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��PCTNA3T, Brenda, 3 "Washington Square, North,

N.T. City.

Sculptor; b. Minneapolis, Minn.; dau. Herbert and Elizabeth (Munroe) Putnam; ed. private schools in Cambridge, Ma.ss. ; Freiburg, Breis- gau, Paris, and student in art school of Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Art Students' League, N.Y. City. Has made exhibits of sculpture during several years past in the Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City; Acad, of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia, and at the International Exposition at Rome, 1911. Recreation: Music. Favors woman suffrage.

PUTNAM, Carolyn Elizabeth, 525 E. 10th St.,

Kansas City, Mo.

Homoeopathic physician; b. Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1857; dau. George C. and Elizabeth F. (Force) Putnam; ed. Rochester common and high schools, "Kansas City Hahnemann Medical Coll., M.D. Prof, children's diseases and chil- dren's clinic, 1897-1902; prof, materia medlca since 1897 in Kansas City Hahnemann Medical Coll. Mem. Kansas City Homoeopathic Med. Soc., Mo. Inst, of Homoeopathy, and Homoeo- pathic International Congress. Universalist. PUTNAM, Clara Belle Rood (Mrs. Thomas N.

Putnam), Carrington, N.Dak.

Born Otho, near Fort Dodge, la., Nov. 27, 1861; dau. James Rood (killed in Civil War) and Elizabeth (Greenside) Rood (after mother's sec- ond marriage, to A. W. Wier, adopted stepfather's name until married); ed. in various schools in Davenport, and Grinnell, la.; m. Clear Lake, la., June 24. 1886, Thomas N. Putnam; children: Les- lie R., Clara Belle (deceased), Hugh R., Frank L. Before marriage taught school at Rockwell and Clear Lake, la., ass't principal at latter. Treas. Ladies' Aid; mem. Civic Improvement League. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist. Republican. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Woman's Literary Club.

PUTNAM, Dora Park (Mrs. Wilton F. Putnam), 577 Wentworth Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Born Owatonna, Minn., Jan. 28, 1859; dau. John W. and Sarah L. (Thomas) Park; ed. Lakeside Seminary, Oconomowac, Wis.; Milwau- kee Coll.; m. Mukwanogo, Wis., Dec. 21, 1879, Wilton F. Putnam; one daughter: Daphne W. (Mrs. Henry Otjen), b. Dec. 7, 1880. Artist, with studio In Waukesha, Wis., for twenty years, with large classes of pupils in oil, water color and china painting. Has sold a great many original paintings to summer tourists, also painted, in Layton's Gallery, Milwaukee, copies of the old masters. Owned a business block and fine residence in Waukesha— results of art work; now lives with daughter in Milwau- kee. Has painted in oil many hundreds of il- lustrations enlarged from photographs for Union Sunday-school workers. Favors woman suffrage. Author of club papers on art and nature sub- jects. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Club of Wau- kesha, Friday Afternoon Club, Milwaukee. PUTNASI, Elizabeth (Mrs. William Lowell Put- nam), 49 Beacon St., Boston, and Manchester,

Born Boston, Feb. 2, 1862; dau. Augustus and Katharine Bigelow (Lawrence) Lowell; ed. pri- vate schools in Boston; m. Brookline, Mass., June 9, 1888, William Lowell Putnam; children: George, Katharine Lawrence, Roger Lowell, Har- riet Lowell, Augustus Lowell. Chairman Exec. Com. Mass. Milk Consumers' Ass'n; chairman Dep't of Public Health of Women's Municipal League of Boston; chairman Com. on Prenatal Care of Women's Municipal League of Boston. Against woman suffrage; chairman of Education and Organization Com. of Mass. Ass'n Opposed to Further Extension of the Suffrage to Women. Author of articles in magazines on milk and pre-natal care. Christian (undenominational). Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Chilton Club, Mayflower Club, Tuesday Club, Manchester Woman's Club.

PUTNAM, Emily James Smith (Mrs. George Haven Putnam), 335 W. Eighty-sixth St., N.T. City. Educator, author, critic; b. Canandalgua, N.Y. ;

��dau. James C. and Emily Ward (Adams) Smith; ed. Canandaigua, N.Y. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; Girton Coll., Univ. of Cambridge, England, 1889-90; fellow in Greek, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-94; m. Apr. 27, 1S99, George Haven Putnam. Teacher of Greek, Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1891-93; dean of Barnard Coll., 1894-1900; trustee of Barnard Coll., 1897-1906. Writer of reviews for the Nation (N.Y. City). Author: Selections from Lucian, 1891; The Lady — Studies of Certain Significant Phases of Her History, 1910. Mem. League for Political Education (ex- pres.), Women's University Club of New York (vice-pres. and manager, 1907-09).

PUTNAM, Helen C, Rhode Island Av., Provi- dence, R.I.

Physician; b. Stockton, Minn., Sept. 14, 1857; dau. Herbert Asa and Celintha T. (Gates) Put- nam; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '89; Neiw England Hospital for Women and Children, 1890; grad. Sargent Nor- mal School of Physical Trainmg, Harvard Univ., 1885; Philadelphia Polyclinic, 1889; Western Re- serve Univ., LL.D. Mem. Children's Gardens Com. of Rhode Island. Favors woman suffrage; mem. R.I. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. R.I. Progressive League; sec. Summer Play- grounds and Vacation School Com. (Providence), 1893-1900; sec. Citizens' Com. R.I. Reformatory Work for Women, 1904-05; mem. Board of Vis- itors to State Institutions, 1903-04. Lecturer. Au- thor of numerous reports, studies, papers and addresses published in Government volumes, mod. and educational journals; transactions of societies and congresses, chiefly in medical sociology, such as school inspection, janitor serv- ice, teaching hygiene, vacation schools, continu- ation schools, playgrounds, eugenics, birth regis- tration, reformatory work for men and women, school gardens; also of a series on Child- Hygiene, in Child Welfare Magazine. Mem. Am. Public Health Ass'n, 1S95— , Am. Med. Ass'n; vice-pres. Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Physi- cal Education, 1885-SS; fellow Am. Acad. Medi- cine (vice-pres., 1S94, 1897; pres. 1908; Exec. Com. of Conference on Prevention of Infant Mor- tality, 1909; delegate Second Internat. Congress on School Hygiene, London); mem. Am. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, Nat. Council o£ Playground Ass'n of America, Board of Directors Am. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, council Am. School Hygiene Ass'n, Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophy- laxis, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Educa- tion Ass'n; vice-pres. Dep't of Child Hygiene, State director, chairman Com. on School Janitors; mem. Nat. Council of Education; delegate to Fourth Internat. Congress on "School Hygiene. Author: School Janitors, Mothers and Health (Am. Acad. Medicine Press). Mem. A.A.A.S.; honorary fellow Lehigh Valley Medical Ass'n; American Home Economics Ass'n; councillor Permanent Bureau Internat. Union for Protec- tion of Children; delegate to loth Internat. Con- gress on Hygiene and Demography, Washington, D.C. Director gymnasium Vassar Coll., 1883-90; physician and surgeon to North End Dispensary, Providence, 1893-99.

PUTNAM, Kathrine Scobey (Mrs. Walter Put- nam), Pasadena, Cal.

Born Chicago; dau. Madison Crandall and Agnes (Bensley) Scobey; ed. Chicago public schools, Univ. of Chicago (mem. Spelman House); m. Chicago, April 22, 1908, Walter Put- nam; one daughter: Barbara. Favors woman suffrage. Joint author (with Olive B. Home): Stories of Great Artists; Stories of Great Musi- cians. Christian Scientist. Progressive.

PUTNAM, Lucy Chase (Mrs. Osgood Putnam),

3255 Pacific Av., San Francisco.

Born N.Y. City, Jan. 9, 1859; dau. Rufus and Julia Elizabeth (Ritter) Chase; ed. Packer Col- legiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., '79; Bryn Mawr Coll., special course, 1888-89; m. first, Oct. 18, 1893, William Burger Boorun; second, Oct. 14, 1908, Osgood Putnam. Teacher of mathematics. Packer Collegiate Inst, 1889-93. Regent Cal. Chapter D.A.R., 1915-13; mem. Packer Alumnae Ass'n, Colonial Dames of America, Descendants


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