��Ohio; Southern Normal, Huntingdon, Tenn.; took teacher's commercial scientific and classic courses; m. Huntingdon, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1899, Dr. Clyde Edison Purcell; children: Ewarc E. G. (deceased), S. LaVerne, E. Lois. Teacher for twenty years in graded schools and universi- ties; conducted Teachers' Institutes, Summer Normal; mem. Board of Examiners for Teachers, twelve years; mem. Board of Education, Padu- cah, Ky. Author: Settlements and Cessions of Louisiana; Kentucky Kernels; A History of Livingston Co., Ky.; An Outline of American Literature, 1608-1913; Paducah in History, also numerous poems. Introduced resolution in local cluh that secured indorsement of city, county and State health oflBcers, that resulted In law pro- hibiting public drinking cups in Ky. Interested in the Woman's Hospital League (founder and pres. since organization; recently elected pres. for life), chairman Year Book and of Education in United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. Board of Education of Paducah, Ky. ; mem. of Jefferson School Improvement League. Mem. Church Furnishing Soc, Woman's Club of Paducah, Ky. Democrat. Chairman of the Leg- islative Com. State Fed. of Women's Clubs of First Congregational District of Ky. Favors woman suffrage.
PUBDON, Josephine Wilson (Mrs. James Pur- don), 541 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. Born Boston, June 28, 1874; dau. Cecil P. and Josephine (Nourse) Wilson; ed. Mrs. Quincy Shaw's School, Boston; Paris, France; m. Bos- ton., Dec. 12, 1905, James Purdon; one daughter: Josephine Nourse. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Singing, painting, tennis.
PURDUE, Ida Pace (Mrs. Albert Homer Purdue), 1805 Eighteenth Av., South, Nash- ville, Tenn.
Born Harrison, Ark., Jan. 4, 1869; dau. William Fletcher and Sarah Jane (Howell) Pace; ed. Univ. of Ark., B.A., '88 (mem. Chi Omega), grad stu- dent Cornell Univ., 1894-95; Univ. of Chicago, '97; m. Harrison, Ark.. Dec. 22, 1898, Dr. Albert Homer Purdue; children: Branner Pace, Richard Howell. Teacher Union Coll., Oxford, Miss., 1890-91: Valley Sem., Waynesboro, Va., 1891-92; Central Coll., Lexington, Mo., 1893-94; Univ. of Ark., 1895-98. Editor of Eleusis of Chi Omega, 1899-1904; Nat. pres. of Chi Omega, 1904-10. Pres- byterian. Mem. United Daughters of the Con- federacy.
PUKINGTON, Beulah Frances, 9A Mechanic
St., Attleboro, Mass.
Teacher; b. Mechanic Falls, Me., July 5, 1883; dau. Francis O. and Addle P. (Smullen) Purington; grad. Colby Coll., A.B. 1906, magna cum laude. Phi Beta Kappa (mem. Chi Omega). Taught in South Paris (Me.) High School, 1906- 07; Llvermore Falls (Me.) High School, 1907- 1910; Edward Little High School, Auburn, Me., 1910-11; head of English Dep't, Attleboro (Mass.) High School, 1911 — . Congregationalist. Mem. Attleboro Teachers' Ass'n, Attleboro Woman's Club.
PURINGTON. Louise C. (Mrs. D. Purington),
23 AUston St., Dorchester, Mass.
Temperance worker; b. Madjson, N.Y., July 3, 1844; dau. Isaac and Harriet (Putnam) Chamber- lain; grad. Mt. Holyoke Sem. (now college), '64; Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D. '74; post- graduate study in New York hospitals. Ac- tively interested in temperance work since medi- cal college days, colaborer with the late Frances Willard In the early movements and efforts; ap- pointed Nat. Sup't of Dep't of Health and Heredity of the Nat. W.C.T.U.; edited mission- ary W.C.T.U. papers; appointed at World's W.C.T.U. Convention in Geneva, Switzerland, as World's Sup't of Cooperation with Missionary Societies. Writer of numerous manuals, book- lets and magazine contributions on many phases of the temperance question. Always a suffragist.
PUBINTON, Alice »Iaj, Waterville, Me.
Bom Waterville, Me., Apr. 15, 1877; dau. Hor- ace and Clara M. (Preble) Purlnton; ed. Colby Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '99; Boston Normal
��School, kindergarten dep't (mem. Sigma Kappa). Sec. Waterville Woman's Club, 1910-12. Baptist. Taught in Boston, Mass., public kindergarten, Charlestown district, 1902-04; now engaged in clerical work with Horace Purinton Company.
PUBSELL, Anna Ford (Mrs. Charles W. Pur- sell). 916 Hays St., Boise, Idaho. Born Maineville, O., Feb. 27, 1860; dau. Nathaniel and Mary E. (Smith) Ford; descendant of Mayflower ancestors (James Chilton and Stephen Hopkins); ed. Washington High School; m. Washington C.H., 0., Jan. 6. 188U, Charles W. Pursell; children: Georgia, Harry Burton, Helen. Student of literature; interested in phil- anthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Meth- odist. Republican; takes active interest in poli- tics. State regent of D.A.R. (formed the first chapter in Idaho).
PUBVIN, Jennie Franltlin (Mrs. Moses L. Pur-
vin), 4019 Lake Av., Cliicago, 111.
Born Chicago, Aug. 23, 1873; dau. Henry B. and Hannah (Mayer) Franklin; ed. North Divi- sion High School and Univ. of Chicago; m. Chi- cago, Oct. 19, 1899; children: Janet Fredericka, Nata Jule. Club woman; chairman, 1911-12, Oakland School Parents' and Teachers' Ass'n; mem. and sec, 1909-11, Ruth Home for Work- ing Girls. Favors woman suffrage; mem. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Departmental editor. The Sentinal, weekly Chicago paper. Jewish. Mem. Woman's City Club; pres., 1911-15, Chi- cago Woman's Aid, an organization of 935 women interested in civic and philanthropic activitieE; mem. Advisory Board Oakland Branch of the Juvenile Protective Ass'n; chairman Civic Com., 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912-14.
PUTEBBAUGH, Margaret May Lohr (Mrs.
William L. Puterbaugh), MilledgevUIe, 111.
Born Mt. Carroll, 111., Oct. 26, 1873; dau. Solo- man and Sarah Belle Puterbaugh; grad. Mt. Car- roll High School and Frances Shimer Acad., Mt Carroll; m. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 23, 1901, William L. Patei'baugh. Deeply interested in Sunday- school work, teaching an organized class of 60 women. Favors woman suffrage; sup't suffrage dep't in local W.C.T.U. Mem. of the Brethren Church. Recreations: Walking, automobiling. Charter mem. and now cor. sec. Milledgeville Woman's Club; sec. Household Science Dep't Carroll Co., 111., Farmers' Inst, past three years.
PUTN.4JVI, Bertha Haven, Mount Holyoke Coll.,
South Hadley, Mass.
Teacher; b. N.Y. City, Mar. 1, 1872; dau. George Haven and Rebecca (Shepard) Putnam; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '09. Instructor in history at Mount Holyoke Coll., 1908-12; on leave of absence for a year, and engaged in historical research work in London, 1912-13, and holder Alice Freeman Palmer me- morial fellowship; teacher Latin, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Md., 1893-95; Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1895-97. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: The Justices of Labourers in the Fourteenth Century, 1906; The Enforcement of the Statutes of Labourers During the First Decade After the Black Death, 1908. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legis- lation, Selden Soc. (England), N.Y. Consumers' League, College Settlements Ass'n, Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnae, Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n. Clubs: N.Y. Women's University, N.Y. Bryn Mawr.
PUTNAM, Bessie Lucina, Harmonsburg, Pa.
Born Harmonsburg, Pa., Aug. 2, 1859; dau. Levi and Elizabeth (Whiting) Putnam; ed. Alle- gheny Coll., Meadville, Pa., A.M. '88 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Contributor to Scientific American, Suburban Life, Llppincott's Magazine, Housekeeper, Forest and Stream. Out-door Life, Success, Good Housekeeping, Delineator, Modern Priscilla, MeClure's syndicates. Mothers' Maga- zine, Park and Cemetery, Education, Journal of Education, Botanical Gazette, etc., and many agricultural and other papers. Recreations: Botany, natural history In all phases, birds (an advocate of their protection). Has edited dep'ts in several educational periodicals and furnished editorial copy regularly to others.