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��1875-80); Civic Club of Ward 19, Boston (pres. 1909-12); 20th Century Club and Wlntergreen Club, Boston. PRATT, Alice Edwards, St. Helena, Cal.

Teacher; b. Preeport, Me., Jan. 9, 1860; dau. Simeon and Joann (Dennison) Pratt; grad. Univ. of Cal., Ph.B. '81; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '97 (first alumna of the Univ. of Cal. to take degree Ph.D.). Critic in English at Vassar Coll., 1897- 98; head of English dep't, San Diego (Cal.) State Normal School, 1899—. Author: The Sleeping Princess California (poem); Color in the Verse of the English Poets. Baptist. Republican. Rec- reation: Mountain climbing, with the Sierra Club, or with private parties. PRATT, Anna Beach, 505 Fitch St., Elmlra,


Sec. Elmira Fed. for Social Service; b. Elmira, N.Y., June 5, 1867; dau. Timothy S. and Catherine (Beach) Pratt; grad. Elmira Coll., A.B. '86; New York School of Philanthropy, summer session of •06; teacher St. Ursula School for Girls, Elmira, 1899; teacher of history, Elmira College, 1900. Appointed secretary Public Relief Comm'n of Elmira, Jan., 1906; sec. Social Service League. In June, 1912, the Social Service League and Women's Fed. merged into Elmira Fed. for Social Service, of which she became gen. sec. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian.

PRATT, Beatrice M. (Mrs. Alexander Dallas Bache Pratt), 960 Park Av., N.T. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. William Evarts and Anne E. (Rogers) Benjamin; ed. Miss Master's Bohool, Miss Spenee's School; m. Nov. 17, 1909, Alexander Dallas Bacte Pratt; one daughter: Cynthia Anne Pratt, b. Nov. U, 1910. Favors limited suSrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Swimming, dancing, riding, fenclns. Mem. Col- ony Club of Nerw York, Fencers' Club, N.Y. Stage Society.

PRATT, Elsie Seclye, 1434 Glenarm St., Denver,


Physician; b, Cleveland, O., 1873; dau. Samuel and Melancla B. (Wright) Pratt; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '95; Untv. of Mich., M.D. '04 (mem. Alpha Eipsllon Iota). Formerly ass't physiology, Den- ver Cross Coll. of Medicine, was also ass't In histology Ukd emrbryology In same. Formerly attending pediatrlst to city and county hospital, Denver; now ass't in oto-laryngology, Colorado Univ.; mem. staS of Children's Hospital, Denver. Mem. Pubiic Siervlce League; pres. Colo, branch Afis'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Mass. Equal Sufifrage Ass'n, Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Congregationalist. Pro- gressive Republican. Mem. Colo. Mountain Club, Woman's Club of Denver, Smith College Club. PRATT, Grace Tyler, 16 Oxford St., Cambridge,


Teacher, author; b. Deerfleld, Mass.; dau. James C. and Sarah A. (Smith) Pratt; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. ; Brown Univ., A.M. Since graduation engaged in teaching, being successively Instructor In schools and colleges In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Kentucky and Wisconsin, and now teacher In Girls' High School, Boston. Author: The Balnbridge Mystery (a novel); contributor to newspapers and magazines. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. PRATT, Julia Stebbings (Mrs. Charles A.

Pratt), 9149 Pleasant Av., Chicago, 111.

Bom Chicago, June 20, 1871; dau. Horace R. and Carolyn (Preston) Stebbings; ed. Englewood High School and Chicago Art Inst ; m. Chicago, June 14, 1899, Charles A. Pratt; children: Charles Stebbings and Carolyn Mary. Pres. Ridge Woman's Club (300 members). PRATT, Mabel Dodge (Mrs. John Barnes

Pratt), 22 Melrose PI., Montclalr, N.J.

Bom Sept. 3, 1873; dau. Herwick C. and Clara (Hatfield) Dodge; ed. public schools of Mont- clalr, N.J.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; m. Mont- clalr, June 17, 1897, John Bames Pratt; children: Julius Randall, Adeline Forbes, John Lowell. Vice-principal high school, Belleville, N.J., three years; active in church and philanthropic inter- ests. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Recreations : Reading, driving.

��PRATT, Mary G. I^andon (Mrs. Dallas Bache

Pratt), 24 W. 48th St., N.T. City.

Born N.Y. City, Dec. 11, 1857; dau. Charles Griswold and Susannah Hunt (Gordon) Landon; ed. N.Y. City, private schools; m. N.Y. City, May 11, 1881, Dallas Bache Pratt; children: Kath- arine Griswold, Alexander Dallas Bache, Con- stance, Beatrice Gordon. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Mem. Daughters of the Cincinnati, D.A.R., Colonial Dames. Mem. Colony Club. Against woman suffrage. PRATT, Minnie Gertrude Mills (Mrs. Henry

Howard Pratt). North Brookfield, Mass.

Born West Springfield, Mass., Apr. 21, 1875; dau. John Henry and Ella C. Clark Mills; ed. Weet Springfield High School; Westfield Normal School; m. Springfield, Mass., July, 1902, Henry Howard Pratt; children: M. Merton Pratt, b. Aug. 4, 1904 (died Feb. 24, 1907); Ralph Erwin Pratt, b. Dec. 26, 1906. Mem. of all societies con- nected with church, as Woman's Union, Mission- ary and King's Daughters; interested In child welfare, child labor, protection of forests, house- hold economics and food sanitation and civics. Congregationalist. Was pres. of Hinsdale (N.H.) Woman's Club until recent reimoval to North Brookfield, Mass. PRATT, Nellie Pearse DeWolfe (Mrs. Charles

Albert Pratt), 3101 N. 30th St., Tacoma, Wash.

Bom Dixon, 111., Nov. 9, 1868; dau. William Willis and Lavinla Nash (Norton) DeWolfe; ed. Rockford (111.) Coll.; m. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 9, 1899, Charles Albert Pratt, chairman of Indus- trial Insurance Commission of the State of Wash- ington. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian- Republican. Mem. Missionary Soc., Internat Sunday-School Ass'n, Y.V/.C.A., D.A.R., Rock- ford College Ass'n, Angelus Study Club, Bible Study (Hub, Presidents' Council. PRAY, Frances Abbie Lara way (Mrs. Albert F.

Pray), 2316 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Northfield, Minn. ; dau. Albert and Emma (Ogden) Laraway; ed. public schools; m. June 17, 1890, Albert F. Pray; children: Florence and Frances (twins), b. Jan. 28, 1895. Unlversallst. Republican. Mem. Amphyction Club. PREBLE, Alice Hosmer (Mrs. Robert B.

Preble), 1618 Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, 111.

Born Chillicothe, 111., 1865; dau. Henry and Alice (Scholes) Hosmer; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa Soc.) "88 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Chicago, June, 1889, Robert B. Preble; children: Norman Hosmer, Barbara, Marcia. Unitarian. Mem. Mich. Alumnae Ass'n, Gamma Phi Beta (Chicago) Alumnse Ass'n, Chicago Wo- man's Club, Chicago College Club, Woman's City Club. Does philanthropic and civic work In Chi- cago Woman's and City Clubs. PRJELLWITZ, Edith MitchiU (Mrs. Henry Prril-

witz), 247 W. 71st St., N.Y. City, and Peconlc,

L.L, N.T.

Artist, painter; b. South Orange, N.J., Jan, 28, 1865; dau. Ckirnelius S. and Helen E. (Reed) Mitchlll; educated at the Art Students' League, N.Y. City, and In Paris; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 6, 1884, Henry Prellwltz, N.A. ; one son: fidwln Mitchlll Prellwltz. Received medals at the At- lanta and Buffalo Ehspositions and prizes at the Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City. Associate Nat Acad, of Design; mem. Union Internationale dea Arts et Lettres, and Women's Cosmopolitan Club of N.Y. City. PRENI>£R6AST. Marcia KetteUe (Mrs. John

Prendergaat) 508 Saat Dlversey B'l'v'd, Chi- cago, 111.

Bom Paris, 111., 1888; dau. Frank Diklnson and Maria (Moore) Kettelle; ed. St Clara Coll., Sin- Binawa, Wis.; gold medal at graduation; grad. art dep't, 1906; m. Chicago, Mar. 28, 1910, Joha Prendergast; children: Marcia Moore, Abby Ket- telle, Interested in the alumnae and in raising $26,000 for the Mother Emlley Memorial Fund, in commemoration of Mother EJmiley Powers, who was Mother General of the Dominican Sis- ters. In the prevention of the white plague, took part in the ' Streets of Paris," pageant glv«n for the Pasavant Hospital Fund. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Recreations: Horseback rid- ing, swimming, tennis, automobile driving, golf.


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