��1859, under the Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. First principal of Girls' Boarding Scliool, Aintab, 1859-78; furloughs in 1S68 and 18(4 spent largely in working for Woman's Board of Missions. In 1878, with an associate, was appointed sup't of twenty-seven schools connected with Aintab Station that were partly supported ty the Woman's Board of Mis- sions; returned to America in 1S83; was in employ of the board until 1885. Taught English, 1897-1910, to evening classes of Armenians. Favors woman suffrage. Author of several books for children. Translator from English into Turk- ish of Cutter's Physiology, Warren's Physical Geography and an abridgement of Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching. Congregationaiist. Recreations: Horseback riding, simple games. PKOCTOB, Nona Gregory (Mrs. Charles E.
Proctor), Great Neck, L.I.
Born Norfolk, Va., June 22, 1874; dau. William Gregory and Josephine Stuart (Risley) Jones: ed. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Plaza Hotel, N. Y. City, Jan. 16, 1901, Charles E. Proctor. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. PROPER, Ida Sedgwick, 96 Fifth Av., N.T.
Painter; b. Des Moines, Iowa; dau. Rev. Datus Dewitt Proper, D.D., and Amanda (Dodds) Proper; ed. Art Students' League, Chase School, Walter Thor and Obrist Schule, Munich; Stein- leu, Castalucchia, Prinet and Richard Miller, Paris. Exhibitor in Paris Salons, 1908-10; ex- hibitor Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, 1908-11. In- terested in suffrage and politics; captain of 17th Election Precinct, 2oth Assemibly Dist., Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City; art editor. The Woman Voter. Recreation: Travel. PROSEUS, Edna Louise, 409 Jefferson Av.,
Rochester, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Rochester, N.Y., Apr, 22, 1877; dau. George and Margaret (Connelly) Proseus; ed. Geneseo State Normal School; Cornell Univ., A.B7 (mem. Wayside Soc). Favors woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Mem. College Woman's Club, Rochester; sec. Cornell Women's Club of Roch- ester. PRUDDEN, LilUan E., 372 Orange St., New
Haven, Conn.
Born Southbury, Conn., Dec, 1852; dau. George Peter and Eliza Ann (Johnson) Prudden; ed. New Haven High School; West End Inst.; Vassar Coll. Pres. Visiting Nurse Ass'n (New Haven), New Haven Branch Woman's Board of Missions; active in direction of Welcome Hall Settlement and Missionary Enterprise, New Haven. Author: \ Family History — Peter Prudden and Some of His Descendants; also numerous reports and pa- pers for various philanthropic and missionary so- cieties. Congregationaiist. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Gardening, walking, reading, society. Mem. Fortnightly Ladies' Literary Club. PRYOR, Alice Knight (Mrs. William Lee
Pryor), 2326 S. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa,
Born MilTvaukee, Wis., March 14, 1879; dau. Austin Melvin Knight (rear-admiral U.S.N.) and Alice Phinney (Tobey) Knight; ed. Mrs. Von Tassel's School in Milwaukee, Hyde Park High School, Chicago Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. 1899 (mem. Mortar Board and Nu Pi Sigma); m. Chicago, 111., June 22, 1904, William Lee Pryor, U.S.N. ; children: William Lee Jr., b. Sept. 23, 1905; Knight Pryor, b. June 5, 1908. Episco- palian. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Army and Navy League, Army and Navy Relief. Recreations: Swimming, dancing. Mem. Chevy Chase Club of Washington, Acorn Club, Philadelphia. PRYOR, Louisa Isabelle, 275 Miller Av., Ports- mouth, N.H.
Teacher; b. Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 18, 1884; dau. Frank L. and Helen (Philbrook) Pryor; ed. Portsmouth High School (medal for four years' work in science), 1902; Salem (Mass.) Normal School, 1904; Simmons Coll. (special), 1910-11. Head of Household Economics Dep't of Keene (N.H.) Normal School, 1911-12; dean of Nasson Inst., Springvale, Me., since 1912. Communicant of Episcopal Church. Mem. Nat. Consumers' Lieague. Maine Teachers' Ass'n, Am. Jnst. of
��Instruction. Recreations: Camping, boating. Mem. Springvale Woman's Club, Searchlight Club of Sanford. Organizer of vocational train- ing for girls; speaker for clubs and institutes upon topics related to household economics. PUFFER, Kate Fairbanks, 45 Irving St., Cam- bridge, Mass.
Educator; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 190O; student of psychology and education, Radcliffe Coll., 1905-09. Teacher in Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass., 1900-03; Boston, 1903-04; psychology in Keene (N.H.) Normal School since 1909. PUGSLEY, Clara Elizabeth Holbrook (Mrs. Charles Pugsley), Montlcello, Fla. Born Buffalo, N.Y., 1855; dau. Edwin A. and Elizabeth (T-weedy) Holbrook; ed. Mrs. Reed's School, N.Y. City and Wells Coll.; m. San Francisco, Cal., 1884, Charles Pugsley; one son, Edwin Pugsley. Episcopalian.
PULLEN, Elisabeth (Mrs. Stanley T. Pullen), The Lafayette, Portland, Me. Author; b. Portland, Me. ; dau. Charles and Anna T. (Davies) Jones; ed. in private scnoors and under excellent masters of music; special- ized in Italian language and literature; m. Portland, Me., Sept. 8, 1894, Stanley T. Pullen. Engaged in musical criticism and literary review work for several years with Portland Daily Press, and later staff contributor to the Lit- erary World of Boston. Writer of short stories of Calabrian life and customs (later collected under the title of "Don Finimondone") and also two serial stories, published in the Atlantic Monthly: The Man from Aidone, and Rocco and Sidora, all under pen-name of "E. Cavazza." Since marriage writing under name of "Elisa- beth Pullen. Author: Mr. Whitman, 1902; also critical articles, verses and short stories in various magazines; besides numerous transla- tions from French and Italian. Interested in protection of animals and hospital work. Mem. Maine State Soc. for Protection of Animals, Portland District Nursing Ass'n, Colonial Dames of State of Maine. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreations: Needlework, walking. PULStFER, Jnlia, 8 Hamilton Av., Auburn, N.Y.
Sup't of Luncheon Service; b. Auburn, N.Y., 1878; dau. Frank Hamilton and Julia (Patten) Pulsifer; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. 1901; studied also at Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston Univ. and Chicago Univ. Sup't of Luncheons in high schools of Boston. Mem. Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston; also Am. Ass'n of Home Economics. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Boston College Club. PUNTENNY, Minnie Ethel, Lee Huckins Hotel, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Teacher, lecturer, writer; b. Litchfield, 111.; dau. James Nelson and Mary Antoinette (Ham- lin) Puntenny; ed. Northern State Normal, Normal, 111.; Central Normal Coll., Danville, Ind. ; Univ. of Chicago, 1904, B.S., Pd.B. Gave lectures to teachers in Illinois for twelve years. Did Chautauqua work in Ohio, lectures in Okla- homa, held positions as head of training dep't in normal schools and universities. Mem. of first Y.W.C.A. organized in U.S., first Christian En- deavor in Montgomery Co., 111.; first Epworth League (delegate of first State convention, Illi- nois, and delegate first national convention); mem. of first faculty of Worcester Acad., Ep- worth Univ., College for Young Ladies. Held the highest position for training teachers in the State of Oklahoma. Interested in all public questions. Author: Puntenny's Primary Arithmetic; Pun- tenny 's The Forget-Me-Not Primer; and articles for magazines. Mem. Foreign Missionary Soc. Interested in the uplift of humanity. First woman author of Oklahoma to be recognized In a State adoption of a text-book (book Is Two Years' Work in Numbers). Inventor of a teacher's desk. Including an organ, globe attachment and book apartments.
PURCELL, Martha Grassham (Mrs. Clyde Edi- son Purcell), 321 N. 5th SC, Paducah, Ky. Born Dycusburg, Ky., Feb. 24, 1867; dau. Montgomery and Martha Elizabeth (Mahan) Grassham; ed. National Normal Univ., Lebanon,