b. Bismarck, N.Dak.; dau. John Piatt and Christina Seley (Styles) Dunn; grad. Bismarck High School; St. Cloud (Minn.) Nor- mal School; Univ. of Mich., M.D.; m. Bismarck, 1903, Dr. B. P. Quain; one daughter: Marion Margaret. Received hospital training in North- western Hospital, Minneapolis; practised three years in Bismarck before marriage and two years after; since then has been sec. Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n; has handled Red Cross seals for entire State; lectured in dietetics at Bismarck Hos- pital; county sup't of schools for two years, 1901-02- mem. Bismarck Board of Education, 1909-12; chairman Health Com. N.Dak. Fed. Wo- men's Clubs, 1908-11; mem. Health Com. Am. Med Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat; votes on school matters. Mem. Civic League of Bismarck, Sixth Judicial Dist. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, Michigan Alumnae, N.Dak. AnU- Tuberculosis Ass'n. Individual mem. of State Fed.

QUKCK-BEKNEB, Clarie Lyon (Mrs. Charles A. J. Queck-Bemer), 345 Lafayette Av., Brook- lyn, N.Y. ^^ , ., Bom In Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. Sberwood Adams and Frances A. (Boland) Lyon; ed. Rutger.s Fe- male College, N.Y. City, A.B.; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 21 1886, Charles A. J. Queck-Berner. In- terested' In Daughters of the King, Indian work In S Dak. Southern industrial education. Lpls- copaiian. Mem. D.A.R., New England Women, Patriotic Women of America, Washington Head- quarters Ass'n, Rutgers Alumns. Mem. Pensa Philosophy Club.

QUIMBT, Althea CoflOn (Mrs. J. Frank Quimby), North Turner, Me. „ „ ^ t^ • i

Bom Norway. Me., Aug. 26, 1858; dau. Darnel and Sarah S. (Collins) Coffin; ed. Auburn, He- bron Acad., grad. Bridgton Acad., '80; special student Bates Coll., 1880-81; m. Auburn Me., May 18, 1884, Hon. J. Frank Quimby; children: Israel Leroy, Clarence Paul and Frank Brooks Quimby. Teacher in Auburn and Turner for ten years, Bridgton Acad, two years. Teacher and sup't Sunday-school, and active in churrti work Many years pres. Church Ladies Aid, connected with various temperance reforms, especially the W.C.T.U.; pres Androscoggin Co W C T U. and vice-pres. State of Maine WCTU Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Vii^-pres. Maine W.C.T.U.; several times to nat. conventions of the W.C.T.U.; In 1905 was delegate from the U.S.A. to the World's Conven- tion, which met In Tremont Temple, Boston. QUIMBY, Harriet, Hotel Victoria, Twenty- seventh St. and Broadway, N.Y. City. Aviator, critic; b. Arroyo Grande, Cal., May 1, 1884- dau. William and Ursula M. (Cook) Quim- by ed by private tutors in U.S. and France. Staff writer for San Francisco Dramatic Review, 1902- special writer for Sunday editions of San Francisco Call and San Francisco Chronicle; since 1906 on staff of Leslie's Weekly, in which she Is editor of woman's page, dramatic critic and edi- tor of aviation dep't. Especially interested In aviation; first person in the world to win mono- plane pilot's license under the revised mles of the Internal. Aero Club, 1910, and first woman to win aviator's license In America (Aug. 1, 1911). Has since made frequent flights. Mem. Aeronau- tical Soc. of America.

QUINBY, Florence Cole (Mrs. Henry Cole Qulnby), 235 West 75th St., N.Y. City. Born Waltham, Mass.; dau. Charles W. and Amv W (Hoag) Cole; ed. Dorchester, Mass., and N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Henry Cole Quinby. Associate editor: New England Family History. Author: Equestrian Monuments of the World. Mem. various charitable, musical and literary societies.

QUINBY, H. Anna, 207 Union Nat. Bank Build- ing, Columbus, Ohio.

Lawyer, editor; f>. Edenton, Ohio, July 8, 1871; lau. Tbomas M. and BUza (Cramer) Quinby;

��grad. Nat. Normal Univ., Lebanon, Ohio, B.S.; Ohio State Univ., LL.B. Taught elocution, ora- tory and civics in LeMars (Iowa) Coll. ; prof, of elocution and oratory Dennison (Ohio) Coll.; ten years lecturer and organizer Ohio W.C.T.U. Editor and business manager of Ohio Woman (only woman suffrage paper in Ohio owned and controlled by women). First woman from Ohio admitted to practice law before Supreme Court of U.S. Has lectured in every county of Ohio on woman suffrage. Founded and is pres. Ohio Woman's Taxpayers' League; secured 36,000 sig- natures to the Ohio enrollment of men and women who believe in woman suffrage. United Presbyterian.

QUINBY, Lillian Baiter, 90 Mechanic St., West- brook, Me.

Head librarian of the Westbrook Public Li- brary; b. Westbrook, Me.; dau. Charles E. and Mary Quinby; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. (Alpha Kappa Chi). Interested in development of the Single Tax Colony at Halidon, Me. ; has done some work as author's critic and reviser of manuscripts. Has contributed short stories and verse to Munsey's Magazine, Short Stories, the Boston Transcript, and other publications. Club: Portland College Club. Recreations: Horseback riding, swimming, golf, all out-door sports. Opposed to woman suffrage.

QUINCT, Mary Adams (Mrs. Henry Parker Qulncy), 452 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Born Boston, Mass.; dau. Charles Francis and Abigail (Brooks) Adamis; ed. by private school and governess in Boston and London; m. Quincy, Mass., June 20, 1877, Dr. Henry Parker Qulncy (died March 11, 1899); children: Dorothy, b. Dec. 4, 1885; Elinor, b. March 11, 1888. Interested in religious and social activities. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Colonial Dames, Woman's Municipal League of Boston, Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Federation, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Audubon Soc, Arts and Crafts Soc, Boston Soc, Quincy His- torical Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Am. Humane Soc. Mem. Chilton Club.

QUINN, Isabel Lowe (Mrs. William W. Qulnn),

Westfield, Wis.

Born Westueld, Wis. ; dau. James and Jane (Russell) Lowe; m. Westfield, Wis., Jan. 3, 1883, William W. Qulnn; children: Edna Le Nore, b. May 22, 1886; Grace, b. March 22, 1893 (died March 26, 1893). Pres. Woman's Study Club, pres. Woman's Aid and Missionary Soc. of Pres- byterian Church; mem. Public Library Board. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Federated Club.

QUINTRELL, Mary Corinne, 14182 Euclid Av.,

East Cleveland, O.

Born St. Austell, Cornwall, England, Jan. 8, 1839; dau. Thomas and Emma (Brewer) Quin- trell; grad. Cleveland High School, West (classi- cal course), 1857; classmate in school of Mark Hanna and John D. Rockefeller; first young lady graduate of Cleveland High School, West Side, and first to graduate from there who taught in the Cleveland schools. Edited the first paper ever published on the West Side of Cleveland. First to introduce the phonic method of teaching reading in the schools of Cleveland and taught the teachers how to teach the system; also wrote a large portion of the chart they use in reading in the schools of Cleveland. Taught in schools of Cleveland about twenty-five years; first woman Republican candidate for Cleveland School Coun- cil (1895). Has written many papers and poems for Cleveland clubs, several of which have been published. Has supplied the hospitals of Cleve- land with reading matter for over thirty years; working to restore the reading of the Bible in the public schools of Cleveland. Mem. Second Pi-es- byterian Churcti; mem. missionary societies, etc An organizer and charter mem. Cleveland Sorosls (former chairman, dep't of parliamentary law and dep't of art); mem. Novelist Club (critic since 1897); pres. Health Protective Ass'n. Paints in oil colors— chiefly marine pictures. Strongly favors woman suffrage.


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