��POTTEB, Anna Louise Arnold (Mrs. Elmer Carlton Potter), 913 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass.
Born East Greenwich, R.I., Dec. 24, 1867; dau. Samuel Aza and Louisa Jane Perry (Taft) Ar- nold; ed. Worcester public schools; grad. Wor- cester Acad., 1886; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '90; m. Worcester, Mass., 1895, Elmer Carlton Potter; children: Dwight, b. 1897 (died 1899); Arthur Hamilton Potter, b. 1900 (died 1901); Everett Arnold Potter, b. Aug. 9, 1904; Ruth Hamilton Potter, b. June 13, 1907. Taught two years in Ashland (Mass.) High School, three years in Wor- cester (Mass.) English High School. Interested in church work, Y.W.C.A., music, social duties, civic improvement. Congregationalist. Mem. Worcester Woman's Club, Worcester College Club, Worcester Wellesley Club.
POTTER, Cora tJrquhart (Mrs. James Brown Potter), Savoy Theater, London, England. Actress; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. Col. David Urquhart; m. James Bro^wn Potter of N.Y. City (divorced 1903). Became prominent in Ne^v York society and as an amateur actress, and de- termined on a professional career. Made debut Mar. 29, 1887, as Anne Sylvester in Man and Wife at the Haymarket Theater, London; later playing In the Gaiety Theater, London, and making American debut in October, 1887. at the Fifth Avenue Theater, N.Y. City, in M'lle de Bremier. Starred for two years in America in Shakespearian and other classic dramas, sup- ported by Kyrle Bellew, afterward making an Australian tour, which she extended to India and China, returning to London, playing in Charlotte Clorday, and other dramas. After an American tour and a second visit to Australia, returned to London and leased the Savcy Thea- ter. Has since then resided in Loildon, where she has filled many r31es, with occasional in- cursions Into vaudeville.
POTTER, Ellen C, 5158 Wayne Av., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa.
Physician; b. New London, Conn.; dau. Thos. Wells and Ellen (Culver) Potter; ed. high school, New London, Conn.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. *03 (mem. Eta Xi). Associate in gynecology. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa.; assistant visiting obstetrician, Philadelphia General Hosp. ; med. insi>ector, Philadelphia public schools; clinician in gynecology, Hosp. of the Woman's Med. Ckill. Interested chiefly in social and philanthropic lines of preventive medicine. Mem. County Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Soc. for Prevention of Social Diseases, Med. Soc. of Woman's Hospital, College Club, Civic Club. Recreations: Camping, automobiling. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
POTTER, Florence Dangerfield (Mrs. Alexander Potter); office: 50 Church St., N.Y. City; home. Grand Vlew-on-Hudson, N.Y. Lawyer; b. Auburn, N.Y. ; dau. Francis S. and Sarah (Hollister) Dangerfield; ed. Auburn High School, Cornell Univ. (from which scholarship was won) and N.Y. Univ., LL.B.; m. Auburn, N.Y., Alexander Potter, C.E. (consulting hy- iraulic and sanitary expert). Lawyer; first en- gagement by city of N.Y. ; counsel for N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R. Introduced suffrage bill in N.Y. Legislature for Equal Suffrage Soc. Has con- iucted cases in seven States of U.S., and in Mexico. Specialty, engineering law and con- Tacts. Interested in anti-child labor movement, aniform divorce laws, settling emigrants on farm lands and getting them away from large cities. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to various nagazines. Ass't editor of City Government. Lectures on legal topics before women's clubs. Mem. of several philanthropic societies and social Drganizations. Recreations: Travel, gardening, aature study. Second woman admitted to prac- tice law In State of N.Y. Pres. of her law slass at N.Y. Univ., composed of 96 men and 3 (vomen. Has developed and promoted several
- arge water-power plants in Mexico; especially
nterested in mining and engineering develop- oaents in this and other countries
POTTER, Mrs. Gurdon — see Flood-Keyes, Reelna).
��POTTER, Helen Margaret, Gouverneur, N.Y.
Teacher of science; b. Gouverneur, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1887; dau. Anson A. and Janet (Gregor) Pot- ter; ed. Gouverneur High School, 1904; Mt. Hol- yoke Coll., B.A. '09; Syracuse Univ., summer ol '10. For the past three years has had charge of the Biological Dep't in the Gouverneur Hlgli School. Did some settlement work in Holyoke, Mass. Favors woman suffrage. Sec. St. Law- rence Political Equality Club. Presbyterian. Mem. Delta Kappa Delta Soc, Nat. Soc. of Con- sumers' League. Recreations: Horseback riding, tennis, boating, snowshoeing. Mem. Empire State Club.
POTTER, Isabella Abbe (Mrs. William Walker Potter), 177 Huntington Av., Boston, Mass. Born Lee, Mass. ; dau. Porter and Rubina (Abbe) Strickland; lineal descendant of Rev. John Wilson, first minister of Boston, and of Rev. Thomas Hooker of Hartford, Conn. ; ed. in pub- lic schools and by tutors; m. May 21, 1873, Will- iam Walker Potter of Boston, Mass. Before mar- riage engaged as teacher and principal of schools of Springfield, Mass., introducing there kinder- garten work and other modern teaching methods. Interested in various philanthropies, including the Mass. Home for Intemperate Women, Brook- line Woman's Exchange (of which was treas.). New England Rest Home for Convalescents, Needlework Guild of Boston, etc. Long pres. of Woman's Club House Corporation, owning the New Century Building on Huntington Av., Bos- ton. Mem. Boston Business League. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. New England Woman's Press Ass'n, New England Woman's Club, Castilian Club of Boston.
POTTER, Janet Gregor (Mrs. Anson A. Potter), 200 E. Main St., Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y.
Born Hammond, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1854; dau. David Murray and Margaret (Allen) Gregor; ed. in schools at Hammond, N.Y., Potsdam (N.Y.) Nor- mal School; m. Hammond, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1880, Anson A. Potter; children: Stanley MacGregor, Helen Margaret, Howard John Potter. Mem. Dorcas Soc. of Presbyterian Church; active mem. Bureau of Health and Social Service. Mem. reci- procity com. of the Northern N.Y. State Fed. Women's Clubs, book review com. of Gouy- erneur Library. Favors woman suffrage; mem. St. Lawrence Political Equality Club. Presby- terian. Mem. exec, board of Gouverneur Shake- speare Club, Gouverneur Library Ass'n.
POTTER, Lucy I. Johnson (Mrs. L. A. Potter), 5719 Hughitt Av., Superior (Station B), Wis. Born Cambria Township, Hillsdale Co., Mich.,
Dec. 9, 1859; dau. John W. Johnson and Arvilla
(Campbell) Johnson; ed. Hillsdale High School,
and by private courses of reading and study;
m. Hillsdale, Mich., Oct. 25, 1885, Dr. L. A.
Potter; children: Lester A., Erwin E. Taught
school and also music. Favors woman suffrage.
Unitarian. Recreations: Reading, music, travel.
Mem. Superior (Wis.) Women's Club, the Mary
Arden Shakespeare Club.
POTTER, Mabel L., Sconticut Neck, Pairhaven,
Born Pittsfield, Mass., 1873; dau. D. C. and Ellen H. (Parker) Potter; ed. high school. Fair- haven, Mass.; Brown Univ., Providence, B.Ph. '97; A.M. '98 (mem. Alpha Beta, local). Teacher six years; private school. Providence, 1898-99; high school, Palmer, Mass., 1899-1901; private school. La Crosse, Wis., 1901-04; sup't College Settlement Vacation School, Boston, 1904-09; sanitary inspector Woman's Educational and In- dustrial Uniott, Boston, 1904-09. Interested and active in various organizations, teaching English literature at Y.W.C.A. Contributor to local pa- pers. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Alliance (church). Improvement Ass'n, Fairhaven; Y.W.C.A., New Bedford; Brown Univ. Alumnae Ass'n. Member New Bedford College Club, New Bedford Woman's Club, South Bristol Farmers' Club, Colonial Club (Fairhaven). Rec- reations: Gardening, walking, bird life, travel.