��POTTER, Marlon Craig: (Mrs. E. B. Potter),
1487 South Av., Rochester, N.Y. Physician, surgeon; b. Churchville, Monroe Co., N.Y., Sept. 14, 1S63; dau. Dr. James W. Craig and Sarah Stierwin (Butterfleld) Craig; ed. Geneseo Normal School; Univ. of Mich. Med. Dep't, M.D. '84 (mem. Zeta Phi, medical); later Ltudied in hospitals In Vienna and Paris; m. Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 2, 1S93, Dr. E. B. Potter; children: James Craig, b. Mar. 15, 1S98; Ezra B., b. July 3. 1901 (died Feb, 7, 1910). Sec.-treas. of Mothers of Temple and Boys of Temple, Central Church; lecturer for Public Health Education Com. of Am. Med. Ass'n. Editor Woman's Med. Journal. Favors woman suffrage; meim. Politi- cal E-quality Club of Rochester. Published pamph- lets: Germ Theory of Diseases; Venereal Pro- phylaxes, and other medical pamphlets; The His- tory of Stained and Painted Glass; Home Econo- mies; The Adolescent Period. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Rochester Acad, of Medicine, Am. Med. Ass'n, I31ackwell Med. Soc, Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, (Consumers' League, Century Club (Rochester)', College Women's Club. As- sistant physician Rochester Gen. Hospital; exam- iner Equitable Life Assurance Soc. of N.Y. POTTER, Marion E., 1401 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Cataloguer and indexer; b. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 6, 1869; dau. John William and Josephine (Ryan) Potter; ed. Freeport (111.) public schools; St. Mary's School, Knoxville, 111., '89; Univ. of Minn., M.A. '97 (Phi Beta Kappa). Assisted in the English Dep't of the Univ. of Minn., teaching old English, 1899-1902. Interested in the peace movement, church unity and the work of humane societies. Mem. ways and means com. of the Minnesota State Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Min- neapolis Political Ekjuality Club. Editor: Cumu- lative Book Index, 1898; Readers' Guide to Peri- odical Literature, 1901-02; U.S. Catalog (three editions), Children's Catalog, 1909; Industrial Arts Index, bi-monthly, 1913. Episcopalian. Mem. Minneapolis Humane Soc. Recreation: Walking. POTTER, Mar.v Knight, 94 Chestnut St. (studio, 184 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Writer; b. Boston; dau. George Sabine and Mary Gill (Powell) Potter; ed. public schools of N.Y. City and under private tutors; Harvard Coll. Summer School, Art StuJeuts' League, N.Y. Ciy; Cowles' Art School, Boston; Metropolitan Art Museum Art School, Academie Julian, Paris, and under many famous paiuters. Author: Love In Art; Art of the Louvre, Art of the Vatican, Art of the Venice Academy; Councils of Crcecus; How Richard Won Out; Richard in Camp; Peggy's Trial; also contributor to various maga- zines. Unitarian. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston, Mass. Recreations. Walking, paddling, rid- ing, driving, sketching. Mem. Boston Authors' Club. Was ass't editor of Masters in Art for year, 1908-09. Has been giving addresse.s (chiefly on European topics) and original New England sketches for clubs since 1911.
POTTEB, Mary Pratt (Mrs. Arthur Devens Pot- ter), cor. Main and High Sts., Greenfield, Mass.
Bom N.Y. City, Jan. 18, 1864; dau. Franklin Joslah and Hann3.h Diantha (Smith) Pratt; ed. Greenfield (Mass.) High School; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Cowles Art School, Boston; m. Greenfield, Mass., Feb. 10, 1891, Arthur Dev- ens Potter; children: Annah Frances, Arthur Devans Jr. Pres. Woman's Club (Greenfield, Mass.); mem. Unitarian Woman's Alliance, Greenfield Country Club. Unitarian. POTTER, Mary Sargent (Mrs. Nathaniel Bow- ditch Potter), 591 Park Av., N.Y. City. Bom Brookline, Mass., Apr. 8, 1878; dau. Prof. Charles S. and Mary (Robeson) Sargent; ed. private schools and governesses; took partial entrance exams, to Radcliffe with some honors; m. Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 1908, Nathaniel Bow- ditch Potter, M.D.; children: Natalie, b. 1909, Mary Robeson, b. 1911. Active in work of Prot- estant Episcopal Church, in philanthropic under- takings; pres. Central Club for Nurses of New York; sec. Guild of St. Barnabas for Nurses, New York Branch. Protestant Episcopalian.
��POTTEB, Ruth NeUis (Mrs. George W. Potter)
Oswiegatchie Farm, Palatine Bridge, N.Y.
Born Johnstown, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1880; dau. An- drew J. and Mary E. (Humphrey) Nellls; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; m. Johnstown, N.Y., Sent. 24, 1906, George W. Potter; one son: Jamea Nellis Potter, b. Dec. 6, 1907. Lutheran. Mem. Colonial Club of Canajoharle; hon. mem. Stu- dents' Club of Johnstown. POTTLE (Mrs.) Juliet WUbor Tompkins, 957
Madison Av., N.Y. City.
Author; b. Oakland, Cal., May 1«, 1871; dau. Edward and Sarah (Haight) Tompkins; ^ad. Vassar Ckill., A.B. '91. Journalist in San Fran- cisco, 1896-97; editor of Puritan Magazine and associate editor Munsey's Magazine, 1897-1901; married. Author: Dr. Ellen; Open House; The Top of the Morning; Mothers and Fathers; Pleas- ures and Palaces; Ever After; also many maga- zine stories. Mem. MacDowell Club, Women's University Club.
POTWrv, Clara Brewster, B Larch Place, Sum- mit, N.J.
Principal of private school; b. Boston, Mass., 1862; dau. Thomas S. and Harriet (King) Pot- win; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. Teacher. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Pres. Fort- nightly Club, Summit, N.J.; mem. Wellesley Club, N.Y. City. POUCHER, Florence Lucinda Holbrook (Mrs.
Barent George Poucher), Glencoe, III.
Born Waukegan, HI.; grad. Rockford (III.) Coll., 1891; m. Milwaukee, Wis., 1891, Barent George Poucher; children: Barent Holbrook Poucher (student at Harvard), Florence Eliza- beth Poucher. After marriage resided in Evans- ton, 111.; now resident Glencoe, 111. Has been continuously identified with philanthropic and social activities as district visitor of the Asso- ciated Charities of Evanston; mem. of Board of Congregational Deaconesses' Association; sec. of Evanston School Art Soc; member of the Evanston University Guild. Congregatlonalist; Sunday-school and missionary society worker. Member of Fort Dearborn Chapter D.A.R. (Chicago); pres. Chicago Rockford College Ass'n. ; director III. Children's Home Finding Soc; vice-pres. Glencoe Women's Missionary Soc. Mem. Skokie Golf Club, Glencoe Woman's Library Club; treas. Organizing B'd Chicago (Col- lege Club; mem. Chicago Woman's City Club. P0UL80N, Mrs. Edna Snell, Snell Seminary,
Berkeley, Cal.
Seminary principal; b. Farmington, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1843; dau. Richard and Margaret (ComstoA) Snell; grad. Grinnell (Iowa) Coll., B.L. '67; m. Sharon, Iowa, 1871, P. W. Poulson, M.D., of Council Bluffs, Iowa (now deceased). Taught three years in Dubuque (Iowa) High School; called in 1874 to aid Miss Mary E. Snell, her sis- ter, in establishing at Benicia, Cal., the Snell Seminary, which was afterward removed to Oak- land, and later to Berkeley, where Miss Snell died, and Mrs. Poulson has since conducted it as sole principal. Was one of first women who offered themselves as candidates for sup't of schools, being nominated by the Republicans of Mahaska County, Iowa, for county sup't (In 1871). After becoming a widow spent some time in East- ern cities studying vocal expression and panto- mime, taking lessons In Delsarte from Franklin Sargent, Steele Mackaye, and various masters in Chicago and N.Y. City. Taught these arts to many young men and women of California until injury to her voice from an attack of whooping cough led to her withdrawal from the teaching of expression. Mrs. Forbes Robertson and Miss Keith Wakeman were among her best pupils. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive voter. Mem. Religious Society of Friends. POULSSON, Anne Emilie, Hopklnton, Mass.
Author, lecturer, formerly private teacher; b. Cedargrove, N.J. ; dau. Halvor and Ruth Anna (Mitchell) Poulsson; ed. puhlic schools, Newark, N.J., and private study courses in Boston. Studied kindergarten with Miss Garland and Misa Weston in Boston, 1880-81. Study In earlier life often interrupted by ill health and interfered with by defective vision. Taught in School for thfl Blind, South Boston, two years. Teacher and