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��later governor of New Mexico; one son: William Bradford. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames of Mass., Dames of the Revolution of N.Y., Nat. Soc. of Founders and Patriots, State regent D.A.R. for Neiw Mexico since 1894. Mem. of several private clubs — literary, civic and re- ligious. Epis<jopalian. PBINDrE, Frances Weston Carrnth (Mrs.

Harry Brown Prindle), 60 W. Tenth St., N.Y.


Author; b. Newton, Mass.; dau. William Ward and Matilda C. (Shelton) Carruth; ed. private schools in Newton and Boston, Mass. ; m. N.Y. City, Dec. 24, 1903, Harry Brown Prindle. Author: Those Dale Girls; The Way of Belinda; Fictional Rambles in Boston, etc. PRINDLE, Gertrude Batee (Mrs. Lee Prindle),

Pottervllle, Mich.

Teacher; b. Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich., 1872; dau. Aaron Walker and H. Louise (Lamb) Bates; ed. Charlotte High School, Western Normal Col- lege; m. 1892, Lee F^lndle; children: Caryl, Terry. Has always been connected with teach- ing profession. Mem. Charlotte B'd of Education for seven years. Mem. of a committee which Im- proved city parks and school grounds with land- scape gardening, school gardens; Introduced boxes for waste placed in main streets and parks. Rec. sec. and vice-pres. of State EXjual Suffrage Ass'n. Recreations: Birds, cross-country walks. Active mem. twenty years of Woman's Club of Charlotte, holding State chairmanship of liibrary extension dep't of State Federation for several years. PRrNBLE, Mary Lois (Mrs. Charles C. Prindle),

1908 Irving Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Minneapolis, April 30, 1866; dau. Lo- renzo Dow and Henrietta E. (Gray) Day; ed. high school, Judson Inst, and Vassar Coll.; m. Minneapolis, March 27, 1889, Charles C. Prindle; children: William Day, b. 1890; Gertrude, b. 1892; Henrietta, b. 1893; Maria, b. 1901. Interested in Women's Welfare League. Favors woman suf- frage. Methodist. Mem. Woman's Club, Mlni- kahda Club. PBINGSHEIM, Neena Hamilton (Mrs. Hans

Pringsheim), Waitz-strasse, 21, Charlotten-

burg, Germany.

Lecturer and writer on art; b. Hamilton, Ohio; dau. Prof. Edward J. Hamilton, D.D., S.T.D. (educator, philosopher, metaphysician), and Eliza (Cleland) Hamilton; ed. Hanover Coll., Ind., M.A. ; Univ. of Heidelberg, (Jermany, Ph.D. 1901; studied also in Univ. of Berlin, Halle, Munich and Paris; m. Toronto, Can., Jan. 31, 1903, Hans Pringsheim. Distinguished for her lectures, publications and classes in History of Art; particularly her ten illustrated lectures on Early Art in Italy. Author Die Anbetung der KonJge in der Italienschen Ma- lerei, Strassburg, 1901; The So-called Velasquez of the Boston Museum, Boston, 1905; also maga- zine articles. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. PKIOB, Elizabeth Ford (Mrs. Frank Edward

Prior), 229 N. Sickel St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Born Belvidere, 111., Jan. 29, 1860; dau. John and Hannah Gower (Norton) Ford; ed. In Belvi- dere High School and Univ. of 111.; m. St Paul, Minn., Aug. 4, 1886, Prank Edward Prior; chil- dren: Ford Edward, Marjorie Julia, Jack Wool- sey, Roger Wellington. Pres. Los Angeles Dlst. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Wednesday Morn- ing Club (Los Angeles); sec. Cal. State Fed. Women's Clubs. Congregationallst (sup't Con- gregational Sunday-school, mem. Missionary Soc. Congregational Church). Chairman Garden Com. Civic Ass'n of Los Angeles; mem. Library Com. and Juvenile Cciurt Cora., Los Angeles. Pro- gressive Republican (chairman Precinct Com.). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Holly, Ebell and Friday Morning Clubs (Los Angeles). Recrea- tion: Golf. PKITCHARD, Mary Ellen (Mrs. C. A. Pritch-

ard), Tlvoli, N.Y.

Lawyer; b. Selkirk, Ontario, Can.; dau. John C. and Jane (Lamb) HoOver; ed. In local schools of Selkirk, Ontario, and In the Ottawa (Ontario) Normal School; m. 1890, Dr. C, A- Pritchard of

��Tivoli, N.Y. Formerly for 10 years a teacher in the schools of Ontario. Admitted to N.Y. Bar In 1901. Methodist.

PRITCHARD, Sydna Ellen, Plymouth iJin, Northampton, Mass.

Head of Science Dep't; b. Brockton, Mass., Feb. 14, 1876; dau. Thomas J. and Anna (Roberts) Pritchard; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1897; Bridge- water, Mass., Normal School, 1898; courses at Harvard and Smith Coll. Teacher of science, Leicester (Mass.) Acad., 189S-19C4; Head of Sci- ence Dep't, Northampton (Mass.) High School since 1904. Mem. Edwaida Congregational Church, Northampton, Mass., Civic League, Northampton Equal Suffrage League, Mass. Soc. for Prevention Cruelty to Chiiaren, Leicester (rood Samaritan Ass'n; active in all these so- cieties. Congregationalist. Mem. Eastern Ass'n of Physics Teachers, New England Ass'n of Chemistry Teachers. Pres. Leicester Woman's Club, 1903-04; vice-pres. Leicester Golf Club, 1900-04; Sprlagfleld Wellesley Club. Direct de- scendant of ilcTvell the Good, King of North Walea (died 980), and from Isabel Tudor, sister of Owen Tudor, founder of the English royal house of Tudor.

PBOCTOR, Mrs. Charles Willi* -see Heath- Proctor, Alice Lorraine. PROCTOR, Louise Catherine, The Roalyn, Glen Road. Toronto, Can.

Actress; b. Ottawa. Can.; dau. William and Catherine (McDonald) Proctor; ed. Toronto; Jar- vis St. Collegiate School; Toronto Coll. of Music (dramatics; gold medalist In dramatic work), 1900. Played Sarita, In The Pretty Sister of Jose, with Maud Adams' Company; Hermia, Midsummer Night's Dream, with Annie Russell Company, opening New Astor Theatre, N.Y. City; played leading role in rc/ad production of Paid In Full; Miss Merk in The Concert, Belasco Theatre, N.Y. City, 1911; leading rOle in David Belasco's pro- duction. The Easiest Way, 1912. PROCTOR, Mary, care of Pond Lyceum Bureau, Metropolitan Building, N.T. City. Astronoaier, lecturer, writer; b. Dublin, Ire- land; dau. RIchaixi A. Proctor (distinguished English astronomer) and Mary (Mills) Proctor; ed. London, England, where was grac. from Coll. of Preceptors, '98; studied astronomy with her father and took course, specializing In as- tronomy at Columbia Uulv., 1900. Long promi- nent as popular lecturer and writer on astron- omy; has lectured since 1893 In U.S. under management of late Major Pond and his suc- cessor, the Pond Lyceum Bureau; also several seasons In England under the Gerald Christy Lecture Agency; also, since 1894, lecturer for N;Y. Board of Education. Has done much sci- entific work In astronomical observations, in- cluding trips to witness total eclipses of the sun at Kunnen Promontory, Norway, Aug 9, 18%; at Virginia Beach, Norfolk Va., May 28, 1900, and at Burgos, Spain, Aug. 30, 1905. Ob- served Halley's comet through the 40-inch tele- scope at the Yerkes Observatory, Green Bay, Wis., etc. Author: Stories of Starland, 1897; new edition, 1907; Giant Sun and His Family, 1906; Half Hours With the Summer Stars, 1911. Contributor to Sctentiflc American, Popular Sci- ence, Knowledge, and other scientific magazines; also several popular articles on astronomy in St. Nicholas, Yoaths' Companion, etc. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. British Astronomical Ass'n, Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. of America, Socledad Astronomlca de Mexico. Recreations: Golf, art, music. Mem. Woman's Press Club, N.Y. City. PROCTOR, Mary Adaltne, Franklin, N.H.

Born Franklin, N.H.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '81. Engaged as private tutor, 1882-95; sec. Franklin (N.H.) B'd of Education, 1892-1906; trustee of Proctor Acad., Andover, N.H., since 1909.

PROCTOR, Myra Allen, 76 Pleasant St., Stone- ham, Mass.

Missionary teacher; b. Townsend, Mass., Oct. 12, 1834; dau. John and Lucy (Pierce) Proctor; grad. State Normal School, Framlngham, Mass., 1859 (second honor). Sailed for Turkey, June,


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