��of Colonial Governors. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Music, hospitality. Mem. Century Club of San Francisco.
PUTNAM, Mary B. (Mrs. Charles Henry Put- nam), B. 603 Nora Av., Spokane, Wash. Born Dorchester, Mass., Aug. 20, 1872; dau. Charles Henry and Martha C. (Price) Clark; ed. St. Paul High School, Smith Coll., A.B. ; m. St. Paul, Minn., June 18, 1901, C. H. Putnam; children: Martha Clark, b. 1903; Henry Homer, b. 1905. Mem. Parent-Teachers' Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae and Spokane branch of same. Sunday-sdhool teacher. Favors woman sufifrage. Unitarian. Republican. Recreation: Volley ball.
PUTNAM, Mary Nlcoll (Mrs. Erastus Gaylord Putnam), 219 S. Broad St., Elizabeth, N.J. Born Ithaca, N.Y., Oct. 1, 1834; dau. William Amos and Frances Mary (Evertson) Woodward; td. St. Ann's Hall, N.Y. City; m. Keewaydln, N.Y., Jan. 30, 1867, Erastus Gaylord Putnam; children: Mary Evertson, Rosalie Gaylord and Harry Barrows (twins), William Hamilton (all died young). Interested in church charities and missions, preservation of historic spots, child labor, playgrounds. Mem. Recreation Ass'n of America, Civic Welfare Soc, Woman's Branch of N.J. Historical Soc., Charity Organization Soc, Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Ladles' Aid Soc, Eliza- beth; General Hospital and Dispensary, Eliza- beth, N.J. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Soc. of Colonial Dames, Order of the Crown, Huguenot Soc. of America, Daughters of Holland Dames, Americans of Armorial An- cestry, Soc of New EJngland Women; life mem. N.J. Historical Soc; mem. Monday Club of Elizabeth, N.J.
PUTNAM, Mary Perkins, 1100 Santee St., Los
Angeles, Cal.
Teacher; b. River Falls, Wis.; dau. John Day and Catherine Helen (Lovell) Putnam; ed. Los Angeles city schools; Univ. of Cal., B.L. '03; Coumbla. Vice-principal Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles, Cal. Interested In social byglene work, public baths for Los Angeles. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suf- frage League. Democrat. Mem. Am. Peace Soc. Recreation: Mountain climbing. Clubs: College Woman's, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Evening City, Sierra.
PUTNAM, Nina WUcox (Mrs. Robert F. Put- nam), 4 W. 45th St., N.Y. City. Author; b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 28, 1888; dau. Marrion Wilcox, the historian, and EJleanor (Sanches) Wilcox; ed. at home by governess; m. Oct. 5, 1907, Robert F. Putnam. Won a N.Y. Herald short story prize at the age of eleven years. Interested in the reform of system of public education, particularly the curriculums of public schools and tfie introduction of proper instructions in physical hygiene. Invented a one-piece dress as protest against woman's ir- rational clothing. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Political Union, N.Y. City, and Equal Suffrage League of Madison, Conn., and Rye, N. Y. Author: In Search of Arcady; The Im- possible Boy; also short fiction and verse in Harper's, Munsey^s, Ainslee's, etc. Mem. Poetry Soc. of America. Recreations: Sculpturing, musical composition, athletics.
PUTNAM, Ruth, 2025 O St., Washington. D.C.
Author, historian; b. Yonkers, N.Y., 1858; dau. George Palmer and Victorine (Haven) Putnam; taught at home until fifteen years old, two years at Miss Brackett's School, and four years at Cornell Univ., B.A. ; studied in Paris, Oxford, Geneva, Leiden, London. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: William the Silent (two vols.), 1895; A Mediasval Princess (Jacqueline of Ba- varia, Countess of Holland, Zealand and Halnaut); Charles the Bold; William the Silent (one vol. m Hero series), 1911; Anneke Jans Farm. Editor of Half-Moon Papers; translator of part of BIcyck'g History of Netherland People. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n; hon. mem. Maat- BchappiJ van Nederlandsche Letterkunde (Society
��of Dutch Settlers of Leiden); mem. Women's University Club.
PTI.E, Annie Sanborn (Mrs. Joseph Gilpin Pyle), Upland Farm, Stillwater, Minn. Born Concord, N.H., June 24, 1S.'j9; dau. George G. and Jane Hale (Abbott) Sanborn; ed. Norwood Hall, St. Paul, Minn.; Miss Putnam's School, Boston; m. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 14, 1900, Jo>--eph Gilpin Pyle. Newspaper work, literary editor and editorial writer on St. Paul Pioneer Press, 1891-1900, under Joseph A. Whee- lock. Interested in Y.W.C.A. work, and mis- sions — foreign and domestic. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Nerw Century Club, St. Paul.
PTLE, EUen, London Grove, Pa.
Born London Grove, Pa. ; dau. Robert L. and Elizabeth (Walton) Pyle; ed. Swarthmore Coll., B.A. '92; Columbia Coll., A.M. '99 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Principal of Friends' School four years. Sup't Sabbath-sahool, clerk of monthly meeting; mem. Hospital Auxiliary ol Chester Co., Chester Co. Historical Soc, Ken- nett New Century Club.
PYLE, Hannah Cadbury (Mrs. Robert Pyle),
West Grove, Pa.
Born Germantown, Philadelphia, 1872; dau. John Warder and Rebecca (Warder) Cadbury; ed. Friends School, Germantown; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1892-96; m. Germantown, Mar., 1910, Robert Pyle. Director Lucy M. Bruce Industrial School, Pa.; on Publication Com. of the Westonian, a Friends monthly magazine. Favors woman suffrage. Editor of the Quarterly of the Friends Foreign Missionary Ass'n of Philadelphia; also various articles, chiefly in Quaker periodicals in Phila- delphia and England. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Recreation: Canoeing. Mem. Agenda Club (wo- men's social) West Grove. Has been directress of the Casa Ravello (milk station, medical dis- pensary, visiting nurse); before marriage was resident at College Settlement, Philadelphia.
PY1.E, Katharine, 2325 W. 16th St., Wilming- ton, Del.
Author; b. Wilmington, Del.; dau. William and Margaret C. Pyle; ed. at home and private schools. Author: As the Goose Flies; A Christ- mas Angel; A Counterpane Fairy; Prose and Verse for Children (EXjlectic School Readings); The Rabbit Witch; Careless Jane, and Other Tales; Childhood; In the Green Forest; Stories of Humble Friends; Where the Wind Blows, be- ing Ten Fairy Tales of Ten Nations; Nancy Rut- ledge; Fairy Tales from MaJiy Lands; Once Upon a Time in Delaware; also Joint author (with Laura Spencer Portor): Theodora. Has illus- trated most of her own books, and contributed to leading magazines.
PYLE, Margery, London Grove, Pa,
Born London Grove, Pa.; dau. Robert L. and Elizabeth (Walton) Pyle; grad. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. 1900 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Has spent much time since college on study oi art, also work in music and course in domestic science and domestic art. Mem. Society of Friends. Mem. Somerville Literary Soc, Swarth- more Coll. Alumni Ass'n. Active in small com- munity gatherings, for neighborliness, reading, etc. Mem. College Club, Philadelphia; Century Club (Kennett Square, Pa.), Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni Chapter, Philadelphia.
PYLES, Nellie E. (Mrs. Thomas B. Pyles),
Fountain, Colo.
Newspaper editor and publisher; b. Marietta, Ohio, Sept. 27, 1869; dau. George Albert and Mary B. (Perkins) Sanborn; ed. Glasgow (Ky.) Baptist Coll., Liberty Coll.; m. Hutchinson, Kan., June 12, 1900, Thomas B. Pyles. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Democrat. Active mem. Brotherhood of American Yeomen; head ofl3cer Grand Companion, Companions of tie Forest, both secret, benefit and fraternal orders. Mem. Woman's Club of Colo. Springs (charter mem. and for three years each treas. and auditor, always on executive board). Six years recording sec. of Colo. Fed. of Women's Clubs, now serving fifth year as auditor.