of Mich., Ph.B. '93. Engaged in library work from graduation. Librarian U.S. Dep't of Agriculture since 1907. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n.
BARNETT, Evelyn Scott Snead (Mrs. Ira Sayre Barnett), Louisville, Ky.
Author; b. Louisville, Ky.; dau. Charles Scott Snead, and Martha (Raphael) Snead; ed. in private school and high school, with special courses in New York and Boston; m. Louisville, Ky., June 8, 1886, Ira Sayre Barnett. Seven years on editorial staff of Courier-Journal, Louisville, as literary editor. Author: Jerry's Reward, 1903; Mrs. Delire's Euchre Party, 1905; The Dragnet (novel), 1909, and numerous short stories in first-class magazines. Mem. Woman's Club, Outdoor Art League, Alumnae Club. Authors' Psychic, and various small associations; worker for women suffrage in connection with suffrage club. Recreations: Making art-jewelry and other branches of handicraft; autoing, painting. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R.
BARNETT, Leila Jefferson Harvie (Mrs. S. J. Barnett), 1634 Heil Av., Columbus, O.
Born Amelia Co., Va., Jan. 4, 1873; dau. William O. and Ann Maria (Jefferson) Harvie; ed. State Normal School of Va.; Cornell Univ., A.B. '01 (Sigma Xi); m. Amelia Co., Va., July 30, 1904, S. J. Barnett. Taught in the Va. Normal School; computer in Naval Observatory and Coast Survey; ass't to husband in his scientific research. Interested in Anti-Saloon League. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Women's Faculty Club of Ohio State Univ., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Books, dancing, cards, gardening. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
BARNETT, Leila Sinclair Montague (Mrs. George Barnett), Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa.
Born in Virginia; dau. Walter Powhatan and Lelia (Sinclair) Montague; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. City (Training School Dep't); m. (1st) Basil Gordon of Virginia (died); (2d) Colonel George Barnett, U.S.M.C; children: Basil Gordon, b. Jan. 18, 1906; Lelia Sinclair (Jordon, b. Jan. 18, 1909; Anne Hamilton Gordon and Katharine Douglas Gordon (twins), b. June 24, 1911 (Katharine died July 15, 1912). Interested in hospital and charitable work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of Va., Army and Navy Relief, Jefferson Hospital, Woman's Auxiliary. Recreations: Riding, swimming, tennis, books, music, languages. Clubs: Chevy Chase, Roland Park Country.
BARNEY, Margaret Higginson (Mrs. J. D. Barney), 384 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass.
Born Cambridge, Mass., July 25, 1881; dau. Thomas Wentworth and Mary Potter (Thacher) Higginson; ed. private schools; m. Dublin, N.H., 1905, Dr. James Dellinger Barney; children: Wentworth, Margaret Dellinger. Particularly interested in the negro problem, woman suffrage and civic betterment. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreations: Walking, music, books.
BARNEY, Sarah L. W. (Mrs. Walter H. Barney), 250 Washington Av., Providence, R. I.
Born Providence, R.I., Mar. 20, 1857; dau. Ezra Ide and Margaret (Lambert) Walker; grad. Providence High School, with diploma; m. June 21, 1882, Walter H. Barney; one son: Walter H. Jr. Mem. R.I. Women's Club; assoc. mem. of Chopin Club of Providence; assoc. mem. Am. Whist League; first vice-pres. Woman's Whist League and been a director on its board of government since 1899; one of directors of Homoeopathic Hospital of R.I. Aid Ass'n. Against woman suffrage.
BARNUM, Charlotte Cynthia, U.S. Dep't of Agrrlculture, Washington, D.C.
Editor; b. Phillipston, Mass., May 17, 1860; dau. Rev. Samuel Weed and Charlotte (Betts) Barnum; ed. Vassar Coll. A.B. '81, Johns Hopkins Univ. 1890-92, Yale Univ. 1892-95, Ph.D. '95 in mathematics. Teacher: Stamford, Conn.; New Haven, Conn.; Smith Coll.; Carleton Coll. Computer: Yale Observatory; Dana's Mineralogy; Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co.; Fidelity Mutual Life Ins. Co.; U.S. Naval Observatory; and 1901-08 US. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Engaged as editorial worker on Webster's International Dictionary, 1886-90 and 1897, and at various times on books by Carnegie Institution of Washington. Since 1908 editor of publications of the Biological Survey, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; contributor to periodicals and books of reference. Volunteer worker in the Associated Charities. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction, fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Monday Evening Club.
BARNUM, Mary G. (Mrs. O. Shepard Barnum). 1500 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal.
High school principal; b. Grinnell, Iowa, 1869; dau. Quincy Adams and Ann (Wilmarth) Gilmore; grad. Los Angeles High School '88 and Univ. of California, B.L. '94; did graduate work in Univ. of Cal., 1895; Radcliffe, 1896 (Phi Beta Kappa, Univ. of Cal.); m. 1897, O. Shepard Barnum, M.D. In teaching profession since 1898; instructor in English, State Normal School of Los Angeles, 1899-1904; principal Cumnock Academy, 1904-12; pres. Dept. of School Patrons of the Nat. Education Ass'n 1910-12; chairman Dept. of Education of Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Pacific Coast Territorial Committee of the Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A. Mem. D.A.R. , Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Order of the Eastern Star, Friday Morning Club of Los Angeles, Civic Ass'n, Galpin Shakespeare Club and Woman's Progressive League (political).
BARR, Amelia Edith, Cherry Croft, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Writer; b. Ulverston, Lancashire, Eng.; dau. Rev. William Henry and Mary (Singleton) Huddleston; ed. in private schools in Penrith, Ripon and elsewhere, and in Normal Coll., Glasgow, Scotland; m. in Kendal Parish Church, Westmoreland, July 11, 1850, Robert Barr, son of Rev. Dr. Barr; children: Mary, Eliza, Edith, Calvin, Alice, Alexander, Ethel, Andrew and Archibald. Came to America Sept., 1853; lived in Texas, 1856-68 at Austin and Galveston. Husband and three sons died in Galveston, 1867, of yellow fever; came to New York, 1868; began to write 1870. Author: Jan Vedder's Wife; Bow of Orange Ribbon; The House on Cherry Street; The Strawberry Handkerchief; The Maid of Maiden Lane; Trinity Bells; The Lion's Whelp; Friend Olivia Bernicia; Prisoners of Conscience; Souls of Passage; Heart of Jessie Laurie; Shiela Vedder, and about 50 others. Favors woman suffrage with restrictions as to uneducated women. Episcopalian. Recreation: Music, the organ.
BARR, Annie Leonora, 39 Church St., Belfast, Me.
Librarian; b. Belfast, Me., May 18, 1876; dau. Thomas Dyson and Mary (Speed) Barr; grad. from Belfast High School, 1894, and Wellesley Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher of Latin, Belfast High School; ass't librarian Belfast Free Library; librarian Belfast Free Library since 1907. Interested in Art Class, History Club, Traveler's Club. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Maine Librarian Ass'n. Universalist.
BARR, Clara L. (Mrs. George T. Barr), Ontario, Cal.
Born Sterling, Mass., Jan. 22, 1851; dau. Caleb Dalton and Abigail (Newhall) Hersey; ed. State Normal School, Mankato, Minn.; m. Mankato, Minn., June 24, 1873, George Tillotson Barr; children: Mary Edna, b. July 20. 1874; Nellie, b. Oct. 1, 1875. Pres. of local charity society in aid of Bethlehem Institutional Church of Los Angeles, with special work among Russian and Polish immigrants. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Republican. Mem. Current Events Club, Gen. Woman's Club (ex-pres.); philanthropy chairman Southern Cal. district; mem. Ramblers Club (ex-pres.). Teacher for several years in high school; for a time worked in Los Angeles College Settlement.
BARR, Katharine Louise Kennedy (Mrs. John H. Barr), Euclid Hall, Eighty-sixth St. and Broadway, N.Y. City.
Born Milton, Vt., Jan. 31, 1863; dau. James Anthony and Caroline Rachel (Olds) Kennedy;