��lecturer in Oarland Kindergarten Training School for many years. Lectured before many kinder- garten ass'ns and mothers' clubs. Officer in In- ternational Kindergarten Union, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Nursery Finger Plays; In the Child's World; Child Stories and Rhymes; Through the Farmyard Gate; The Runaway Doniey; Father and Baby Plays; Holiday Songs; Love and Law in Child Training; Songs of a Little Child's Day; Johnny Blossom. Unitarian.
POUXD, Louise. 1632 L St., Lincoln, Neb.
Prof. English language; b. Lincoln, Neb., June 30, 1872; dau. Stephen Eosworth and Laura (Bid- dlecombe) Pound; ed. Univ. of Neb., B.L. '92 (class poet, class orator. Phi Beta Kappa); A.M. '95; attended Univ. of Chicago, summer quarters, '97, '98; Ph-D. Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 1900; grad. (piano) dep't of musk:, Univ. of Neb., '92 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma and various class societies). Connected with faculty of Univ. of Neb. as fellow in English literature, 1895-97; instructor, 1897-99; adjunct prof., 1900-06; assoc. prof. English literature, 1906-12; prof, of English language, 1912- . Director Neb. branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, 1904-08; cor. sec. Neb. Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, 1905-10. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Lincoln. Author: The Com- parison of Adjectives in English in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Anglistische Forschun- gen), 1900; editor of Tennyson's Launcelot and Elaine, 1905; Goldsmith's The Deserted Village, 1907; Grey's Elegy, 1909; The First Part of Henry the Sixth (Tudor Shakespeare), 1912; The Periods of ElngUsh Literature, 1910; also of articles in poriodioals. Mem. Modern Lan- guage Ass'n of America, Am. Folk-Lore Ass'n, Am. Dialect Soc, Nat. Ass'n of Collegiate AlunmsE. Recreations: Tennis champion of Neb. women's singles, 1891; tennis champion, Univ. of Neb., both in men's and in women's singles, 1890, 1891; winner women's western tennis cham- pionship, Chicago, 1897; also winner minor tennis championships; local women's golf champion since 1906; mem. Century Run Cycling Club, 1896; capt. university basket ball team; other recreations, skating, riding, bowling, ski. Direc- tor Neb. State Tennis Ass'n, 1912. Mem. Lin- coln Women's Club, English Club, the Copper Kettle (literary, social club), Lincoln Country Clu'b.
POWELL, Mme. Alma Webster (Mrs. A. J.
Powell), The Powell and Pirani Musical Inst.,
915 President St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Singer; b. Elgin, 111., 1874; dau. Henry William and Alma (Webster) Hall; ed. in U.S. and Eu- rope; New York Univ., LL.B. ; Columbia Univ., Mus. Bac. and M.A. ; Columbia Univ., Ph.D., 1913; m. Brooklyn, 1891, A. J. PoTvell; one daughter: Marion Webster Powell, b. 1892. Has filled engage- ments as prima-donna soprano in Metropolitan Opera House of N.Y., in the Damrosch Germaa Opera Co., the Savage English Opera Co., the Royal Opera of Berlin (Germany), the Royal Opera of Munich (Germany), the Royal Opera of Prague (Austria), the Grand Opera of Frank- fort-on-Main (Germany), the Volkstheatre (Vi- enna), and the Stadt Theatre of Breslau (Ger- many) ; has toured in concerts through Russia, France, Germany, Austria, England, Canada and America. Pres. and founder of the Public Good Soc, which supports the Working Girls' Club and a summer home for tired working girls; successful in raising large sums for aid of the poor by her voice; active in betterment work on the East Side of N.Y. City; gives free instruction to working girls in music, languages and general science. Author: Advanced School of Vocal Art, and the libretto of Black Blood, set to music by Eugenic di Pirani; also numerous translations of plays and songs; has written for magazines and N.Y. journals. Active advocate of women's dress reform, urging the adoption of a standard style, in order to abolish the outside appearance of class distinctions; the costume she advocates is a coat dress over bloomers, which she wears on all occasions. Mem. D.A.R., N.Y. Univ. Alumni. Protestant. Favors woman suffrage. Was founder of the Am. Legislative Union; pres. of the De- bating Soc. (which discusses suffrage once a
��month) ; lectures for suffrage at street comers.
Mem. Socialist Party.
POWELL, Caroline Amelia, Lynnfleld Centre, Mass. (office. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass.).
Engraver; b. Dublin, Ireland; dau. (Jeorge and (Denniston) Powell; ed. School of Design, Cooper Inst., N.Y. City; pupil in wood engraving of Timothy Cole; Acad, of Design, N.Y. City; medal Columbian Exposition, Chicago; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. Exhibited at Paris Exposition, Vienna Exposition of Graphic Arts, Grolier Club Exhibition. Connected with the Century Co. for 20 years. Proofs of works in the collections of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Public Library, N.Y. City, Fine Arts, Washington, D.C.; Public Library, Springfield, Mass. Inter- ested in Bible study and teaching. Favors wo- man suffrage. Protestant. Recreations: Garden- ing, literature. First woman to be elected to Soc. of Am. Wood Engravers. The only woman who contributed to the monumental work of the society (Engravings on Wood).
POWELL, Emma Webster, 402 3 Washington
Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.
Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. John Collier and Emma (W0bster) Powell; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis. Interested in Christ Church Cathedral; auditor Nat. and Ist vice-pres. of State Board U. S. Daughters of 1812; mem. Board of Woman's Exchange, Council of Colonial Daughters; nat. chairman of Peace Jubilee Com. U.S. Daughters 1812. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry, Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century, Nat Soc. U.S. Daughters of 1812 in State of Mis- souri, D.A.R., and Washington's Headquarters Ass'n.
POWELL, Gertrude Wilson (Mrs. Lyman P.
Powell), 82 Washington Place, N.T. City.
Born Jarrettown, Pa., Jan. 5, 1874; dau. Francis S. and Isabel (Kesler) Wilson; ed. Sun- nyside Scflicol, Ambler, Pa. ; Walnut Lane School, Germantown, Pa.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '95 (Shakespeare Soc.); m. Jenklntown, Pa., June 20, 1S99, Rev. Lyman P. Powell; children: Talcott Williams, Francis Wilson. Teacher of history at the Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., 1895- 99. Assisted husband in the writing and editing of books and in his work as a minister and univ. prof. Sec. of Colored Missions for the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese «f Western Mass., 1904- 08; director and vics-pres. Woman's Council of the People's Institute, Northampton, Mass., 1906- 12; director of Dickinson Hospital Aid Ass'n, 1907; pres. New Century Club of Northampton, Mass., 1911-12. Hon. mem. of the Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne, Pa. ; New Century Club of Northampton, Mass. Episcopalian,
POWELL, Hannali Belle Clark (Mrs. Ambrose Vincent Powell), 5227 Washington Av., Chi- cago, 111.
Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '87; student of sociology and sanitary science, Unix, of Chicago, 1893-97, Ph.D. '97; m. Sept., 1905, Ambrose Vin- cent Powell. Ass't in Dearborn Sem., Chicago, 1887-93 and 1894-99; asso. prof, sociology and dean of women, Univ. of W.Va., 1899-1902; dean of women, Knox Coll., 1902-03; ass't in economics and sociology, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1904-06; special lecturer in sanitary science, Wellesley Coll., 1905. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnas, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Am. Sociological Soc.
POWELL, Jessie Elizabeth (Mrs. wmthrop
Newell Powell), Warren, Minn.
Born in southern Minn., Oct. 8, 1866; dau. George and Elizabeth (Naylor) Hunter; ed. in country school; Owatonna High School; m. War- ren, Minn., Oct. 10, 1888, Winthrop Newell Pow- ell; children: Ina, George Newell, Laura, Allan Winthrop. Active in church work. W^riter of jingles and poems commemorative of birthdays, golden and silver weddings and other anniversa- ries. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Home and For- eign Missionary socs., Royal Neighbors, Eastern Star. Recreations: Gardening, reading. Mem. and former pres. Ladles' Reading Circle (a fed- erated club). Against woman suffrage.