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��PRENTISS, Anna McCauley, 366A Grand Av.,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Bom Monroeville, Ohio; dau. Augustus W. and Amy (McCauley) Prentiss; ed. Penn Yan Acad, and Wells Coll., A.B. ; mem. Phoenix Literarum Bocletas. Identified with social and charitable organizations. Against woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. D.A.R., Eastern Ass'n of Wells Coll., Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences.

PRENTISS, Janet, 628 W. 114th St., N.T. City;

Bummer: Dorset, Vt.

Magazine writer; b. De Soto, Mo.; dau. Samuel and Sarah (Maness) Prentiss; ed. Miss Whit- comb's Seminary, Brooklyn, N.Y. Writer of short stories in various magazines. Recreation: Gardening. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage.

PRESCOTT, Annie, 2 Union St., Auburn, Me.

Librarian; b. Lewiston, Maine, June 20, 1860; dau. Lyman and Augusta Jane (Chandler) Pres- cott; grad. Edward Little High School, Auburn, Maine, 1879; private study in modern literature and languages; special study at Wellesley Coll., 1890-91, In literature, bibliography and history. Librarian of Auburn (Maine) Public Library since its opening in 1891. Free Baptist. Mem. Maine Library Ass'n, American Library /^.ss'n. Auburn Art Club.

PRESCOTT, Augrusta, 2 Union St., Auburn, Me.

High school teacher; b. Lewiston, Me.; dau. Lyman and Augusta Jane (Chandler) Prescott; grad. Lewiston High School, 1874; State Normal School, Lewiston, 1877; Wellesley Coll., 1879-80; special study of languages in France and Ger- many; Bates Coll., A.M. '07. Teacher in Lewis- ton (Me.) schools until 1882; Lyndon (Vt.) Acad., 1883-86; Lewiston High School, 1887-95; Edward Little High School, Auburn, Me., since 1S95; now head of modern language dep't. Free Baptist. Mem. Am. Educational Ass'n, Maine State Edu- cational Ass'n. PRESCOTT, Harriet Beardslee, 36 Gramercy

Park, N.Y. City.

Librarian; b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 21, 1866; dau. Nathan and Maria H. (Beardslee) Bean; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1886; N.Y. State Library School, 1889. Mem. Big Sister movement. Favors woman BufCrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, New York Library Ass'n, New York Lii-brary Club.

PRESCOTT, Katharine T. (Mrs. Harry Lawson

Prescott), 59 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.

Sculptor; b. Biddeford, Me.; dau. Col. Edward Henry Cobb Hooper; pupil of E. Boyd of Boston and Frank E. El well of N.Y. City; m. Harry Lawson Prescott. Has exhibited at Nat. Acad. Design, Boston Art Club, Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Nat. Sculpture Soc, Art Inst, of Chicago. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, Boston Art Students' Ass'n.

PRESTON, Anna Louise, 216 Putnam St., Ma- rietta, Ohio.

Physiciaji; b. Beverley, O., 1862; dau. Washing- ton and Rachel (Jordon) Preston; ed. public schools; the College (private school in Beverley); Marietta High School, dep't of medicine and sur- gery, A.B.I. ; Univ. of Mich., M.D. (mem. Alpha chapter). Engaged in practice in Marietta, Ohio, since graduation. Pres. Marietta Auxiliary Op- posed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. of Ladies of Maccabees (examining physician for local hive). Recreation: Gardening.

PRESTON, Annie A. (Mrs. Charles Taylor Pres- ton), R.F.D. No. 1. West WlUlngton, Conn. Writer; b. Vernon, Vt, Oct. 18, 1840; dau. George Washington and Fannie (Bishop) Preston; lineal descendant of Peregrine White, the first white child born in New England; ed. in public schools and by private study; m. Willington, Conn., Oct. 8, 1874, Charles Taylor Preston, lawyer and Union veteran (died Apr. 5, 1907). Contributor and department writer for English and American magazines and newspapers. Actively Interested In Woman's Baptist Home Mission Soc.; active in Sunday-school work, and has served as sup't of Willington Baptist Sun- day-school.

��PRESTON, Frances Folsom Cleveland (Mrs.

Thomas Jex Preston), Princeton, N.J. Born Buffalo, N.Y., July 21, 1864; dau. Oscar and Emma (Harmon) Folsom; ed. in Medina (N.Y.) Acad., private school and Central High School, Buffalo, and Wells Coll., A.B. '85; m. In the White House, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1S86, to Grover Cleveland, then serving his first term as President of the United States (died 1908); children: Ruth, b. Oct. 3, 1891 (died Jan. 7, 1904); Esther, b. Sept 9, 1893; Marion, b. July 7, 1S95; Richard Folsom, b. Oct. 28, 1897; Francis Grover, b. July 18, 1903. Mistress of the White House from her marriage until Mar., 1889, and again for the term 1893-97; since then has had her home in Princeton; m. 2d, Princeton, Feb. 10, 1913, Prof. Thomas Jex Preston. Has been iden- tified with many religious, social and philan- thropic activities. Presbyterian. Mem. Colony Club of New York and Present Day Club of Princeton. Against suffrage for women. PRESTON, Marie Alaples, Delhi, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Delhi, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1878; dau. Jonas More and Anna Maples (Cottrell) Preston; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900. Preceptress at Delhi, N.Y., in Delaware Acad, (teacher of English and French). Favors woman suffrage; pres. Delhi Equal Suffrage Club. Presbyterian. Mem. Delhi Tourist Club, Monday Night Club, Wednes- day Afternoon Club, Village Improvement Soc, Suffrage Club. PRESTON, May Wilson (Mrs. James Moore

Preston), 22 W. Ninth St, N.Y. City.

Artist;, b. N.Y. City, Aug. 11, 1873; dau. John J. and Ann (Taylor) Wilson; ed. Oberlin Coll., Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Whistler School in Paris; m. N.Y. City, Dec. 19, 1903, James Moora Preston. Since 1902 engaged in illustrating books of N.Y. City publishers. Mem. Women's Art Club of N.Y.

PRETTYMAN, Anna Yardley (Mrs. Charles Gib- bons Prettyman), 210 South Walnut St, Mil- ford, Del.

Born Jersey City, N.J., July 24, 1873; dau. Eldridge Taylor and Clara Willson (Hall) Yard- ley; ed. Miliord Classical Acad., Bryn Mawr CoU.; m. Milford, Del., June 27, 1900, Charles GiblK)ns Prettyman; children: Clara Yardley Prettyman, John Shepard 3d, James Millechop Hall, Eldridge Yardley. Interested in ail the activities and questions of the day. E}pisco- palian. PRICE, Ada Aikman (Mrs. Ivie Ora Price),

Linton, Ind.

Born Lyons, Ind., June 18, 1871; dau. Arch and Elizabeth (Plummer) Aikman; ed. common and high schools; m. Linton, Ind., Feh. 19, 1889 Ivie Ora Price; children: Murlin Leslie, Hugh Stanley, Edith. Chairman 2d District of Indiana Fed. of Clu'bs, 1911-12; mem. Board of County Guardians. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist Mem. Eastern Star, Linton Bay View Club, Ladies' Auxiliary, Parent-Teachers' and Priscilla clubs. PRICE, Ellen H. Evans (Mrs. Ferris W. Price),

3316 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa.

Educator; b. Lionville, Chester Co., Pa.; dau. Thomas P. and Phebe S. (Smedley) Evans; ed. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '74; A.M. '84; m. West Chester, Pa., Dec., 1876, Ferris W. Price (prof. Latin, Swarthmore, Pa.) (died Sept. 22, ino9) ; children: Charles Evans, Henry F., Helen. Sec. Swarthmore Public School Board, 1893-1908; sup't of educational interests of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of FViends since 1910: clerk of Swarth- more Monthly Meeting of Friends. Favors wo- man suffrage; pres. Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Swarthmore Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Woman's Ciub of Swarthmore. PRICE, Emma Paul (Mrs. William Hyde Price),

148 Canner St., New Haven, Conn.

Born Newton, Mass., Dec. 9, 1878; dau. William Franklin and Emma (Pierce) Paul; ed. Somer- ville (Mass.) Latin School; Tufts Coll., A.B. '02 (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority); m. Somer- ville, Mass., Aug. 28, 1907, Prof. William Hyde Price (now of Yale Univ.). Teacher of French and Latin In high school, Eastport, Me., 19CK-06, and Gorham, N.H., 1902-04. .Mem. Consumers' League. Favors woman suffrage Unitarian.


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